JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association

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Blood Pressure Management After Endovascular Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke

Eva A. Mistry, MBBS, MSCI1; Kimberly W. Hart, MA2; Larry T. Davis, MD3; Yue Gao, MS, MEd2; Charles J. Prestigiacomo, MD4; Shilpi Mittal, MD5,6; Tapan Mehta, MBBS, MPH7; Hayden LaFever, MA5; Pablo Harker, MD1; Hilary E. Wilson-Perez, PhD4; Kalli A. Beasley, MPH1; Neeharika Krothapalli, DO7; Emily Lippincott, MD3; Heather Stefek, MD3; Michael Froehler, MD, PhD5,8; Rohan Chitale, MD8; Matthew Fusco, MD8; Aaron Grossman, MD, PhD1; Peyman Shirani, MD1; Matthew Smith, MD1; Matthew N. Jaffa, DO7; Sharon D. Yeatts, PhD9; Gregory W. Albers, MD10; Jonathan P. Wanderer, MD, MPhil11; Juliana Tolles, MD12; Christopher J. Lindsell, PhD2,13; Roger J. Lewis, MD, PhD12,14; Gordon R. Bernard, MD15; Pooja Khatri, MD, MSc1

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.14330

September 5, 2023, Vol 330, No. 9, Pages 787-886

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Intensive vs Conventional Blood Pressure Lowering After Endovascular Thrombectomy in Acute Ischemic Stroke

Hyo Suk Nam, MD, PhD1; Young Dae Kim, MD, PhD1; JoonNyung Heo, MD1; Hyungwoo Lee, MD1; Jae Wook Jung, MD1; Jin Kyo Choi, MD1; Il Hyung Lee, MD1; In Hwan Lim, MD1; Soon-Ho Hong, MD1; Minyoul Baik, MD1; Byung Moon Kim, MD, PhD2; Dong Joon Kim, MD, PhD2; Na-Young Shin, MD2; Bang-Hoon Cho, MD3; Seong Hwan Ahn, MD4; Hyungjong Park, MD5; Sung-Il Sohn, MD, PhD5; Jeong-Ho Hong, MD, PhD5; Tae-Jin Song, MD, PhD6; Yoonkyung Chang, MD, PhD7; Gyu Sik Kim, MD8; Kwon-Duk Seo, MD8; Kijeong Lee, MD8; Jun Young Chang, MD, PhD9; Jung Hwa Seo, MD10; Sukyoon Lee, MD10; Jang-Hyun Baek, MD11; Han-Jin Cho, MD, PhD12; Dong Hoon Shin, MD, PhD13; Jinkwon Kim, MD, PhD14; Joonsang Yoo, MD14; Kyung-Yul Lee, MD15; Yo Han Jung, MD, PhD15; Yang-Ha Hwang, MD, PhD16; Chi Kyung Kim, MD, PhD17; Jae Guk Kim, MD18; Chan Joo Lee, MD, PhD19; Sungha Park, MD, PhD20; Hye Sun Lee, PhD21; Sun U. Kwon, MD, PhD9; Oh Young Bang, MD, PhD22; Craig S. Anderson, MBBS, PhD23; Ji Hoe Heo, MD, PhD1; for the OPTIMAL-BP Trial Investigators

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.14590

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Single-Dose Psilocybin Treatment for Major Depressive Disorder

Charles L. Raison, MD1; Gerard Sanacora, MD, PhD2; Joshua Woolley, MD, PhD3,4; Keith Heinzerling, MD5; Boadie W. Dunlop, MD, MS6; Randall T. Brown, MD, PhD7; Rishi Kakar, MD8; Michael Hassman, DO9; Rupal P. Trivedi, MD10; Reid Robison, MD11,12; Natalie Gukasyan, MD13; Sandeep M. Nayak, MD13; Xiaojue Hu, MD14; Kelley C. O’Donnell, MD, PhD14; Benjamin Kelmendi, MD2; Jordan Sloshower, MD, MSc2; Andrew D. Penn, RN, MS, NP3,15; Ellen Bradley, MD3,4; Daniel F. Kelly, MD5; Tanja Mletzko, MA6; Christopher R. Nicholas, PhD7; Paul R. Hutson, PharmD16; Gary Tarpley, PhD1; Malynn Utzinger, MD1; Kelsey Lenoch, BS1; Kasia Warchol, BS1; Theraysa Gapasin, MS, aMFT1; Mike C. Davis, MD, PhD1; Courtney Nelson-Douthit, BS17; Steffanie Wilson, PhD17; Carrie Brown, MA17; William Linton, BS1; Matthew W. Johnson, PhD13; Stephen Ross, MD14; Roland R. Griffiths, PhD13,18

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.14530

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Eye-Tracking–Based Measurement of Social Visual Engagement Compared With Expert Clinical Diagnosis of Autism

Warren Jones, PhD1,2,3; Cheryl Klaiman, PhD1,2; Shana Richardson, PhD1; Christa Aoki, PhD1; Christopher Smith, PhD4; Mendy Minjarez, PhD5; Raphael Bernier, PhD5; Ernest Pedapati, MD6; Somer Bishop, PhD7; Whitney Ence, PhD7; Allison Wainer, PhD8; Jennifer Moriuchi, PhD8; Sew-Wah Tay, PhD9; Ami Klin, PhD1,2,3

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.13295

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US Postgraduate Trainee Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Representation and Faculty Compensation By Specialty

Michael O. Mensah, MD, MHS, MPH1; Dalia Owda, MD2; Efe C. Ghanney Simons, MD3; Louisa W. Holaday, MD, MHS4; Sidra N. Bonner, MD, MPH, MSc5; Christina Mangurian, MD, MAS6; Joseph S. Ross, MD, MHS7

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.14139

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Creation and Adoption of Large Language Models in Medicine

Nigam H. Shah, MBBS, PhD1,2,3; David Entwistle, BS, MHSA1; Michael A. Pfeffer, MD1,2

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.14217

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An AI-Enhanced Electronic Health Record Could Boost Primary Care Productivity

Jeffrey E. Harris, MD, PhD1,2

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.14525

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Health Communication Science in the Balance

Dean Schillinger, MD1; Richard J. Baron, MD2

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.14763

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Principles to Inform Risk Adjustment Policy

Daniel M. Horn, MD1,2; Amol S. Navathe, MD, PhD3,4

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.12830

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Guiding Risk Adjustment Models Toward Machine Learning Methods

Gary E. Weissman, MD, MSHP1,2; Karen E. Joynt Maddox, MD, MPH3,4

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.12920

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Learning to Fly

Julia A. Wagner, MD, PhD1

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.14906

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Blood Pressure Management After Successful Thrombectomy

Amrou Sarraj, MD1,2

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.14588

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Psychedelic Therapy—A New Paradigm of Care for Mental Health

Rachel Yehuda, PhD1,2; Amy Lehrner, PhD1,2

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.12900

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Could an Eye-Tracking Test Aid Clinicians in Making an Autism Diagnosis?

Geraldine Dawson, PhD1

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.3092

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AI in Medicine—JAMA’s Focus on Clinical Outcomes, Patient-Centered Care, Quality, and Equity

Rohan Khera, MD, MS1; Atul J. Butte, MD, PhD2; Michael Berkwits, MD, MSCE3; Yulin Hswen, ScD, MPH4; Annette Flanagin, RN, MA5; Hannah Park6; Gregory Curfman, MD7; Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, PhD, MD, MAS8

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.15481

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Gestational Diabetes and Long-Term Cardiometabolic Health

Kartik K. Venkatesh, MD, PhD1; Sadiya S. Khan, MD, MSc2,3; Camille E. Powe, MD4

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.14997

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Large Language Models Answer Medical Questions Accurately, but Can’t Match Clinicians’ Knowledge

Emily Harris

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.14311

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Why Blood Type Seems to Be Linked With COVID-19 Risk

Rita Rubin, MA

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.15996

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CDC Recommends RSV Immunization for Infants

Emily Harris

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.13933

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Even Without Hypertension, Daily Alcohol May Increase Blood Pressure

Emily Harris

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.13934

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Breast Cancer Overdiagnosis Common Among Older Women

Emily Harris

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.13935

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Federal Government Announces Long COVID Trials, Research Office

Emily Harris

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.13936

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New Federal Dementia Care Model Supports Caregivers Too

Emily Harris

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.13937

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Mounting Evidence Suggests Leprosy Is Endemic in Florida

Emily Harris

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.13938

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How Sleep Apnea Contributes to Cardiovascular Disease

Emily Harris

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.13939

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Short Walks While Hospitalized May Improve Older Patients’ Outcomes

Emily Harris

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.13940

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Trial: AI-Supported Mammography Screening Is Safe, Time-Saving

Emily Harris

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.13941

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Communicating Risk Perceptions Through Batik Art

Reuben Ng, PhD1,2; Nicole Indran, BSocSci1; Pablo Suarez, PhD2,3

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.14278

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Juvenile Sonata

Elmo Frickman, MD1

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.14315

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Oral Nonprescription Pain Medications for Adults

Sarah E. Vordenberg, PharmD, MPH1

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.11725

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Four-Factor Prothrombin Complex Concentrate for Patients With Trauma

Chia-Hao Hsu, MD1; Pei-Hsi Chou, MD, PhD2; Nin-Chieh Hsu, MD, PhD3

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.11665

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Four-Factor Prothrombin Complex Concentrate for Patients With Trauma

Tomohiko Sato, MD, PhD1; Kotaro Kida, MD, PhD2; Shigeki Miyata, MD, PhD3

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.11668

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Four-Factor Prothrombin Complex Concentrate for Patients With Trauma—Reply

Pierre Bouzat, MD, PhD1; Tobias Gauss, MD1

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.11671

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US Hepatitis C Elimination Plan

Alec J. Calac, BS1; Tiana McMann, MA2; Tim K. Mackey, MAS, PhD2

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.11760

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US Hepatitis C Elimination Plan

Justin Berk, MD, MPH, MBA1; Alain Litwin, MD2; Matthew Murphy, MD3

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.11757

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US Hepatitis C Elimination Plan—Reply

Rachael L. Fleurence, MSc, PhD1; Francis S. Collins, MD, PhD1

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.11763

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Early Pregnancy Loss

Alizée Froeliger, MD, MPH1; Catherine Deneux-Tharaux, MD, PhD2; Loïc Sentilhes, MD, PhD1

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.11786

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Early Pregnancy Loss—Reply

Sara N. Neill, MD, MPH1

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.11789

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Incorrect Dates in Figure Footnotes and Legend

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.15606

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Incorrect Results Detail and Author Names; Incomplete List of Study Investigators and Nonauthor Collaborators

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.12973

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Missing Row and Incorrect Information in Table

doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.16104

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