Anesthesia and Analgesia

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Anesthesia Workforce Numbers: Only Part of the Story

Evans, Faye M. MD*Enright, Angela C. OC, MB, FRCPC†

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006950

2024, Volume 139 (1)

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Women Anesthesiologists in Sub-Saharan Africa in the Pre-COVID Era: A Multinational Demographic Study

Ki, Bertille K. MD*Onajin-Obembe, Bisola FWACS, PhD†Adekola, Oyebola FWACS‡Baele, Philippe L. MD§Binam, Fidele MD‖Daddy, Hadjara MD¶Diouf, Elizabeth MD#Fanou, Lionelle MD**Gathuya, Zipporah N. MD††Igaga, Elizabeth N. MD‡‡Jeque, Emilia MD§§Mawandza, Peggy MD‖‖Nabukenya, Mary T. MD‡‡Nabulindo, Susane M. MD¶¶Nicole Rakotoarison, R. C. MD##Robert, Annie R. MS, PhD***Schwalbach, Teresa MD§§Uwambazimana, Jeanne D’Arc MD†††Vilasco, Brigitte MD‡‡‡Zomahoun, Lidwine MD§§§Author Information 

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006868

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The Global Anesthesia Workforce Survey: Updates and Trends in the Anesthesia Workforce

Law, Tyler J. MD, MSc, FRCPC†Lipnick, Michael S. MD†Morriss, Wayne MBChB, FANZCA§Gelb, Adrian W. MBChB, FRCPC§Mellin-Olsen, Jannicke MD, DPH∥Filipescu, Daniela MD, PhD#Rowles, Jackie DNP, MBA, CRNA, FAANA††Rod, Pascal RN, RNA, BSEd††Khan, Fauzia MBBS, FCPs, FRCA‡‡Yazbeck, Patrica MD, MHM§§Zoumenou, Eugene PhD‖‖Ibarra, Pedro Acad, MD, MSc¶¶Ranatunga, Kumudini MBBS, MD, FRCA##Bulamba, Fred MMed***

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006836

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Propofol: A Superior Strategy for PONV

Nathan, Naveen MD

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000007065

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Effect of Propofol Infusion on Need for Rescue Antiemetics in Postanesthesia Care Unit After Volatile Anesthesia: A Retrospective Cohort Study

Sprung, Juraj MD, PhD*Deljou, Atousa MD*Schroeder, Darrell R. MS†Warner, David O. MD*Weingarten, Toby N. MD*

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006906

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Pediatric Neuromuscular Monitoring: Anatomy Matters

Nathan, Naveen MD

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000007066

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Pediatric Intraoperative Electromyographic Responses at the Adductor Pollicis and Flexor Hallucis Brevis Muscles: A Prospective, Comparative Analysis

Tobias, Joseph D. MD*Epstein, Richard H. MD, FASA†Rice-Weimer, Julie RN‡Yemele Kitio, Sibelle Aurelie MS, MPH‡Brull, Sorin J. MD, FCARSCI (Hon)§Kalsotra, Sidhant MD‡

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006926

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Nonanemic Iron Deficiency: The Elusive Metrics of Iron in the Human Body

Louw, Vernon MD, PhD*Isbister, James MB†Author Information 

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006936

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Associations Between Nonanemic Iron Deficiency and Postoperative Outcomes in Cardiac Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Peri, Varun MD*Devlin, Paula MD*Perry, Luke MD†Richards, Toby MD, FRCS, FRACS‡Miles, Lachlan F. MBBS, PhD, FANZCA†

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006822

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Balanced Crystalloids Versus Normal Saline in Kidney Transplant Patients: An Updated Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis

Carvalho Pereira, Lucas*Carvalho Pereira, Igor*Dias Delfino Cabral, Thamiris MD†Viana, Patricia‡Mendonça Ribeiro, Arthur MD§Amaral, Sara MD, DESAIC‖

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006932

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Identifying, Understanding, and Minimizing Unconscious Cognitive Biases in Perioperative Crisis Management: A Narrative Review

Yan, Luying BS*Karamchandani, Kunal MD‡Gaiser, Robert R. MD†Carr, Zyad J. MD, FASA†

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006666

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Esketamine: Less Drowsiness, More Analgesia

Mion, Georges MD*Himmelseher, Sabine MD†

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006851

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Anesthetic Mechanisms: Synergistic Interactions With Lipid Rafts and Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels

Krogman, William L. MSWoodard, Thomas DOMcKay, Robert S.F. MD

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006738

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Positive Airway Pressure in Surgical Patients with Sleep Apnea: What is the Supporting Evidence?

Berezin, Linor MD*Chung, Frances MBBS, MD, FRCPC†

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006894

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Volatile Anesthetic Use Versus Total Intravenous Anesthesia for Patients Undergoing Heart Valve Surgery: A Nationwide Population-Based Study

Ju, Jae-Woo MD*Lee, Ho-Jin MD, PhD*Nam, Karam MD*Kim, Seungwook MS†Hong, Hyunsook PhD‡Yoo, Seung Ho MD*Lee, Seohee MD, PhD*Cho, Youn Joung MD, PhD*Jeon, Yunseok MD, PhD*Author Information 

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006760

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Association Between Loop Diuretics and Mortality in Patients With Cardiac Surgery–Associated Acute Kidney Injury: A Retrospective Propensity Score–Weighted Analysis

Zhu, Shouqiang MD*Zheng, Ziyu PhD†Wang, Lini MD*Luo, Gang PhD*Zhang, Yue MD*Jia, Tao MD*Wang, Yi MD*Dong, Hailong MD, PhD*Lei, Chong MD, PhD*

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006748

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Occupational Factors Associated With Time to Breastfeeding Discontinuation After Return to Work Among Female Anesthesiologists in China: A Nationwide Survey

Xu, Xiaohan MD*Wang, Ruiqi LLM†Zhang, Yuelun PhD‡Li, Juan MD§Li, Hange MD∥Yu, Xuerong MD*Zhang, Jiao MD*Li, Xu MD*Huang, Yuguang M, D*

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006651

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The Association of Guideline-Directed Prophylaxis with Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting in Pediatric Patients: A Single-Center, Retrospective Cohort Study

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006543

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Brain-Hazardous Medications and Potential Subadequate Antidepressant Dosing in Older Surgical Patients Receiving Home Antidepressants: An Observational Study of a Large US Health System

Pennington, Bethany R. Tellor PharmD*Holzer, Katherine J. PhD*Fritz, Bradley A. MD, MSCI*Haroutounian, Simon PhD, MSc*Xu, Kevin Y. MD MPH†Tedder, Amanda PharmD‡Kronzer, Alex BA*Avidan, Michael S. MBBCh, FCASA*Lenze, Eric J. MD†

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006952

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A Pilot Study of Renin-Guided Angiotensin-II Infusion to Reduce Kidney Stress After Cardiac Surgery

Sadjadi, Mahan MD*von Groote, Thilo MD*Weiss, Raphael MD*Strauß, Christian MD*Wempe, Carola MD*Albert, Felix MSc†Langenkämper, Marie MRS*Landoni, Giovanni MD§Bellomo, Rinaldo MD**Khanna, Ashish K. MD§§Coulson, Tim MD‖Meersch, Melanie MD*Zarbock, Alexander MD‡‡Author Information 

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006839

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Novel Preoperative Risk Stratification Using Digital Phenotyping Applying a Scalable Machine-Learning Approach

Laferrière-Langlois, Pascal MD, MSc§Imrie, Fergus DPhil‖Geraldo, Marc-Andre MSc‡Wingert, Theodora MD*Lahrichi, Nadia PhD†van der Schaar, Mihaela PhD#Cannesson, Maxime MD, PhD*

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006753

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Timing of Intraoperative Transitions of Care Among Anesthesiologists Is Not Associated With Postoperative Adverse Outcomes: Retrospective Cohort Study

Mathur, Piyush MD, FASA, FCCM*Halvorson, Sven MS†Cywinski, Jacek B. MD, FASA‡Machado, Sandra MD*Khatib, Reem MD, MBA, FASA*Kurz, Andrea M. MD§Galway, Ursula MD*Mascha, Edward J. PhD‖

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006853

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Palpation Versus Ultrasonography for Identifying the Cricothyroid Membrane in Case of a Laterally Deviated Larynx: A Randomized Trial

Lohse, Robin MDWagner, Nanna BScKristensen, Michael Seltz MD

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006867

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Loss-of-Resistance Versus Dynamic Pressure-Sensing Technology for Successful Placement of Thoracic Epidural Catheters: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Ranganath, Yatish S. MD, FASA*Ramanujam, Vendhan MBBS†Al-Hassan, Qasim MBBS‡Sibenaller, Zita PhD§Seering, Melinda S. MD, FASA§Singh, Tejinder Singh Swaran MD, FRCA§Punia, Sangini MBBS§Parra, Michelle C. MD§Wong, Cynthia A. MD§Sondekoppam, Rakesh V. MBBS§

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006792

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Doppler-Derived Renal Functional Reserve in the Prediction of Postoperative Acute Kidney Injury in Patients Undergoing Robotic Surgery

Villa, Gianluca MD†Samoni, Sara MD, PhD‡Muzzi, Mirko MD, PhD*Fabbri, Sergio PhD*Husain-Syed, Faeq MD§Tofani, Lorenzo MD‖Allinovi, Marco MD¶Paparella, Laura MD†Spatafora, Pietro MD**Di Costanzo, Roberto MD#Ricci, Zaccaria MD††Serni, Sergio MD**Romagnoli, Stefano MD, PhD†Author Information 

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006967

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A Cost and Waste-Savings Comparison Between Single-Use and Reusable Pulse Oximetry Sensors Across US Operating Rooms

Stockert, Emily Walker MD, MBA*Carvalho, Brendan MBBCh, FRCA, MDCH*Sun, Eric C. MD, PhD†

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006778

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Comparative Gene Signature of Nociceptors Innervating Mouse Molar Teeth, Cranial Meninges, and Cornea

Sotelo-Hitschfeld, Pamela PhD†Bernal, Laura PhD‡Nazeri, Masoud DDS, DMD*Renthal, William PhD§Brauchi, Sebastian PhD†Roza, Carolina PhD‡Zimmermann, Katharina MD, PhD*

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006816

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Cyclooxygenase-2 Selective Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs in the Chronic Kidney Disease Population: Are They Rational or Reckless?

Karri, Jay MD, MPH†D’Souza, Ryan S. MD‡Wang, Eric J. MD§

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006574

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The Professional Use of Social Media in Anesthesiology: Developing a Digital Presence Is as Easy as ABCDE

Kirpekar, Meera MD*Kars, Michelle S. MD†Mariano, Edward R. MD, MAS§Patel, Alopi MD¶

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006612

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Existing Landscape of Practice in Structural Heart Disease Imaging

Katsiampoura, Anastasia MD, PhDRehman, Taha A. MDChen, Guanqing PhDShaefi, Shahzad MDMahmood, Feroze MD, FASEBose, Ruma R. MD

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006880

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Validation of Ultrasound-Guided Approximation of Infrapatellar Branch of the Saphenous Nerve: A Cadaveric Study

Kim, Jiyoung MD†Kim, Sang Hyun MS‡Moon, Hyun Kyung MD§Noh, Giyong MD§Lee, U-Young MD, PhD‡Park, Hue Jung MD, PhD§

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006882

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Is a Nomogram a Viable Predictive Tool for Managing Heparin Resistance in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery?

Spann, Karli BAStewart, Kenneth PhDButt, Amir L. MD, MPHTanaka, Kenichi A. MD, MSc

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006723

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Checklist Design, Format, and Content: Benefits of Aviation-Style Computerized Checklists

Jelacic, Srdjan MDBowdle, Andrew MD, PhDBoorman, DanielNair, Bala G. PhD

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000007027

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In Response

Gonzalez, Mauricio MDBrook, Karolina MDArriaga, Alexander MD, MPH, ScDHayes, Rebecca DNP, MHANozari, Ala MD, PhDOrtega, Rafael MD

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000007028

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Cannabis-Responsive Biomarkers: Answering the Call for Critical Appraisal of Medical Cannabis

Kurek, Itzhak PhDEpstein, Kenneth H. BA

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000007034

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Etomidate Infusion for Procedural Sedation: Additional Experience

White, Jeffrey D.F. MD, FASAAndoniadis, Matthew M. MDZhang, R. Victor MD, PhD

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000007044

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In Response

Haththotuwegama, Kishanee J. BSBowdle, Andrew MD, PhD, FASEJelacic, Srdjan MD, FASESilliman, Willis BA

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000007045

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