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Editorial Board

doi : 10.1016/S1529-9430(24)00094-9

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Page A1

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Table of Contents

doi : 10.1016/S1529-9430(24)00095-0

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages A3-A5

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“May the odds be ever in your favor�: modulating risk and surgical selection in the treatment of spinal epidural abscess

Andrew J. Schoenfeld, MD, MSc

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2024.01.020

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 745-747

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Long-term survivability of surgical and nonsurgical management of spinal epidural abscess

Mingda Chen, BA a, *, Anthony N. Baumann, DPT b , Elad T. Fraiman, MPHa , Christina W. Cheng, MDa,c , Christopher G. Furey, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.12.008

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 748-758

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Long-term quality of life and functional outcomes after management of spinal epidural abscess

Grace X. Xiong, MD a , Andrew Nguyen, BAb , Kalei Hering, BSb , Andrew J. Schoenfeld, MD, MScc, *

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.11.019

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 759-767

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Coordination of hip and spine in individuals with acute low back pain during unstable sitting

Mansour Abdullah Alshehri, MSc a,b , Wolbert van den Hoorn, PhD a,c , David M. Klyne, PhDa , Paul W. Hodges, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.12.001

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 768-782

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Effects of BMI on SI joint fusion outcomes: examining the evidence to improve insurance guidelines

Kari Odland DAT, LAT, ATCa, *, Daniel Cher, MDb , David W. Polly, Jr., MD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.11.015

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 783-790

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Cervical disc arthroplasty versus anterior cervical discectomy and fusion: an analysis of the Michigan Spine Surgery Improvement Collaborative Database

Alex K. Miller, MD a,#, *, Philip Zakko, MD a , Daniel K. Park, MDa,b , Victor W. Chang, MD c , Lonni Schultz, PHD d , Kylie Springer, MS d , Travis M. Hamilton, MD c , Muwaffak M. Abdulhak, MD c,d , Jason M. Schwalb, MDc,d , David R. Nerenz, PHD c,d , Ilyas S. Aleem, MD e , Jad G. Khalil, MDa

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.12.004

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 791-799

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Comparing outcomes between anterior cervical disc replacement (ACDR) and minimally invasive posterior cervical foraminotomy (MI-PCF) in the treatment of cervical radiculopathy

Stuart Changoor, MD, Joseph Farshchian, MD, Neil Patel, MD, Daniel Coban, MD, George Abdelmalek, BA, Kumar Sinha, MD, Ki Hwang, MD, Arash Emami, MD*

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.12.010

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 800-806

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Ninety day adverse events following single level posterior lumbar interbody fusion in patients with sickle cell disease

Meera M. Dhodapkar, BA a , Scott J. Halperin, BS a , Comron Saifi, MDb , Peter Whang, MD a , Jonathan N. Grauer, MD a , Arya Varthi, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.11.025

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 807-811

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Safety and benefit of ambulation within 24 hours in elderly patients undergoing lumbar fusion: propensity score matching study of 882 patients

Shuai-Kang Wang, MD a,b,1 , Yong-Jin Li, MD a,b,1 , Peng Wang, MDa,b , Xiang-Yu Li, MDa,b , Chao Kong, MD a,b , Jin Ma, MDc , Shi-Bao Lu, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.11.014

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 812-819

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Exploring the impact of mild-to-moderate foraminal stenosis at L5−S1 on clinical outcomes following L4−5 posterior lumbar interbody fusion

Hyung Rae Lee, MDa , Jae Hwan Cho, MD, PhD b, *, Dong-Ho Lee, MD, PhD b , Sang Yun Seok, MDc , Chang Ju Hwang, MD, PhDb , Choon Sung Lee, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.12.006

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 820-830

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Stepwise reduction of bony density in patients induces a higher risk of annular tears by deteriorating the local biomechanical environment

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.12.007

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 831-841

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Associations of socioeconomic and lifestyle characteristics, psychological symptoms, multimorbidity, and multisite pain with sciatica – a 15-year longitudinal study

Sanna Anttila, MDa,b, *, Juhani M€a€att€a, MD, PhD a,b , Eveliina Heikkala, MD, PhDa,c , Jari Arokoski, MD, PhDd , Jaro Karppinen, MD, PhDa,b,e,f , Petteri Oura, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.12.013

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 842-850

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Risks associated with chronic cannabis use on opioid use, length of stay, and revision rate for patients undergoing posterior lumbar interbody fusion

Joshua Brenne, BS a , Emily Burney, BS a , Kimberly Mauer, MD b , Josiah Orina, MDc , Travis Philipp, MD a , Jung Yoo, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2024.01.011

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 851-857

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Long-term postoperative outcomes of spinal cellular schwannoma: study of 93 consecutive cases

Qi Jia, PhDa, *, Yan Lou, PhD a, *, Dingbang Chen, MDa, *, Xiaolin Li, BSa, *, Yiqian Liu, BS b , Ruitong Chu, MD c , Ting Wang, PhDa , Zhenhua Zhou, PhDb , Dong Li, BSd , Wei Wan, PhDa , Quan Huang, PhDa , Xinghai Yang, PhD a , Tao Wang, PhDe , Zhipeng Wu, PhD a , Jianru Xiao, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2024.01.006

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 858-866

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Weight changes after smoking cessation affect the risk of vertebral fractures: a nationwide population-based cohort study

Jiwon Park, MDa,y, Sangsoo Han, MDb,y, Sang-Min Park, MDc , Yoonjoong Hwang, MDa , Jihun Park, MD a , Kyungdo Han, PhDd , Dong Hun Suh, MD a , Jae-Young Hong, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2024.01.009

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 867-876

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Development of ethnicity-adjusted global alignment and proportion score to predict the risk of mechanical complications following corrective surgery for adult spinal deformity

Abdukahar Kiram, PhDa,☨, Zongshan Hu, PhD a,☨, Hongru Ma, PhDa , Jie Li, PhD a , Xing Sun, PhDb , Yanjie Xu, PhDa , Chen Ling, PhD b , Hui Xu, PhDa , Zezhang Zhu, PhD a , Yong Qiu, PhD a , Zhen Liu, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.12.012

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 877-888

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Load distribution on intervertebral cages with and without posterior instrumentation

Anna-Katharina Calek, MDa, *, Frederic Cornaz, MD a , Mauro Suter c , Marie-Rosa Fasser, MScc , Sina Baumgartner, BSc c , Philipp Sager, MDc , Mazda Farshad, MD, MPH a,b , Jonas Widmer, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.10.017

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 889-898

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A synthetic retinoic acid receptor γ antagonist (7C)-loaded nanoparticle enhances bone morphogenetic protein-induced bone regeneration in a rat spinal fusion model

Daisuke Tateiwa, MD, PhD a , Masahiro Iwamoto, DDS, PhD b , Joe Kodama, MD, PhD b , Yuichiro Ukon, MD, PhD c , Hiromasa Hirai, MDc , Masato Ikuta, MD c , Takayuki Kitahara, MD c , Takuya Furuichi, MDc , Masayuki Bun c , Satoru Otsuru, MD, PhD b , Seiji Okada, MD, PhDc , Takashi Kaito, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.11.021

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 899-908

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Letter to the editor regarding “MRI-based endplate bone quality score independently predicts cage subsidence following transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion� by Chen et al.

Hidetaka Mochizuki, MD, PhDa,b Masatsugu Tsukamoto, MD, PhDa Tadatsugu Morimoto, MD, PhDa, * Hirohito Hirata, MD, PhDa Tomohito Yoshihara, MD, PhDa Masaaki Mawatari, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2024.01.012

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 909-910

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Response to letter to the editor regarding, “MRI-based endplate Bone Quality score independently predicts cage subsidence following transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion�

Youwei Ai, MD a,1 Qian Chen, MD a,b,1 Ce Zhu, MD a Limin Liu, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2024.02.008

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 911-912

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Letter to the editor regarding “Does the interfacing angle between pedicle screws and support rods affect clinical outcomes after posterior thoracolumbar fusion? A retrospective clinical study� by Noriega et al.

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2024.02.012

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 913-914

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Reply to letter to the Editor regarding “Does the interfacing angle between pedicle screws and support rods affect clinical outcomes after posterior thoracolumbar fusion? A retrospective clinical study�

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2024.02.005

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 915-916

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Letter to the editor regarding “Electrophysiological evaluation in scoliosis. What a multiperspective literature analysis displays� by Coraci et al.

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2024.02.003

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 917-918

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Letter to the editor regarding “Associations between paraspinal muscle characteristics and spinal curvature in conservatively treated adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a systematic review� by Chan et al.

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2024.02.009

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 919-921

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Meetings Calendar

doi : 10.1016/S1529-9430(24)00096-2

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Page 922

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Editorial Board

doi : 10.1016/S1529-9430(24)00094-9

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Page A1

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Table of Contents

doi : 10.1016/S1529-9430(24)00095-0

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages A3-A5

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“May the odds be ever in your favor�: modulating risk and surgical selection in the treatment of spinal epidural abscess

Andrew J. Schoenfeld, MD, MSc

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2024.01.020

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 745-747

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Long-term survivability of surgical and nonsurgical management of spinal epidural abscess

Mingda Chen, BA a, *, Anthony N. Baumann, DPT b , Elad T. Fraiman, MPHa , Christina W. Cheng, MDa,c , Christopher G. Furey, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.12.008

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 748-758

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Long-term quality of life and functional outcomes after management of spinal epidural abscess

Grace X. Xiong, MD a , Andrew Nguyen, BAb , Kalei Hering, BSb , Andrew J. Schoenfeld, MD, MScc, *

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.11.019

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 759-767

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Coordination of hip and spine in individuals with acute low back pain during unstable sitting

Mansour Abdullah Alshehri, MSc a,b , Wolbert van den Hoorn, PhD a,c , David M. Klyne, PhDa , Paul W. Hodges, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.12.001

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 768-782

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Effects of BMI on SI joint fusion outcomes: examining the evidence to improve insurance guidelines

Kari Odland DAT, LAT, ATCa, *, Daniel Cher, MDb , David W. Polly, Jr., MD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.11.015

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 783-790

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Cervical disc arthroplasty versus anterior cervical discectomy and fusion: an analysis of the Michigan Spine Surgery Improvement Collaborative Database

Alex K. Miller, MD a,#, *, Philip Zakko, MD a , Daniel K. Park, MDa,b , Victor W. Chang, MD c , Lonni Schultz, PHD d , Kylie Springer, MS d , Travis M. Hamilton, MD c , Muwaffak M. Abdulhak, MD c,d , Jason M. Schwalb, MDc,d , David R. Nerenz, PHD c,d , Ilyas S. Aleem, MD e , Jad G. Khalil, MDa

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.12.004

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 791-799

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Comparing outcomes between anterior cervical disc replacement (ACDR) and minimally invasive posterior cervical foraminotomy (MI-PCF) in the treatment of cervical radiculopathy

Stuart Changoor, MD, Joseph Farshchian, MD, Neil Patel, MD, Daniel Coban, MD, George Abdelmalek, BA, Kumar Sinha, MD, Ki Hwang, MD, Arash Emami, MD*

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.12.010

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 800-806

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Ninety day adverse events following single level posterior lumbar interbody fusion in patients with sickle cell disease

Meera M. Dhodapkar, BA a , Scott J. Halperin, BS a , Comron Saifi, MDb , Peter Whang, MD a , Jonathan N. Grauer, MD a , Arya Varthi, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.11.025

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 807-811

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Safety and benefit of ambulation within 24 hours in elderly patients undergoing lumbar fusion: propensity score matching study of 882 patients

Shuai-Kang Wang, MD a,b,1 , Yong-Jin Li, MD a,b,1 , Peng Wang, MDa,b , Xiang-Yu Li, MDa,b , Chao Kong, MD a,b , Jin Ma, MDc , Shi-Bao Lu, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.11.014

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 812-819

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Exploring the impact of mild-to-moderate foraminal stenosis at L5−S1 on clinical outcomes following L4−5 posterior lumbar interbody fusion

Hyung Rae Lee, MDa , Jae Hwan Cho, MD, PhD b, *, Dong-Ho Lee, MD, PhD b , Sang Yun Seok, MDc , Chang Ju Hwang, MD, PhDb , Choon Sung Lee, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.12.006

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 820-830

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Stepwise reduction of bony density in patients induces a higher risk of annular tears by deteriorating the local biomechanical environment

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.12.007

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 831-841

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Associations of socioeconomic and lifestyle characteristics, psychological symptoms, multimorbidity, and multisite pain with sciatica – a 15-year longitudinal study

Sanna Anttila, MDa,b, *, Juhani M€a€att€a, MD, PhD a,b , Eveliina Heikkala, MD, PhDa,c , Jari Arokoski, MD, PhDd , Jaro Karppinen, MD, PhDa,b,e,f , Petteri Oura, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.12.013

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 842-850

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Risks associated with chronic cannabis use on opioid use, length of stay, and revision rate for patients undergoing posterior lumbar interbody fusion

Joshua Brenne, BS a , Emily Burney, BS a , Kimberly Mauer, MD b , Josiah Orina, MDc , Travis Philipp, MD a , Jung Yoo, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2024.01.011

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 851-857

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Long-term postoperative outcomes of spinal cellular schwannoma: study of 93 consecutive cases

Qi Jia, PhDa, *, Yan Lou, PhD a, *, Dingbang Chen, MDa, *, Xiaolin Li, BSa, *, Yiqian Liu, BS b , Ruitong Chu, MD c , Ting Wang, PhDa , Zhenhua Zhou, PhDb , Dong Li, BSd , Wei Wan, PhDa , Quan Huang, PhDa , Xinghai Yang, PhD a , Tao Wang, PhDe , Zhipeng Wu, PhD a , Jianru Xiao, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2024.01.006

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 858-866

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Weight changes after smoking cessation affect the risk of vertebral fractures: a nationwide population-based cohort study

Jiwon Park, MDa,y, Sangsoo Han, MDb,y, Sang-Min Park, MDc , Yoonjoong Hwang, MDa , Jihun Park, MD a , Kyungdo Han, PhDd , Dong Hun Suh, MD a , Jae-Young Hong, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2024.01.009

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 867-876

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Development of ethnicity-adjusted global alignment and proportion score to predict the risk of mechanical complications following corrective surgery for adult spinal deformity

Abdukahar Kiram, PhDa,☨, Zongshan Hu, PhD a,☨, Hongru Ma, PhDa , Jie Li, PhD a , Xing Sun, PhDb , Yanjie Xu, PhDa , Chen Ling, PhD b , Hui Xu, PhDa , Zezhang Zhu, PhD a , Yong Qiu, PhD a , Zhen Liu, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.12.012

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 877-888

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Load distribution on intervertebral cages with and without posterior instrumentation

Anna-Katharina Calek, MDa, *, Frederic Cornaz, MD a , Mauro Suter c , Marie-Rosa Fasser, MScc , Sina Baumgartner, BSc c , Philipp Sager, MDc , Mazda Farshad, MD, MPH a,b , Jonas Widmer, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.10.017

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 889-898

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A synthetic retinoic acid receptor γ antagonist (7C)-loaded nanoparticle enhances bone morphogenetic protein-induced bone regeneration in a rat spinal fusion model

Daisuke Tateiwa, MD, PhD a , Masahiro Iwamoto, DDS, PhD b , Joe Kodama, MD, PhD b , Yuichiro Ukon, MD, PhD c , Hiromasa Hirai, MDc , Masato Ikuta, MD c , Takayuki Kitahara, MD c , Takuya Furuichi, MDc , Masayuki Bun c , Satoru Otsuru, MD, PhD b , Seiji Okada, MD, PhDc , Takashi Kaito, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.11.021

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 899-908

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Letter to the editor regarding “MRI-based endplate bone quality score independently predicts cage subsidence following transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion� by Chen et al.

Hidetaka Mochizuki, MD, PhDa,b Masatsugu Tsukamoto, MD, PhDa Tadatsugu Morimoto, MD, PhDa, * Hirohito Hirata, MD, PhDa Tomohito Yoshihara, MD, PhDa Masaaki Mawatari, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2024.01.012

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 909-910

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Response to letter to the editor regarding, “MRI-based endplate Bone Quality score independently predicts cage subsidence following transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion�

Youwei Ai, MD a,1 Qian Chen, MD a,b,1 Ce Zhu, MD a Limin Liu, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2024.02.008

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 911-912

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Letter to the editor regarding “Does the interfacing angle between pedicle screws and support rods affect clinical outcomes after posterior thoracolumbar fusion? A retrospective clinical study� by Noriega et al.

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2024.02.012

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 913-914

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Reply to letter to the Editor regarding “Does the interfacing angle between pedicle screws and support rods affect clinical outcomes after posterior thoracolumbar fusion? A retrospective clinical study�

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2024.02.005

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 915-916

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Letter to the editor regarding “Electrophysiological evaluation in scoliosis. What a multiperspective literature analysis displays� by Coraci et al.

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2024.02.003

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 917-918

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Letter to the editor regarding “Associations between paraspinal muscle characteristics and spinal curvature in conservatively treated adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a systematic review� by Chan et al.

doi : 10.1016/j.spinee.2024.02.009

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 919-921

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Meetings Calendar

doi : 10.1016/S1529-9430(24)00096-2

Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2024, Page 922

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