Gold Bulletin


Gold Bulletin

Medilib Journal is a reliable source of researches and researches in the field of medicine. The philosophy of journals is to preserve scientific materials and register them in the name of the author and prevent plagiarism.

Gold Bulletin is the premier international peer reviewed journal on the latest science, technology and applications of gold. It includes papers on the latest research advances, state-of-the-art reviews, conference reports, book reviews and highlights of patents and scientific literature. Gold Bulletin does not publish manuscripts covering the snthesis of Gold nanoparticles in the presence of plant extracts or other nature-derived extracts. Gold Bulletin has been published over 40 years as a multidisciplinary journal read by chemists, physicists, engineers, metallurgists, materials scientists, biotechnologists, surface scientists, and nanotechnologists amongst others, both within industry and academia. Gold Bulletin is published in Association with the World Gold Council.

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