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Brain health in ethnically minority youth at risk for psychosis

Rachel A. Rabin & Lena PalaniyappanÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01719-9

Volume 48 Issue 12, November 2023

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Comment on: Effects of selective dopamine D3 receptor partial agonist/antagonists on oxycodone self-administration and antinociception in monkeys

Samantha Chong & Sandra D. ComerÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01726-w

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Development disturbed: sex-specific transcriptional alterations in adolescent mice after perinatal fentanyl exposure

Katherine E. Savell 

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01688-z

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Associations between childhood ethnoracial minority density, cortical thickness, and social engagement among minority youth at clinical high-risk for psychosis

Benson S. Ku, Meghan Collins, Deidre M. Anglin, Anthony M. Diomino, Jean Addington, Carrie E. Bearden, Kristin S. Cadenhead, Tyrone D. Cannon, Barbara A. Cornblatt, Benjamin G. Druss, Matcheri Keshavan, Daniel H. Mathalon, Diana O. Perkins, William S. Stone, Ming T. Tsuang, Scott W. Woods & Elaine F. WalkerÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01649-6

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Effects of selective dopamine D3 receptor partial agonist/antagonists on oxycodone self-administration and antinociception in monkeys

Kendall Woodlief, Mia I. Allen, Jeremy C. Cornelissen, Matthew L. Banks, Amy Hauck Newman & Michael A. NaderÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01590-8

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Transcriptomic profiling of reward and sensory brain areas in perinatal fentanyl exposed juvenile mice

Jimmy Olusakin, Gautam Kumar, Mahashweta Basu, Cali A. Calarco, Megan E. Fox, Jason B. Alipio, Catherine Haga, Makeda D. Turner, Asaf Keller, Seth A. Ament & Mary Kay LoboÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01639-8

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Region- and time- specific effects of ketamine on cerebral blood flow: a randomized controlled trial

Matti Gärtner, Anne Weigand, Marvin Sören Meiering, David Weigner, Luisa Carstens, Christian Keicher, Rita Hertrampf, Christian Beckmann, Maarten Mennes, Andreas Wunder & Simone GrimmÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01605-4

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Deficits in integrative NMDA receptors caused by Grin1 disruption can be rescued in adulthood

Sridevi Venkatesan, Mary A. Binko, Catharine A. Mielnik, Amy J. Ramsey & Evelyn K. LambeÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01619-y

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Early life stress in male mice blunts responsiveness in a translationally-relevant reward task

Erin E. Hisey, Emma L. Fritsch, Emily L. Newman, Kerry J. Ressler, Brian D. Kangas & William A. Carlezon Jr.Â

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01610-7

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Effect of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment following diagnosis of depression on suicidal behaviour risk: a target trial emulation

Tyra Lagerberg, Anthony A. Matthews, Nanbo Zhu, Seena Fazel, Juan-Jesus Carrero & Zheng ChangÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01676-3

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Intravenous ketamine for benzodiazepine deprescription and withdrawal management in treatment-resistant depression: a preliminary report

Nicolas Garel, Kyle T. Greenway, Lê-Anh L. Dinh-Williams, Julien Thibault-Levesque, Didier Jutras-Aswad, Gustavo Turecki, Soham Rej & Stephane Richard-DevantoyÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01689-y

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Glutamatergic and GABAergic anteroventral BNST projections to PVN CRH neurons regulate maternal separation-induced visceral pain

Si-Ting Huang, Ke Wu, Miao-Miao Guo, Shuai Shao, Rong Hua & Yong-Mei ZhangÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01678-1

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The clock gene Per1 may exert diurnal control over hippocampal memory consolidation

Lauren Bellfy, Chad W. Smies, Alicia R. Bernhardt, Kasuni K. Bodinayake, Aswathy Sebastian, Emily M. Stuart, Destiny S. Wright, Chen-Yu Lo, Shoko Murakami, Hannah M. Boyd, Megan J. von Abo, Istvan Albert & Janine L. KwapisÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01616-1

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UNRAVELing the synergistic effects of psilocybin and environment on brain-wide immediate early gene expression in mice

Daniel Ryskamp Rijsketic, Austen B. Casey, Daniel A. N. Barbosa, Xue Zhang, Tuuli M. Hietamies, Grecia Ramirez-Ovalle, Matthew B. Pomrenze, Casey H. Halpern, Leanne M. Williams, Robert C. Malenka & Boris D. HeifetsÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01613-4

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Gestational ethanol exposure impairs motor skills in female mice through dysregulated striatal dopamine and acetylcholine function

Sebastiano Bariselli, Yolanda Mateo, Noa Reuveni & David M. LovingerÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01594-4

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Selective chemogenetic inactivation of corticoaccumbal projections disrupts trait choice impulsivity

Jennifer M. Wenzel, Natalie E. Zlebnik, Mary H. Patton, John R. Smethells, Victoria M. Ayvazian, Hannah M. Dantrassy, Lan-Yuan Zhang, Brian N. Mathur & Joseph F. CheerÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01604-5

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In Memoriam George K. Aghajanian, M.D. 1932 -2023

Benjamin S. BunneyÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01716-y

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