New England Journal of Medicine

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The Overdose Crisis among U.S. Adolescents

Joseph Friedman, Ph.D., M.P.H., and Scott E. Hadland, M.D., M.P.H.

doi : 10.1056/NEJMp2312084

Vol. 390 No. 2

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Accuracy and Equity in Clinical Risk Prediction

Emma Pierson, Ph.D.

doi : 10.1056/NEJMp2311050

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Centering Women of Color to Promote Excellence in Academic Medicine

Christina Mangurian, M.D., Nancy D. Spector, M.D., and Ruth S. Shim, M.D., M.P.H.

doi : 10.1056/NEJMp2309206

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Buddy System

Eleanor R. Menzin, M.D.

doi : 10.1056/NEJMp2308950

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Apixaban for Stroke Prevention in Subclinical Atrial Fibrillation

Jeff S. Healey, M.D., Renato D. Lopes, M.D., Ph.D., Christopher B. Granger, M.D., Marco Alings, M.D., Ph.D., Lena Rivard, M.D., William F. McIntyre, M.D., Ph.D., Dan Atar, M.D., David H. Birnie, M.D., Giuseppe Boriani, M.D., Ph.D., A. John Camm, M.D., David Conen, M.D., M.P.H., Julia W. Erath, M.D., Michael R. Gold, M.D., Ph.D., Stefan H. Hohnloser, M.D., John Ip, M.D., Josef Kautzner, M.D., Ph.D., Valentina Kutyifa, M.D., Ph.D., Cecilia Linde, M.D., Philippe Mabo, M.D., Georges Mairesse, M.D., Juan Benezet Mazuecos, M.D., Ph.D., Jens Cosedis Nielsen, M.D., Ph.D., Francois Philippon, M.D., Marco Proietti, M.D., Ph.D., Christian Sticherling, M.D., Jorge A. Wong, M.D., M.P.H., David J. Wright, M.D., Ignatius G. Zarraga, M.D., Shelagh B. Coutts, M.B., Ch.B., M.D., Andrew Kaplan, M.D., Marta Pombo, M.D., Ph.D., Felix Ayala-Paredes, M.D., Ph.D., Lizhen Xu, Ph.D., Kim Simek, B.Sc., Sandra Nevills, Rajibul Mian, Ph.D., and Stuart J. Connolly, M.D. for the ARTESIA Investigators*

doi : 10.1056/NEJMoa2310234

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Repotrectinib in ROS1 Fusion–Positive Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer

Alexander Drilon, M.D., D. Ross Camidge, M.D., Ph.D., Jessica J. Lin, M.D., Sang-We Kim, M.D., Ph.D., Benjamin J. Solomon, M.B., B.S., Ph.D., Rafal Dziadziuszko, M.D., Ph.D., Benjamin Besse, M.D., Ph.D., Koichi Goto, M.D., Ph.D., Adrianus Johannes de Langen, M.D., Ph.D., Jürgen Wolf, M.D., Ki Hyeong Lee, M.D., Ph.D., Sanjay Popat, M.B., B.S., Ph.D., Christoph Springfeld, M.D., Ph.D., Misako Nagasaka, M.D., Ph.D., Enriqueta Felip, M.D., Ph.D., Nong Yang, M.D., Vamsidhar Velcheti, M.D., Shun Lu, M.D., Ph.D., Steven Kao, M.B., Ch.B., Ph.D., Christophe Dooms, M.D., Ph.D., Matthew G. Krebs, M.D., Ph.D., Wenxiu Yao, Ph.D., Muhammad Shaalan Beg, M.S., M.D., Xiufeng Hu, M.D., Denis Moro-Sibilot, M.D., Parneet Cheema, M.D., Shanna Stopatschinskaja, M.D., Minal Mehta, M.B., B.S., Denise Trone, M.S., Armin Graber, Ph.D., Gregory Sims, Ph.D., Yong Yuan, Ph.D., and Byoung Chul Cho, M.D., Ph.D. for the TRIDENT-1 Investigators*

doi : 10.1056/NEJMoa2302299

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Efficacy and Safety of Acoramidis in Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy

Julian D. Gillmore, M.D., Ph.D., Daniel P. Judge, M.D., Francesco Cappelli, M.D., Marianna Fontana, M.D., Ph.D., Pablo Garcia-Pavia, M.D., Simon Gibbs, M.D., Martha Grogan, M.D., Mazen Hanna, M.D., James Hoffman, M.D., Ahmad Masri, M.D., Mathew S. Maurer, M.D., Jose Nativi-Nicolau, M.D., Laura Obici, M.D., Steen Hvitfeldt Poulsen, M.D., D.M.Sci., Ph.D., Frank Rockhold, Ph.D., Keyur B. Shah, M.D., Prem Soman, M.D., Ph.D., Jyotsna Garg, M.S., Karen Chiswell, Ph.D., Haolin Xu, M.S., Xiaofan Cao, Ph.D., Ted Lystig, Ph.D., Uma Sinha, Ph.D., and Jonathan C. Fox, M.D., Ph.D. for the ATTRibute-CM Investigators*

doi : 10.1056/NEJMoa2305434

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Two Randomized Trials of Low-Dose Calcium Supplementation in Pregnancy

Pratibha Dwarkanath, Ph.D., Alfa Muhihi, M.D., M.P.H., Christopher R. Sudfeld, Sc.D., Blair J. Wylie, M.D., M.P.H., Molin Wang, Ph.D., Nandita Perumal, Ph.D., Tinku Thomas, Ph.D., Shabani M. Kinyogoli, B.Sc., Mohamed Bakari, M.Sc., Ryan Fernandez, M.B.L., John-Michael Raj, M.Sc., Ndeniria O. Swai, M.P.H., Nirmala Buggi, M.D., Rani Shobha, M.D., Mary M. Sando, M.D., M.P.H., Christopher P. Duggan, M.D., M.P.H., Honorati M. Masanja, Ph.D., Anura V. Kurpad, M.D., Ph.D., Andrea B. Pembe, M.D., Ph.D., and Wafaie W. Fawzi, M.B., B.S., Dr.P.H.

doi : 10.1056/NEJMoa2307212

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Peripartum Cardiomyopathy

Zoltan Arany, M.D., Ph.D.

doi : 10.1056/NEJMra2306667

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Papular–Purpuric “Gloves and Socks� Syndrome in Parvovirus B19 Infection

Jetanat Chantrapitak, M.D., and Mati Chuamanochan, M.D.

doi : 10.1056/NEJMicm2309953

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Vocal-Cord Polyp Causing Airway Obstruction

Yang Kee Chan, M.D., and Chia-Ying Li, M.D.

doi : 10.1056/NEJMicm2307437

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Case 1-2024: A 25-Year-Old Pregnant Woman with Bleeding after a Snakebite

Karl Njuwa Fai, M.D., Hamdja Moustafa, M.D., Linda Esso, M.D., and Yap Boum, II, Ph.D.

doi : 10.1056/NEJMcpc2301033

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What Lies beneath the Surface — Treatment of Subclinical Atrial Fibrillation

Emma Svennberg, M.D., Ph.D.

doi : 10.1056/NEJMe2311558

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The Financialization of Health in the United States

Joseph Dov Bruch, Ph.D., Victor Roy, M.D., Ph.D., and Colleen M. Grogan, Ph.D.

doi : 10.1056/NEJMms2308188

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Automated Insulin Delivery during Pregnancy Complicated by Type 1 Diabetes

doi : 10.1056/NEJMc2313410

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Optical Coherence Tomography–Guided versus Angiography-Guided PCI

doi : 10.1056/NEJMc2313256

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Bifurcation-Lesion PCI Guided by OCT or Angiography

doi : 10.1056/NEJMc2313258

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Extracorporeal Life Support in Infarct-Related Cardiogenic Shock

doi : 10.1056/NEJMc2312854

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