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Cardiac Transplantation on the Canary Islands, A European Ultraperipheral Region: Organization, Optimized Utilization of Local Donors, and Early Transplant Outcomes.

Groba Marco, Maria del Val MD 1,2; Portela Torron, Francisco MD 3; Pena Morant, Vicente MD 4,5; Romero Lujan, Jose Luis MD 5; Galvan Ruiz, Mario MD 1; Santana Ortega, Luis MD 6; Borque del Castillo, Eduardo MD 7; Martinez de Saavedra Alvarez, Maria Teresa MD 8; Plaza Perez, Mari Luz MD 9; Medina Gil, Jose Maria MD 10; Marrero Negrin, Natalia MD 10; Grillo Perez, Jose Javier MD 11; Belleyo Belkasem, Carima MD 12; Caballero Dorta, Eduardo Jose PhD 1,2; Garcia Quintana, Antonio MD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004639

Volume 107(12) pgs. 2443-2580,e324-e372 December 2023

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Research Highlights.

Ho, Quan Yao MRCP 1; Issa, Fadi DPhil, FRCS 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004867

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Heart Transplantation From DCD Donors Enters the Mainstream.

Joshi, Yashutosh MBBS 1,2,3; Macdonald, Peter S. MD, PhD 1,2,3

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004761

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Sanjay Nagral, MB, BS, MS and Thomas F. Mueller, MD, PhD.

Nagral, Sanjay MB, BS, MS 1,2; Mueller, Thomas F. MD, PhD 2,3

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004833

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Validation of the Integrity of the OPTN/UNOS Transplantation Registry Data.

Malamon, John Stephen PhD 1,2; Kaplan, Bruce MD 1,2

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004793

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Torque Teno Viral Plasma Load for Immunologic Monitoring in Solid Organ Transplantation: One Step Further.

Haupenthal, Frederik MD 1; Bond, Gregor MD, PhD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004817

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Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Role of Allograft Nephrectomy.

Francis, Ross S. BM, BS, DPhil, FRCP (UK), FRACP 1,2; Nadig, Satish N. MD, PhD, FACS 3

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004626

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Health-related Quality of Life After Liver Transplantation-An Important Goal, but One Definition (or Size) Does Not Fit All.

Simpson, Mary Ann PhD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004620

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Comments on Experience With Establishing a Robotic Donor Hepatectomy Program for Pediatric Liver Transplantation.

Ascher, Nancy L. MD, PhD 1; Roberts, John P. MD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004650

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Urine CXCL10 Levels as a Predictor for Various Phases of BKPyV Replication Among Kidney Transplant Recipients: Utility and Clinical Implementation.

Parajuli, Sandesh MD 1; Mandelbrot, Didier MD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004713

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APOL1 Risk Alleles and Outcomes in Kidney Transplantation: Enter the Recipient.

Kant, Sam MD 1,2; Brennan, Daniel C. MD 1,2

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004743

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Opportunities for High-plex Spatial Transcriptomics in Solid Organ Transplantation.

Cross, Amy R. PhD 1; Gartner, Lisa MSc 1; Hester, Joanna PhD 1; Issa, Fadi DPhil, FRCS(Plast) 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004587

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Chimerism-based Tolerance Induction in Clinical Transplantation: Its Foundations and Mechanisms.

Mengrelis, Konstantinos PhD 1,*; Muckenhuber, Moritz MD 1,*; Wekerle, Thomas MD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004589

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The Role of Allograft Nephrectomy in the Failing Kidney Transplant.

Budhiraja, Pooja MD 1; Nguyen, Michelle MD, MPH 2; Heilman, Raymond MD 1; Kaplan, Bruce MD 3

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004625

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The Promise of Precision Nutrition for Modulation of the Gut Microbiota as a Novel Therapeutic Approach to Acute Graft-versus-host Disease.

Lakshmanan, Arun Prasath PhD 1; Deola, Sara MD, PhD 2; Terranegra, Annalisa PhD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004629

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Xenografts Show Signs of Concentric Hypertrophy and Dynamic Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction After Orthotopic Pig-to-baboon Heart Transplantation.

Langin, Matthias MD 1; Buttgereit, Ines MD 1,2; Reichart, Bruno MD 2; Panelli, Alessandro MD 2; Radan, Julia DVM 2; Mokelke, Maren DVM 2; Neumann, Elisabeth DVM 2; Bender, Martin MD 1; Michel, Sebastian MD 3; Ellgass, Reinhard BS 3; Ying, Jiawei MD 2; Fresch, Ann Kathrin MD 2; Mayr, Tanja DVM 1; Steen, Stig MD, PhD 4; Paskevicius, Audrius MS 4; Egerer, Stefanie DVM 5; Bahr, Andrea DVM 5; Kessler, Barbara DVM 5; Klymiuk, Nikolai DVM 5; Binder, Uli MS 6; Skerra, Arne PhD 7; Ledderose, Stephan MD 8; Muller, Susanna MD 8; Walz, Christoph MD 8; Hagl, Christian MD 3; Wolf, Eckhard DVM 5,9,10; Ayares, David PhD 11; Brenner, Paolo MD 3; Abicht, Jan-Michael MD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004765

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Intention-to-treat Analysis of Patients Aged 70 Years and Older Awaiting Kidney Transplantation in Post-Kidney Allocation System Era.

Sibulesky, Lena MD 1,2; Leca, Nicolae MD 2,3; Bakthavatsalam, Ramasamy MBBS, BS, MS, FRCS(G) 1; Perkins, James D. MD 1,2

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004677

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MHC Tetramers Specifically Identify High- and Low-avidity Donor-specific B Cells in Transplantation Tolerance and Rejection.

Durgam, Samarth S. MD 1; Khiew, Stella H.W. PhD 1; Sayin, Ismail PhD 1; Jain, Dharmendra PhD 1; Yin, Dengping MD, PhD 1; Cavazzoni, Cecilia B. PhD 2; Sage, Peter T. PhD 2; King, R. Glenn PhD 3; Chong, Anita S. PhD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004702

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Transplant Candidate Outcomes After Declining a DCD Liver in the United States.

Ishaque, Tanveen ScM, MBBS 1; Eagleson, Mackenzie A. MD 2; Bowring, Mary G. MPH 2; Motter, Jennifer D. MHS 1; Yu, Sile MD, MPH 2; Luo, Xun MD, MPH 3; Kernodle, Amber B. MD, PhD, MPH 2; Gentry, Sommer PhD 1,4,5; Garonzik-Wang, Jacqueline M. MD, PhD 6; King, Elizabeth A. MD, PhD 2; Segev, Dorry L. MD, PhD 1,4,5; Massie, Allan B. PhD, MHS 1,4

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004777

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Donor Liver Blood Tests and Liver Transplant Outcomes: UK Registry Cohort Study.

Tingle, Samuel J. MRCS 1,2; Bramley, Rebecca 1; Goodfellow, Michael MRCS 1; Thompson, Emily R. PhD 1,2; McPherson, Stuart FRCP 3; White, Steve A. FRCS 1,2; Wilson, Colin H. FRCS 1,2

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004610

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Health-related Quality of Life and Fatigue in Liver Transplant Recipients Receiving Tacrolimus Versus Sirolimus-based Immunosuppression: Results From a Randomized Trial.

Mulder, Midas B. PharmD 1,2; Busschbach, Jan van PhD 3; van Hoek, Bart MD, PhD 4; van den Berg, Aad P. MD, PhD 5; Polak, Wojtek G. MD, PhD 2,6; Alwayn, Ian P.J. MD, PhD 7; de Winter, Brenda de C.M. PharmD, PhD 1,2; Verhey-Hart, Elke BSc 2,8; Erler, Nicole S. Dipl-Stat, PhD 10,11; den Hoed, Caroline M. MD, PhD 2,9; Metselaar, Herold J. MD, PhD 2,9

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004619

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Experience With Establishing a Robotic Donor Hepatectomy Program for Pediatric Liver Transplantation.

Rela, Mohamed MS, FRCS, DSc 1; Rajalingam, Rajesh MCh 1; Cherukuru, Ramkiran DNB 1; Palaniappan, Kumar DNB 1; Kumar, S. Arul MS 1; Kanagavelu, Rathnavel FRCA 1; Narasimhan, Gomathy MS 1; Rajakumar, Akila FRCA 1; Kaliamoorthy, Ilankumaran FRCA 1; Rammohan, Ashwin FRCS 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004649

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UNOS Decisions Impact Data Integrity of the OPTN Data Registry.

Tsapepas, Demetra S. PharmD, MBA 1,2; King, Kristen MPH 3,4; Husain, Syed Ali MD, MPH 3,4; Yu, Miko E. MSc 3,4; Hippen, Benjamin E. MD 5; Schold, Jesse D. PhD 6; Mohan, Sumit MD, MPH 3,4

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004792

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Psychosocial Outcomes in Nondirected Uterus Donors 1 Y After Donation.

Warren, Ann Marie PhD 1,2; da Graca, Briget JD, MS 2; Wall, Anji MD, PhD 3; Powers, Mark B. PhD 1; Saracino, Giovanna PhD 3; Testa, Giuliano MD 3; Johannesson, Liza MD, PhD 3

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004799

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Quantification of Torque Teno Virus Load to Monitor Short-term Changes in Immunosuppressive Therapy in Kidney Transplant Recipients.

Benning, Louise MD 1; Reineke, Marvin 1; Bundschuh, Christian MSc 2; Klein, Julian A. F. MD 2; Kuhn, Tessa 1; Zeier, Martin MD 1; Bartenschlager, Ralf PhD 3-5; Schnitzler, Paul PhD 2,5; Morath, Christian MD 1,5; Speer, Claudius MD 1,6

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004816

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Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation in Patients >40 Years of Age With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: Reduced Intensity Versus Myeloablative Conditioning.

Sijs-Szabo, Aniko MD 1,2; Dinmohamed, Avinash G. PhD 1,3,4; Versluis, Jurjen MD, PhD 1; van der Holt, Bronno PhD 5; Bellido, Mar MD, PhD 6; Hazenberg, Mette D. MD, PhD 7; van Gelder, Michel MD, PhD 8; Schaap, Nicolaas P.M. MD, PhD 9; Meijer, Ellen MD, PhD 10; van der Wagen, Lotte E MD, PhD 11; Halkes, Constantijn J.M. MD, PhD 2; Rijneveld, Anita W. MD, PhD 1; Cornelissen, Jan J. MD, PhD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004706

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Urine CXCL10 to Assess BK Polyomavirus Replication After Kidney Transplantation.

Haller, Jana MSc 1; Diebold, Matthias MD 1; Leuzinger, Karoline PhD 2,3; Wehmeier, Caroline MD 1; Handschin, Joelle BSc 1,4; Amico, Patrizia MD 1; Hirt-Minkowski, Patricia MD 1; Steiger, Jurg MD 1; Dickenmann, Michael MD 1; Hirsch, Hans H. MD 2,3; Schaub, Stefan MD 1,4,5

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004712

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Association of Recipient APOL1 Kidney Risk Alleles With Kidney Transplant Outcomes.

Roy, Neil MBBS 1,2; Morales-Alvarez, M. Catalina MD 1,2; Anis, Karim H. MD 1,2; Goral, Simin MD 3; Doria, Cataldo MD 4; Kopp, Jeffrey B. MD 5; Winkler, Cheryl A. PhD 6; Feng, Rui PhD 7; Rosas, Sylvia E. MD, MSCE 1,2

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004742

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Letter to the Editor: Immunogenicity After the Third Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine in Cardiac Transplantation.

Rahman, Afsana MD 1; Golombeck, David BA 1; Malhame, Kathryn ANP-MS 2; Rossi, Dora FNP 2; Wallach, Frances MD 3; Avila, Maria MD 1; Maybaum, Simon MD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004843

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