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Kenyan Policy on Organ Donation, Transfusion, and Transplantation: Implications for Africa and the Greater Transplant Community.

Gianaris, Kevin BA 1; Koech, Matthew MD 2; Hardy, Mark A. MD 3; Bagha, Hussein MD 4; Twahir, Ahmed MD 5,6

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004831

Volume 108(2) pgs. 303-578,e18-e22 February 2024

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Research Highlights.

Short, Sarah MBBS 1; Issa, Fadi DPhil FRCS 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004917

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Gaining Deeper Insights Into Mechanisms of T Cell-Mediated Acute Kidney Graft Injury.

Baldwin, William M. 3rd MD 1,2; Valujskikh, Anna PhD 1,2; Fairchild, Robert L. PhD 1,2

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004893

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Gabriel M. Danovitch, MD, FRCP (Hon).

Danovitch, Gabriel M. MD, FRCP (Hon) 1,2

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004892

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The American Society of Transplant Surgeons Consensus Statement on Normothermic Regional Perfusion.

Wall, Anji E. MD, PhD 1; Adams, Bradley L. JD 2; Brubaker, Aleah MD, PhD 3; Chang, Cherylee W.J. MD 4; Croome, Kristopher P. MD 5; Frontera, Jennifer MD 6; Gordon, Elisa PhD, MPH 7; Hoffman, Jordan MD, MPH 8; Kaplan, Lewis J. MD, FCCP, FCCM 9,10; Kumar, Deepali MD, FRCPC 11; Levisky, Josh MD, MS 12; Minambres, Eduardo MD, PhD 13; Parent, Brendan JD 14; Watson, Christopher MD, BChir 15; Zemmar, Ajmal MD, PhD 16; Pomfret, Elizabeth A. MD, PhD 17

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004894

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The Nuances of Hand Transplantation After Sepsis.

Zuo, Kevin J. MD, MASc 1; Leonard, David A. PhD, FRCS (Plast) 2,3; Shores, Jaimie T. MD 4; Talbot, Simon G. MD 5

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004665

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Lessons From a Rare Randomized Controlled Trial of Immunosuppressant Management After Kidney Transplantation.

Chapman, Jeremy MD 1; Silva, Helio Tedesco MD, PhD 2; Bromberg, Jonathan MD, PhD 3

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004819

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Partners in Crime: Inferring Cell-to-cell Interactions in Kidney Allograft Rejection From Single-cell RNA Sequencing.

Thareja, Gaurav BS 1; Muthukumar, Thangamani MD 2

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004763

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Post-kidney Transplant Delirium: The Vulnerable Brain and Kidney Exposed-A Commentary on Ruck et al "Association of Postoperative Delirium With Incident Dementia and Graft Outcomes Among Kidney Transplant Recipients".

Irish, Ashley B. MBBS, FRACP 1,2

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004780

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What Can the Developing World (and Others) Learn From the Indian Experience in Crossing the ABO Blood Group Barrier in Kidney Transplantation.

Amer, Hatem MD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004790

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Simultaneous Heart and Kidney Transplantation for LVAD-supported Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease?.

Barua, Sumita MBBS 1,2,3; Hayward, Christopher S. MD 1,2,3,4; Macdonald, Peter S. MD, PhD 1,2,3

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004782

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Thermo-ablation of Renal Allograft Tumors: Every Patient, and Every Nephron, Counts.

Altshuler, Peter J. MD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004788

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Imlifidase Desensitization in HLA-incompatible Kidney Transplantation: Finding the Sweet Spot.

de Weerd, Annelies E. MD, PhD 1; Roelen, Dave L. PhD 2; van de Wetering, Jacqueline MD, PhD 1; Betjes, Michiel G.H. MD, PhD 1; Heidt, Sebastiaan PhD 2; Reinders, Marlies E.J. MD, PhD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004689

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Outcomes of Kidney Transplantation in Patients That Underwent Bariatric Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

Pencovich, Niv MD, PhD 1; Long, Jane J. MD 1; Smith, Byron H. PhD 1; Kinzelman-Vesely, Elissa A. MLIS, MA 2; Sudhindran, Vineeth MD 1; Ryan, Randi J. MD 1; Stegall, Mark D. MD 1; Kukla, Aleksandra MD 3; Diwan, Tayyab S. MD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004680

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The Long Road to Develop Custom-built Livers: Current Status of 3D Liver Bioprinting.

Cross-Najafi, Arthur A. MD 1; Farag, Kristine BS 1; Chen, Angela M. MD, MS 1; Smith, Lester J. PhD 2,3; Zhang, Wenjun PhD 1; Li, Ping PhD 1; Ekser, Burcin MD, PhD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004668

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Revisiting the Use of Ulysses Contracts in Xenotransplantation.

Hurst, Daniel J. PhD, ThM 1; Padilla, Luz MD, MSPH 2; Schiff, Tamar MD 3; Parent, Brendan JD 3

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004679

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Extracellular Vesicles in Transplantation: Friend or Foe.

Bansal, Sandhya PhD 1; Rahman, Mohammad MD, PhD 1; Ravichandran, Ranjithkumar PhD 1; Canez, Jesse MS 1; Fleming, Timothy PhD 1; Mohanakumar, Thalachallour PhD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004693

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T-B Collaboration in Autoimmunity, Infection, and Transplantation.

DiToro, Daniel MD, PhD 1,2; Murakami, Naoka MD, PhD 3; Pillai, Shiv MBBS, PhD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004671

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Current Advances in Graft-versus-host Disease After Intestinal Transplantation.

Oza, Kesha MD 1,2; Kang, Jiman PhD 1,3; Patil, Digvijay PhD 1; Owen, Kathryn L. PharmD 1; Cui, Wanxing MD 1,3; Khan, Khalid MD 1; Kaufman, Stuart S. MD 1; Kroemer, Alexander MD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004703

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Telemedicine for Kidney Transplant Recipients: Current State, Advantages, and Barriers.

Hezer, Bartu MSc 1; Massey, Emma K. PhD 1; Reinders, Marlies E.J. MD, PhD 1; Tielen, Mirjam PhD 1; van de Wetering, Jacqueline MD, PhD 1; Hesselink, Dennis A. MD, PhD 1; van den Hoogen, Martijn W.F. MD, PhD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004660

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Sequencing of Physically Interacting Cells in Human Kidney Allograft Rejection to Infer Contact-dependent Immune Cell Transcription.

Leckie-Harre, Aidan BA 1; Silverman, Isabel BS 1; Wu, Haojia PhD 1; Humphreys, Benjamin D. MD, PhD 1,2; Malone, Andrew F. MD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004762

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Multiomics Data Reveal the Important Role of ANXA2R in T Cell-mediated Rejection After Renal Transplantation.

Zhang, Di MD 1,2; Zhang, He MD 1,2; Lu, Jun MD 3; Hu, Xiaopeng MD 1,2

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004754

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Using Regression Equations to Enhance Interpretation of Histology Lesions of Kidney Transplant Rejection.

Sikosana, Majid L.N. MD 1; Reeve, Jeff PhD 2; Madill-Thomsen, Katelynn S. PhD 2; Halloran, Philip F. MD, PhD 1,2; the INTERCOMEX Investigators; Mannon, Roslyn; Seron, Daniel; Sellares, Joanna; Akalin, Enver; de Freitas, Declan; Picton, Michael; Bromberg, Jonathan; Weir, Matt; Budde, Klemens; Heinbokel, Timm; Einecke, Gunilla; Yang, Harold; Narins, Seth; Samaniego-Picota, Milagros; Myslak, Marek; Perkowska-Ptasinska, Agnieszka; Bingaman, Adam; Brennan, Daniel; Malone, Andrew; Kasiske, Bertram; Matas, Arthur; Djamali, Arjang; Bohmig, Georg; Eskandary, Farsad; Gupta, Gaurav

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004783

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Hilar Anatomy in 3035 Living Liver Donors: A Novel Classification for Donor Surgery and Suitability, Hepatic Surgeries, and Hepatobiliary Interventions.

Rastogi, Amit MS 1; Gupta, Ankur A. MS 1; Piplani, Tarun MD 2; Yadav, Kamal S. MS 1; K. V., Fysal MS 1; Bhangui, Prashant MS 1; Soin, Arvinder S. MS, FRCS 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004807

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Three-dimensional Liver Model Application for Liver Transplantation.

Sanchez-Garcia, Jorge MD 1,2; Lopez-Verdugo, Fidel MD 1,2; Shorti, Rami PhD 3; Krong, Jake 4; Kastenberg, Zachary J. MD 1,5; Walters, Shannon MS 6; Gagnon, Andrew MD 2; Paci, Philippe MD 2; Zendejas, Ivan MD 2; Alonso, Diane MD 2; Fujita, Shiro MD, PhD 1,2; Contreras, Alan G. MD 1,2; Botha, Jean MD 1,2; Esquivel, Carlos O. MD, PhD 7; Rodriguez-Davalos, Manuel I. MD 1,8

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004730

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Donor Diabetes and Steatosis Affects Recipient Survival Following Liver Transplantation Based on Etiology of Liver Cirrhosis.

Lim, Wen Hui MBBS 1; Ng, Cheng Han MBBS 2; Tan, Darren Jun Hao MBBS 1; Xiao, Jieling MBBS 1; Fu, Clarissa Elysia MBBS 1; Ong, Christen MBBS 1; Koh, Benjamin MBBS 1; Chung, Charlotte MBBS 1; Tan, Shi Ni MBBS 1; Wong, Zhen Yu MBBS 3; Mitchell, Kimberly MHA 4; Joseph, Ayana Andrews MPH 4; Tseng, Michael MD 5; Syn, Nicholas MBBS 1; Mak, Lung Yi MD 6; Fung, James MBChB 6; Huang, Daniel Q. MBBS 1,2,7; Muthiah, Mark MBBS 1,2,7; Tan, Eunice X.X. MBBS 1,2,7; Siddiqui, Mohammad Shadab MD 5

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004718

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Mismatched Postsurgical Opioid Prescription to Liver Transplant Patients: A Retrospective Cohort Study From a Single High-volume Transplant Center.

Chen, Victoria J. 1,2; Guan, Lucy S. MPH 1,3; Bokoch, Michael P. MD, PhD 1; Langnas, Erica MD, MPH 1; Kothari, Rishi MD 1; Croci, Rhiannon BSN, RN-BC 4; Campbell, Liam J. MS 1,5; Quan, David PharmD 6; Freise, Chris MD 6; Guan, Zhonghui MD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004728

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Brief PROMIS Assessment Screens for Frailty and Predicts Hospitalizations in Liver Transplant Candidates.

Thuluvath, Avesh J. MD, MS 1,2; Duarte-Rojo, Andres MD, PhD 3; Lai, Jennifer C. MD, MBA 4; Peipert, John PhD 1,5; Dietch, Zachary C. MD 1,6; Siddiqui, Osama BS 1; Morrissey, Sheila PT 1,7; Belfanti, Kimberly PT 1,7; Zhao, Lihui PhD 8; Guo, Kexin MS 8; Nizamuddin, Mohammad MA 1; Polineni, Praneet BA 1; Levitsky, Josh MD, MS 1,2; Flores, Ann-Marie PT, PhD, CLT 1,5,7,9; Ladner, Daniela P. MD, MPH 1,5,6

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004741

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Decreased Utilization Rate of Grafts for Liver Transplantation After Implementation of Acuity Circle-based Allocation.

Bekki, Yuki MD, PhD 1; Myers, Bryan MD 1; Tomiyama, Koji MD, PhD 2; Imaoka, Yuki MD, PhD 3; Akabane, Miho MD 3; Kwong, Allison J. MD, MS 4; Melcher, Marc L. MD, PhD 3; Sasaki, Kazunari MD 3

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004751

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Prediction of Biliary Complications After Human Liver Transplantation Using Hyperspectral Imaging and Convolutional Neural Networks: A Proof-of-concept Study.

Fodor, Margot MD 1; Zelger, Philipp PhD 2; Pallua, Johannes D. PhD 3; Huck, Christian W. MSc 4; Hofmann, Julia MSc 1; Otarashvili, Giorgi MD 1; Puhringer, Marlene MSc 1; Zelger, Bettina MD 5; Hermann, Martin PhD 1; Resch, Thomas MD, PhD 1; Cardini, Benno MD 1; Oberhuber, Rupert MD, PhD 1; Ofner, Dietmar MD 1; Sucher, Robert MD, MBA 6; Hautz, Theresa MD, PhD 1; Schneeberger, Stefan MD, MBA 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004757

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Kidney Donation After Circulatory Death Using Thoracoabdominal Normothermic Regional Perfusion: The Largest Report of the United States Experience.

Zhou, Alice L. MS 1; Leng, Albert BA 1; Ruck, Jessica M. MD 1; Akbar, Armaan F. BS 1; Desai, Niraj M. MD 1; King, Elizabeth A. MD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004801

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Survival After Simultaneous Heart-kidney Transplant in Recipients With a Durable LVAD and Chronic Kidney Disease: Effect of the 2018 Heart Allocation Policy Change.

Fraser, Meg DNP, ANP-C 1; Agdamag, Arianne C. MD 1; Riad, Samy MD 2; Nzemenoh, Bellony N. MD 3; Jackson, Scott MS 4; Money, Joel MD 1; Knoper, Ryan MD 5; Martin, Cindy M. MD 1; Alexy, Tamas MD, PhD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004781

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Association of Postoperative Delirium With Incident Dementia and Graft Outcomes Among Kidney Transplant Recipients.

Ruck, Jessica M. MD 1; Chu, Nadia M. MPH, PhD 1,2; Liu, Yi MS 3; Li, Yiting MPH 3; Chen, Yusi MHS 3; Mathur, Aarti MD, PhD 1; Carlson, Michelle C. PhD 4; Crews, Deidra C. MD 5; Chodosh, Joshua MD 6,7; Segev, Dorry L. MD, PhD 3,6; McAdams-DeMarco, Mara PhD 3,6

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004779

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Feasibility of Interleukin-6 Receptor Blockade in Cardiac Antibody-mediated Rejection.

Pottebaum, April A. PharmD 1; January, Spenser E. PharmD 1; Liu, Chang MD, PhD 2; Lavine, Steven MD 3; Schilling, Joel D. MD, PhD 4; Lavine, Kory J. MD, PhD 4

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004784

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A Multicenter Retrospective Cohort Study on Management Protocols and Clinical Outcomes After ABO-incompatible Kidney Transplantation in India.

Kute, Vivek B. MD, DM 1,2; Pathak, Vivek MD, DNB 3; Ray, Deepak S. MD, DM 4; Bhalla, Anil K. MD, DM 5; Godara, Suraj M. MD, DM 6; Narayanan, Sajith MD, DM 7; Hegde, Umapati MD, DNB 8; Das, Pratik MD, DM 4; Jha, Pranaw Kumar MD, DNB 9; Kher, Vijay MD, DM 10; Dalal, Sonal MD, DNB 11; Bahadur, Madan M. MD, DNB 12; Gang, Sishir MD, DM 8; Sinha, Vijay Kumar MD, DNB 13; Patel, Himanshu V. MD, DNB 1,2; Deshpande, Rushi MD, DM 12; Mali, Manish MD, DNB 14; Sharma, Ashish MS 15; Das, Sushree Sashmita DNB 4; Thukral, Sharmila MD, DNB 4; Shingare, Ashay MD, DNB 12; BT, Anil Kumar MD, DNB 16; Hafeeq, Benil MD, DM 17; Aziz, Feroz MD, DM 17; Aboobacker, Ismail N. MD 7; Gopinathan, Jyotish Chalil MD, DM 17; Dave, Rutul M. MD, DM 11; Bansal, Dinesh MD, DM 9; Anandh, Urmila MD, DM 18; Singh, Sarbpreet MS 15; Kriplani, Jai MD, DNB 19; Bavikar, Suhas MD, DNB 20; Siddini, Vishwanath MD, DNB 21; Balan, Satish MD, DM 22; Singla, Manish MD, DM 23; Chauhan, Munish MD, DM 23; Tripathi, Vidyanand MD, DNB 24; Patwari, Devang MD, DM 25; Abraham, Abi M. MD, DM 26; Chauhan, Sanshriti MD, DM 1,2; Meshram, Hari Shankar MD, DM 1,2

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004789

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Comparison of 2 Immunosuppression Minimization Strategies in Kidney Transplantation: The ALLEGRO Trial.

van den Born, Joost C. MD, PhD 1; Meziyerh, Soufian MD 2,3,4; Vart, Priya PhD 1,5; Bakker, Stephan J.L. MD, PhD 1; Berger, Stefan P. MD, PhD 1; Florquin, Sandrine MD, PhD 6; de Fijter, Johan W. MD, PhD 2; Gomes-Neto, Antonio W. MD, PhD 1; Idu, Mirza M. MD, PhD 7; Pol, Robert A. MD, PhD 8; Roelen, Dave L. PhD 9; van Sandwijk, Marit S. MD, PhD 10; de Vries, Dorottya K. MD, PhD 3,4; de Vries, Aiko P.J. MD, PhD 2,3,4; Bemelman, Frederike J. MD, PhD 10; Sanders, Jan Stephan F. MD, PhD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004776

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Thermoablative Treatment of De Novo Tumor in Kidney Allograft.

Bodard, Sylvain MD 1,2,3,4,5; Boudhabhay, Idris MD 2,6; Dariane, Charles MD, PhD 2,7; Delavaud, Christophe MD 1; Guinebert, Sylvain MD, PhD 1,2; Guetat, Pierre MD 1; Mejean, Arnaud MD, PhD 2,7; Timsit, Marc-Olivier MD, PhD 2,7; Anglicheau, Dany MD, PhD 2,6; Joly, Dominique MD, PhD 2,6; Helenon, Olivier MD 1,2; Correas, Jean-Michel MD, PhD 1,2,3

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004787

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Lacrimal Gland Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder in Children: The First Case Report.

Rockenbach, Mariana G. MD 1; Feltran, Luciana de Santis MD 1; Macedo, Carla R.P.D. MD 2,3; Teixeira, Luiz Fernando MD 2,4; Camargo, Maria Fernanda C. MD 1; Koch-Nogueira, Paulo Cesar PhD 1,5

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004885

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"Real Women": The Shared Responsibility to Use Gender-affirming Language.

Badenoch, Heather BCom 1,2; Butler-Foster, Terrie MSN 3; Gongal, Patricia A. PhD 2,4,5; West, Lori J. OC, MD, DPhil 2,4,5

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004854

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Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Liver Transplantation for Alcohol-associated Liver Diseases in the United States.

Elsokary, Khaled DO 1; Samuel, Sonia DO 1; Koizumi, Naoru PhD 2; Ortiz, Jorge MD 3

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004863

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The Authors' Reply.

Anouti, Ahmad MD 1; Patel, Mausam J. MD 2; Zhang, Bill Y. BS 3; Singal, Amit G. MD, MS 1; Mitchell, Mack C. MD 1; Cotter, Thomas G. MD, MS 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004864

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