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The American Heart Association's Centennial and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention's Semi-Centennial.

Serruys, Patrick W. MD, PhD; Revaiah, Pruthvi C. MD

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.064461

Volume 149(13) pgs. 973-1058,e997-e1027 March 26, 2024

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Atrial Fibrillation: Why Are We Hiding Reality?.

Reiffel, James A. MD

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.067544

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Direct Oral Anticoagulants for Stroke Prevention in Patients With Device-Detected Atrial Fibrillation: A Study-Level Meta-Analysis of the NOAH-AFNET 6 and ARTESiA Trials.

McIntyre, William F. MD, PhD; Benz, Alexander P. MD, MSc; Becher, Nina MD; Healey, Jeffrey S. MD, MSc; Granger, Christopher B. MD; Rivard, Lena MD, MSc; Camm, A. John MD; Goette, Andreas MD; Zapf, Antonia PhD; Alings, Marco MD, PhD; Connolly, Stuart J. MD, MSc; Kirchhof, Paulus MD; Lopes, Renato D. MD, MHS, PhD

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.067512

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Subclinical Atrial Fibrillation and Anticoagulation: Weighing the Absolute Risks and Benefits.

Patel, Siddharth M. MD, MPH; Ruff, Christian T. MD, MPH

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.067919

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Cardiovascular Outcomes in GRADE (Glycemia Reduction Approaches in Type 2 Diabetes: A Comparative Effectiveness Study).

Green, Jennifer B. MD; Everett, Brendan M. MD, MPH; Ghosh, Alokananda MD, PhD; Younes, Naji PhD; Krause-Steinrauf, Heidi MS; Barzilay, Joshua MD; Desouza, Cyrus MD; Inzucchi, Silvio E. MD; Pokharel, Yashashwi MD; Schade, David MD; Scrymgeour, Alexandra PharmD, MS; Tan, Meng H. MD; Utzschneider, Kristina M. MD; Mudaliar, Sunder MD; the GRADE Study Research Group; Crandall, J.P.; McKee, M.D.; Behringer-Massera, S.; Brown-Friday, J.; Xhori,

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.066604

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Versican Promotes Cardiomyocyte Proliferation and Cardiac Repair.

Feng, Jie PhD; Li, Yandong MD, PhD; Li, Yan PhD; Yin, Qianqian PhD; Li, Haotong MD, PhD; Li, Jun; Zhou, Bin MD, PhD; Meng, Jian; Lian, Hong PhD; Wu, Mengge MS; Li, Yahuan MS; Dou, Kefei MD, PhD; Song, Weihua MD; Lu, Bin MD, PhD; Liu, Lihui MS; Hu, Shengshou MD, PhD; Nie, Yu PhD

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.066298

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How Can Young Extracellular Matrix Promote Cardiac Regeneration? Versi-Can!

Bassat, Elad PhD; Tzahor, Eldad PhD

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.068078

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Using Genetics to Inform Interventions Related to Sodium and Potassium in Hypertension.

Reay, William R. PhD; Clarke, Erin PhD; Eslick, Shaun PhD; Riveros, Carlos PhD; Holliday, Elizabeth G. PhD; McEvoy, Mark A. PhD; Peel, Roseanne RN, MPH; Hancock, Stephen BMath, MSc; Scott, Rodney J. PhD; Attia, John R. MD, PhD; Collins, Clare E. PhD ,,*; Cairns, Murray J. PhD ,,*

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.065394

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Scrutinizing the Role of Venoarterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: Has Clinical Practice Outpaced the Evidence?.

Lusebrink, Enzo MD ,*; Binzenhofer, Leonhard MD ,*; Hering, Daniel MD; Villegas Sierra, Laura MD; Schrage, Benedikt MD; Scherer, Clemens MD; Speidl, Walter S. MD; Uribarri, Aitor MD; Sabate, Manel MD; Noc, Marko MD; Sandoval, Elena MD; Erglis, Andrejs MD; Pappalardo, Federico MD; De Roeck, Frederic MD; Tavazzi, Guido MD; Riera, Jordi MD, PhD; Roncon-Albuquerque, Roberto Jr MD; Meder, Benjamin MD; Luedike, Peter MD; Rassaf, Tienush MD; Hausleiter, Jorg MD; Hagl, Christian MD; Zimmer, Sebastian MD; Westermann, Dirk MD; Combes, Alain MD; Zeymer, Uwe MD; Massberg, Steffen MD; Schafer, Andreas MD; Orban, Martin MD ,+; Thiele, Holger MD ,+

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.067087

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Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover.

Deshpande, Saurabh MD, DM; Rajani, Rajesh MD, DM; Udyavar, Ameya MD, DM

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.068148

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Aggregation and Contextualization of Murine Investigations Improves Discovery of Significant Human Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Associations.

Shuey, Megan M. PhD ,*; Wang, Yihua BS ,*; Xiang, Rachel R. BS; Zou, Aaron BS; Rahman, Protiva PhD; Fabbri, Daniel PhD; Beckman, Joshua A. MD ,+; Jaffe, Iris Z. MD, PhD ,+; Wells, Quinn S. MD, PharmD, MSCI ,,+

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.067510

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Neurodevelopmental Outcomes for Individuals With Congenital Heart Disease: Updates in Neuroprotection, Risk-Stratification, Evaluation, and Management: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association.

Sood, Erica PhD, Vice Chair; Newburger, Jane W. MD, MPH, FAHA; Anixt, Julia S. MD; Cassidy, Adam R. PhD, ABPP; Jackson, Jamie L. PhD; Jonas, Richard A. MD; Lisanti, Amy J. PhD, RN, CCNS, FAHA; Lopez, Keila N. MD, MPH; Peyvandi, Shabnam MD, MAS, FAHA; Marino, Bradley S. MD, MPP, MSCE, MBA, FAHA, Chair; on behalf of the American Heart Association Council on Lifelong Congenital Heart Disease and Heart Health in the Young and the Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing

doi : 10.1161/CIR.0000000000001211

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Correction to: Cardiovascular-Kidney-Metabolic Health: A Presidential Advisory From the American Heart Association.

doi : 10.1161/CIR.0000000000001241

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Correction to: 2023 Scientific Sessions Abstract 15684.

doi : 10.1161/CIR.0000000000001238

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Correction to: 2023 Scientific Sessions Abstract 18539.

doi : 10.1161/CIR.0000000000001237

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Correction to: International Collaboration Identifies Gene Linked to Congenital Heart Defect.

doi : 10.1161/CIR.0000000000001236

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Retraction of: Abstract 13079: Prevalence and Incidence of Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy in the USA From 2004 to 2022: An Observational Database Study.

doi : 10.1161/CIR.0000000000001239

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