Anesthesia and Analgesia

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Platelet Transfusions: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

Blumberg, Neil MD; Asante, Akua A. MD; Nguyen, Phuong-Lan T. MD; Heal, Joanna M. MBBS, MRCP

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006918

Volume 138(5) pgs. 921-1149,e25-e34 May 2024

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Special Communication: Response to "Ensuring a Reliable Platelet Supply in the United States".

Burns, Carolyn D. MD *,+,++; Bracey, Arthur W. MD [S]; Shander, Aryeh MD, FCCM, FCCP, FASA ||,[P],#,**,++; Tibi, Pierre R. MD ++++; Yates, Sean G. MD [S][S]

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006742

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Renin as a Prognostic Marker in Intensive Care and Perioperative Settings: A Scoping Review.

Kotani, Yuki MD *,+,++; Belletti, Alessandro MD *; Maiucci, Giacomo *; Lodovici, Martina MD *; Fresilli, Stefano MD *; Landoni, Giovanni MD *,+; Bellomo, Rinaldo MD, PhD [S],||; Zarbock, Alexander MD, PhD [P]

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006682

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Artificial Intelligence: Perceptions and Attitudes.

Nathan, Naveen MD

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006966

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Artificial Intelligence in Anesthetic Care: A Survey of Physician Anesthesiologists.

Estrada Alamo, Carlos E. MD, MBA *; Diatta, Fortunay MD, MBE +; Monsell, Sarah E. MS ++; Lane-Fall, Meghan B. MD, MSHP, FCCM [S]

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006752

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Enhanced Postoperative Monitoring: Mixed Realities and New Frontiers.

Ramachandran, Satya Krishna MD, MBA

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006903

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Pro-Con Debate: Universal Versus Selective Continuous Monitoring of Postoperative Patients.

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006840

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Postpartum Opioid Prescribing and Persistent Use in Western Countries.

Poeran, Jashvant MD, PhD *,+,++,[S]; Park, Chang H. MD [//]

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006953

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Prevalence and Persistence of Prescription Opioid Use Following Hospital Discharge After Childbirth: An Australian Population-Based Cohort Study.

Varney, Bianca MIPH *; Zoega, Helga PhD *,+; Gillies, Malcolm Bjorn PhD *; Gisev, Natasa PhD ++; Weston Shand, Antonia MBChB, MMed [S],||; Pearson, Sallie-Anne PhD *; Havard, Alys PhD *,++

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006582

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Ethical Principles Do Not Support Mandatory Preanesthesia Pregnancy Screening Tests: A Narrative Review.

Jackson, Stephen MD *; Hunter, James MD +; Van Norman, Gail A. MD ++

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006669

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Anemia and Optimal Transfusion Thresholds in Brain-Injured Patients: A Narrative Review of the Literature.

Ma, Kan MD *; Bebawy, John F. MD +

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006772

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Arterial Hyperoxemia During Cardiopulmonary Bypass Was Not Associated With Worse Postoperative Pulmonary Function: A Retrospective Cohort Study.

Kelava, Marta MD, MS *,+; Milam, Adam J. MD, PhD ++; Mi, Junhui MS [S]; Alfirevic, Andrej MD, FASE *; Grady, Patrick CCP [//]; Unai, Shinya MD [P]; Elgharably, Haytham MD [P]; McCurry, Kenneth MD [P]; Koprivanac, Marijan MD, MS [P]; Duncan, Andra MD, FASE *,+

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006627

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Maternal Morbidity According to Mode of Delivery Among Pregnant Patients With Pulmonary Hypertension.

Meng, Marie-Louise MD *; Fuller, Matthew MS *,+; Federspiel, Jerome J. MD, PhD ++,[S]; Engelhard, Matthew MD, PhD ||; McNeil, Ashley MD *; Ernst, Liliane MD *; Habib, Ashraf S. MBBCh, MSc, MHSc, FRCA *; Shah, Svati H. MD, MHS [P],#; Quist-Nelson, Johanna MD **; Raghunathan, Karthik MBBS, MPH *,+,[S]; Ohnuma, Tetsu MD, MPH, PhD +; Krishnamoorthy, Vijay MD, MPH, PhD +,[S]

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006523

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Staying Virtual: A Survey Study of the Virtual Lecture Experience in Academic Medicine.

Rayaz, Hassan MD *; Yedavalli, Vivek MD, MS +; Sair, Haris MD +; Sharma, Garima MD ++; Rowan, Nicholas R. MD [S],||; Tackett, Sean MD, MPH [P]; Infosino, Andrew MD #; Nabipour, Solmaz MD **; Kothari, Perin DO ++; Levine, Rachel MD, MPH [P]; Ishii, Masaru MD, PhD [S]; Yousem, David MD, MBA +; Agrawal, Yuri MD [S]; Skarupski, Kimberly PhD, MA, MPH ++++; Faraday, Nauder MD, MPH *; Lee, Jennifer K. MD *; Brady, MaryBeth MD *

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006490

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The Association of Preoperative Diabetes With Postoperative Delirium in Older Patients Undergoing Major Orthopedic Surgery: A Prospective Matched Cohort Study.

Shang, Zixiang MD *; Jiang, Yu MD *; Fang, Panpan MD *; Zhu, Wenjie MD *; Guo, Jiaxin MD *; Li, Lili MD *; Liang, Yongjie MD *; Zhang, Sichen MD +; Ma, Shenglan MD ++; Mei, Bin PhD *; Fan, Yinguang PhD +; Xie, Zhongcong MD, PhD [S]; Shen, Qiying PhD *; Liu, Xuesheng MD, PhD *

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006893

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Sugammadex Versus Neostigmine for Reversal of Neuromuscular Blockade in Patients With Severe Renal Impairment: A Randomized, Double-Blinded Study.

Oh, Matthew W. BS *; Mohapatra, Shweta G. MA *; Pak, Taylor BS *; Hermawan, Aundree BS *; Chen, Chieh-An BSA *; Thota, Bhavana BS *; Chen, Joy MD *; Siu, Eric MD *; Park, Jenny PhD +; Moon, Tiffany S. MD *

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006807

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Evaluation of Quality of Recovery With Quality of Recovery-15 Score After Closed-Loop Anesthesia Delivery System-Guided Propofol Versus Desflurane General Anesthesia in Patients Undergoing Transabdominal Robotic Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Study.

Sethi, Nitin DNB *; Dutta, Amitabh MD *; Puri, Goverdhan D. MD +; Sood, Jayashree MD *; Choudhary, Prabhat K. MD *; Gupta, Manish MD *; Panday, Bhuwan C. MD *; Malhotra, Savitar MD *

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006849

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Perioperative Anesthesia-Related Complications and Risk Factors in Children: A Cross-Sectional Observation Study in Rwanda.

Nizeyimana, Francoise MD, MMed *; Skelton, Teresa MD, FRCPC, MPH +; Bould, M. Dylan MB, ChB, MRCP, FRCA, Med ++; Beach, Michael MD, PhD [S]; Twagirumugabe, Theogene MD, MMed, PhD ||,[P]

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006641

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Nociception Effect on Frontal Electroencephalogram Waveform and Phase-Amplitude Coupling in Laparoscopic Surgery.

Wang, Tzu Chun MD *,+; Li, Wei Yi MS +; Lai, Jerry Cheng-Yen PhD ++,[S]; Kuo, Terry B. J. PhD +,||,[P],#,**; Yang, Cheryl C. H. PhD +,||,[P],#

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006609

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Development and Pilot Testing of a Programmatic System for Competency Assessment in US Anesthesiology Residency Training.

Woodworth, Glenn E. MD *; Goldstein, Zachary T. MD +; Ambardekar, Aditee P. MD, MSEd ++; Arthur, Mary E. MD [S]; Bailey, Caryl F. MD [S]; Booth, Gregory J. MD [//]; Carney, Patricia A. PhD, MS [P]; Chen, Fei PhD, Med #; Duncan, Michael J. MD **; Fromer, Ilana R. MD ++; Hallman, Matthew R. MD ++++; Hoang, Thomas MD *; Isaak, Robert DO, FASA [S][S]; Klesius, Lisa L. MD [//][//]; Ladlie, Beth L. MD, MPH [P][P]; Mitchell, Sally Ann EdD, MMSc ##; Miller Juve, Amy K. EdD, Med *; Mitchell, John D. MD ***; McGrath, Brian J. MD +++; Shepler, John A. MD [//][//]; Sims, Charles R. III MD ++++++; Spofford, Christina M. MD, PhD [S][S][S]; Tanaka, Pedro P. MD [//][//][//]; Maniker, Robert B. MD, MS [P][P][P]

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006667

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A Pharmacological Evaluation of the Analgesic Effect and Hippocampal Protein Modulation of the Ketamine Metabolite (2R,6R)-Hydroxynorketamine in Murine Pain Models.

Das, Vaskar PhD *; Basovich, Michael B. MS *; Thomas, Craig J. PhD +; Kroin, Jeffrey S. PhD *; Buvanendran, Asokumar MD *; McCarthy, Robert J. PharmD *

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006590

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Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 5 Contributes to Paclitaxel-Induced Neuropathic Pain by Activating Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 Epigenetic Modification in Dorsal Root Ganglion.

Yeh, Chou-Ming MD, PhD *,+; Lai, Cheng-Yuan PhD ++; Peng, Hsien-Yu PhD ++,[S]; Lin, Tzer-Bin PhD ||,[P]; Chou, Dylan PhD [S]; Wang, Hsueh-Hsiao PhD [S]; Yang, Po-Sheng MD, PhD [S],#; Cheng, Jen-Kun MD, PhD [S],**; Peng, Yun-Chih UG [S]; Hsieh, Ming-Chun PhD [S]

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006595

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Bibliometric Analysis of Contributions of Anesthesiology Journals and Anesthesiologists to Operating Room Management Science.

Dexter, Franklin MD, PhD, FASA *; Scheib, Sara MA +; Xie, Wei MS +; Epstein, Richard H. MD, FASA ++

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006694

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The First Etherization in England: Events Surrounding the Case of Miss Lonsdale.

Haridas, Rajesh P. FANZCA *; Mather, Laurence E. DMedSc +

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006677

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Race- and Ethnicity-Based Clinical Algorithms: Implications for Perioperative Medicine.

Clarke, Amelia BS *; Boateng Evans, Adjoa MD, MPH +; Gabriel, Rodney A. MD, MAS ++; Milam, Adam J. MD, PhD [S]

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006477

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The Accuracy of ChatGPT-Generated Responses in Answering Commonly Asked Patient Questions About Labor Epidurals: A Survey-Based Study.

Mootz, Allison A. MD *; Carvalho, Brendan MBBCh, FRCA +; Sultan, Pervez MBChB, FRCA, MD (Res) +; Nguyen, Teresa P. MD +; Reale, Sharon C. MD ++

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006801

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Intraoperative Methadone Administration Is Not Associated With an Increase in Perioperative Use of Naloxone: A Retrospective Study.

Lumsden, Sarah MD *; Kharasch, Evan D. MD, PhD +; Speer, Bryce DO ++; Kwater, Andrzej MD ++; Gan, Tong Joo MD ++; Cata, Juan P. MD ++,[S]

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006815

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Anesthesiologist's Recollection of Transplant Surgeon's Dream: A Haibun.

Vetter, Thomas R. MD, MPH, MFA

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006655

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Caveats for Interpreting the Results of Up-and-Down Dose-Finding Studies for Prophylactic Oxytocin at Cesarean Delivery.

Bamber, James H. MMed Sci, FRCA; Lucas, Dominique N. MBBS, FRCA

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006675

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In Response.

Peska, Emil MD; Balki, Mrinalini MD; Pfeifer, Wesla MD, MSc; Maxwell, Cynthia MD; Ye, Xiang Y. MSc; Downey, Kristi MSc; Carvalho, Jose C. A. MD, PhD

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006676

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Neostigmine and Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction in the Elderly: Teaching an Old Dog a New Trick?.

Okada, Hisako MD, PhD; Butt, Amir L. MD, MPH; Roberts, Pamela R. MD, FCCM, FCCP; Tanaka, Kenichi A. MD, MSc

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006935

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In Response.

Cull, Alexis L. MD; Erickson, Mercede N. MD

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006938

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Physicochemical Stability of Ketamine After Reconstitution for Injection: A Scoping Review.

Usman, Mohammed Adinoyi MBBS, MSc, FWACS(Anaesth); Donald, Orshio Uga MBBS, PGDA, FMCA; Salahu, Dalhat MBBS, FWACS(Anaesth); Akhideno, Irene Irenosen MBBS, PGDA, FMCA

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006956

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Letter Regarding the Potential Improper Use of the Individual Typology Angle in the Context of Disparate Bias in Pulse Oximetry.

Verkruysse, Wim PhD; Jaffe, Michael B. PhD

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006960

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Self-Citation Patterns of Anesthesiology Journals Indexed in the Journal Citation Reports.

Dost, Burhan MD; De Cassai, Alessandro MD

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006961

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