Journal of the Neurological Sciences

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The Intersectoral Global Action Plan (IGAP): A unique opportunity for neurology across the globe

Wolfgang Grisold*, Morris Freedman, Riadh Gouider, Alla Guekht, Steven Lewis, Marco Medina, Chandrashekhar Meshram, Guy Rouleau, Richard Stark

doi : 10.1016/j.jns.2023.120645

Volume 449, 15 June 2023, 120645

The World Health Assembly (WHA) approved the Intersectoral Global Action Plan (IGAP) in 2022.

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Pleocytosis in cerebrospinal fluid attributed to ischemic stroke: A review of the literature

Lucas Ivan Sebastian Rundblad a, Helle K. Iversen a,b, Anders S. West

doi : 10.1016/j.jns.2023.120664

Volume 449, 15 June 2023, 120664

Lumbar puncture is generally performed in stroke settings when infectious or inflammatory diseases are suspected to be the etiology. This review aimed to assess the prevalence of pleocytosis in the cerebrospinal fluid following ischemic stroke without inflammatory or infectious etiology.

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Mission thrombectomy 2020 (MT2020+) surveys of Caribbean stroke services: A call for action in our region

Gillian Gordon Perue a,*, Ryna Then b, Francene Gayle c, Siddharth Galav d, Yuvateja Thotamalla d, Madihah Hepburn e, Daidre Rowe f, Luis Suazo g, Cosme Villam �an h, Herbert Manosalva i, Santiago Ortega-Gutierrez j, Dileep Yavagal k, Violiza Inoa l, On behalf of MT2020+ Caribbean Investigators

doi : 10.1016/j.jns.2023.120640

Volume 449, 15 June 2023, 120640

Stroke is the leading cause of death and adult-onset disability in the Caribbean region. Despite the tremendous advances in acute stroke care in the past 25 years, treatment in the Caribbean lags stroke standards of care. Mission Thrombectomy 2020+ (MT2020+) is a metrics based global campaign focused on increasing access to organized stroke care and mechanical thrombectomy.

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Impact of thrombocytopenia on hemorrhagic complications after endovascular therapy for acute large vessel occlusion: Sub-analysis of RESCUE-Japan registry 2

Satoru Fujiwara a,b, Nobuyuki Sakai c, Hirotoshi Imamura c,d, Nobuyuki Ohara a, Kanta Tanaka e, Hiroshi Yamagami f, Yasushi Matsumoto g, Masataka Takeuchi h, Kazutaka Uchida b,i, Shinichi Yoshimura i, Takeshi Morimoto b,*, RESCUE-Japan Registry 2 Investigators

doi : 10.1016/j.jns.2023.120659

Volume 449, 15 June 2023, 120659

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Cognitive performance in healthy clinical trial participants and patients with the NeuroCart, a neurodegenerative disease measured with an automated neuropsychological and neurophysiological test battery

Samantha Prins a,b,*, Laura Borghans a,b, Marieke L. de Kam a, Geert Jan Groeneveld a,b, Joop van Gerven

doi : 10.1016/j.jns.2023.120658

Volume 449, 15 June 2023, 120658

The prevalence of neurodegenerative diseases increases significantly with increasing age. Neurodegeneration is the progressive loss of function of neurons that eventually leads to cell death, which in turn leads to cognitive disfunction. Cognitive performance can therefore also be considered age dependent.

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Degeneration of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons in the early to intermediate stage of dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson's disease

Masato Okitsu a, Keizo Sugaya a,*, Yasuhiro Nakata b, Tomoya Kawazoe a, Jun Ikezawa a, Ryoichi Okiyama a, Kazushi Takahashi

doi : 10.1016/j.jns.2023.120660

Volume 449, 15 June 2023, 120660

To investigate differences in nigrostriatal dopaminergic neuron degeneration between dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and Parkinson's disease (PD) in the early to intermediate stage of these diseases.

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Physiological measures and anatomical correlates of subthalamic deep brain stimulation effect on gait in Parkinson's disease

Hanieh Agharazi a, Elizabeth C. Hardin a,f, Katherine Flannery a, Sinem Balta Beylergil a, Angela Noecker b, Camilla Kilbane c,d, Stewart A. Factor e, Cameron McIntyre b, Aasef G. Shaikh

doi : 10.1016/j.jns.2023.120647

Volume 449, 15 June 2023, 120647

We examined whether conflicting visual and non-visual information leads to gait abnormalities and how the subthalamic deep brain stimulation (STN DBS) influences gait dysfunction in Parkinson's disease (PD). We used a motion capture system to measure the kinematics of the lower limbs during treadmill walking in immersive virtual reality.

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Global uncertainty in the diagnosis of neurological complications of SARS-CoV-2 infection by both neurologists and non-neurologists: An international inter-observer variability study

A.A. Tamborska a,b,c, G.K. Wood b,d, E. Westenberg e, D. Garcia-Azorin f, G. Webb b,c, N. Schiess g, M. Netravathi h, B. Baykan i,j, R. Dervaj k, R. Helbok l, S. Lant b, A. ̈Ozge m, A. Padovani n, D. Saylor o, E. Schmutzhard l, A. Easton b,p, J.B. Lilleker q,r, T. Jackson s,t, E. Beghi u,1, M.A. Ellul a,b,c, J.A. Frontera v, T. Pollak w, T.R. Nicholson x, N. Wood y, K.T. Thakur z, T. Solomon a,c,aa, R.J. Stark ab,ac, A.S. Winkler e,ad, B.D. Michael a,b,c,*, Global NeuroResearch Coalition

doi : 10.1016/j.jns.2023.120646

Volume 449, 15 June 2023, 120646

Uniform case definitions are required to ensure harmonised reporting of neurological syndromes associated with SARS-CoV-2. Moreover, it is unclear how clinicians perceive the relative importance of SARS-CoV-2 in neurological syndromes, which risks under- or over-reporting.

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Incidence of giant cell arteritis mimicking non-arteritic anterior optic neuropathy

Mariam Issa a, Laura Donaldson b, Edward Margolin

doi : 10.1016/j.jns.2023.120661

Volume 449, 15 June 2023, 120661

Giant cell arteritis (GCA) involving ophthalmic circulation often manifests as anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (AAION), presenting with severe vision loss and pallid optic disc edema. Non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION) classically presents with segmental optic disc edema and corresponding altitudinal visual field defect (VFD) with small cup-to-disc ratio in the fellow eye.

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The REMIT scale: A novel prediction scale for embolism in hyperacute stroke with large vessel occlusion

Kenichi Sakuta a,*, Takeo Sato b, Ryoji Nakada a, Tomomichi Kitagawa b, Hiroki Takatsu b, Michiyasu Fuga c, Shinji Miyagawa a, Teppei Komatsu b, Kenichiro Sakai b, Hidetaka Mitsumura b, Hiroshi Yaguchi a, Kenji Okuno d, Toshihiro Ishibashi e, Yuichi Murayama e, Yasuyuki Iguchi

doi : 10.1016/j.jns.2023.120666

Volume 449, 15 June 2023, 120666

Large vessel occlusion (LVO) in hyperacute ischemic stroke occurs mainly by one of two mechanisms, embolism or atherosclerosis. However, the mechanism is difficult to identify prior to treatment. We aimed to investigate the factors associated with embolic LVO in hyperacute ischemic stroke, and to develop a preoperative predictive scale for the event.

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Quantitative CTA vascular calcification, atherosclerosis burden, and stroke mechanism in patients with ischemic stroke

Takashi Shimoyama a, Sibaji Gaj b, Kunio Nakamura b, Shivakrishna Kovi a, Shumei Man a, Ken Uchino

doi : 10.1016/j.jns.2023.120667

Volume 449, 15 June 2023, 120667

Vascular calcification is recognized as the advanced stage of atherosclerosis burden. We hypothesized that vascular calcium quantification in CT angiography (CTA) would be helpful to differentiate large artery atherosclerosis (LAA) from other stroke etiology in patients with ischemic stroke.

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Longitudinal stability of inter-eye differences in optical coherence tomography measures for identifying unilateral optic nerve lesions in multiple sclerosis

Sachi A. Patil a, Binu Joseph b, Paula Tagliani d, Jaume Sastre-Garriga d, Xavier Montalban d, Angela Vidal-Jordana d, Steven L. Galetta a,b, Laura J. Balcer a,b,c,*, Rachel C. Kenney

doi : 10.1016/j.jns.2023.120669

Volume 449, 15 June 2023, 120669

Optical coherence tomography (OCT)-derived peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (pRNFL) and ganglion cell+inner plexiform layer (GCIPL) thickness inter-eye differences (IEDs) are robust measurements for identifying clinical history acute ON in people with MS (PwMS). This study investigated the utility and durability of these measures as longitudinal markers to identify optic nerve lesions.

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Letter to editor: Is improved access to magnetic resonance imaging imperative for optimal ischemic stroke care?

Alex Panther

doi : 10.1016/j.jns.2023.120634

Volume 449, 15 June 2023, 120634

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Incorporating health equity in the neurology curriculum: Our experience

T.B. Kaplan a,b,*, C. Doughty a,b, J. Budhu

doi : 10.1016/j.jns.2023.120665

Volume 449, 15 June 2023, 120665

Social determinants of health (SDoH) are responsible for 80–90% of modifiable contributors to health, yet this material may not be covered in preclinical medical school neuroscience courses.

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Cerebrospinal fluid B-cell activating factor levels as a novel biomarker in patients with neurosarcoidosis

Kaori Sumi a,1, Teruaki Masuda a,*,1, Noriyuki Kimura a,1, Yuko Akiyoshi a, Konen Obayashi b, Etsuro Matsubara

doi : 10.1016/j.jns.2023.120668

Volume 449, 15 June 2023, 120668

Neurosarcoidosis (NS) is a severe complication of sarcoidosis. Patients with NS often have poor outcomes. To improve both the quality of life and prognosis in patients with NS, accurate and reliable methods for early diagnosis and determining the efficacy of treatment are needed.

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Video-based detection of epileptic spasms in West syndrome using a deep neural network: A pilot case study

Katsuki Eguchia,*, Hiroaki Yaguchia,*, Sachiko Nakakubob, Midori Nakajimab, Yuki Uedab, Kiyoshi Egawab, Hideaki Shiraishib, Ichiro Yabe

doi : 10.1016/j.jns.2023.120671

Volume 449, 15 June 2023, 120671

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Corrigendum to “Impact of width of susceptibility vessel sign on recanalization following endovascular therapy� [Journal of the Neurological Sciences 446 (2023) 120583]

Tadashi Kanamoto a,b, Yohei Tateishi a,b,*, Kairi Yamashita a, Kanako Furuta a, Daishi Torimura a, Yuki Tomita a, Takuro Hirayama a, Tomoaki Shima a, Atsushi Nagaoka a, Shunsuke Yoshimura a, Teiichiro Miyazaki a, Reiko Ideguchi c, Minoru Morikawa c, Yoichi Morofuji d, Nobutaka Horie d,e, Tsuyoshi Izumo d, Akira Tsujino

doi : 10.1016/j.jns.2023.120662

Volume 449, 15 June 2023, 120662

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