Kidney International

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in this issue

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.09.004

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Page 865

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In memoriam: Stewart Cameron (1934–2023)

Richard J. Glassock1 and John Feehally

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.08.018

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Pages 866-868

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journal club

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.09.008

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Pages 869-871

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A central role for mesangial cells in the initiation of diabetic nephropathy

Zhengying Fang 1,2 , Kyung Lee 1 and John Cijiang He

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.03.033

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Pages 872-874

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Is hemodiafiltration superior to hemodialysis in patients with kidney failure?

Tilman B. Dru¨ eke 1 and T. Alp Ikizler

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.07.012

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Pages 874-877

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The latest model has just arrived! A new experimental mouse model of PLA2R1-associated membranous nephropathy

Laurence H. Beck Jr

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.09.003

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Pages 878-880

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Matrix metalloproteinase 10 and the slow demise of the peritoneal membrane

Peter J. Margetts

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.09.009

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Pages 880-882

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Urinary stone disease: closing the heritability gap by challenging conventional Mendelian inheritance

Jan Halbritter

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.08.021

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Pages 882-885

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Predicting pediatric kidney disease progression—are 3 variables all you need?

Clarkson R. Crane 1,2 , Pranav S. Garimella 1 and Georg Heinze

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.08.019

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Pages 885-887

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Trends and perspectives for improving quality of chronic kidney disease care: conclusions from a Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Controversies Conference

Kai-Uwe Eckardt 1 , Cynthia Delgado 2,3 , Hiddo J.L. Heerspink 4,5 , Roberto Pecoits-Filho6,7 , Ana C. Ricardo 8 , Be´ne´dicte Stengel 9 , Marcello Tonelli 10 , Michael Cheung 11 , Michel Jadoul12 , Wolfgang C. Winkelmayer13 and Holly Kramer 14 ; for Conference Participants

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.05.013

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Pages 888-903

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Measuring albuminuria or proteinuria: does one answer fit all?

Tyrone G. Harrison 1,2,3,4 and Marcello Tonelli

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.08.008

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Pages 904-909

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All the might of the osteocyte: emerging roles in chronic kidney disease

Lauren V. Albrecht 1,2 , Renata C. Pereira3 and Isidro B. Salusky

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.08.009

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Pages 910-915

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Introduction of a novel chimeric active immunization mouse model of PLA2R1-associated membranous nephropathy

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.07.024

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Pages 916-928

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Matrix metalloproteinase-10 deficiency has protective effects against peritoneal inflammation and fibrosis via transcription factor NFκΒ pathway inhibition

Takuya Ishimura 1 , Akira Ishii 1,2 , Hiroyuki Yamada 1,3 , Keisuke Osaki 1,4 , Naohiro Toda 1,2 , Keita P. Mori 1,5 , Shoko Ohno 1,6 , Yukiko Kato 1 , Takaya Handa 1,5 , Sayaka Sugioka 1 , Akie Ikushima 1 , Haruomi Nishio 1 , Motoko Yanagita 1,7 and Hideki Yokoi 1

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.08.010

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Pages 929-942

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The nucleotide-sensing Toll-Like Receptor 9/Toll-Like Receptor 7 system is a potential therapeutic target for IgA nephropathy

Mingfeng Lee 1 , Hitoshi Suzuki 1,2 , Kei Ogiwara 1 , Ryosuke Aoki 1 , Rina Kato 1 , Maiko Nakayama 1 , Yusuke Fukao 1 , Yoshihito Nihei 1 , Toshiki Kano 1 , Yuko Makita 1 , Masahiro Muto 1 , Koshi Yamada 1 and Yusuke Suzuki

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.08.013

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Pages 943-955

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Imbalanced lipid homeostasis caused by membrane αKlotho deficiency contributes to the acute kidney injury to chronic kidney disease transition

Yue Wang 1,4 , Li Ran 1,4 , Qigang Lan 1 , Weinian Liao 2 , Liting Wang 3 , Yaqin Wang 1 , Jiachuan Xiong 1 , Fugang Li 1 , Wenrui Yu 1 , Yan Li 1 , Yinghui Huang 1 , Ting He 1 , Junping Wang 2 , Jinghong Zhao 1 and Ke Yang

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.08.016

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Pages 956-974

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Rare variants in the sodium-dependent phosphate transporter gene SLC34A3 explain missing heritability of urinary stone disease

Omid Sadeghi-Alavijeh 1 , Melanie M.Y. Chan 1 , Shabbir H. Moochhala 1 , Genomics England Research Consortium 2 , Sarah Howles3 , Daniel P. Gale1,4 and Detlef Bo¨ ckenhauer

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.06.019

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Pages 975-984

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Development of an adaptive clinical web-based prediction tool for kidney replacement therapy in children with chronic kidney disease

Derek K. Ng 1 , Matthew B. Matheson 1 , George J. Schwartz 2 , Frances M. Wang 1 , Susan R. Mendley 3 , Susan L. Furth 4,5 and Bradley A. Warady 6 ; for the CKiD investigators

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.06.020

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Pages 985-994

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Certain heterozygous variants in the kinase domain of the serine/threonine kinase NEK8 can cause an autosomal dominant form of polycystic kidney disease

Laura R. Claus 1,34 , Chuan Chen 2,34 , Jennifer Stallworth 3,35,36 , Joshua L. Turner 4,35 , Gisela G. Slaats 5 , Alexandra L. Hawks 4 , Holly Mabillard 6 , Sarah R. Senum 7 , Sujata Srikanth 3 , Heather Flanagan-Steet 3 , Raymond J. Louie 3 , Josh Silver 8,9 , Jordan Lerner-Ellis 9,10,11 , Chantal Morel 8,12 , Chloe Mighton 10,11 , Frank Sleutels 13 , Marjon van Slegtenhorst 13 , Tjakko van Ham 13 , Alice S. Brooks13 , Eiske M. Dorresteijn 14 , Tahsin Stefan Barakat 13 , Karin Dahan 15 , Nathalie Demoulin 16,17 , Eric Jean Goffin 16,17 , Eric Olinger6 , Genomics England Research Consortium 33 , Martin Larsen 18,19 , Jens Michael Hertz 18,19 , Marc R. Lilien 20 , Lena Obeidova´ 21 , Tomas Seeman 22,23,24 , Hillarey K. Stone 25 , Larissa Kerecuk 26 , Mihai Gurgu 27 , Fjodor A. Yousef Yengej 28,29 , Carola M.E. Ammerlaan 28,29 , Maarten B. Rookmaaker 28 , Christian Hanna 7,30 , R. Curtis Rogers 3 , Karen Duran 1,y, Edith Peters 1 , John A. Sayer 6,31,32 , Gijs van Haaften1,37 , Peter C. Harris 2,7,37 , Kun Ling2,7,38 , Jennifer M. Mason 4,38 , Albertien M. van Eerde 1,38 and Richard Steet

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.07.021

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Pages 995-1007

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Association of HIV and viral suppression status with hospital acute kidney injury in the era of antiretroviral therapy

Molly C. Fisher 1 , Melissa J. Fazzari 2 , Uriel R. Felsen 3 , David B. Hanna 2 , Nataliya Tappan2 , Christina M. Wyatt4 , Matthew K. Abramowitz 1,6 and Michael J. Ross

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.07.022

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Pages 1008-1017

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An observational cohort study of histological screening for BK polyomavirus nephropathy following viral replication in plasma

Evert Cleenders 1,2 , Priyanka Koshy 3 , Elisabet Van Loon 1,4 , Katrien Lagrou 5 , Kurt Beuselinck 5,6 , Graciela Andrei 7 , Marta Crespo 8 , Katrien De Vusser 1,4 , Dirk Kuypers 1,4 , Evelyne Lerut 3 , Kris Mertens 1 , Olga Mineeva-Sangwo 7 , Parmjeet Randhawa 9 , Aleksandar Senev 1,10 , Robert Snoeck 7 , Ben Sprangers 4,11 , Claire Tinel 1 , Amaryllis Van Craenenbroeck 1,4 , Jan van den Brand 1 , Marc Van Ranst 12 , Geert Verbeke 2 , Maarten Coemans 1,2 and Maarten Naesens

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.07.025

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Pages 1018-1034

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Machine learning: it takes more than select models to draw general conclusions

Tamas Szili-Torok 1 , Uwe J.F. Tietge 2,3 Max J. Verbeek 1 , Stephan J.L. Bakker 1 and Martin H. de Borst

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.07.018

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Pages 1035-1036

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The authors reply

Agathe Truchot 1 , Marc Raynaud 1 and Alexandre Loupy

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.07.017

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Page 1036

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Initiation of diuretics or calcium channel blockers on the top of renin-angiotensin system inhibitors on kidney outcome: which is better?

Shiyuan Wei 1 , Licong Su2 and Qi Gao

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.08.012

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Pages 1036-1037

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The authors reply

Anne-Laure Faucon 1,2 and Juan-Jesu´ s Carrero

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.08.011

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Page 1037

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Corrigendum to “Successful kidney-alone transplantation in a patient with PH1 on combination RNA-interference therapy.� Kidney International, 2023;104:203–204

Elisabeth L. Metry 1 , Lisa J. Deesker 1 , Sander F. Garrelfs 1 , Michiel J.S. Oosterveld 1 , Kerensa M. Beekman2 , Elisabeth A.M. Cornelissen 3 , Linda Koster-Kamphuis 3 and Jaap W. Groothoff

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.08.002

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Page 1038

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A rare combination of hydronephrosis, megaureter, and hyperphosphatasia

Lea Maria Merz 1 , Julia Hentschel 2 , Christian Roth 3 , Manuela Siekmeyer 1 , Katalin Dittrich 1 and Friederike Petzold 4

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.06.017

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Pages 1039-1040

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“Nailing� chronicity in kidney disease

Najat I. Joubran 1,2 and Helena P. Salem

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.05.014

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Page 1041

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The Case | Acute kidney injury after a party

Thibault Letellier 1 , Jeremy Debraux 2 , Jimmy Grellier 1 , Romain Collot 3 , Grégoire Couvrat-Desvergnes1 , Anne Moreau 4 and Awena Le Fur

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.06.027

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Pages 1043-1044

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Editorial Board

doi : 10.1016/S0085-2538(23)00642-7

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Page A1

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Subscription Information

doi : 10.1016/S0085-2538(23)00643-9

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Page A2

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Table of Contents

doi : 10.1016/S0085-2538(23)00644-0

Volume 104, Issue 5, November 2023, Pages A3-A5

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