Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology

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Issue Information

doi : 10.1002/uog.26260

Volume 63, Issue 4

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Global efforts needed to address burden of preventable stillbirth

A. Khalil, A. Samara, C. M. Coutinho, S. N. Ladhani

doi : 10.1002/uog.27543

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Diagnostic accuracy of prenatal ultrasound in coarctation of aorta: systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis

C. Villalaín, F. D'Antonio, M. E. Flacco, E. Gómez-Montes, I. Herraiz, L. Deiros-Bronte, S. A. Maskatia, A. A. Phillips, E. Contro, K. Fricke, A. Bhawna, M. J. Beattie, A. J. Moon-Grady, I. Durand, M. Slodki, M. Respondek-Liberska, C. Patel, H. Kawamura, G. Rizzo, G. Pagani, A. Galindo … See fewer authors 

doi : 10.1002/uog.27576

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Evaluation of angiogenic factors in prediction of growth-related neonatal morbidity at term and comparison with competing-risks model

I. Papastefanou, A. Nobile Recalde, Y. Silva Souza, A. Syngelaki, K. H. Nicolaides

doi : 10.1002/uog.27533

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Validation of Fetal Medicine Foundation competing-risks model for small-for-gestational-age neonate in early third trimester

T. Dagklis, I. Papastefanou, I. Tsakiridis, A. Sotiriadis, G. Makrydimas, A. Athanasiadis

doi : 10.1002/uog.27498

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Placental T2* and BOLD effect in response to hyperoxia in normal and growth-restricted pregnancies: multicenter cohort study

M. Jacquier, G. Chalouhi, F. Marquant, L. Bussieres, D. Grevent, O. Picone, L. Mandelbrot, H. Mahallati, N. Briand, C. Elie, N. Siauve, L. J. Salomon

doi : 10.1002/uog.27496

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Non-invasive in-utero quantification of vascular reactivity in human placenta

V. Rajagopalan, V. Truong, S. Wang, J. Lopez, V. Rosas, M. Borzage, J. K. Votava-Smith, S. Ponrartana, A. Panigrahy, J. Detterich, J. Wood

doi : 10.1002/uog.27512

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Prediction of large-for-gestational age at 36 weeks' gestation: two-dimensional ultrasound vs three-dimensional ultrasound vs magnetic resonance imaging

E. Mazzone, C. Kadji, M. M. Cannie, D. A. Badr, J. C. Jani

doi : 10.1002/uog.27485

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‘Choroid bar’: easy-to-seek marker of normal posterior fossa at 12–14 weeks' gestation

D. Paladini, G. Biancotto, F. Della Sala, P. V. Acharya

doi : 10.1002/uog.27566

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First-trimester cavum veli interpositi: prevalence and natural history

E. Smith, K. Pierre, A. Acevedo, R. Egerman, D. Rajderkar, R. S. Abu-Rustum

doi : 10.1002/uog.27523

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Prenatal detection of orofacial clefts in Denmark from 2009 to 2018

F. H. Sander, D. S. Jørgensen, L. P. Jakobsen, A. N. Jensen, T. Lousen, P. Sandager, L. Sperling, I. Vogel, O. B. Petersen, C. Vedel, Collaborators

doi : 10.1002/uog.27488

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Quadruplet pregnancy outcome with and without fetal reduction: Danish national cohort study (2008–2018) and comparison with dichorionic twins

M. K. Rasmussen, S. E. Kristensen, C. K. Ekelund, P. Sandager, F. S. Jørgensen, E. Hoseth, L. Sperling, H. J. Zingenberg, T. D. Hjortshøj, K. Gadsbøll, A. Wright, D. Wright, A. McLennan, K. Sundberg, O. B. Petersen

doi : 10.1002/uog.27497

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New radiofrequency ablation procedure for selective reduction in complicated monochorionic twin or triplet pregnancy using multistep, incremental expansion technique

Y.-H. Zhang, P. Jiao'e, L. Chen, W.-X. Zhou, H. Zhan, L.-Q. Chen, J. Lin, H. Wen

doi : 10.1002/uog.27508

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Effect of cannula insertion site during fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion for congenital diaphragmatic hernia on preterm prelabor rupture of membranes

A.-G. Cordier, D. A. Badr, D. Basurto, F. Russo, J. Deprest, E. Orain, E. Eixarch, J. Otano, E. Gratacos, A. Moraes De Luna Freire Vargas, C. F. A. Peralta, J. C. Jani, A. Benachi

doi : 10.1002/uog.27548

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Outcome and etiology of fetal pleural effusion, fetal ascites and hydrops fetalis after fetal intervention: retrospective observational cohort from a single institution

W.-J. Wu, G.-C. Ma, T.-Y. Chang, M.-H. Lee, W.-H. Lin, M. Chen

doi : 10.1002/uog.27501

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Predictive value of crossover sign for outcome of ultrasound-guided vacuum aspiration in women with Cesarean scar pregnancy

M. Shen, L. Li, L. Zhu, J. Liu, T. Lin, X. Liu

doi : 10.1002/uog.27459

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Evaluation of Cesarean section scar using saline contrast sonohysterography in women with previous Cesarean scar pregnancy

M. Pekar-Zlotin, R. Maymon, M. Nimrodi, H. Zur-Naaman, Y. Melcer

doi : 10.1002/uog.27540

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Estimating risk of endometrial malignancy and other intracavitary uterine pathology in women without abnormal uterine bleeding using IETA-1 multinomial regression model: validation study

R. Heremans, L. Wynants, L. Valentin, F. P. G. Leone, M. A. Pascual, R. Fruscio, A. C. Testa, F. Buonomo, S. Guerriero, E. Epstein, T. Bourne, D. Timmerman, T. Van den Bosch, for the IETA Consortium

doi : 10.1002/uog.27530

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Omental incarceration in uterine perforation: from diagnosis to therapy

A. Xholli, I. Perugi, F. Molinari, U. Scovazzi, A. P. Londero, A. Cagnacci

doi : 10.1002/uog.27518

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Misdiagnosed plicae palmatae

C. M. Lamoutte, N. R. Burke, J. M. Shwayder, T. O'Shea, S. E. Johnson

doi : 10.1002/uog.27511

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Role of cerclage in twin and singleton pregnancy: evidence from systematic review and meta-analysis

F. D'Antonio, N. Eltaweel, A. D'Amico, A. Khalil

doi : 10.1002/uog.27539

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Aberrant right subclavian artery: will it need surgery?

V. Zidere, T. V. Vigneswaran

doi : 10.1002/uog.27516

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Benefit and harm of low-dose aspirin in pregnancy: a balancing act

S. Wei, L. Wu

doi : 10.1002/uog.27624

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V. L. Souter, I. Painter, A. Khalil

doi : 10.1002/uog.27631

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Prognostic indicators for long-term outcome of non-immune hydrops fetalis

Y. Zhao, D.-Z. Li

doi : 10.1002/uog.27618

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Coronal plane on three-dimensional ultrasound in diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy

S. Guerriero, B. Piras, M. L. Robuschi, L. Suzzi, S. Ajossa

doi : 10.1002/uog.27569

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