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5-MeO-DMT modifies innate behaviors and promotes structural neural plasticity in mice

Sarah J. Jefferson, Ian Gregg, Mark Dibbs, Clara Liao, Hao Wu, Pasha A. Davoudian, Samuel C. Woodburn, Patrick H. Wehrle, Jeffrey S. Sprouse, Alexander M. Sherwood, Alfred P. Kaye, Christopher Pittenger & Alex C. KwanÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01572-w

Volume 48 Issue 9, August 2023

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Pharmacogenetic activation of parvalbumin interneurons in the prefrontal cortex rescues cognitive deficits induced by adolescent MK801 administration

Linda A. Chamberlin, Sha-Sha Yang, Erin P. McEachern, Joshua T. M. Lucas, Owen W. McLeod II, Claire A. Rolland, Nancy R. Mack, Brielle R. Ferguson & Wen-Jun GaoÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01576-6

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M1 acetylcholine receptors in somatostatin interneurons contribute to GABAergic and glutamatergic plasticity in the mPFC and antidepressant-like responses

Manoela V. Fogaça, Min Wu, Chan Li, Xiao-Yuan Li, Ronald S. Duman & Marina R. PicciottoÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01583-7

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Prefrontal allopregnanolone mediates the adverse effects of acute stress in a mouse model of tic pathophysiology

Roberto Cadeddu, Meghan Van Zandt, Luca Spiro Santovito, Karen Odeh, Collin J. Anderson, Deirdre Flanagan, Peter Nordkild, Graziano Pinna, Christopher Pittenger & Marco BortolatoÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01603-6

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Inhibition of dorsal raphe GABAergic neurons blocks hyperalgesia during heroin withdrawal

Yocasta Alvarez-Bagnarol, Raul García, Leandro F. Vendruscolo & Marisela MoralesÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01620-5

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Dopamine D2 receptors in nucleus accumbens cholinergic interneurons increase impulsive choice

Julianna Cavallaro, Jenna Yeisley, BaÅŸak Akdoǧan, Ronald E. Salazar, Joseph R. Floeder, Peter D. Balsam & Eduardo F. GalloÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01608-1

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Membrane excitability of nucleus accumbens neurons gates the incubation of cocaine craving

Yi He, Junshi Wang, King-lun Li, Yao Q. Wang, Zachary Freyberg & Yan DongÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01580-w

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Chronically dysregulated corticosterone impairs dopaminergic transmission in the dorsomedial striatum by sex-divergent mechanisms

Ashley L. Holloway, Michael D. Schaid & Talia N. LernerÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01551-1

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Rac1 GTPase activation impairs fear conditioning-induced structural changes in basolateral amygdala neurons and long-term fear memory formation

Joana Freitas Costa, Monica Dines, Karishma Agarwal & Raphael LamprechtÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-022-01518-8

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Microglial P2Y12 mediates chronic stress-induced synapse loss in the prefrontal cortex and associated behavioral consequences

Justin L. Bollinger, David T. Dadosky, James K. Flurer, Ivanka L. Rainer, Samuel C. Woodburn & Eric S. WohlebÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-022-01519-7

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Muscarinic receptor activation overrides boundary conditions on memory updating in a calcium/calmodulin-dependent manner

Cassidy E. Wideman, Andrew E. Huff, William S. Messer Jr. & Boyer D. WintersÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01564-w

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Overexpression of wild type glycine alpha 1 subunit rescues ethanol sensitivity in accumbal receptors and reduces binge drinking in mice

Anibal Araya, Scarlet Gallegos, Adolfo Maldonado, Mario Rivera-Meza, Ramesh Chandra, Mary Kay Lobo & Luis G. AguayoÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-022-01459-2

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Reinforcement learning deficits exhibited by postnatal PCP-treated rats enable deep neural network classification

Michael M. Tranter, Samarth Aggarwal, Jared W. Young, Daniel G. Dillon & Samuel A. BarnesÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-022-01514-y

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Activation of GABAB receptors in central amygdala attenuates activity of PKCδ + neurons and suppresses punishment-resistant alcohol self-administration in rats

Esi Domi, Li Xu, Sanne Toivainen, Joost Wiskerke, Andrea Coppola, Lovisa Holm, Eric Augier, Michele Petrella & Markus HeiligÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01543-1

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Ethanol blocks a novel form of iLTD, but not iLTP of inhibitory inputs to VTA GABA neurons

Teresa M. Nufer, Bridget J. Wu, Zachary Boyce, Scott C. Steffensen & Jeffrey G. EdwardsÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01554-y

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Transdiagnostic evaluation of epigenetic age acceleration and burden of psychiatric disorders

Natan Yusupov, Linda Dieckmann, Mira Erhart, Susann Sauer, Monika Rex-Haffner, Johannes Kopf-Beck, Tanja M. Brückl, Darina Czamara & Elisabeth B. BinderÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01579-3

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Publisher Correction to: Trace amine-associated receptor 1 agonism promotes wakefulness without impairment of cognition in Cynomolgus macaques

Anushka V. Goonawardena, Stephen R. Morairty, Ryan Dell, Gabriel A. Orellana, Marius C. Hoener, Tanya L. Wallace & Thomas S. KilduffÂ

doi : 10.1038/s41386-023-01591-7

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