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A Hunter Who Hesitates to Strike May Just Get the Tail.

Beaton, Andrea MD; Carapetis, Jonathan PhD; Okello, Emmy PhD

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.065487

Volume 149(4) pgs. 277-338,e232-e253 January 23, 2024

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Safety of Switching From a Vitamin K Antagonist to a Non-Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulant in Frail Older Patients With Atrial Fibrillation: Results of the FRAIL-AF Randomized Controlled Trial.

Joosten, Linda P.T. MD; van Doorn, Sander MD, PhD; van de Ven, Peter M. PhD; Kohlen, Bart T.G. Msc; Nierman, Melchior C. MD, PhD; Koek, Huiberdina L. , MD, PhD; Hemels, Martin E.W. MD, PhD; Huisman, Menno V. MD, PhD; Kruip, Marieke MD, PhD; Faber, Laura M. MD, PhD; Wiersma, Nynke M. MD; Buding, Wim F.; Fijnheer, Rob MD, PhD; Adriaansen, Henk J. MD, PhD; Roes, Kit C. PhD; Hoes, Arno W. MD, PhD; Rutten, Frans H. MD, PhD; Geersing, Geert-Jan MD, PhD

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.066485

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Switching to Direct Anticoagulation or Continued Vitamin-K Antagonists in Frail Patients With Atrial Fibrillation in Whom Vitamin-K Antagonists Are Tolerated?.

Wallentin, Lars MD, PhD; Giugliano, Robert P. MD

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.067555

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Optimal Screening for Predicting and Preventing the Risk of Heart Failure Among Adults With Diabetes Without Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease: A Pooled Cohort Analysis.

Patel, Kershaw V. MD, MSCS ,*; Segar, Matthew W. MD, MS ,*; Klonoff, David C. MD; Khan, Muhammad Shahzeb MD, MSc; Usman, Muhammad Shariq MD; Lam, Carolyn S.P. MD; Verma, Subodh MD, PhD; DeFilippis, Andrew P. MD, MSc; Nasir, Khurram MD, MPH, MSc; Bakker, Stephan J.L. MD, PhD; Westenbrink, B. Daan MD, PhD; Dullaart, Robin P.F. MD, PhD; Butler, Javed MD, MBA, MPH; Vaduganathan, Muthiah MD, MPH; Pandey, Ambarish MD, MSCS

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.067530

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Role of Polyunsaturated Fat in Modifying Cardiovascular Risk Associated With Family History of Cardiovascular Disease: Pooled De Novo Results From 15 Observational Studies.

Laguzzi, Federica PhD; Akesson, Agneta PhD; Marklund, Matti PhD; Qian, Frank MD, MPH; Gigante, Bruna MD, PhD; Bartz, Traci M. MS; Bassett, Julie K. PhD; Birukov, Anna PhD; Campos, Hannia PhD; Hirakawa, Yoichiro MD, PhD; Imamura, Fumiaki PhD; Jager, Susanne PhD; Lankinen, Maria PhD; Murphy, Rachel A. PhD; Senn, Mackenzie MPH; Tanaka, Toshiko PhD; Tintle, Nathan PhD; Virtanen, Jyrki K. PhD; Yamagishi, Kazumasa MD, PhD; Allison, Matthew MD, MPH; Brouwer, Ingeborg A. PhD; De Faire, Ulf MD, PhD; Eiriksdottir, Gudny. MSc; Ferrucci, Luigi MD, PhD; Forouhi, Nita G. FFPHM; Geleijnse, Johanna M. PhD; Hodge, Allison M PhD; Kimura, Hitomi MD; Laakso, Markku MD, PhD; Riserus, Ulf MD, PhD; van Westing, Anniek C. PhD; Bandinelli, Stefania MD; Baylin, Ana MD, DrPH; Giles, Graham G. PhD; Gudnason, Vilmundur MD, PhD; Iso, Hiroyasu MD, PhD; Lemaitre, Rozenn N. PhD; Ninomiya, Toshiharu MD, PhD; Post, Wendy S. MD; Psaty, Bruce M. MD, PhD; Salonen, Jukka T. MD, PhD; Schulze, Matthias B. DrPH; Tsai, Michael Y. PhD; Uusitupa, Matti MD, PhD; Wareham, Nicholas J.; Oh, Seung-Won PhD; Wood, Alexis C. PhD; Harris, William S. PhD; Siscovick, David MD, MPH; Mozaffarian, Dariush MD, DrPH; Leander, Karin PhD; Fatty Acids and Outcomes Research Consortium (FORCE)

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.065530

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In Vivo Base Editing of Scn5a Rescues Type 3 Long QT Syndrome in Mice.

Qi, Man MD, PhD ,,,,*; Ma, Shuhong PhD ,,*; Liu, Jingtong MS ,*; Liu, Xujie PhD; Wei, Jingjing PhD; Lu, Wen-Jing MD, PhD; Zhang, Siyao MM; Chang, Yun MM; Zhang, Yongshuai MAg; Zhong, Kejia BAg; Yan, Yuting MS; Zhu, Min PhD; Song, Yabing BS; Chen, Yundai MD; Hao, Guoliang PhD; Wang, Jianbin PhD; Wang, Li PhD; Lee, Andrew S. MD, PhD; Chen, Xiangbo PhD; Wang, Yongming PhD; Lan, Feng PhD

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.065624

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Danger of an Over-the-Counter Panacea.

Vijay, Soorampally MD, DM; Vyas, Aniruddha MD, DM; Lokhandwala, Yash MD, DM

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.068025

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Pulmonary Congestion and Left Ventricular Dysfunction After Myocardial Infarction: Insights From the PARADISE-MI Trial.

Petrie, Mark C. MD; Rouleau, Jean L. MD; Claggett, Brian MD; Jering, Karola MD; van der Meer, Peter PhD; Kober, Lars MD; Miao, Zi Michael; Lewis, Eldrin MD; Granger, Christopher MD; De Pasqulae, Carmine G. MD; Mann, Douglas MD; Steg, Philippe Gabriel MD; Maggioni, Aldo MD; Amir, Offer MD; Lefkowitz, Marty MD; Braunwald, Eugene MD; Solomon, Scott D MD; McMurray, John J.V. MD; Pfeffer, Marc A. MD, PhD

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.066163

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Current Status and Principles for the Treatment and Prevention of Diabetic Foot Ulcers in the Cardiovascular Patient Population: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association.

Gallagher, Katherine A. MD, FACS, FAHA, Chair; Mills, Joseph L. FACS, MD, Vice Chair; Armstrong, David G. DPM, MD, PhD; Conte, Michael S. MD, FACS, FAHA; Kirsner, Robert S. MD, PhD; Minc, Samantha D. MD, MPH, FACS; Plutzky, Jorge MD, FAHA; Southerland, Kevin W. MD; Tomic-Canic, Marjana PhD; on behalf of the American Heart Association Council on Peripheral Vascular Disease; Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing; Council on Clinical Cardiology; and Council on Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health

doi : 10.1161/CIR.0000000000001192

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