International Journal of Dermatology

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doi : 10.1111/ijd.15701

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 781-782

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Cynthia H. Froehlich, BA, MA – 1957–2021


doi : 10.1111/ijd.15698

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 783-784

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Treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa with tetracycline, doxycycline, or lymecycline: a prospective study

Astrid-Helene Ravn J?rgensen MD,Yiqiu Yao MD,Simon Francis Thomsen MD, PhD,Hans Christian Ring MD, PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15459

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 785-791

To evaluate the clinical efficacy of tetracycline, doxycycline, and lymecycline in patients with hidradenitis suppurativa (HS).

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The prevalence, risk factors, and psychosocial impacts of acne vulgaris in medical students: a literature review

Muskaan Sachdeva BHSc,Josephine Tan MSc, PhD,Jacqueline Lim BHSc,Matilda Kim BHSc,Ibrahim Nadeem BHSc,Ramprasad Bismil MD, FRCPC

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15280

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 792-798

Affecting approximately 9.4% of the population worldwide, acne vulgaris is a common chronic inflammatory skin disease. Medical students are exposed to higher levels of stress and have a higher prevalence of acne.

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The “Maskne” microbiome – pathophysiology and therapeutics

Wan-Lin Teo MBBS, MRCS (UK), FAMS (Dermatology)

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15425

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 799-809

“Maskne” is a new term coined during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. It refers to a subset of acne mechanica, deserving consideration in view of widespread reusable fabric mask-wearing to control the pandemic worldwide. Understanding of underlying pathophysiology directly relates to the novel skin microenvironment and textile–skin friction created by mask-wearing, distinct from nontextile-related acne mechanica previously linked to wearing of headgear.

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Hydroxyurea: a reappraisal of its cutaneous side effects and their management

Camille A. Bulte BS,Karl M. Hoegler MD,?mer Kutlu MD, MRCP(UK),Amor Khachemoune MD, FAAD, FACMS

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15302

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 810-817

Hydroxyurea (HU) is known to cause a broad spectrum of cutaneous side effects, ranging from relatively benign to severe. Although dermatologists are often consulted for the treatment of these side effects, a comprehensive resource discussing the different types and their management is lacking. In this study, we conducted a literature search in order to critically evaluate the reported types and management of hydroxyurea's cutaneous side effects, as well as review its mechanism of action, dermatologic uses, and common systemic side effects. Relatively common and benign side effects include hyperpigmentation, xerosis, and skin atrophy. While serious cutaneous side effects such as leg ulcers or nonmelanoma skin cancers occur in a substantial proportion of patients, these may resolve with HU discontinuation and proper dermatologic management. Therefore, it is crucial for dermatologists to be aware of these various cutaneous side effects and their management as prompt diagnosis and proper treatment will improve patient outcomes.

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Dermoscopy of discoid lupus erythematosus – a systematic review of the literature

Magdalena ?ychowska MD, PhD,Ma?gorzata ?ychowska MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15365

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 818-828

Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) may lead to disfiguring scarring and permanent hair loss. Dermoscopy may serve as a noninvasive tool useful in the preliminary diagnosis of hair loss and inflammatory skin diseases. The aim of the paper was to summarize and analyze the dermoscopic features of DLE lesions in various anatomical locations.

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Diffuse subcutaneous nodules in a patient with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

Jessica Wu BA,Ladan Afifi MD,Suzanne M. Sachsman MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15270

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 829-830

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A tale of an acral bullous eruption

Soumaya Gara MD,Anissa Zaouak MD,Ehsen Ben Brahim MD,Fatma Khanchel MD,Samy Fenniche MD,Houda Hammami MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15340

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 831-833

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The stratum corneum water content and natural moisturization factor composition evolve with age and depend on body site

Elise Boireau-Adamezyk PhD,Arlette Baillet-Guffroy PrDr,Georgios N. Stamatas PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15417

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 834-839

The study objective was to examine if age and chronic environmental exposure affect the water content and the composition of the natural moisturizing factors (NMFs) of the stratum corneum (SC).

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A dermoscopic study of cutaneous myiasis: other findings

Ahmed Nassar MD,Abdullah Abualiat PhD,Yasmina A. El-Attar MD,Ayed M. Alkahtani MD,Mohammed S. Alshahrani MD,Abdullah Aljubran MD,Engi S. E. Shaker MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15503

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 840-843

Myiasis is a cutaneous infestation by the larvae of dipterous flies. It can be furuncular/nodular, papular, or pustular. Diagnosis of cutaneous myiasis depends mainly on clinical examination especially for the nodular form. The latter two forms can present diagnostic difficulties. Dermoscopy has been reported to be helpful. This report illustrates some of the dermoscopic features of this condition.

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Melanoma mortality in Spain: predictions up to 2043

Fernando Garc?a-Souto MD,Antonio Jose Dur?n-Romero MD,Jose-Juan Pereyra-Rodr?guez PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15438

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 844-850

Melanoma mortality rates are stabilizing and in certain regions and age groups are trending down. Although there are some studies that predict melanoma mortality in other countries, there are currently no studies that predict mortality in Spain in the coming years. The main aim of this study is to calculate melanoma mortality projections in Spain for the period 2019-2043.

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Validation of CP-GEP (Merlin Assay) for predicting sentinel lymph node metastasis in primary cutaneous melanoma patients: A U.S. cohort study

Ahmed Yousaf BA,Félicia J. Tjien-Fooh MSc,Barbara Rentroia-Pacheco MSc,Enrica Quattrocchi MD,Ajdin Kobic MD,Dennie Tempel PhD,Michael Kolodney MD,Alexander Meves MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15594

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 851-856

Approximately 85% of melanoma patients who undergo a sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) are node-negative. Melanoma incidence is highest in patients ?65 years, but their SLNB positivity rate is lower than in younger patients. CP-GEP, a model combining clinicopathologic and gene expression variables, identifies primary cutaneous melanoma (CM) patients who may safely forgo SLNB due to their low risk for nodal metastasis. Here, we validate CP-GEP in a U.S. melanoma patient cohort.

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Systemic lupus erythematosus-associated neutrophilic dermatosis presenting with an erythema gyratum repens-like appearance

Ana G. S. C?rdenas MD,Marcela S. Lima MD,Silvia Mendez-Flores MD, MSc, PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15520

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 857-859

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Impact of delay in follow-up due to COVID-19 pandemic on skin cancer progression: a real-life experience from an Italian hub hospital

Mario Valenti MD,Giulia Pavia MD,Luigi Gargiulo MD,Paola Facheris MD,Ombretta Nucca MD,Luca Mancini MD,Francesco Sacrini MD,Riccardo G. Borroni MD, PhD,Alessandra Narcisi MD, PhD,Antonio Costanzo MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15501

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 860-863

The COVID-19 pandemic required the setting of a national lockdown in Italy from March 9, 2020, until May 18, 2020; therefore, most of the non-COVID-19 activities were postponed. As a consequence, many follow-up visits in patients with previously excised skin cancers were delayed. The aim of this retrospective real-life case–control study is demonstrating that delay in follow-up led to an increased incidence of advanced melanoma and keratinocyte cancers on the total of surgically excised skin cancers.

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Effectiveness and safety of zinc oxide nanoparticle-coated socks compared to uncoated socks for the prevention of pitted keratolysis: a double-blinded, randomized, controlled trial study

Punyawee Ongsri MD,Charussri Leeyaphan MD,Pichaya Limphoka MD,Rungsima Kiratiwongwan MD,Sumanas Bunyaratavej MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15512

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 864-867

Pitted keratolysis (PK) and bromodosis have negative impacts on the quality of life especially for military personnel. The antibacterial efficacy and safety of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO-NPs) make them a suitable additive for textiles. We aim to establish the ability of ZnO-NP-coated socks to prevent PK and bromodosis in a real-life setting.

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Oral mini-pulse therapy in vitiligo: a systematic review

Sonia Chavez-Alvarez MD,Maira Herz-Ruelas MD, PhD,Ana Karina Raygoza-Cortez MD,Yeudiel Suro-Santos MD,Jorge Ocampo-Candiani MD, PhD,Neri Alejandro Alvarez-Villalobos MD,Alejandra Villarreal-Martinez MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15464

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 868-876

There is limited evidence supporting the use of alternative treatments for patients with nonstable vitiligo.

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Dermatology: coinage of the term by Johann Heinrich Alsted (1630)

Diederik F. Janssen MD, PhD(Cand.)

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15551

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 877-878

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COVID-19 dermatological manifestations: results from the Mexican Academy of Dermatology COVID-19 registry

Esperanza C. Welsh MD,Abraham Benjamin Alfaro Sanchez MD,Gabriela Lydia Ortega Gutiérrez MD,Jesus Alberto Cardenas-de la Garza MD,Adrian Cuellar-Barboza MD,Ricardo Alberto Valdes-Espinosa MD,América Alejandra Pasos Estrada MD,Alessandra Irais Miranda Aguirre MD,Javier Ramos-Jimenez MD,Jorge Moreno Gonz?lez MD,Laura Vanessa Leal Guevara MD,Andrea Tovar-Garza MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15544

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 879-881

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COVID-19: a possible trigger for oral lichen planus?

Patricia Burgos-Blasco MD,Diego Fernandez-Nieto MD,Gerald Selda-Enriquez MD,Ana Melian-Olivera MD,Dar?o De Perosanz-Lobo MD,Miguel Dominguez-Santas MD,Leticia Alonso-Castro MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15529

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 882-883

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SDRIFE-like rash in COVID-19 patient: drug reaction or another cutaneous manifestation of SARS-CoV-2?

Mariele Bevilaqua MD, MSc,Gustavo B. Ribolli,Laura Luzzatto MD,Juliana C. Fernandes MD, MSc,Alessandro C. Pasqualotto MD, PhD,Renan R. Bonamigo MD, PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15537

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 884-885

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Varicella complicated with pneumonia in a patient infected by COVID-19: the need to rule out other viral coinfections in SARS-CoV-2 patients with vesicular eruptions

Emilio Lopez-Trujillo MD,Sergi Rodriguez Mercader MD,Robert Güerri-Fern?ndez MD, PhD,Itziar Arrieta Aldea MD,Ramon M. Pujol MD, PhD,Gemma Martin-Ezquerra MD, PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15515

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 886-888

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COVID-19 “second wave” and vaccines: the dermatologists’ perspective

Martina Burlando MD,Roberto Russo MD,Emanuele Cozzani MD, PhD,Aurora Parodi MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15547

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 889-890

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Cutaneous reaction to BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine

Alba L?pez-Valle MD,Daniel Falkenhain-L?pez MD,Celia R. Arranz MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15575

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 891-892

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Acquired RASopathic changes associated with BRAF-inhibitor treatment

Luciana L. Tirelli MD,Paula C. Luna MD,Marina Monaco MD,Andres Label MD,Ana Inés L?sch MD,Maria Florencia Su?rez Conde MD,Ramiro Cano MD,Margarita Larralde MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15506

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 893-895

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First description of bullous lupus associated with cutaneous leishmaniasis: coincidence or trigger?

Chloé Bertin MD,Kinan Drak Alsibai MD, PhD,Magalie Demar MD, PhD,Pierre Couppié MD, PhD,Romain Blaizot MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15532

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 896-898

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New variant in deficiency of interleukin-36 receptor antagonist syndrome (DITRA)

Déborah Salik MD,Samer Zoghaib MD,Chantal Dangoisse MD,Ursula Sass MD,Athanasios Kolivras MD, PhD,Julie Soblet PhD,Catheline Vilain MD, PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15522

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 899-900

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Biopsy-proven calciphylaxis in the Irish National Kidney Transplant Center 2010–2019

Ciara O'Keeffe BSc, MB, BCh, BAO,Elsa Barbosa MB, BCh, BAO,Marina O'Kane BSc, MB, BCh, BAO

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15516

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 901-903

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Two cases of Chanarin-Dorfman syndrome with novel and recurrent mutations in the ABHD5 gene

Xingyuan Jiang MD,Weilong Zhong PhD,Bo Yu MD,Zhimiao Lin MD,Huijun Wang PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15432

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 904-906

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Carbamazepine-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis: the importance of HLA-B*1502 testing in at-risk populations prior to therapy initiation

Brynn Sargent BS,Margit L. W. Juhasz MD, MSc,Victor C. Joe MD,Bonnie A. Lee MD,Nathan W. Rojek MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15461

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 907-908

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Impetigo as an adverse effect of topical 5% imiquimod treatment for viral warts

Li Wei Heng MBBS,Nisha S. Chandran MBBS, MRCP (UK), MMed (Int Med)

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15480

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 909-910

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Pyoderma gangrenosum of the breast revealing contralateral breast carcinoma

Rebeca Calado MD,Carolina Figueiredo MD,José Cardoso MD,Luis Santiago MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15508

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. 911-912

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A necrotic arm with a palpable pulse

Lamiaa Hamie MD, MSc,Mazen Kurban MD,Ossama Abbas MD,Amir Ibrahim MD,Shukrallah Zaynoun MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15477

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. e253-e255

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Nodular swelling over finger in a middle-aged female

Yashdeep S. Pathania MD,Ravikumar Mudugal MD,Anupama Bains MD, DNB,Poonam Elhence MD, DNB

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15260

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. e256-e258

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Slow-growing ulcerated nodule in a congenital melanocytic nevus

Stefania Barruscotti MD,Chiara Perugini MD,Chiara Giorgini MD,Claudia Poma MD,Camilla Vassallo MD, PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15474

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. e259-e261

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Square alopecia on the vertex scalp

Ania Henning MD,Nely Aldrich MD,Joshua Weaver MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15269

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. e262-e264

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Possible role of neuropilins in dermatological manifestations of SARS-CoV-2 infection

Angela Patr? MD,Gabriella Fabbrocini MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15546

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. e265-e265

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Telogen effluvium in the new SARS-CoV-2 era

Sonia S. Ocampo-Garza MD,Maria Vastarella MD,Paola Nappa MD,Mariateresa Cantelli MD,Gabriella Fabbrocini MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15482

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. e265-e266

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Androgens and women: COVID-19 outcomes in women with acne vulgaris, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and hirsutism

Katerina Yale MD,Rachel Elsanadi BS,Alessandro Ghigi MS,Kai Zheng PhD,Andy Goren MD,Natasha A. Mesinkovska MD, PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15473

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. e267-e268

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The frequency and characteristics of itching in severe COVID-19 patients: first report

?mer Kutlu MD, MRCP, EBDV,Neslihan Demirel ??üt MD,Ece Erba?c? MD,Ahmet Metin MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15566

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. e268-e269

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Traumatized genitalia in a child: sexual abuse or maybe not?

Sofia-Magdalini Manoli MD,Aimilios Lallas PhD,Elizabeth Lazaridou PhD,Chryssoula Papageorgiou PhD,Christina Fotiadou PhD,Zoe Apalla PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15536

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. e269-e271

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Pyoderma gangrenosum with plasma cell dyscrasia should be subject for anti-myeloma treatment

Hareth Nahi MD, PhD,Gabriel Afram MD, PhD,Hanna Brauner MD, PhD,Toomas Talme MD, PhD,Natalia Kuzmina MD, PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15504

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. e271-e273

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Vitiligo masquerading as annular erythema in a young woman with low-grade skin phototype

Lena Dietze MD,Dieter Metze MD,Markus B?hm MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15489

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. e273-e274

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Making the switch: a retrospective case series of our departmental experience of biosimilar medications

Darren Roche MB BCh BAO, MRCPI,Trevor Markham MD, FRCPI, MB BCh BAO

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15463

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. e274-e276

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Clinical and dermoscopic features of orf transmitted from camels

Abdulaziz Alnami MBBS,Nada Shokor MBBS,Abdulaziz Alajlan MBBS,Mohammed I. AlJasser MBBS FRCPC

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15479

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. e276-e277

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The challenges of teaching and examining dermatology in the medical school curriculum

Ratnam Gandhi MBChB,Niam Arora MBChB

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15472

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. e277-e278

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Topical dicloxacillin solution wash for papulopustular eruptions and purpuric drug eruptions due to epidermal growth factor inhibitors

Chun-Wei Lu MD,Chiao-En Wu MD, PhD,Ping-Chih Hsu MD,Yueh-Fu Fang MD,Shih-Hong Li MD,Li-Chuan Tseng RN, MS,Feng-Ya Shih RN, MS

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15468

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. e278-e281

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Rare case of eccrine poroma in recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa

Luana Moraes Campos MD,Daniel Luiz da Silva MD,Vanessa Alice Amorim MD,Maria Laura Malzoni MD,Luciana Patricia Fernandes Abbade MD, PhD,Gabriela Roncada Haddad MD, PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15475

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. e281-e283

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Efficacy and tolerance of BRAF and MEK inhibitors on metastatic melanoma carrying the orphan pV600_K601 delinsE mutation of the BRAF gene

Jordane Barbé MD,Margaux Garnier MD,Anne Tallet PharmD,Christine Collin PhD,Sophie Leducq MD,?milie Routier MD,Laurent Machet MD, PhD,Mahtab Samimi MD, PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15538

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. e283-e284

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The checklist saves the day!

Ajit Barve MBBS, DDV

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15454

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. e284-e285

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Nicolau syndrome, a rare though important complication of hyaluronic acid injection

Bahram Eshraghi MD,Parisa Shaygan MS,Niyusha Lajevardi MS,Mohammadreza Fazel MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15487

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. e285-e286

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Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis induced by pseudoephedrine in a combination tablet with fexofenadine

Nao Kusutani MD,Marina Nishida MD,Junko Sowa-Osako MD, PhD,Naoki Maekawa MD,Kazuyoshi Fukai MD, PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15431

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. e286-e288

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KID syndrome in a Malaysian child with identification of novel heterozygous missense mutation GJB2 c.581T>A(p. 194Phe>Tyr)

Min Moon Tang AdvMDerm,Uttam Surana PhD,Kin F. Leong MRCPCH,Zacharias Aloysius Dwi Pramano MD, PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15523

International Journal of DermatologyVolume 60, Issue 7 p. e288-e290

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