Clinical Infectious Diseases

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doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad713

Volume 78(1) pgs. i-iv,1-231,e1-e11 January 15, 2024

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Executive Summary: State-of-the-Art Review: Persistent Enterococcal Bacteremia.

Rogers, Ralph; Rice, Louis B

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad613

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Personal Stories From a World Turned Upside Down: Introducing the Voices of ID Collection.

Bares, Sara H; Sax, Paul E

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad588

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Embracing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Am I Part of the Picture?.

Foong, Kap Sum

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad490

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Emerging Roles of (1->3)-[beta]-D-Glucan in Cerebrospinal Fluid for Detection and Therapeutic Monitoring of Invasive Fungal Diseases of the Central Nervous System.

Walsh, Thomas J; Zhang, Sean X

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad520

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Individualized Antibiotic Plans as a Quality Improvement Initiative to Reduce Carbapenem Use for Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Patients at a Freestanding Pediatric Hospital.

Brothers, Adam W; Pak, Daniel J; Poole, Nicole M; Kronman, Matthew P; Bettinger, Brendan; Wilkes, Jennifer J; Carpenter, Paul A; Englund, Janet A; Weissman, Scott J

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad518

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Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Inpatient Antibiotic Use in the United States, January 2019 Through July 2022.

O'Leary, Erin N; Neuhauser, Melinda M; Srinivasan, Arjun; Dubendris, Heather; Webb, Amy K; Soe, Minn M; Hicks, Lauri A; Wu, Hsiu; Kabbani, Sarah; Edwards, Jonathan R

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad453

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Identifying Effective Durations of Antibiotic Therapy for the Treatment of Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales Bloodstream Infections: A Multicenter Observational Study.

Soto, Caitlin L; Hsu, Alice J; Lee, Jae Hyoung; Dzintars, Kathryn; Choudhury, Rebecca; Jenkins, Timothy C; McCreary, Erin K; Quartuccio, Katelyn S; Stohs, Erica J; Zimmerman, Matty; Tamma, Pranita D

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad476

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Clinical and Genomic Characterization of a Cohort of Patients With Klebsiella pneumoniae Bloodstream Infection.

Roach, David J; Sridhar, Sushmita; Oliver, Elizabeth; Rao, Sowmya R; Slater, Damien M; Hwang, Wontae; Hutt Vater, Kian; Dinesh, Anupama; Qadri, Firdausi; Chisti, Mohammod J; Pierce, Virginia M; Turbett, Sarah E; Bhattacharyya, Roby P; Worby, Colin J; Earl, Ashlee M; LaRocque, Regina C; Harris, Jason B

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad507

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Rifampin Based Therapy for Patients With Staphylococcus aureus Native Vertebral Osteomyelitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

El Zein, Said; Berbari, Elie F; Passerini, Matteo; Petri, Francesco; Maamari, Julian; Murad, M Hassan; Sendi, Parham; Tande, Aaron J

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad560

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Immunogenicity of High-Dose Versus MF59-Adjuvanted Versus Standard Influenza Vaccine in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients: The Swiss/Spanish Trial in Solid Organ Transplantation on Prevention of Influenza (STOP-FLU Trial).

Mombelli, Matteo; Neofytos, Dionysios; Huynh-Do, Uyen; Sanchez-Cespedes, Javier; Stampf, Susanne; Golshayan, Dela; Dahdal, Suzan; Stirnimann, Guido; Schnyder, Aurelia; Garzoni, Christian; Venzin, Reto M; Magenta, Lorenzo; Schonenberger, Melanie; Walti, Laura; Hirzel, Cedric; Munting, Aline; Dickenmann, Michael; Koller, Michael; Aubert, John-David; Steiger, Jurg; Pascual, Manuel; Mueller, Thomas F; Schuurmans, Mace; Berger, Christoph; Binet, Isabelle; Villard, Jean; Mueller, Nicolas J; Egli, Adrian; Cordero, Elisa; van Delden, Christian; Manuel, Oriol; the Swiss Transplant Cohort Study

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad477

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Cost-Effectiveness of Universal Asymptomatic Preoperative SARS-CoV-2 Polymerase Chain Reaction Screening: A Cost-Utility Analysis.

Uno, Shunsuke; Goto, Rei; Honda, Kimiko; Uchida, Sho; Uwamino, Yoshifumi; Namkoong, Ho; Yoshifuji, Ayumi; Mikita, Kei; Takano, Yaoko; Matsumoto, Morio; Kitagawa, Yuko; Hasegawa, Naoki

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad463

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Impact of SARS-CoV-2 Arrival Surveillance Screening by Nucleic Acid Amplification Versus Rapid Antigen Detection on Subsequent COVID-19 Infections in Military Trainees.

Cybulski, Daniel J; Matthews, Zachary; Kieffer, John W; Casey, Theresa M; Osuna, Angela B; Kasper, Korey; Frankel, Dianne N; Aden, James; Yun, Heather C; Marcus, Joseph E

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad466

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Long-term Cardiovascular, Cerebrovascular, and Other Thrombotic Complications in COVID-19 Survivors: A Retrospective Cohort Study.

Lim, Jue Tao; Liang En, Wee; Tay, An Ting; Pang, Deanette; Chiew, Calvin J; Ong, Benjamin; Lye, David Chien Boon; Tan, Kelvin Bryan

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad469

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Powassan Virus Encephalitis: A Tertiary Center Experience.

Mendoza, Maria Alejandra; Hass, Reece M; Vaillant, James; Johnson, Derek R; Theel, Elitza S; Toledano, Michel; Abu Saleh, Omar

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad454

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Relationships Between Schistosoma mansoni Infection Intensity and Nutritional Status and Anemia Among Preschool-aged Children in Uganda.

Colt, Susannah; Miller, Cole D; Edielu, Andrew; Webb, Emily L; Mawa, Patrice A; Wu, Hannah W; Nakyesige, Racheal; Muheki, Edridah; Kabatereine, Narcis; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Friedman, Jennifer F

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad470

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Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation-Dependent Fulminant Melioidosis From Caspase 4 Mutation Reversed by Interferon Gamma Therapy.

Amali, Aseervatham Anusha; Ravikumar, Sharada; Chew, Wei Leong; Tan, Zhaohong; Sam, Qi Hui; Chen, Kaiwen W; Boucher, Dave; MacLaren, Graeme; Chai, Louis Yi Ann

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad517

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Antiretroviral Drug Exposure and Response in Obese and Morbidly Obese People With Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV): A Study Combining Modelling and Swiss HIV Cohort Data.

Berton, Mattia; Bettonte, Sara; Stader, Felix; Decosterd, Laurent; Tarr, Philip E; Livio, Francoise; Cavassini, Matthias; Braun, Dominique L; Kusejko, Katharina; Hachfeld, Anna; Bernasconi, Enos; Calmy, Alexandra; Schmid, Patrick; Battegay, Manuel; Marzolini, Catia; the Swiss HIV Cohort Study; Abela, Irene; Aebi-Popp, Karoline; Anagnostopoulos, Alexia; Battegay, Manuel; Bernasconi, Enos; Braun, Dominique Laurent; Bucher, Heiner; Calmy, Alexandra; Cavassini, Matthias; Ciuffi, Angela; Dollenmaier, Gunter; Egger, Matthias; Elzi, Luigia; Fehr, Jan; Fellay, Jacques; Furrer, Hansjakob; Fux, Christoph; Gunthard, Huldrych; Hachfeld, Anna; Haerry, David; Hasse, Barbara; Hirsch, Hans; Hoffmann, Matthias; Hosli, Irene; Huber, Michael; Jackson-Perry, David; Kahlert, Christian; Kaiser, Laurent; Keiser, Olivia; Klimkait, Thomas; Kouyos, Roger Dimitri; Kovari, Helen; Kusejko, Katharina; Labhardt, Niklaus; Leuzinger, Karoline; de Tejada, Begona Martinez; Marzolini, Catia; Metzner, Karin J; Muller, Nicolas; Nemeth, Johannes; Nicca, Dunja; Notter, Julia; Paioni, Paolo; Pantaleo, Giuseppe; Perreau, Matthieu; Rauch, Andri; Salazar-Vizcaya, Luisa; Schmid, Patrick; Speck, Roberto; Stockle, Marcel; Tarr, Philip; Trkola, Alexandra; Wandeler, Gilles; Weisser, Maja; Yerly, Sabine

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad495

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Drastic Reduction in Time to Controlled Viral Load in People With Human Immunodeficiency Virus in France, 2009-2019: A Longitudinal Cohort Study.

Cuzin, Lise; Morisot, Adeline; Allavena, Clotilde; Lert, France; Pugliese, Pascal; the Dat'AIDS Study Group; Chirouze, C; Babre, O; Bouiller, K; Bozon, F; Brunel, A S; Chevalier, E; Hustache-Mathieu, L; Lagoutte, J; Lepiller, Q; Marty-Quinternet, S; Muret, P; Rosolen, B; Tissot, N; Jaffuel, S; Jacomet, C; Aumeran, C; Baud, O; Brebion, A; Corbin, V; Goncalvez, E; Henquell, C; Laurichesse, H; Lesens, O; Mazzocolin, D; Mirand, A; Mrozek, N; Theis, C; Vidal, M; Lamaury, I; Bissuel, F; Boulard, F; Curlier, E; Fabre, I; Halley, E; Herrmann-Storck, C; Guillou, C Le; Markowicz, S; Marquet, M; Ouissa, R; Receveur, M C; Reltien, J; Roger, P M; Tressieres, B; Merrien, D; Bollangier, O; Boucher, D; Guimard, T; Laine, L; Leautez, S; Morrier, M; Perre, P; Point, P; Faucher, J F;

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad530

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Misclassification of Loss to Care Among Persons With Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Improved Capture of Silent Transfers Through Surveillance Linkage Using Statewide Mandatorily Reported Laboratory Measures.

Sack, Daniel E; Brantley, Meredith; Ratliff, Melanie; Mathieson, Samantha; Turner, Megan; Pettit, April C; Sterling, Timothy R; Rebeiro, Peter F

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad461

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Long-acting Injectable Cabotegravir/Rilpivirine Effective in a Small Patient Cohort With Virologic Failure on Oral Antiretroviral Therapy.

Brock, James B; Herrington, Peyton; Hickman, Melissa; Hickman, Aubri

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad511

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Pregnancy Outcomes in Women Screened for Tuberculosis Infection in Swedish Antenatal Care.

Walles, John; Winqvist, Niclas; Hansson, Stefan R; Sturegard, Erik; Baqir, Haitham; Westman, Anna; Kjerstadius, Torbjorn; Schon, Thomas; Bjorkman, Per

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad465

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The Impact of Preventive Treatment for Multidrug- and Rifampin-Resistant Tuberculosis Exceeds Trial-Based Estimates.

Kasaie, Parastu; Pennington, Jeff; Gupta, Amita; Dowdy, David W; Kendall, Emily A

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad557

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Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes in Patients With Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis Treated With Regimens That Include New and Repurposed Drugs.

Lotia Farrukh, Ismat; Lachenal, Nathalie; Adenov, Malik M; Ahmed, Saman; Algozhin, Yerkebulan; Coutisson, Sylvine; Garavito, Epifanio Sanchez; Hewison, Catherine; Holtzman, David; Huerga, Helena; Janmohamed, Aleeza; Khan, Palwasha Y; Jacques, Gamarly Leblanc; Lomtadze, Nino; Melikyan, Nara; Mitnick, Carole D; Mussabekova, Gulnaz; Osso, Elna; Perea, Sara; Putri, Fauziah Asnely; Rashidov, Mahmud; Rich, Michael L; Sakhabutdinova, Yekaterina; Seung, Kwonjune J; Stambekova, Assel; Vasquez, Dante Vargas; Franke, Molly F; Khan, Uzma

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad445

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Pre-extensively Drug-Resistant Congenital Tuberculosis in an Extremely Premature Baby.

Boast, Alison; How, Jeu Ann; Lau, Charis; Sett, Arun; Gilby, Damien; Burke, Andrew; McWhinney, Brett; Wright, Connor; Tramontana, Adrian; Globan, Maria; Denholm, Justin; Graham, Stephen M; Osowicki, Joshua

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad540

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Cost-effectiveness of Low-complexity Screening Tests in Community-based Case-finding for Tuberculosis.

Brummer, Lukas E; Thompson, Ryan R; Malhotra, Akash; Shrestha, Sourya; Kendall, Emily A; Andrews, Jason R; Phillips, Patrick; Nahid, Payam; Cattamanchi, Adithya; Marx, Florian M; Denkinger, Claudia M; Dowdy, David W

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad501

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Estimating Post-treatment Recurrence After Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis Treatment Among Patients With and Without Human Immunodeficiency Virus: The Impact of Assumptions About Death and Missing Follow-up.

Sauer, Sara M; Mitnick, Carole D; Khan, Uzma; Hewison, Catherine; Bastard, Mathieu; Holtzman, David; Law, Stephanie; Khan, Munira; Padayachee, Shrivani; Ahmed, Saman; Isani, Afshan K; Krisnanda, Aga; Vilbrun, Stalz Charles; Bektasov, Sagit; Kumsa, Andargachew; Docteur, Wisney; Tintaya, Karen; McNicol, Mark; Atshemyan, Hakob; Voynilo, Tatiana; Thwe, Thin Thin; Seung, Kwonjune; Rich, Michael; Huerga, Helena; Khan, Palwasha; Franke, Molly

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad589

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Invasive Pneumococcal Disease and Potential Impact of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccines Among Adults, Including Persons Experiencing Homelessness-Alaska, 2011-2020.

Steinberg, Jonathan; Bressler, Sara S; Orell, Laurie; Thompson, Gail C; Kretz, Anthony; Reasonover, Alisa L; Bruden, Dana; Bruce, Michael G; Fischer, Marc

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad597

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Infective Endocarditis After Transcatheter Versus Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement.

Panagides, Vassili; Cuervo, Guillermo; Llopis, Jaume; Abdel-Wahab, Mohamed; Mangner, Norman; Habib, Gilbert; Regueiro, Ander; Mestres, Carlos A; Tornos, Pilar; Durand, Eric; Selton-Suty, Christine; Ihlemann, Nikolaj; Bruun, Niels; Urena, Marina; Cecchi, Enrico; Thiele, Holger; Durante-Mangoni, Emanuele; Pellegrini, Costanza; Eltchaninoff,

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad464

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How We Approach Suppressive Antibiotic Therapy Following Debridement, Antibiotics, and Implant Retention for Prosthetic Joint Infection.

Cortes-Penfield, Nicolas; Krsak, Martin; Damioli, Laura; Henry, Michael; Seidelman, Jessica; Hewlett, Angela; Certain, Laura

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad484

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A 22-Year-Old With a Left Apical Chest Mass.

Rybolt, Lauren; Oehler, Richard L; Khalil, Farah K; Khalil, Behroze; Toney, John F

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad524

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Respiratory Syncytial Virus Prefusion F Protein Vaccine Is Efficacious in Older Adults With Underlying Medical Conditions.

Feldman, Robert G; Antonelli-Incalzi, Raffaele; Steenackers, Katie; Lee, Dong-Gun; Papi, Alberto; Ison, Michael G; Fissette, Laurence; David, Marie-Pierre; Marechal, Celine; Van der Wielen, Marie; Kostanyan, Lusine; Hulstrom, Veronica; for the AReSVi-006 Study Group; Adams, Mark; Adams, Michael; Akite, Elaine Jacqueline; Alt, Ingrid; Andrews, Charles; Asatryan, Asmik; Athan, Eugene; Bahrami, Ghazaleh; Bargagli, Elena; Bhorat, Qasim; Bird, Paul; Borowy, Przemyslaw; Boutry, Celine; Brotons Cuixart, Carles; Browder, David; Brown, Judith; Buntinx, Erik; Cameron, Donald; Campora, Laura; Chinsky, Kenneth; Choi, Melissa; Choo, Eun-Ju; Collete, Delphine; Corral Carrillo, Maria; Davis, Matthew G; de Heusch, Magali; de Looze, Ferdinandus; De Meulemeester, Marc; De Negri, Ferdinando; De Schrevel, Nathalie; DeAtkine, David; Dedkova, Viktoriya; Descamps, Dominique; Dezutter, Nancy; Dzongowski, Peter; Eckermann, Tamara; Essink, Brandon; Faulkner, Karen; Ferguson, Murdo; Fuller, Gregory; Galan Melendez, Isabel Maria; Gentile, Ivan; Ghesquiere, Wayne; Grimard, Doria; Gruselle, Olivier; Halperin, Scott; Heer, Amardeep; Helman, Laura; Hotermans, Andre; Jelinek, Tomas; Kamerbeek, Jackie; Kim, Hyo Youl; Kimmel, Murray; Koch, Mark; Kokko, Satu; Koski, Susanna; Kotb, Shady; Lalueza, Antonio; Langley, Joanne M; Lee, Jin-Soo; Leroux-Roels, Isabel; Lins, Muriel; Lombaard, Johannes; Mahomed, Akbar; Malerba, Mario; Marechal, Celine; Martinon-Torres, Federico; Martinot, Jean-Benoit; Masuet-Aumatell, Cristina; McNally, Damien; Medina Pech, Carlos Eduardo; Mendez Galvan, Jorge; Mesaros, Narcisa Elena; Mesotten, Dieter; Mitha, Essack; Mngadi, Kathryn; Moeckesch, Beate; Montgomery, Barnaby; Murray, Linda; Nally, Rhiannon; Narejos Perez, Silvia; Newberg, Joseph; Nugent, Paul; Ochoa Mazarro, Dolores; Oda, Harunori; Olivier, Aurelie; Orso, Maurizio; Ortiz Molina, Jacinto; Pak, Tatiana; Park, Dae Won; Patel, Meenakshi; Patel, Minesh; Pedro Pijoan, Anna Maria; Perez Vera, Merce; Perez, Alberto Borobia; Perez-Breva, Lina; Pileggi, Claudia; Pregliasco, Fabrizio; Pretswell, Carol; Quinn, Dean; Reynolds, Michele; Romanenko, Viktor; Rosen, Jeffrey; Roy, Nathalie; Ruiz Antoran, Belen; Sakata, Hideaki; Sauter, Joachim; Schaefer, Axel; Schwarz, Tino F; Sein Anand, Izabela; Serra Rexach, Jose Antonio; Shu, David; Siig, Andres; Simon, William; Smakotina, Svetlana; Stephan, Brigitte; Tafuri, Silvio; Takazawa, Kenji; Tellier, Guy; Terryn, Wim; Tharenos, Leslie; Thomas, Nick; Toursarkissian, Nicole; Ukkonen, Benita; Vale, Noah; Van Landegem, Pieter-Jan; van Zyl-Smit, Richard N; Vanden Abeele, Carline; Verheust, Celine; Vermeersch, Lode; Vicco, Miguel; Vitale, Francesco; Voloshyna, Olga; White, Judith; Wie, Seong-Heon; Wilson, Jonathan; Ylisastigui, Pedro

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad471

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Evaluation of Intussusception Following Pentavalent Rotavirus Vaccine (RotaTeq) Administration in 5 African Countries.

Tate, Jacqueline E; Mwenda, Jason M; Keita, Adama Mamby; Tapsoba, Toussaint Wendlamita; Ngendahayo, Edouard; Kouame, Bertin Dibi; Samateh, Ahmadou Lamin; Aliabadi, Negar; Sissoko, Seydou; Traore, Yacouba; Bayisenga, Justin; Sounkere-Soro, Moufidath; Jagne, Sheriffo; Burke, Rachel M; Onwuchekwa, Uma; Ouattara, Ma; Bikoroti, Joel B; N'Zue, Kofi; Leshem, Eyal; Coulibaly, Oumar; Ouedraogo, Issa; Uwimana, Jeannine; Sow, Samba; Parashar, Umesh D; the African Intussusception Surveillance Network; Zampou, Olivier; Bah, Abdoulie; Sey, Alhagie Papa; Sonko, Mariama; Bizumuremyi, Yves C M; Mukanyange, Violette; Niwenkunda, Jeannette; Nkurunziza, Charles Twagirayezu

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad492

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The Durability of Antibody Responses of Two Doses of High-Dose Relative to Two Doses of Standard-Dose Inactivated Influenza Vaccine in Pediatric Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Recipients: A Multi-Center Randomized Controlled Trial.

Schuster, Jennifer E; Hamdan, Lubna; Dulek, Daniel E; Kitko, Carrie L; Batarseh, Einas; Haddadin, Zaid; Stewart, Laura S; Stahl, Anna; Potter, Molly; Rahman, Herdi; Kalams, Spyros A; Bocchini, Claire E; Moulton, Elizabeth A; Coffin, Susan E; Ardura, Monica I; Wattier, Rachel L; Maron, Gabriela; Grimley, Michael; Paulsen, Grant; Harrison, Christopher J; Freedman, Jason L; Carpenter, Paul A; Englund, Janet A; Munoz, Flor M; Danziger-Isakov, Lara; Spieker, Andrew J; Halasa, Natasha B; for the Pediatric HCT Flu Study; Goyal, Rakesh; Thurber, Joanne; McHenry, Rendie; Bender, Margaret; Barto, Shari; Russo, Michael; Shoemaker, Lauren; Truong, Kenny; Dvorak, Christopher; Allison, Kim J; Naik, Swati; Williams, Christopher; Blum, Samantha; Lacombe, Kirsten; Smith, Hannah

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad534

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Linking the Who, What, When, and Where of Inpatient Direct Oral Penicillin Challenge With the How of Durable Penicillin Allergy Delabeling.

Olans, Richard N; Olans, Rita Drummond

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad478

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Reply to Olans and Olans.

Trubiano, Jason A; Vogrin, Sara; Douglas, Abby P; Chua, Kyra Y L

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad479

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Reduced Risk of Transfusion-Transmitted Babesiosis With Blood Donor Testing.

Eder, Anne F; O'Callaghan, Sharon; Kumar, Sanjai

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad536

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Correction to: Gut Resistome After Oral Antibiotics in Preschool Children in Burkina Faso: A Randomized, Controlled Trial.

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad587

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State-of-the-Art Review: Persistent Enterococcal Bacteremia.

Rogers, Ralph; Rice, Louis B

doi : 10.1093/cid/ciad612

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