Journal of Clinical Rheumatology

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The Effect of Corticosteroids on Temporal Artery Biopsy Positivity in Giant Cell Arteritis: Timing is Everything.

Papadakos, Stavros P. MD *; Papazoglou, Andreas S. MD +; Moysidis, Dimitrios V. MD ++; Tsagkaris, Christos MD [S]; Papadakis, Dimitrios L. MD [//]; Koutsogianni, Alexandra MD [//]; Fragoulis, Georgios MD [P]; Papadakis, Marios MD, PhD, MSc #

doi : 10.1097/RHU.0000000000001938

Volume 29(4) pgs. 173-216,e19-e58 June 2023

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Frequency of Helicobacter pylori in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis Whose Methotrexate Was Stopped Due to Gastrointestinal Intolerance.

Aydemir Guloksuz, Emine Gozde MD *; Sezer, Serdar MD *; Yayla, Mucteba Enes MD *; Sahin Eroglu, Didem MD *; Uslu Yurteri, Emine MD *; Kelesoglu Dincer, Ayse Bahar MD +; Torgutalp, Murat MD ++; Yuksel, Mehmet Levent MD *; Okatan, Ilyas Ercan MD [S]; Gumussoy, Mesut MD [//]; Yilmaz, Recep MD *; Ilbay, Ahmet MD *; Soykan, Arif Irfan MD [//]; Ates, Askin MD *; Turgay, Tahsin Murat MD *; Kinikli, Gulay MD *

doi : 10.1097/RHU.0000000000001952

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The Proportion of Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis Achieving ACR20/50/70; Consistent Patterns of a 60/40/20 as Demonstrated by a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

Mokbel, Abir MD, MSc *,+; Movahedi, Mohammad PhD, MD ++,[S]; Philippopoulos, Eleni MISt [//]; Ojani, Pantea MD [P]; Keystone, Edward C. MD, FRCP [P],#

doi : 10.1097/RHU.0000000000001945

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Short-term Accrual 2019 European League Against Rheumatism/American College of Rheumatology Domains and Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics/American College of Rheumatology Damage in Lupus Patients With and Without Nephritis at Disease Onset.

Munhoz, Gabriela A. MD *; Aikawa, Nadia E. MD, PhD +; Silva, Clovis A. MD, PhD +; Pasoto, Sandra G. MD, PhD *; Pedrosa, Tatiana N. PhD *; Seguro, Luciana P. C. MD, PhD *; Bonfa, Eloisa MD, PhD *; Borba, Eduardo F. MD, PhD *

doi : 10.1097/RHU.0000000000001939

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Improvement or Worsening of Disease Activity After Switch to Sarilumab in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis With a Partial Response to Adalimumab.

Curtis, Jeffrey R. MD, MS, MPH *; Aletaha, Daniel MD, MS, MBA +; Burmester, Gerd MD ++; Ford, Kerri PharmD [S]; van Hoogstraten, Hubert MD, PhD [S]; Praestgaard, Amy MSc [//]; Bykerk, Vivian P. MD, FRCPC [P]; on Behalf of the MONARCH Investigators

doi : 10.1097/RHU.0000000000001946

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Assessment of Cardiovascular Disease Among Predominantly Black Gout Patients.

Chandrakumar, Harshith Priyan MBBS *; Puskoor, Anoop Venkat MBBS *; Chillumuntala, Seeta MBBS *; Sharif, Sara MBBS *; Mora, Diego Cepeda MD *; Gupta, Tanuj MD *; Tadayoni, Ashkan MD *; Zonnoor, Seyedeh Leila MD *; Celiker, Pelin MD +; Yakoubovitch, Stephanie MD +; Tsai, Andrew MD +; Chiu, Courtney MD +; Kazi, Anan MD +; Freilich, Michael MD +; Saleh, Ahmad MPH +; Moon, Seung Jae MD +; Cruickshank, Kingsley MPH +; Li, Shuojohn BS +; Katz, Julie MD +; Eichler, Joanna BS +; Salciccioli, Louis MD, FACC ++; McFarlane, Isabel M. MD, FACP *

doi : 10.1097/RHU.0000000000001948

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Genotype-Phenotype Associations of Children With Familial Mediterranean Fever in a Cohort Consisting of M694V Mutation and Implications for Colchicine-Resistant Disease.

Kisaoglu, Hakan MD; Baba, Ozge MD; Kalyoncu, Mukaddes MD

doi : 10.1097/RHU.0000000000001953

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Borderline or Weak Positive Autoantibodies in Line Immunoblots.

Lee, Adrian Y. S. MB, BS

doi : 10.1097/RHU.0000000000001927

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Response to Letter to the Editor.

Kruzer, Karen MD; Korman, Benjamin MD

doi : 10.1097/RHU.0000000000001928

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Factors Associated with the Development of Thrombosis in Pediatric Behcet Disease.

Gungorer, Vildan MD *; Polat, Merve Cansu MD *; Celikel, Elif MD *; Ekici Tekin, Zahide MD *; Kurt, Tuba MD *; Tekgoz, Nilufer MD *; Sezer, Muge MD *; Karagol, Cuneyt MD *; Coskun, Serkan MD *; Kaplan, Melike Mehves MD *; Oner, Nimet MD *; Yarali, H. Nese MD +; Celikel Acar, Banu MD *

doi : 10.1097/RHU.0000000000001930

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Predictors of Relapses or Recurrences in Patients With Giant Cell Arteritis: A Medical Records Review Study.

Gomes de Pinho, Quentin MD *; Daumas, Aurelie MD, PhD +; Benyamine, Audrey MD, PhD *; Bertolino, Julien MD *; Ebbo, Mikael MD, PhD ++; Schleinitz, Nicolas MD, PhD ++; Harle, Jean-Robert MD, PhD ++; Jarrot, Pierre Andre MD, PhD [S]; Kaplanski, Gilles MD, PhD [S]; Berbis, Julie MD, PhD [//]; Boucekine, Mohamed MSc [//]; Rossi, Pascal MD, PhD *; Granel, Brigitte MD *

doi : 10.1097/RHU.0000000000001942

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The Role of Lung Ultrasound in Systemic Sclerosis: A Systematic Review.

Gomes Guerra, Miguel MD *; Machado Pinto, Tania MD +; Agueda, Ana MD *; Rodrigues, Joana MD *; Marona, Jose MD *; Violante, Antonio MD *; Oliveira, Margarida MD *,+

doi : 10.1097/RHU.0000000000001947

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Factors Associated With Household Work Limitations in Mexican Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Impact of the Disease on Women's Life.

Ortiz-Haro, Ana Belen MD, MsC *; Contreras-Yanez, Irazu SW, MsC, PhD *; Guaracha-Basanez, Guillermo MD *,+; Pascual-Ramos, Virginia MD, MsC, PhD *

doi : 10.1097/RHU.0000000000001933

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Meaningful Improvement and Worsening in Patients Who Do Not Achieve Low Disease Activity and Switch Therapy to a New Biologic or Targeted Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drug: Results From the CorEvitas RA Registry.

Curtis, Jeffrey R. MD, MS, MPH *; Fiore, Stefano MD +; Ford, Kerri Pharm D ++; Janak, Jud C. PhD [S]; Chang, Hong PhD [S]; Pappas, Dimitrios A. MD [S],[//]; Blachley, Taylor MS [S]; Emeanuru, Kelechi MPH, CPH [S]; Bykerk, Vivian P. MD [P]

doi : 10.1097/RHU.0000000000001956

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A "Gold Standard" in the Management of Arthritis.

Chan, Karmela Kim MD

doi : 10.1097/RHU.0000000000001963

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Hydroxychloroquine-Induced Oral Mucosal Hyperpigmentation.

Alhassan, Eaman MD *; Al-Hassan, Lamees MS +

doi : 10.1097/RHU.0000000000001970

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A Myriad of Subcutaneous Nodules in Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Yamamoto, Hirotaka MD; Taniguchi, Yoshinori MD

doi : 10.1097/RHU.0000000000001976

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The Mushroom Femoral Head in Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease.

Alhassan, Eaman MD; Christianakis, Stratos MD

doi : 10.1097/RHU.0000000000001979

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Gastrointestinal Behcet Disease Secondary to Myelodysplastic Syndrome.

Shen, Kai MD; Yang, Chenlu MD

doi : 10.1097/RHU.0000000000001978

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