The Lancet

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Antimicrobial resistance: an agenda for all

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)01076-6

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Page 2349

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Acceptance and commitment therapy in improving quality of life in motor neuron disease

Susanne Petri a

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00753-0

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Pages 2350-2351

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Decompressive craniectomy for deep intracerebral haemorrhage: a SWITCH towards better outcomes?

Catharina JM Klijn a, Ruben Dammers b, Nikola Sprigg c

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00703-7

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Pages 2351-2353

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Androgen deprivation therapy combined with postoperative radiotherapy for prostate cancer management

Alan Pollack a, Alan Dal Pra a

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00802-X

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Pages 2353-2355

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Antimicrobial resistance survivors: calling the world to action

Nour Shamas a b, John Kariuki a c, Ella Balasa a d, Tori Kinamon a e, Felix Liauw a f g, Sue Charles a h, Brandon Jaka a i, Rob Purdie a j, Bhakti Chavan a k, Mashood Oluku Lawal a l m †, Anthony Darcovich a, Vanessa Carter a n

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)01030-4

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Pages 2355-2357

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Strengthening health systems through surgery

Dmitri Nepogodiev a, Lawani Ismail b, John G Meara c, April C Roslani d, Ewen M Harrison e, Aneel Bhangu a

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)01031-6

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Pages 2358-2360

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The Lancet Group's new guidance to authors on reporting race and ethnicity

Mabel Chew a, Diana Samuel b, The Lancet Group for Racial Equity (GRacE) †, Zoë Mullan c, Sabine Kleinert d

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)01081-X

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Pages 2360-2361

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Offline: UK election—two issues you won’t hear about

Richard Horton

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)01122-X

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Page 2362

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Uproar over Women in Global Health leadership changes

Udani Samarasekera

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)01125-5

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Page 2363

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Calls for a focus on health risks in EU election

Udani Samarasekera

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)01126-7

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Page 2364

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Humanitarian funding shortages hit Syria

Sharmila Devi

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)01035-3

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Pages 2365-2366

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Ramanan Laxminarayan: seeking sustainable access to antibiotics

Udani Samarasekera

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)01034-1

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Page 2367

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Bins, bodies, and brains

Niall Boyce

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)01090-0

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Page 2368

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A song for the past

Marco De Ambrogi

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)01091-2

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Page 2369

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Persona narrator and the doctor-writer

Austin Duffy

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)01092-4

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Pages 2370-2371

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Martin Raw

Geoff Watts

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)01093-6

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Page 2372

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Nigeria rolls out novel meningitis vaccine

Patrick Ashinze a, Nelson Mafua b, Eniola Obafemi a

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00880-8

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Page 2373

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Time to fast-track interventions to road traffic crises in Iran

Homayoun Sadeghi-Bazargani a, Alireza Razzaghi b, Shahrzad Bazargan-Hejazi c d, Leila Doshmangir a e

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00373-8

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Pages 2373-2374

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Defensive scholarship: learning from academia's plagiarism crisis

Nicholas Peoples a

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00765-7

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Pages 2374-2375

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DEI infrastructures required for the best science and medicine

Valerie A Tornini a b c, Robert W Fernandez d, Olivia V Goldman e f, Joanne Suarez g

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00697-4

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Page 2375

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Restrictive visa policies harm global scientific exchanges

Alexander Smith a, Albert Persaud b, Dinesh Bhugra b, Afzal Javed c, Michael Liebrenz a

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00300-3

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Page 2376

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We are failing to fulfil the definition of a doctor

Hannah A Norman a, Arpan R Mehta a

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00919-X

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Pages 2376-2377

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Eco-ethical care for people and the planet

Kenneth Daniel Winkel a, Amy Hahs b, Sara Barron c, Terry Hartig d

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00920-6

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Page 2377

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Opioids for back and neck pain: the OPAL trial

Asaf Weisman a, James E Eubanks b c, Youssef Masharawi a

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00483-5

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Pages 2377-2378

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Opioids for back and neck pain: the OPAL trial

Medhat Wahba a, Pamela E Macintyre b c

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00484-7

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Page 2378

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Opioids for back and neck pain: the OPAL trial

Yu Toda a, Hiroto Ishiki a, Naruaki Kawasaki a, Sayaka Arakawa a, Eriko Satomi a

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00485-9

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Pages 2378-2379

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Opioids for back and neck pain: the OPAL trial

Nathan Beucler a b

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00486-0

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Page 2379

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Opioids for back and neck pain: the OPAL trial – Authors' reply

Caitlin M P Jones a c, Richard O Day d, Bart W Koes f g, Jane Latimer a c, Chris G Maher a c, Andrew J McLachlan b, Laurent Billot e, Sana Shan e, Chung-Wei Christine Lin a c, OPAL Investigators and Coordinators

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00487-2

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Pages 2379-2380

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Department of Error

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)01041-9

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Page 2380

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Department of Error

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)01089-4

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Page 2380

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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy plus usual care for improving quality of life in people with motor neuron disease (COMMEND): a multicentre, parallel, randomised controlled trial in the UK

Prof Rebecca L Gould PhD a *, Prof Christopher J McDermott PhD c *, Benjamin J Thompson MA d, Charlotte V Rawlinson MSc a, Matt Bursnall PhD d, Mike Bradburn MSc d, Pavithra Kumar MSc d, Emily J Turton MA d, David A White MPH d, Prof Marc A Serfaty MD a f, Prof Christopher D Graham PhD g, Prof Lance M McCracken PhD h, Prof Laura H Goldstein PhD i, Prof Ammar Al-Chalabi PhD k, Richard W Orrell MD b, Tim Williams MBBS l, Rupert Noad DClinPsy m, Idris Baker FRCP n, Prof Christina Faull MD o, Thomas Lambert PhD p…Simon Waterhouse

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00533-6

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Pages 2381-2394

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Decompressive craniectomy plus best medical treatment versus best medical treatment alone for spontaneous severe deep supratentorial intracerebral haemorrhage: a randomised controlled clinical trial

Prof Jürgen Beck MD a e, Christian Fung MD a e, Prof Daniel Strbian PhD f, Lukas Bütikofer PhD d, Prof Werner J Z'Graggen MD a b, Matthias F Lang MD c, Seraina Beyeler PhD b, Jan Gralla MD c, Prof Florian Ringel MD h, Prof Karl Schaller MD i, Prof Nikolaus Plesnila PhD j, Prof Marcel Arnold MD a, Prof Werner Hacke MD k, Prof Peter Jüni MD l, Prof Alexander David Mendelow PhD m, Prof Christian Stapf MD n, Prof Rustam Al-Shahi Salman PhD o, Jenny Bressan MSc b p, Stefanie Lerch PhD b p, Arsany Hakim MD c…W.P. Vandertop

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00702-5

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Pages 2395-2404

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Adding 6 months of androgen deprivation therapy to postoperative radiotherapy for prostate cancer: a comparison of short-course versus no androgen deprivation therapy in the RADICALS-HD randomised controlled trial

Prof Chris C Parker MD a b, Prof Noel W Clarke ChM c d e, Adrian D Cook MSc f, Prof Howard Kynaston MD g, Prof Charles N Catton FRCPC h, William R Cross PhD i, Prof Peter M Petersen PhD k, Prof Rajendra A Persad FRCS Urol l, Prof Fred Saad MD m, Lorna C Bower PGCert a b o, John Logue FRCR c, Prof Heather Payne FRCR p, Silvia Forcat PhD f, Cindy Goldstein MSc f, Claire Murphy BSc f, Juliette Anderson FRCR j, Maroie Barkati MD n, David M Bottomley FRCR j, Jennifer Branagan FRCR q, Prof Ananya Choudhury FRCR c d…Darlene Zwarych

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00548-8

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Pages 2405-2415

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Duration of androgen deprivation therapy with postoperative radiotherapy for prostate cancer: a comparison of long-course versus short-course androgen deprivation therapy in the RADICALS-HD randomised trial

Prof Chris C Parker MD a b, Prof Howard Kynaston MD c, Adrian D Cook MSc d, Prof Noel W Clarke ChM e g h, Prof Charles N Catton FRCPC i, William R Cross PhD j, Peter M Petersen PhD l, Prof Rajendra A Persad FRCS(Urol) m, Cheryl A Pugh BSc d, Prof Fred Saad MD n, John Logue FRCR e, Prof Heather Payne FRCR p, Lorna C Bower PGCert a b q, Chris Brawley MSc d, Mary Rauchenberger PhD d, Maroie Barkati MD o, David M Bottomley FRCR k, Klaus Brasso PhD r, Hans T Chung MD s t, Peter W M Chung MBChB i t…Darlene Zwarych

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00549-X

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Pages 2416-2425

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Primary adrenal insufficiency due to lymphomatoid granulomatosis in a 32-year-old man

Ikki Sakuma MD PhD a, Ryoichi Ishibashi MD PhD c, Kosei Matsue MD PhD d, Daniel F Vatner MD PhD e, Yasuhiro Nakamura MD PhD f, Prof Koutaro Yokote MD PhD b, Prof Tomoaki Tanaka MD PhD a

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00974-7

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Page e33

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The scope of the antimicrobial resistance challenge

Prof Iruka N Okeke PhD a, Marlieke E A de Kraker PhD b c, Thomas P Van Boeckel PhD d e, Chirag K Kumar BA e, Prof Heike Schmitt PhD f g, Prof Ana C Gales MD PhD h, Silvia Bertagnolio MD i, Prof Mike Sharland MD j, Prof Ramanan Laxminarayan PhD e k

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00876-6

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Pages 2426-2438

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Burden of bacterial antimicrobial resistance in low-income and middle-income countries avertible by existing interventions: an evidence review and modelling analysis

Joseph A Lewnard PhD a, Esmita Charani PhD b, Alec Gleason BSc c d, Prof Li Yang Hsu MBBS e, Wasif Ali Khan MHS f, Abhilasha Karkey DPhil g, Prof Clare I R Chandler PhD h i, Tapfumanei Mashe PhD j k, Prof Ejaz Ahmed Khan MD l, Andre N H Bulabula PhD m, Pilar Donado-Godoy PhD n, Prof Ramanan Laxminarayan PhD c d

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00862-6

Volume 403, Issue 10442, 1–7 June 2024, Pages 2439-2454

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