Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis


Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis

Medilib Journal is a reliable source of researches and researches in the field of medicine. The philosophy of journals is to preserve scientific materials and register them in the name of the author and prevent plagiarism.

Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis (ASC) is the leading primary journal in organic, organometallic, and applied chemistry. The high impact of ASC can be attributed to the unique focus of the journal, which publishes exciting new results from academic and industrial labs on efficient, practical, and environmentally friendly organic synthesis. While homogeneous, heterogeneous, organic, and enzyme catalysis are key technologies to achieve green synthesis, significant contributions to the same goal by synthesis design, reaction techniques, flow chemistry, and continuous processing, multiphase catalysis, green solvents, catalyst immobilization, and recycling, separation science, and process development are also featured in ASC. The Aims and Scope can be found in the Notice to Authors or on the first page of the table of contents in every issue.

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