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Estimated energy requirements for children and adolescents, as calculated by the National Academy of Medicine

Estimated energy requirements for children and adolescents, as calculated by the National Academy of Medicine
Age (years) EER in kcal/day*
Boys Girls
Inactive PAL Low active PAL Active PAL Very active PAL Inactive PAL Low active PAL Active PAL Very active PAL
3 1078 1220 1216 1245 1075 1108 1170 1217
4 1188 1318 1340 1393 1166 1225 1289 1374
5 1318 1437 1488 1567 1241 1328 1392 1517
6 1421 1530 1603 1703 1325 1437 1503 1665
7 1578 1678 1785 1918 1396 1520 1593 1770
8 1700 1798 1928 2086 1470 1614 1690 1896
9 1803 1898 2047 2224 1606 1767 1855 2083
10 1959 2082 2252 2460 1737 1909 2013 2253
11 2134 2267 2467 2712 1856 2056 2166 2445
12 2234 2356 2579 2843 2009 2203 2340 2607
13 2482 2626 2889 3205 2017 2226 2360 2648
14 2623 2771 3061 3407 2139 2346 2503 2784
15 2744 2924 3226 3596 2082 2288 2441 2720
16 2755 2941 3243 3615 2138 2342 2506 2781
17 2859 3072 3384 3777 2178 2377 2553 2819
18 2856 3058 3373 3764 2114 2318 2485 2760

CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; EER: estimated energy requirement; METy: youth metabolic equivalent; NHANES: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; PAL: physical activity level.

* EER for boys and girls with reference height and weights equal to the median values for the United States population, based on NHANES 2015 to 2018, for 4 PALs.

¶ Physical activity level categories are defined as follows:
  • Inactive – Reflects a level of total energy expenditure covering basal metabolism, thermic effect of food, and a minimal level of physical activity required for independent living.
  • Low active – Corresponds to a level of physical activity beyond the minimal, involving more ambulation and some occupational and recreational activities.
  • Active – Involves even more ambulation and occupational or recreational activities. For a five-year-old child, this category would be reached by walking at 2.5 miles/hour for a total of approximately 90 minutes daily. For a 16-year-old, this category would be reached by walking at this pace for approximately 120 minutes daily, with minor differences by sex.
  • Very active – Reflects not only the demands of daily living but also vigorous exertion in occupational or recreational activities (eg, frequent moderate or vigorous sports). For a five-year-old child, this category would be reached by walking at 2.5 miles/hour for a total of approximately 150 minutes each day. For a 16-year-old, this category can be reached by walking at this pace for a total of approximately 210 minutes daily, with minor differences by sex. More commonly, these durations are reached by participation in moderate to vigorous activities (sports, or very active play for younger children), in addition to moderate time walking at 2.5 miles/hour.

Each of these categories corresponds to a PAL factor, which is a multiple of the basal metabolic rate. The PAL associated with each physical activity category increases throughout childhood. The activity level can be estimated more precisely by recording an activity diary and calculating the child's daily PAL by applying the METy to each activity. Refer to UpToDate content on estimation of dietary energy requirements in children.

Used with permission of National Academies Press, from: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Applications of the dietary reference intakes for energy. In: Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, 2023. Copyright © 2023 National Academies Press; permission conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center, Inc.
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