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Antiplatelet agents (P2Y12 receptor blockers) in patients undergoing cardiac surgery

Antiplatelet agents (P2Y12 receptor blockers) in patients undergoing cardiac surgery
  Clopidogrel Prasugrel Ticagrelor Cangrelor
Mechanism of action Pro-drug, irreversible Pro-drug, irreversible Direct-acting, reversible Direct-acting, reversible
Formulation Oral Oral Oral IV
Onset ≈6 hours with 600 mg LD ≈60 minutes with 60 mg LD ≈30 minutes with 180 mg LD ≈2 minutes
Extent of platelet inhibition* ≈56% >75% ≈93% >90%
Metabolic activation enzymes

1A2, 2C19 (primarily),

2B6, 2C9, 3A4, 3A5

Intestinal hydrolysis

2C19, 2B6, 2C9, 3A4
None None
Pharmacokinetic drug interactionsΔ Many, including PPIs No major Several including CYP3A4 inhibitors and inducers None
Time to normalization of platelet function ≈7 days ≈7 days <5 days ≈60 minutes
Stop time before cardiac surgery 5 to 7 days 7 to 10 days 5 to 7 days Discontinue infusion 1 hour before surgery

IV: intravenous; LD: loading dose; PPI: proton pump inhibitor.

* At steady state on maintenance dose.

¶ Ticagrelor is metabolized to an active metabolite via CYP3A4; exposure to the active metabolite is about 30 to 40% of the exposure to ticagrelor.

Δ Specific interactions may be determined by use of the drug interaction program included within UpToDate.

◊ Check ADP-based platelet function test to confirm offset of drug effect, if available and clinically indicated.
Graphic 103236 Version 7.0

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