


Medilib Journal is a reliable source of researches and researches in the field of medicine. The philosophy of journals is to preserve scientific materials and register them in the name of the author and prevent plagiarism.

GeoHealth provides a collaborative home for disseminating and advancing interdisciplinary research that highlights issues at the intersection of the Earth and environmental sciences and health sciences, focusing on the following topics: Environmental and occupational health; Outdoor and indoor air quality and pollution; Food safety and security; Water quality, water waste treatment and water availability; Climate change in relation to human, agricultural, and environmental health and diseases; Soil health and services; Ecosystem health and services; Environmentally related epidemiology; Geoethics; National and international laws and policy, as well as remediation around GeoHealth issues; Global Public Health; Effects of climate change on exposure to pathogenic viruses, parasites and bacteria; Human health risks of exposure to potentially harmful agents in the aquatic environment and through the food chain; Remote sensing, satellite based observation of infectious disease and modelli

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