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Intravenous Iron Therapy in Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction: Tackling the Deficiency

Konrad Teodor Sawicki, Hossein Ardehali

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.054271

Circulation. 2021 | Volume 144, Issue 4: 253–255, originally publishedJuly 26, 2021

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SARS-CoV-2 Cardiac Involvement in Young Competitive Athletes

Nathaniel Moulson, Bradley J. Petek, Jonathan A. Drezner, Kimberly G. Harmon, Stephanie A. Kliethermes, Manesh R. Patel, Aaron L. Baggish,

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.054824

Circulation. 2021 | Volume 144, Issue 4: 256–266, originally publishedApril 17, 2021

Background:Cardiac involvement among hospitalized patients with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is common and associated with adverse outcomes. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and clinical implications of COVID-19 cardiac involvement in young competitive athletes.

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Cardiac Involvement in Athletes Recovering From COVID-19: A Reason for Hope

Satyam Sarma, Brendan M. Everett, Wendy S. Post

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.054957

Circulation. 2021 | Volume 144, Issue 4: 267–270, originally publishedMay 18, 2021

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Spending on Cardiovascular Disease and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in the United States: 1996 to 2016

Maxwell Birger, Alexander S. Kaldjian, Gregory A. Roth, Andrew E. Moran, Joseph L. Dieleman, Brandon K. Bellows

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.120.053216

Circulation. 2021 | Volume 144, Issue 4: 271–282, originally publishedApril 30, 2021

Background:Spending on cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular risk factors (cardiovascular spending) accounts for a significant portion of overall US health care spending. Our objective was to describe US adult cardiovascular spending patterns in 2016, changes from 1996 to 2016, and factors associated with changes over time.

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Is Rising Cardiovascular Spending a Good News or Bad News Story?

Karen E. Joynt Maddox, Lauren G. Gilstrap

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.055344

Circulation. 2021 | Volume 144, Issue 4: 283–285, originally publishedJuly 26, 2021

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Integrated Single-Cell Atlas of Endothelial Cells of the Human Lung

Jonas C. Schupp, Taylor S. Adams, Carlos Cosme Jr, Micha Sam Brickman Raredon, Yifan Yuan, Norihito Omote, Sergio Poli, Maurizio Chioccioli, Kadi-Ann Rose, Edward P. Manning, Maor Sauler, Giuseppe DeIuliis, Farida Ahangari, Nir Neumark, Arun C. Habermann, Austin J. Gutierrez, Linh T. Bui, Robert Lafyatis, Richard W. Pierce, Kerstin B. Meyer, Martijn C. Nawijn, Sarah A. Teichmann, Nicholas E. Banovich, Jonathan A. Kropski, Laura E. Niklason, Dana Pe’er, Xiting Yan, Robert J. Homer, Ivan O. Rosas, Naftali Kaminski

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.120.052318

Circulation. 2021 | Volume 144, Issue 4: 286–302, originally publishedMay 25, 2021

Background:Cellular diversity of the lung endothelium has not been systematically characterized in humans. We provide a reference atlas of human lung endothelial cells (ECs) to facilitate a better understanding of the phenotypic diversity and composition of cells comprising the lung endothelium.

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Long Noncoding RNA Cardiac Physiological Hypertrophy–Associated Regulator Induces Cardiac Physiological Hypertrophy and Promotes Functional Recovery After Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury

Rongrong Gao, Lijun Wang, Yihua Bei, Xiaodong Wu, Jiaqi Wang, Qiulian Zhou, Lichan Tao, Saumya Das, Xinli Li, Junjie Xiao

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.120.050446

Circulation. 2021 | Volume 144, Issue 4: 303–317, originally publishedMay 21, 2021

Background:The benefits of exercise training in the cardiovascular system have been well accepted; however, the underlying mechanism remains to be explored. Here, we report the initial functional characterization of an exercise-induced cardiac physiological hypertrophy–associated novel long noncoding RNA (lncRNA).

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Highlights From the Circulation Family of Journals

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.056349

Circulation. 2021 | Volume 144, Issue 4: 318–323, originally publishedJuly 26, 2021

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An Unusual Call From the Urology Ward

Carlos Real, Teresa Morales, Ana Viana-Tejedor

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.055185

Circulation. 2021 | Volume 144, Issue 4: 324–327, originally publishedJuly 26, 2021

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Cardiac Cell Therapy Fails to Rejuvenate the Chronically Scarred Rodent Heart

Ronald J. Vagnozzi, Rajesh K. Kasam, Michelle A. Sargent, Jeffery D. Molkentin

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.120.053080

Circulation. 2021 | Volume 144, Issue 4: 328–331, originally publishedJuly 26, 2021

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Letter by Mehmood Regarding Article, “Cardiac Remodeling During Pregnancy With Metabolic Syndrome: Prologue of Pathological Remodeling”

Muddassir Mehmood

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.054354

Circulation. 2021 | Volume 144, Issue 4: e68, originally publishedJuly 26, 2021

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Response to Letter Regarding Article, “Cardiac Remodeling During Pregnancy With Metabolic Syndrome: Prologue of Pathological Remodeling”

Yijun Yang, Steven R. Houser

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.055583

Circulation. 2021 | Volume 144, Issue 4: e69, originally publishedJuly 26, 2021

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Recommendations for Statistical Reporting in Cardiovascular Medicine: A Special Report From the American Heart Association

Andrew D. Althouse, Jennifer E. Below, Brian L. Claggett, Nancy J. Cox, James A. de Lemos, Rahul C. Deo, Sue Duval, Rory Hachamovitch, Sanjay Kaul, Scott W. Keith, Eric Secemsky, Armando Teixeira-Pinto, Veronique L. Roger and on behalf of the American Heart Association Scientific Publishing Committee Statistics Task Force

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.055393

Circulation. 2021 | Volume 144, Issue 4: e70–e91, originally publishedMay 25, 2021

Statistical analyses are a crucial component of the biomedical research process and are necessary to draw inferences from biomedical research data. The application of sound statistical methodology is a prerequisite for publication in the American Heart Association (AHA) journal portfolio. The objective of this document is to summarize key aspects of statistical reporting that might be most relevant to the authors, reviewers, and readership of AHA journals. The AHA Scientific Publication Committee convened a task force to inventory existing statistical standards for publication in biomedical journals and to identify approaches suitable for the AHA journal portfolio. The experts on the task force were selected by the AHA Scientific Publication Committee, who identified 12 key topics that serve as the section headers for this document. For each topic, the members of the writing group identified relevant references and evaluated them as a resource to make the standards summarized herein. Each section was independently reviewed by an expert reviewer who was not part of the task force. Expert reviewers were also permitted to comment on other sections if they chose. Differences of opinion were adjudicated by consensus. The standards presented in this report are intended to serve as a guide for high-quality reporting of statistical analyses methods and results.

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