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Conditions associated with striae distensae

Conditions associated with striae distensae
Family history (genetic)
Sudden weight gain or loss
Bodybuilding exercise
Adolescents during or after growth spurt
Medical conditions
Marfan syndrome
Cushing's syndrome
Anorexia nervosa
Typhoid fever
Rheumatic fever
Chronic liver disease
Systemic and topical corticosteroids
HIV therapy
Tuberculosis therapy
Breast augmentation
Tissue expanders
Tension-requiring skin sutures
Organ transplantation
Cardiac surgery
Family history
Younger age
Higher birthweight
Increased gestational age
Weight gained
Prepregnancy body mass index (BMI)
Lack of chronic diseases
Prepregnancy presence of breast striae (but not thigh striae)
Prepared with information from the following sources:
  1. Cho S, Park ES, Lee DH, et al. Clinical features and risk factors for striae distensae in Korean adolescents. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venerol 2006; 20:1108.
  2. Davey CM. Factors associated with the occurrence of striae gravidarum. J Obstet Gynaecol Br Commonw 1972; 79:1113.
  3. Kasielska-Trojan A, Sobczak M, Antoszewski B. Risk factors of striae gravidarum. Int J Cosmet Sci 2015; 37:236.
  4. Chan WY, Akhtar S, Phipps AR. Striae distensae in tissue-expanded skin in the upper arm. Ann Plast Surg 2006; 57:240.
  5. Tsuji T, Sawabe M. Hyperpigmentation in striae distensae after bleomycin treatment. J Am Acad Dermatol 1993; 28:503.
  6. Di Lernia V, Bonci A, Cattania M, et al. Striae distensae (rubrae) in monozygotic twins. Pediatr Dermatol 2001; 18:261.
  7. Kharb S, Gundgurthi A, Dutta MK, et al. Striae atrophicans: a mimic to Cushing's cutaneous striae. Indian J Endocrinol Metab 2012; 16 Suppl 1:S123.
  8. Rogalski C, Haustein UF, Glander HJ, et al. Extensive striae distensae as a result of topical corticosteroid therapy in psoriasis vulgaris. Acta Derm Venereol 2003; 83:54.
  9. Pinkus H, Keech MK, Mehregan AH. Histopathology of striae distensae, with special reference to striae and wound healing in the Marfan syndrome. J Invest Dermatol 1966; 46:283.
  10. Gupta M. Medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo Provera) injection. Development of striae. Br J Fam Plann 2000; 26:104.
  11. Strumia R. Skin signs in anorexia nervosa. Dermatoendocrinol 2009; 1:268.
  12. Rolleston JD. Striae atrophicae following rheumatic fever. Proc R Soc Med 1932; 25:803.
  13. Keramidas E, Rodopoulou S. Striae distensae after subfascial breast augmentation. Aesthet Plast Surg 2008; 32:377.
  14. Ono T, Matsunaga W, Yoshimura K. Striae distensae after tension-requiring skin sutures. J Dermatol 1991; 18:47.
  15. Euvrard S, Kanitakis J, Cochat P, et al. Skin diseases in children with organ transplants. J Am Acad Dermatol 2001; 44:932.
  16. Goggin N, Enright F, Costigan C, et al. Striae and acne following cardiac surgery in a child. Br J Dermatol 1999; 140:734.
  17. Darvay A, Acland K, Lynn W, et al. Striae formation in two HIV-positive persons receiving protease inhibitors. J Am Acad Dermatol 1999; 41:467.
  18. Choe SW, Yoon YH, Seo SJ, et al. A case of edematous striae distensae by corticosteroid and generalized edema in nephrotic syndrome. Korean J Dermatol 2004; 42:1238.
  19. Hofer W. Striae cutis atrophica following INH medication. Z Haut Geschlechtskr 1967; 42:603.
  20. Hinson J, Shumway M, Chen J, et al. Cutaneous striae in neuroleptic treatment. Ann Clin Psychiatry 1992; 4:221.
  21. Basak P, Dhar S, Kanwar AJ. Involvement of the legs in idiopathic striae distensae - a case report. Indian J Dermatol 1989; 34:21.
  22. Rolleston JD, Goodall EW. Two cases of striae atrophica following typhoid fever. Proc R Soc Med 1931; 25:213.
  23. Shafir R, Gur E. Re: striae distensae of augmented breasts after oral contraceptives. Ann Plast Surg 1999; 43:220.
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