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The Potential of Engineered Allogeneic Hypoimmune Stem Cell–derived Pancreatic Islets for Transplantation

Zhou, Hao MD, PhD1Tullius, Stefan G. MD, PhD1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000005086

2024, Volume 108 (7)

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Research Highlights

Bilici, Merve MSc1Lewik, Guido MD1Issa, Fadi DPhil FRCS(Plast)1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000005089

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Caveats in Interpretation of Molecular Diagnostics in Heart Allografts

Randhawa, Parmjeet S. MD1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004895

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Transplantation in the Context of Migration and Refugees: A Summary of the DICG and TTS Ethics Committee Workshop, Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 2022

Stock, Peter G. MD, PhD2Nagral, Sanjay MS, MBBS4Rondeau, Eric MD, PhD5Gawronska, Sylwia PhD6Groverman, Jennifer MA7Barbari, Antoine MD8Coates, P. Toby AO, MBBS, PhD, FRACP9Domínguez-Gil, Beatriz MD, PhD10Fadhil, Riadh MD11Malyszko, Jolanta MD, PhD12Niño Murcia, Alejandro MD13

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004918

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Breaking Barriers: Widening the Donor Pool to Embrace In Situ or Thin-invasive Localized Melanomas

Pascual, Julio MD, PhD1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004969

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Liver Transplantation for Polycystic Liver Disease: Definitely not a Cosmetic Surgery

Francoz, Claire MD, PhD1Joly, Dominique MD, PhD2Legendre, Christophe MD, PhD3Author Information 

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000005066

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Low-dose Interleukin-2 Therapy: Fine-tuning Treg in Solid Organ Transplantation?

Amini, Leila PhD2Kaeda, Jaspal PhD1Weber, Olaf MD, PhD3Reinke, Petra MD, PhD2Author Information 

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004866

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Effect of Cellular Senescence in Disease Progression and Transplantation: Immune Cells and Solid Organs

Kirchner, Varvara A. MD1Badshah, Joshua S. BBiomedSC(Hons)1Hong, Suk Kyun MD, PhD2Martinez, Olivia PhD1Pruett, Timothy L. MD3Niedernhofer, Laura J. MD, PhD4

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004838

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Innate Allorecognition in Transplantation: Ancient Mechanisms With Modern Impact

Gui, Zeping MD1Al Moussawy, Mouhamad MD1Sanders, Steven M. PhD1Abou-Daya, Khodor I. MD1Author Information 

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004847

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Autophagy: A Silent Protagonist in Kidney Transplantation

Ponticelli, Claudio MD1Reggiani, Francesco MD3Moroni, Gabriella MD2

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004862

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Optimization of Kidney Health in Liver Transplant Candidates: Pretransplant Considerations and Modalities

Jan, Muhammad Y. MD1Patidar, Kavish R. DO2Ghabril, Marwan S. MD2Kubal, Chandrashekhar A. MD, PhD3

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004851

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Tissue-resident Lymphocytes Are Released During Hypothermic and Normothermic Machine Perfusion of Human Donor Kidneys

Hullegie-Peelen, Daphne M. MD1Hesselink, Dennis A. MD, PhD1Dieterich, Marjolein BSc1Minnee, Robert C. MD, PhD2Peeters, Annemiek BSc1Hoogduijn, Martin J. PhD1Baan, Carla C. PhD1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004936

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Early Immunomodulatory Program Triggered by Protolerogenic Bifidobacterium pseudolongum Drives Cardiac Transplant Outcomes

Gavzy, Samuel J. MD, MS2Kensiski, Allison MS1Saxena, Vikas PhD1Lakhan, Ram PhD1Hittle, Lauren PhD3Wu, Long PhD1Iyyathurai, Jegan PhD1Dhakal, Hima PhD1Lee, Zachariah L. BA1Li, Lushen PhD2Lee, Young S. PhD2Zhang, Tianshu MD, PhD2Lwin, Hnin Wai MBBS, MMedSc3Shirkey, Marina W. MS1Paluskievicz, Christina M. MD2Piao, Wenji PhD1Mongodin, Emmanuel F. PhD3Ma, Bing PhD4Bromberg, Jonathan S. MD, PhD4

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004939

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Successful Recovery of Cardiac Function Following 20 min of a No-touch Period in a Donation After Circulatory Death: A Case Report

Zanatta, Paolo MD1Linassi, Federico MD2Gasparetto, Nicola MD, PhD3Polesello, Luigi MD1Bussola, Matteo MD1Nascimben, Ennio MD1Minniti, Giuseppe MD4Cernetti, Carlo MD3Angelini, Matteo MS1Feltrin, Giuseppe MD5Romano, Maurizio MD6Zanus, Giacomo MD6Benazzi, Francesco MD7Gerosa, Gino MD8

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004940

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Reappraisal of Donor Age in Liver Transplantation: NASH as a Potential Target to Safely Utilize Old Liver Grafts

Kusakabe, Jiro MD, PhD, MPH2Kozato, Akio MD3Tajima, Tetsuya MD, PhD, MPH4Bekki, Yuki MD, PhD5Fujiki, Masato MD, PhD1Tomiyama, Koji MD, PhD6Nakamura, Tsukasa MD, PhD7Matsushima, Hajime MD, PhD1Hashimoto, Koji MD, PhD1Sasaki, Kazunari MD4

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004865

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Neighborhood-level Social Determinants of Health and Waitlist Mortality for Liver Transplantation: The Liver Outcomes and Equity Index

Zhou, Kali MD, MAS2Lit, Aaron MD1Kuo, Leane S. BA3Thompson, Laura K. BA4Dodge, Jennifer L. MPH4Mehta, Neil MD5Terrault, Norah A. MD, MPH2Ha, Nghiem B. MD5Cockburn, Myles G. PhD4

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004888

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Use of Transesophageal Echocardiography for Liver Transplantation: A Global Comparison of Practice From the ILTS, SATA, and LICAGE

Bezinover, Dmitri MD, PhD1Zerillo, Jeron MD2Chadha, Ryan M. MD3Wagener, Gebhard MD4Blasi, Annabel MD5Johnson, Taylor MD6Pan, Terry Ling Te MD7De Marchi, Lorenzo MD, FASE8Author Information 

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004943

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The Lower Survival in Patients With Alcoholism and Hepatitis C Continues in the DAA Era

Thuluvath, Paul J. MD, FRCP2Amjad, Waseem MD1Russe-Russe, Jose MD1Li, Feng PhD1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004953

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What Are Risk Factors for Graft Loss in Patients Who Underwent Simultaneous Splenectomy During Living-donor Liver Transplantation?

Toshima, Takeo MD, PhD2Harada, Noboru MD, PhD1Itoh, Shinji MD, PhD1Tomiyama, Takahiro MD1Toshida, Katsuya MD, PhD1Morita, Kazutoyo MD, PhD1Nagao, Yoshihiro MD, PhD1Kurihara, Takeshi MD, PhD1Tomino, Takahiro MD, PhD1Kosai-Fujimoto, Yukiko MD, PhD1Mimori, Koshi MD, PhD2Yoshizumi, Tomoharu MD, PhD1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004952

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Analysis of >15 000 Solid Organ Transplant Recipients Reveals Nonanal Genitourinary HPV-related Disease as Highest Risk Predictor for Anal Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions/Anal Cancer

Freeman, Matthew J. MS1Yang, Qiuyu MS1Cherney-Stafford, Linda MPH1Striker, Rob MD, PhD2Foley, David P. MD3Al-Adra, David P. MD/PhD3Sanger, Cristina B. MD5

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004930

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Glucagon-like Peptide 1 Receptor Agonists and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients With Diabetes Mellitus

Dotan, Idit MD2Rudman, Yaron MD2Turjeman, Adi PhD3Akirov, Amit MD2Steinmetz, Tali MD4Calvarysky, Bronya PharmD6Diker Cohen, Talia MD, PhD2

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004945

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Invasive Fungal Infections in Inpatient Solid Organ Transplant Recipients With COVID-19: A Multicenter Retrospective Cohort

Permpalung, Nitipong MD, MPH2Chiang, Teresa Po-Yu MD, MPH4Manothummetha, Kasama MD1Ostrander, Darin PhD3Datta, Kausik PhD5Segev, Dorry L. MD, PhD6Durand, Christine M. MD1Mostafa, Heba H. MBBCh, PhD7Zhang, Sean X. MD, PhD7Massie, Allan B. PhD6Marr, Kieren A. MD, MBA5Avery, Robin K. MD1 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004947

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Transmission and Non-transmission of Melanoma From Deceased Solid Organ Donors to Transplant Recipients: Risks and Missed Opportunities

Rosales, Brenda Maria MPH, PhD1Hedley, James MBiostat, PhD1De La Mata, Nicole MBiostat, PhD1Cavazzoni, Elena MBChB, PhD2Vajdic, Claire M. BOptom, PhD3Thompson, John F. MD, FRACS, FACS6Kelly, Patrick J. MBiostat, PhD1Wyburn, Kate MBBS, FRACP, PhD7Webster, Angela C. MBBS, MMed(ClinEpi), FRCP, FRACP, PhD9

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004961

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Indications, Techniques, and Barriers for Pancreas Transplant Biopsy: A Consensus Perspective From a Survey of US Centers

Singh, Neeraj MD1Lentine, Krista L. MD, PhD2Fleetwood, Vidya A. MD2Woodside, Kenneth J. MD3Odorico, Jon MD4Axelrod, David MD, MBA5Alhamad, Tarek MD6Maher, Kennan BPH2Xiao, Huiling MS2Fridell, Jonathan MD7Kukla, Aleksandra MD8Pavlakis, Martha MD9Shokouh-Amiri, Hosein M. MD1Zibari, Gazi MD1Cooper, Matthew MD10Parsons, Ronald F. MD11

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004960

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Exception Policy Change Increased the Simultaneous Kidney–Liver Transplant Probability of Polycystic Disease in the Centers With High Median MELD at Transplantation

Miyake, Katsunori MD, PhD1Kim, Dean Y. MD1Chau, Lucy C. MD1Trudeau, Sheri MPH2Kitajima, Toshihiro MD, PhD1Wickramaratne, Niluka MD1Shimada, Shingo MD, PhD1Nassar, Ahmed MD1Yoshida, Atsushi MD1Abouljoud, Marwan S. ND1Nagai, Shunji MD, PhD1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004950

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First-in-human Study With LIS1, a Next-generation Porcine Low Immunogenicity Antilymphocyte Immunoglobulin in Kidney Transplantation

Viklicky, Ondrej MD, PhD1Slatinska, Janka PhD1Janousek, Libor MD, PhD1Rousse, Juliette PhD2Royer, Pierre-Joseph PhD2Toutain, Pierre-Louis DVM, PhD4Cozzi, Emanuele MD, PhD5Galli, Cesare DVM, PhD6Evanno, Gwenaelle BSc2Duvaux, Odile MD, PhD2Bach, Jean-Marie DVM, PhD7Soulillou, Jean-Paul MD9Giral, Magali MD, PhD9Vanhove, Bernard PhD2Blancho, Gilles MD, PhD9

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004967

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Comment on Experience With Establishing a Robotic Donor Hepatectomy Program for Pediatric Liver Transplantation

Bonaccorsi-Riani, Eliano MD, PhD2Reding, Raymond MD, PhD1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004999

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Global Dissemination of Robotics in Liver Transplantation: The Way Forward

Rammohan, Ashwin MCh, FRCS1Rajalingam, Rajesh MCh1Cherukuru, Ramkiran DNB1Rela, Mohamed MS, FRCS, DSc1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000005090

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Nocardiosis in Kidney Transplant Recipients and Possible Association With Decreased Utilization of Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole During COVID-19

Marvin, Jennifer E. PharmD, BCPS1McSweeney, Terrence PharmD2Cohen, Elizabeth PharmD, BCPS1Davis, Matthew W. PharmD, BCIDP1Belfield, Kristen PharmD, BCPS1Do, Vincent PharmD, BCPS1Virmani, Sarthak MBBS3McManus, Dayna PharmD, BCIDP1Tirmizi, Samad PharmD, BCPS, BCIDP1Topal, Jeffrey E. MD4

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004974

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Response to “Following the Flow: Changes in Organ Preservation Methods Require Changes in Our Data Collection�

Callaghan, Chris J. PhD, FRCS2Mumford, Lisa MSc1Madden, Susanna MSc1Mehew, Jennifer PhD1White, Steven A. MD3Garcia Saez, Diana MD4Currie, Ian S. PhD5Manas, Derek M. MD1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000005021

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Invited Response to Letter to the Editor by Callaghan et al, “Following the Flow: Changes in Organ Preservation Methods Require Changes in Our Data Collection�

Sonnenberg, Elizabeth M. MD, MSHP1Abu-Gazala, Samir MD1Bittermann, Therese MD, MSCE3Abt, Peter L. MD1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000005104

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Utilization and Outcomes of Abdominal Transplants Using Thoracoabdominal Normothermic Regional Perfusion in Pediatric Donation After Circulatory Death: The United States Experience

Zhou, Alice L. MS1Leng, Albert BA1Ruck, Jessica M. MD1Akbar, Armaan F. BS1Price, Matthew D. MD1King, Elizabeth A. MD1Desai, Niraj M. MD1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000005046

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