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doi : 10.1016/S0085-2538(23)00270-3

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Page A1

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doi : 10.1016/S0085-2538(23)00271-5

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Page A3

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Table of Contents

doi : 10.1016/S0085-2538(23)00272-7

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Pages A5, A7, A9, A11

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in this issue

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.04.002

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Page 1003

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Perspectives on early detection of chronic kidney disease: the facts, the questions, and a proposed framework for 2023 and beyond

Adeera Levin1 , Ikechi G. Okpechi2,3,4 , Fergus J. Caskey 5 , Chih-Wei Yang6,7 , Marcello Tonelli 8,9 and Vivekanand Jha

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.03.009

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Pages 1004-1008

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journal club

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.04.003

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Pages 1009-1011

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Acetazolamide—another tool in the congestion battle?

Michael B. Stokes 1,2 , Wai Ping Alicia Chan 1,2 , Matthew I. Worthley 1,2 and P. Toby Coates

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.03.005

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Pages 1012-1014

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Apixaban for stroke prevention in hemodialysis patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation

Thomas A. Mavrakanas

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.03.027

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Pages 1014-1017

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From bench to bedside: lessons learned from translational podocyte research

Olivia Lenoir 1 , Tobias B. Huber 2,3 and Pierre-Louis Tharaux

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.03.008

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Pages 1018-1020

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Another piece in the puzzle of kidney fibrosis

Andrea Remuzzi 1 and Masaomi Nangaku

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.03.028

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Pages 1020-1023

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Excess mortality after kidney transplantation: does sex matter?

Agathe Truchot 1 , Marc Raynaud 1 and Alexandre Loupy

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.03.011

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Pages 1023-1024

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Quality of life: a crucial aspect for the patients, a neglected goal in the treatment of anemia in patients with CKD

Francesco Locatelli 1 and Lucia Del Vecchio

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.03.026

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Pages 1025-1027

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Defining myocardial infarction in trials of people receiving hemodialysis: consensus report from the SONG-HD MI Expert Working group

Emma O’Lone 1,2 , Fred S. Apple 3 , James O. Burton 4,5 , Fergus J. Caskey 6 , Jonathan C. Craig 7 , Christopher R. deFilippi 8 , Derek Forfang 9 , Karen A. Hicks 10,27 , Vivekanand Jha 11,12,13 , Kenneth W. Mahaffey 14 , Patrick B. Mark 15 , Patrick Rossignol 16,17,18 , Nicole Scholes-Robertson 7 , Allison Jaure 1,19 , Andrea K. Viecelli 20 , Angela Y. Wang21 , David C. Wheeler 22 , David White 23 , Wolfgang C. Winkelmayer24 and Charles A. Herzog

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.02.033

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Pages 1028-1037

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Devices for long-term hemodialysis in small children—a plea for action

Bruno Ranchin 1 , Claus Peter Schmitt 2 , Bradley Warady 3 , Jonathan C. Craig 4 , Christoph Licht 5,6 , Hiroshi Hataya 7,8 , Enrico Vidal 9 , Johan Vande Walle 10,12 and Rukshana Shroff

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.03.018

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Pages 1038-1040

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Acute kidney injury and distant organ dysfunction–network system analysis

Ryo Matsuura 1 , Kent Doi 2 and Hamid Rabb 3

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.03.025

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Pages 1041-1055

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The small GTPase regulatory protein Rac1 drives podocyte injury independent of cationic channel protein TRPC5

Onur K. Polat 1,2 , Elena Isaeva 3 , Yashwanth R. Sudhini 1 , Brenna Knott 1 , Ke Zhu 1 , Manuel Noben 1 , Varsha Suresh Kumar 1 , Nicole Endlich 4,5 , Steve Mangos 1 , Tejasree Vallapu Reddy 1 , Beata Samelko 1 , Changli Wei 1 , Mehmet M. Altintas 1 , Stuart E. Dryer 6,7 , Sanja Sever 8 , Alexander Staruschenko 2,9,10 and Jochen Reiser

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.01.016

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Pages 1056-1062

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Proteomic landscape of the extracellular matrix in the fibrotic kidney

Li Li 1 , Meizhi He1 , Xiaoman Tang1 , Junxin Huang 1 , Jing Li2 , Xue Hong 1 , Haiyan Fu 1 and Youhua Liu

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.01.021

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Pages 1063-1076

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Single nuclei transcriptomics delineates complex immune and kidney cell interactions contributing to kidney allograft fibrosis

Jennifer M. McDaniels 1,8 , Amol C. Shetty 2,8 , Cem Kuscu 3,4 , Canan Kuscu 3,4 , Elissa Bardhi 1 , Thomas Rousselle 1 , Cinthia Drachenberg 5 , Manish Talwar 3 , James D. Eason 3 , Thangamani Muthukumar 6 , Daniel G. Maluf 1,7 and Valeria R. Mas

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.02.018

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Pages 1077-1092

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Zinc finger protein 24-dependent transcription factor SOX9 up-regulation protects tubular epithelial cells during acute kidney injury

Ji Young Kim 1 , Josie A. Silvaroli 1 , Gabriela Vasquez Martinez 2,3 , Bijay Bisunke4 , Alanys V. Luna Ramirez 1 , Laura A. Jayne 1 , Mei Ji He Ho Feng 1 , Bhavya Girotra 1 , Shirely M. Acosta Martinez 1 , Corynne R. Vermillion 1 , Isaac Z. Karel 1 , Nicholas Ferrell 5 , Noah Weisleder 6 , Sangwoon Chung 7 , John W. Christman 7 , Craig R. Brooks 8 , Sethu M. Madhavan 5 , Kari R. Hoyt 1 , Rachel E. Cianciolo9 , Anjali A. Satoskar 10 , Diana Zepeda-Orozco2,3 , Jennifer C. Sullivan 11 , Alan J. Davidson 12 , Amandeep Bajwa 13,14,15 and Navjot Singh Pabla

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.02.026

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Pages 1093-1104

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The impact of the cytoplasmic ubiquitin ligase TNFAIP3 gene variation on transcription factor NF-κB activation in acute kidney injury

Natasha M. Rogers 1,2,3,11 , Nathan Zammit 4,5 , Danny Nguyen-Ngo1 , Yassine Souilmi 6,7 , Nikita Minhas 1 , Daniel N. Meijles 8 , Eleanor Self 4,5 , Stacey N. Walters 4,5 , Joanna Warren4,5 , Daniele Cultrone4,5 , Maryam El-Rashid 1 , Jennifer Li1 , Tatyana Chtanova 5,9,10 , Philip J. O’Connell1,2,3 and Shane T. Grey

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.02.030

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Pages 1105-1119

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Deep learning–based segmentation and quantification of podocyte foot process morphology suggests differential patterns of foot process effacement across kidney pathologies

David Unnersjo ̈ -Jess 1,2,3,4,5,6,9 , Linus Butt 1,2,3,9 , Martin Ho ̈ hne1,3 , German Sergei 2 , Arash Fatehi 2 , Anna Witasp 5 , Annika Wernerson 5 , Jaakko Patrakka 7 , Peter F. Hoyer 8 , Hans Blom 4,6 , Bernhard Schermer 1,2,3 , Katarzyna Bozek 2,3,10 and Thomas Benzing

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.03.013

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Pages 1120-1130

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A multinational cohort study uncovered sex differences in excess mortality after kidney transplant

Amanda J. Vinson 1 , Xun Zhang 2 , Mourad Dahhou 2 , Caner Su ̈ sal 3,4 , Bernd Do ̈ hler 3 , Anette Melk 5 , Ruth Sapir-Pichhadze 2,6,7 , Heloise Cardinal 8 , Germaine Wong 9 , Anna Francis 10,11 , Helen Pilmore 12 and Bethany J. Foster

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.01.022

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Pages 1131-1143

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Proteinuria and hematuria after remission induction are associated with outcome in ANCA-associated vasculitis

Nicolas Benichou 1,2 , Pierre Charles 3 , Benjamin Terrier 2,4 , Rachel B. Jones 5,6 , Thomas Hiemstra 6 , Luc Mouthon 2,4 , Ingeborg Bajema 7,8 , Annelies Berden 9 , Eric Thervet 1,2 , Loı ̈c Guillevin 2,4 , David Jayne 5,6 and Alexandre Karras 1,2 ; on behalf of French Vasculitis Study Group (FVSG) and European Vasculitis Society (EUVAS) investigators

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.02.029

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Pages 1144-1155

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Association of polygenic scores with chronic kidney disease phenotypes in a longitudinal study of older adults

Andrew Bakshi1,15 , Julia Jefferis 2,3,15 , Rory Wolfe 1 , James B. Wetmore 4,5 , John J. McNeil 1 , Anne M. Murray 6,7,8,9 , Kevan R. Polkinghorne 1,10,11 , Andrew J. Mallett 12,13,14,16 and Paul Lacaze

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.03.017

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Pages 1156-1166

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Subclinical rejection-free diagnostic after kidney transplantation using blood gene expression

Richard Danger 1 , Ludmilla Le Berre 1 , Marion Cadoux 1 , Clarisse Kerleau 1 , Emmanuelle Papuchon 1,2 , Hoa Le Mai 1 , Thi-Van-Ha Nguyen 1 , Pierrick Gue �rif 1 , Emmanuel Morelon 3 , Olivier Thaunat 3 , Christophe Legendre4 , Dany Anglicheau 4 , Carmen Lefaucheur 5 , Lionel Couzi 6 , Arnaud Del Bello 7 , Nassim Kamar 7 , Moglie Le Quintrec 8 , Valentin Goutaudier 4,9 , Karine Renaudin 1,10 , Magali Giral 1,2,11,12 and Sophie Brouard 1,2,11,12 ; on behalf of the DIVAT Consortium

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.03.019

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Pages 1167-1179

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The ASCEND-NHQ randomized trial found positive effects of daprodustat on hemoglobin and quality of life in patients with non-dialysis chronic kidney disease

Kirsten L. Johansen 1 , Alexander R. Cobitz 2 , Ajay K. Singh 3 , Iain C. Macdougall 4 , Renato D. Lopes 5 , Gregorio T. Obrador 6 , Csaba P. Kovesdy 7 , Rubeen Israni2 , Vivekanand Jha 8,9,10 , Tony Okoro 2 , Mike Sprys2 , Shivinder Jolly 11 , Alistair C. Lindsay 2 , Purav Bhatt 2 , Rodrigo Refoios Camejo 12 , Tom Keeley 12 , Borut Cizman 2 and David C. Wheeler

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.02.019

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Pages 1180-1192

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Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis with or without uveitis: a novel form of post-acute COVID-19 syndrome in children

Marina Avramescu 1,33 , Pierre Isnard 2,3,33 , Sarah Temmam 4,34 , Agne`s Chevalier 5,34 , Paul Bastard 6,7,8 , Mikael Attia 9 , Romain Berthaud 1 , Marc Fila 5 , Claire Dossier 10 , Julien Hogan 10 , Tim Ulinski 11 , Damia Leguevaques 12 , Fe �rielle Louillet 13 , Edouard Martinez Casado 13 , Jean-Michel Halimi14 , Sylvie Cloarec 15 , Ariane Zaloszyc 16 , Camille Faudeux 17 , Caroline Rousset-Rouvie`re 18 , Ste �phanie Clave � 18 , Je �roˆ me Harambat 19 , Edouard Rollot 19 , Thomas Simon 20 , Megan Nallet-Amate 21 , Bruno Ranchin 22 , Justine Bacchetta 22 , Florence Porcheret 23 , Josselin Bernard 23 , Ame �lie Ryckewaert 24 , Anne Jamet 25 , Jacques Fourgeaud 25 , Nicolas Da Rocha 4 , Philippe Pe �rot 4 , Nicolas Kuperwasser 26 , Naı ̈m Bouazza27,28,29 , Marion Rabant 2 , Jean-Paul Duong Van Huyen 2 , Matthieu P. Robert30 , Julien Zuber 31 , Jean-Laurent Casanova 6,7 , Marc Eloit 4 , Isabelle Sermet-Gaudelus 32 and Olivia Boyer

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.02.028

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Pages 1193-1198

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Statistical model error

Armia Ahmadi-Hadad

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.03.001

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Page 1199

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The authors reply

Josefin Soppert 1,2 , Nicole Maria Heussen 3,4 and Heidi Noels

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.02.023

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Pages 1199-1201

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Information regarding polypill treatment is lacking

Ine`s Dufour 1 and Arnaud Devresse

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.02.025

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Page 1201

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The authors reply

Johannes F.E. Mann 1 , Philipp Joseph 1 and Salim Yusuf

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.02.024

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Page 1201

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Corrigendum to “Ttc21b deficiency attenuates autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease in a kidney tubular- and maturation-dependent manner.� Kidney Int. 2022;102:577–591

Wei Wang 1 , Luciane M. Silva1 , Henry H. Wang 1 , Matthew A. Kavanaugh 1 , Tana S. Pottorf 1 , Bailey A. Allard 1 , Damon T. Jacobs 1 , Ruochen Dong 1 , Joseph T. Cornelius 1 , Aakriti Chaturvedi 1 , Katherine I. Swenson-Fields 1 , Timothy A. Fields 2 , Michele T. Pritchard 3 , Madhulika Sharma 4 , Chad Slawson 5 , Darren P. Wallace 4 , James P. Calvet 5 and Pamela V. Tran

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.04.001

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Page 1202

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An unusual case of ascites after kidney transplantation

Ulrich Jehn 1 , Michael Ko ̈ hler 2 and Stefan Reuter

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.01.012

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Page 1203

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The Case | Crescentic glomerulonephritis in a kidney transplant recipient

Pierre Isnard 1,2 , Ellie Tang 3 , Ahmad Mroue 4 , Emmanuel Letavernier 5 and Jérôme Verine

doi : 10.1016/j.kint.2023.01.005

Volume 103, Issue 6, June 2023, Pages 1205-1206

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