Journal of Critical Care

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doi : 10.1016/S0883-9441(24)00004-2

Volume 80, April 2024, 154517

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Increasing evidence to use early corticosteroids in patients with severe community-acquired pneumonia even in the absence of shock

Jose Garnacho-Monteroa,*, Antoine Roquilly

doi : 10.1016/j.jcrc.2023.154508

Volume 80, April 2024, 154508

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Efficacy and safety of corticosteroids for the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Huzaifa Ahmad Cheema a,**, Adeena Musheer b, Arooba Ejaz b, Anousheh Awais Paracha b, Abia Shahid a, Mohammad Ebad Ur Rehman c, Alaa Hamza Hermis d, Harpreet Singh e, Natalie Duric f, Faran Ahmad g,h, Sharjeel Ahmad i, Antoni Torres j,k,l, Tamas Szakmany

doi : 10.1016/j.jcrc.2023.154507

Volume 80, April 2024, 154507

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Brain magnetic resonance imaging findings six months after critical COVID-19: A prospective cohort study

Henriikka Ollila a,*, Janne Pihlajamaa b, Juha Martola b, Linda Kuusela b, Kaj Blennow c,d, Henrik Zetterberg c,d,e,f,g,h, Viljami Salmela i, Laura Hokkanen i, Marjaana Tiainen j, Johanna H¨astbacka

doi : 10.1016/j.jcrc.2023.154502

Volume 80, April 2024, 154502

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The physiology of cardiac tamponade and implications for patient management

Eugene Yuriditsky, MD *, James M. Horowitz, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jcrc.2023.154512

Volume 80, April 2024, 154512

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Effects of structured protocolized physical therapy on the duration of mechanical ventilation in patients with prolonged weaning

Johannes Bickenbach a,*, Sebastian Fritsch a, Sophia Cosler a, Yvonne Simon e, Michael Dreher b, Silke Theisen c, Joyce Kao a, Frank Hildebrand d,e, Gernot Marx a, Tim Philipp Simon

doi : 10.1016/j.jcrc.2023.154491

Volume 80, April 2024, 154491

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Serial electrical impedance tomography course in different treatment groups; The MaastrICCht cohort

Eda Aydeniz, MD a,b,c,*, Bas C.T. van Bussel, MD, PhD a,c,d, Sebastiaan de Jongh, MSc a, Joep Schellens, BSc a, Serge J.H. Heines a, Sander M.J. van Kuijk, PhD e, Jeanette Tas, MSc a,f, Frank van Rosmalen, PhD a,c, Iwan C.C. van der Horst, MD, PhD, Prof a,c, Dennis C.J. J. Bergmans, MD, PhD a,g, for the MaastrICCht Collaborators

doi : 10.1016/j.jcrc.2023.154506

Volume 80, April 2024, 154506

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Assessing the impact of a multidimensional approach and an 8-component bundle in reducing incidences of ventilator-associated pneumonia across 35 countries in Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe

Victor Daniel Rosenthal, MD, PhD a,b,*, Zhilin Jin, PhD a, Ruijie Yin, PhD a, Suneeta Sahu, MD c, Prasad Rajhans, MD d, Mohit Kharbanda, MD e, Pravin K. Nair, MD f, Shakti Bedanta Mishra, MD g, Rajesh Chawla, MD h, Rajalakshmi Arjun, MD i, Kavita Sandhu, MD j, Camilla Rodrigues, MD k, Reshma Dongol, RN l, Sheila Nainan Myatra, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jcrc.2023.154500

Volume 80, April 2024, 154500

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The depth of neuromuscular blockade is not related to chest wall elastance and respiratory mechanics in moderate to severe acute respiratory distress syndrome patients. A prospective cohort study

Nicolas Barbarot, MD *,1, Arthur Tinelli, MD, Pierre Fillatre, MD, Matthieu Debarre, MD, Eric Magalhaes, MD, Nicolas Massart, MD, Julien Wallois, MD, François Legay, MD, Arnaud Mari, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jcrc.2023.154505

Volume 80, April 2024, 154505

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Clinical outcomes in combination versus mono antibiotic therapy in ICU admitted patients with a suspected infection - A substudy of the DIANA study

Nima Tanha a,*, Ilja Areskog Lejbman a, Liesbet De Bus b,c, Gennaro De Pascale d, Jos´e Garnacho-Montero e, Marc Leone f, Shigeki Fujitan g, Jan J. De Waele b, Gustav Torisson h, Fredrik Sj¨ovall

doi : 10.1016/j.jcrc.2023.154501

Volume 80, April 2024, 154501

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Dose equivalence for metaraminol and noradrenaline – A retrospective analysis

Rahul Costa-Pinto a,b,*, Ary Serpa Neto a,c, Madeline Coxwell Matthewman a, Dean Osrin a, Grace Liskaser a, Jasun Li a, Marcus Young a,d, Daryl Jones a,b,c, Andrew Udy c,e, Stephen Warrillow a,b, Rinaldo Bellomo

doi : 10.1016/j.jcrc.2023.154430

Volume 80, April 2024, 154430

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Commentary: The never-ending quest to equate vasopressor dosages

Patrick M. Wieruszewski, PharmD a,b,*, Marc Leone, MD, PhD c, Ashish K. Khanna, MD, MS

doi : 10.1016/j.jcrc.2023.154460

Volume 80, April 2024, 154460

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Effects of education, income and employment on ICU and post-ICU survival - A nationwide Swedish cohort study of individual-level data with 1-year follow up

Lotti Orwelius a,b,*, Margareta Kristenson c, Mats Fredrikson b, Folke Sj¨oberg a,b,d, Sten Walther

doi : 10.1016/j.jcrc.2023.154497

Volume 80, April 2024, 154497

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An environmental scan of online resources for informal family caregivers of ICU survivors

Emily Flowers, BSc a,b, Sian Saha, MA, RN a,c, Laura Allum, MRes a,d, Louise Rose, MN, RN, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jcrc.2023.154499

Volume 80, April 2024, 154499

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Cannabis use disorders and outcome of admission to intensive care: A retrospective multi-centre cohort study

Laura Renger a,*,1, Jayesh Dhanani a,b, Elissa Milford a,b, Alexis Tabah b,c,d, Kiran Shekar b,e, Mahesh Ramanan b,e,f,g, Kevin B. Laupland

doi : 10.1016/j.jcrc.2023.154504

Volume 80, April 2024, 154504

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Prevalence of frailty and association with patient centered outcomes: A prospective registry-embedded cohort study from India

Bharath Kumar Tirupakuzhi Vijayaraghavan, MD a,b,*, Aasiyah Rashan c,n, Lakshmi Ranganathan, Ph.D. a, Ramesh Venkataraman, MD a, Swagata Tripathy, MD d, Devachandran Jayakumar, MD e,f, Pratheema Ramachandran, DNB e, Zubair Umer Mohamed, MD g, Sindhu Balakrishnan, MD g, Nagarajan Ramakrishnan, MD a, Rashan Haniffa, Ph.D. h,i, Abi Beane, Ph.D. h,i, Neill K.J. Adhikari, MD j,k, Nicolette de Keizer, Ph.D. l, Nazir Lone, MD m, the IRIS collaborative

doi : 10.1016/j.jcrc.2023.154509

Volume 80, April 2024, 154509

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Adverse events leading to intensive care unit admission in a low-and-middle-income-country: A prospective cohort study and a systematic review

Rodolpho Augusto de Moura Pedro a,*, Bruno Adler Maccagnan Pinheiro Besen a, Pedro Vitale Mendes a, Augusto Cezar Marins Gomes a, Marcelo Ticianelli de Carvalho a, Luiz Marcelo S´a Malbouisson a, Marcelo Park a, Leandro Utino Taniguchi

doi : 10.1016/j.jcrc.2023.154510

Volume 80, April 2024, 154510

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An update on ICU outcomes in patients after CAR T therapy: A four-year tertiary UK centre experience

Lily Scourfielda,b,*, Tasneem Pirania, Neeraj Singha, Rohit Sahaa, Andrea Kuhnlb, Robin Sandersonb, Victoria Metaxa

doi : 10.1016/j.jcrc.2023.154511

Volume 80, April 2024, 154511

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Development and validation of a machine learning model to predict the use of renal replacement therapy in 14,374 patients with COVID-19

Allan R.M. França, MD a,*, Eduardo Rocha, MD, PhD a,b, Leonardo S.L. Bastos, PhD c, Fernando A. Bozza, MD, PhD b,d, Pedro Kurtz, MD, PhD b,e, Elizabeth Maccariello, MD, PhD b, Jos´e Roberto Lapa e Silva, MD, PhD a, Jorge I.F. Salluh, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jcrc.2023.154480

Volume 80, April 2024, 154480

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Early prediction of sepsis in intensive care patients using the machine learning algorithm NAVOY® Sepsis, a prospective randomized clinical validation study

Inger Persson, PhD a,*, Andreas Macura, MSc b, David Becedas, MSc b, Fredrik Sj¨ovall, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jcrc.2023.154400

Volume 80, April 2024, 154400

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Heart involvement: A neglected manifestation of haemophagocytic syndrome associated with high mortality

Jeanne de La Rochefoucaulda,1, Nadia Anguelb, Julien Schmidta,2, Nicolas Noela, Xavier Monnetb, Olivier Lambotte

doi : 10.1016/j.jcrc.2023.154498

Volume 80, April 2024, 154498

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Stress hyperglycemia has a J-shaped association with mortality among critically ill patients with sepsis

Yun Ji

doi : 10.1016/j.jcrc.2023.154503

Volume 80, April 2024, 154503

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What every intensivist should know about stoicism to prevent burnout

Marcos Vinicius Fernandes Garcia

doi : 10.1016/j.jcrc.2023.154454

Volume 80, April 2024, 154454

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What every intensivist should know about the IVC

Philippe Rola, MD a,*, Korbin Haycock, MD b, Rory Spiegel, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jcrc.2023.154455

Volume 80, April 2024, 154455

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