American Journal of Psychiatry

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Childhood- and Neurodevelopment-Related Psychiatric Disorders

Ned H. Kalin, M.D.

doi : 10.1176/appi.ajp.20220952

Volume 180, Issue 1

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Beyond the Landmarks: Where to Next With Biomarkers of Autism?

Matthew D. Lerner, Ph.D., Talena C. Day, M.A.

doi : 10.1176/appi.ajp.20220905

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Sex-Differential Neuroanatomy in Autism: A Shift Toward Male-Characteristic Brain Structure

Leanna M. Hernandez, Ph.D.

doi : 10.1176/appi.ajp.20220939

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Pathogenic Variants and Ascertainment: Neuropsychiatric Disease Risk in a Health System Cohort

Deepro Banerjee, M.S., and Santhosh Girirajan, M.B.B.S., Ph.D.

doi : 10.1176/appi.ajp.20220934

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ADHD: The Mammoth Task of Disentangling Genetic, Environmental, and Developmental Risk Factors

Sarah Kittel-Schneider, M.D.

doi : 10.1176/appi.ajp.20220916

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Brain Imaging in Psychiatry: Time to Move From Regions of Interest and Interpretive Analyses to Connectomes and Predictive Modeling?

Chadi G. Abdallah, M.D., Sameer A. Sheth, M.D., Ph.D., Eric A. Storch, Ph.D., Wayne K. Goodman, M.D.

doi : 10.1176/appi.ajp.20220907

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In Search of Biomarkers to Guide Interventions in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review

Mara Parellada, M.D., Ph.D., �lvaro Andreu-Bernabeu, M.D., Mónica Burdeus, M.Sc., Antonia San José Cáceres, Ph.D., Elena Urbiola, M.D., Linda L. Carpenter, M.D., Nina V. Kraguljac, M.D., William M. McDonald, M.D., Charles B. Nemeroff, M.D., Ph.D., Carolyn I. Rodriguez, M.D., Ph.D., Alik S. Widge, M.D., Matthew W. State, M.D., Ph.D., Stephan J. Sanders, B.M.B.S., Ph.D.

doi : 10.1176/appi.ajp.21100992

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The Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials: Initial Evaluation of a Battery of Candidate EEG Biomarkers

Sara Jane Webb, Ph.D., Adam J. Naples, Ph.D., April R. Levin, M.D., Gerhard Hellemann, Ph.D., Heather Borland, M.S., Jessica Benton, M.A., Carter Carlos, B.S., Takumi McAllister, B.S., Megha Santhosh, M.H.A., Helen Seow, Ph.D., Adham Atyabi, Ph.D., Raphael Bernier, Ph.D., Katarzyna Chawarska, Ph.D., Geraldine Dawson, Ph.D., James Dziura, Ph.D., Susan Faja, Ph.D., Shafali Jeste, M.D., Michael Murias, Ph.D., Charles A. Nelson, Ph.D., Maura Sabatos-DeVito, Ph.D., Damla Senturk, Ph.D., Frederick Shic, Ph.D., Catherine A. Sugar, Ph.D., James C. McPartland, Ph.D.

doi : 10.1176/appi.ajp.21050485

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The Link Between Autism and Sex-Related Neuroanatomy, and Associated Cognition and Gene Expression

Dorothea L. Floris, Ph.D., Han Peng, Ph.D., Varun Warrier, Ph.D., Michael V. Lombardo, Ph.D., Charlotte M. Pretzsch, Ph.D., Clara Moreau, Ph.D., Alex Tsompanidis, M.D., Ph.D., Weikang Gong, Ph.D., Maarten Mennes, Ph.D., Alberto Llera, Ph.D., Daan van Rooij, Ph.D., Marianne Oldehinkel, Ph.D., Natalie J. Forde, Ph.D., Tony Charman, Ph.D., Julian Tillmann, Ph.D., Tobias Banaschewski, M.D., Ph.D., Carolin Moessnang, Ph.D., Sarah Durston, Ph.D., Rosemary J. Holt, Ph.D., Christine Ecker, Ph.D., Flavio Dell’Acqua, Ph.D., Eva Loth, Ph.D., Thomas Bourgeron, Ph.D., Declan G.M. Murphy, M.D., Andre F. Marquand, Ph.D., Meng-Chuan Lai, M.D., Ph.D., Jan K. Buitelaar, M.D., Ph.D., Simon Baron-Cohen, Ph.D., Christian F. Beckmann, Ph.D., the APEX Group, the EU-AIMS LEAP Group

doi : 10.1176/appi.ajp.20220194

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Prevalence and Penetrance of Rare Pathogenic Variants in Neurodevelopmental Psychiatric Genes in a Health Care System Population

Hermela Shimelis, Ph.D., Matthew T. Oetjens, Ph.D., Lauren K. Walsh, M.S., Karen E. Wain, M.S., Masa Znidarsic, M.D., Scott M. Myers, M.D., Brenda M. Finucane, M.S., David H. Ledbetter, Ph.D., Christa Lese Martin, Ph.D.

doi : 10.1176/appi.ajp.22010062

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Interplay of ADHD Polygenic Liability With Birth-Related, Somatic, and Psychosocial Factors in ADHD: A Nationwide Study

Isabell Brikell, Ph.D., Theresa Wimberley, Ph.D., Clara Albiñana, M.Sc., Bjarni Jóhann Vilhjálmsson, Ph.D., Esben Agerbo, Dr.Med.Sc., Anders D. Børglum, Ph.D., Ditte Demontis, Ph.D., Andrew J. Schork, Ph.D., Sonja LaBianca, Ph.D., Thomas Werge, Ph.D., David M. Hougaard, Ph.D., Merete Nordentoft, Ph.D., Ole Mors, Ph.D., M.D., Preben Bo Mortensen, Ph.D., Liselotte Vogdrup Petersen, Ph.D., Søren Dalsgaard, Ph.D.

doi : 10.1176/appi.ajp.21111105

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Resting-State Connectivity and Response to Psychotherapy Treatment in Adolescents and Adults With OCD: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Stefanie Russman Block, Ph.D., Luke J. Norman, Ph.D., Xiaoxi Zhang, M.D., Kristin A. Mannella, B.A., Huan Yang, M.D., Ph.D., Mike Angstadt, M.S., James L. Abelson, M.D., Ph.D., Joseph A. Himle, Ph.D., Stephan F. Taylor, M.D., Kate D. Fitzgerald, M.D.

doi : 10.1176/appi.ajp.21111173

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