The Lancet

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Health equity in Ireland: past, present, and future

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00628-7

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Page 1205

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Born too soon and vulnerable: the disproportionate burden of RSV among preterm babies in LMICs

David Torres-Fernandez a b b, Quique Bassat a b c d e

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00254-X

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Pages 1206-1207

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Integrated psychological care for youth with epilepsy

Milena Gandy a, Joanne Dudeney a

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00309-X

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Pages 1208-1209

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In-person physiotherapy versus video conferencing for chronic knee pain

Julie M Fritz a, Richard L Skolasky b

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)02896-9

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Pages 1209-1211

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The impact of rare kidney diseases on kidney failure

Olalekan Lee Aiyegbusi a b c, Anthony Fenton d

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00198-3

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Pages 1211-1213

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Music and medicine: quickening the tempo of progress

Wen G Chen a, Emmeline Edwards a, Sunil Iyengar b, Robert Finkelstein c, Deborah F Rutter d, Renée Fleming e, Francis S Collins f

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00477-X

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Pages 1213-1215

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The CHH–Lancet Commission on Health, Conflict, and Forced Displacement: reimagining the humanitarian system

Paul B Spiegel a, Ozge Karadag b, Karl Blanchet c, Chi-Chi Undie d, Ana Mateus e, Richard Horton e

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00426-4

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Pages 1215-1217

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Offline: Russia's atrophy

Richard Horton

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00629-9

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Page 1218

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The Gambia seeks to overturn FGM ban

Sharmila Devi

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00625-1

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Page 1219

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UN rights expert: do not neglect prisons in pandemic plans

John Zarocostas

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00626-3

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Page 1220

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Research focus: Mario Negri Institute

Peter Ranscombe

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00627-5

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Pages 1221-1222

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Living with cleft lip and palate in Oaxaca, Mexico: medical treatment, resilience, and folk stories

Julia Molins

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00589-0

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Pages 1223-1231

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Peter McGuffin

Geoff Watts

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00590-7

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Page 1232

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Improving coherence of global research funding: Pandemic PACT

Alice Norton a, Louise Sigfrid a, Emilia Antonio b, Adrian Bucher c, Duduzile Ndwandwe d, Pandemic PACT Advisory Group

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00452-5

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Page 1233

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Protecting health-care workers in Nepal: an urgent call for action

Bipin Adhikari a c, Sanjaya Acharya b c, Shiva Raj Mishra c d

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)02280-8

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Pages 1233-1234

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Germany's new asylum legislation poses a threat to refugees' health

Julia Zielke a b, Johanna Offe c, Oliver Razum a b

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00371-4

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Pages 1234-1235

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Tough ruling for Servier in the Mediator trial

Irène Frachon a, Paul Benkimoun b

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00154-5

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Pages 1235-1236

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High stakes: does the gambling White Paper go far enough?

Kate Bedford a, Joht Singh Chandan b

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)01914-1

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Pages 1236-1237

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The toll of violence on health care in Pakistan: a collective responsibility

Saad Javed a b, Eesha Yaqoob b

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)01627-6

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Page 1237

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The role of surgery in global cancer services

Hamaiyal Sana a, Manon Pigeolet b c

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)01360-0

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Pages 1237-1238

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Unsuccessful ban on gutkha in India needs authentication

Sachin C Sarode a, Rahul Anand a, Gargi S Sarode a

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)01894-9

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Page 1238

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Unsuccessful ban on gutkha in India needs authentication – Authors' reply

Gururaj Arakeri a b, Vishal Rao Us a, K V Dhananjay c, Pankaj Chaturvedi d, Peter A Brennan e

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)01893-7

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Pages 1238-1239

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Benefits and risks of anthracyclines in early-stage breast cancer

Fernando Kude de Almeida a, Frederico Soares Falcetta b, Daniela Dornelles Rosa c

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)02889-1

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Pages 1239-1240

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Benefits and risks of anthracyclines in early-stage breast cancer – Authors' reply

Jeremy Braybrooke a, Rosie Bradley a, Richard Gray a, Robert Hills a, Early Breast Cancer Trialists' Collaborative Group

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)02890-8

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Page 1240

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Global disease burden of and risk factors for acute lower respiratory infections caused by respiratory syncytial virus in preterm infants and young children in 2019: a systematic review and meta-analysis of aggregated and individual participant data

Xin Wang PhD a b *, Prof You Li PhD a b *, Ting Shi PhD b, Prof Louis J Bont MD c d, Helen Y Chu MD e, Heather J Zar PhD f g, Bhanu Wahi-Singh BMedSci h, Yiming Ma MSc b, Bingbing Cong BMed a, Emma Sharland MBChB b, Prof Richard D Riley PhD i, Jikui Deng MD j, Prof Josep Figueras-Aloy PhD k, Prof Terho Heikkinen MD l m, Prof Marcus H Jones PhD n, Prof Johannes G Liese MD o, Joško Markić MD p q, Asuncion Mejias MD r s, Prof Marta C Nunes t u, Prof Bernhard Resch MD v w…Chee Fu Yung

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00138-7

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Pages 1241-1253

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Clinical effectiveness of the psychological therapy Mental Health Intervention for Children with Epilepsy in addition to usual care compared with assessment-enhanced usual care alone: a multicentre, randomised controlled clinical trial in the UK

Sophie D Bennett PhD a b c, Prof J Helen Cross PhD a b i, Kashfia Chowdhury MSc d, Prof Tamsin Ford PhD f g, Prof Isobel Heyman PhD a b g, Anna E Coughtrey PhD a b, Emma Dalrymple MSc a b, Prof Sarah Byford PhD c, Prof Bruce Chorpita PhD h, Prof Peter Fonagy PhD e, Prof Rona Moss-Morris PhD c, Colin Reilly PhD i, Prof Jonathan A Smith PhD j, Prof Terence Stephenson DM a b, Sophia Varadkar PhD a b, James Blackstone MA d, Harriet Quartly BSc d, Tyler Hughes MSc a b, Amy Lewins MSc a b, Elana Moore MSc a b…Prof Roz Shafran PhD a b

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)02791-5

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Pages 1254-1266

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Telerehabilitation consultations with a physiotherapist for chronic knee pain versus in-person consultations in Australia: the PEAK non-inferiority randomised controlled trial

Prof Rana S Hinman PhD a, Penny K Campbell BAppSci a, Alexander J Kimp DPT a, Prof Trevor Russell PhD b d, Prof Nadine E Foster PhD c d, Jessica Kasza PhD e, Prof Anthony Harris MSc f, Prof Kim L Bennell PhD a

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)02630-2

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Pages 1267-1278

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Effects of rare kidney diseases on kidney failure: a longitudinal analysis of the UK National Registry of Rare Kidney Diseases (RaDaR) cohort

Katie Wong MBBS a b, David Pitcher BSc a, Fiona Braddon BA a, Lewis Downward MSc a, Retha Steenkamp PhD c, Nicholas Annear PhD d, Prof Jonathan Barratt PhD e, Coralie Bingham PhD f, Constantina Chrysochou PhD h, Prof Richard J Coward PhD g, David Game FRCP i, Prof Sian Griffin PhD j, Matt Hall MD k, Sally Johnson PhD l, Durga Kanigicherla FRCP h, Prof Fiona Karet Frankl PhD m, Prof David Kavanagh FRCP o p q, Larissa Kerecuk MBBS r, Prof Eamonn R Maher FRCP n, Shabbir Moochhala PhD s…David Wright

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)02843-X

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Pages 1279-1289

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Hidden metastatic lung tumour diagnosed by AI

Daisuke Muroya MD PhD a, Yosuke Morimitsu MD b, Katsumi Nakamura MD c, Koji Hayashi MD d

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00205-8

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Page 1290

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Updates on the management of inflammatory bowel disease from periconception to pregnancy and lactation

Prof Ole Haagen Nielsen MD a b, John Mark Gubatan MD c, Prof Kaija-Leena Kolho MD d, Prof Sarah Elizabeth Streett MD c, Prof Cynthia Maxwell MD e

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00052-7

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Pages 1291-1303

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The Lancet and colonialism: past, present, and future

Prof Mishal S Khan PhD a b *, Thirusha Naidu PhD c d *, Irene Torres PhD e †, Muhammad Naveed Noor PhD b f †, Jesse B Bump PhD g ‡, Seye Abimbola PhD h ‡

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00102-8

Volume 403, Issue 10433, 30 March–5 April 2024, Pages 1304-1308

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