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On the Way to Self-sufficiency: Improving Deceased Organ Donation in India

Kute, Vivek B.; Ramesh, Vasanthi; Rela, Mohamed

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003677

Transplantation: August 2021 - Volume 105 - Issue 8 - p 1625-1630

Organ transplantation in India to date relies predominantly (80.3%) on living donor procedures for kidney and liver transplantation. Heart, lung, pancreas, and small bowel transplants are therefore less frequent.1-4 There is also a pronounced gender inequality with a majority of male transplant recipients (81%), whereas most donors (78%) are female. At this time, there are limited living donor follow-up and variable recipient results. Most transplants take place in private sector hospitals with costs that nearly twice compared with those in the public sector.

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Health System Building Blocks and Organ Transplantation in India

Divyaveer, Smita; Nagral, Sanjay; Prasad, K.T.; Sharma, Ashish; Jha, Vivekanand

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003685

Transplantation: August 2021 - Volume 105 - Issue 8 - p 1631-1634

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Research Highlights

Kempkes, Rosalie W.M.; Issa, Fadi

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003874

Transplantation: August 2021 - Volume 105 - Issue 8 - p 1635-1636

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B Cells Break Maternal T-Cell Tolerance of Fetal Antigen

Nellore, Anoma; Porrett, Paige M.

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003727

Transplantation: August 2021 - Volume 105 - Issue 8 - p 1637-1638

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Dr Andreas Gerasimos Tzakis, MD, PhD, Dhc (mult), Professor of Surgery, Emeritus Director of Transplantation, Cleveland Clinic

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003807

Transplantation: August 2021 - Volume 105 - Issue 8 - p 1639-1642

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Early Allograft Dysfunction and Complications in DCD Liver Transplantation: Expert Consensus Statements From the International Liver Transplantation Society

Quintini, Cristiano; Muiesan, Paolo; Detry, Olivier; Gastaca, Mikel; de Jonge, Jeroen; Clavien, Pierre-Alain; Del Prete, Luca; Fondevila, Constantino

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003877

Transplantation: August 2021 - Volume 105 - Issue 8 - p 1643-1652

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Cytomegalovirus: Another Source of Antibody-mediated Graft Injury?

Cook, Charles H.

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003549

Transplantation: August 2021 - Volume 105 - Issue 8 - p 1653-1654

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Urine the Right Direction: The Consensus Statement From the Committee on Transplant Anesthesia of the American Society of Anesthesiologists on Fluid Management During Kidney Transplantation

Weinberg, Laurence; Collins, Michael G.; Peyton, Philip

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003582

Transplantation: August 2021 - Volume 105 - Issue 8 - p 1655-1657

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Immunosuppression for Liver Retransplantation: Babel Revisited

Peters, Anna L.; Tremblay, Simon; Alloway, Rita R.; Woodle, E. Steve

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003418

Transplantation: August 2021 - Volume 105 - Issue 8 - p 1658-1659

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Imlifidase Shows Promise for the Most Disadvantaged Sensitized Transplant Candidates

Schinstock, Carrie A.

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003497

Transplantation: August 2021 - Volume 105 - Issue 8 - p 1660-1661

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Outfoxing Rejection: Urinary FOXP3 mRNA, TCMR, and the Fate of Allografts

Tedla, Fasika M.; Sanchez Russo, Luis; Menon, Madhav C.

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003479

Transplantation: August 2021 - Volume 105 - Issue 8 - p 1662-1663

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Oxygen-sensitive Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Noninvasive Step Forward for Diagnosing Vasculopathy in the Cardiac Allograft

van Heeswijk, Ruud B.; Hullin, Roger

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003420

Transplantation: August 2021 - Volume 105 - Issue 8 - p 1664-1665

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Trained Innate Immunity in Hematopoietic Stem Cell and Solid Organ Transplantation

Cunningham, Kyle T.; Mills, Kingston H.G.

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003673

Transplantation: August 2021 - Volume 105 - Issue 8 - p 1666-1676

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Fluid Management During Kidney Transplantation: A Consensus Statement of the Committee on Transplant Anesthesia of the American Society of Anesthesiologists

Wagener, Gebhard; Bezinover, Dmitri; Wang, Cynthia; Kroepfl, Elizabeth; Diaz, Geraldine; Giordano, Chris; West, James; Kindscher, James D.; Moguilevitch, Marina; Nicolau-Raducu, Ramona; Planinsic, Raymond M.; Rosenfeld, David M.; Lindberg, Scott; Schumann, Roman; Pivalizza, Evan G.

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003581

Transplantation: August 2021 - Volume 105 - Issue 8 - p 1677-1684

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Frailty in Pancreas Transplantation

Parajuli, Sandesh; Aziz, Fahad; Garg, Neetika; Wallschlaeger, Rebecca E.; Lorden, Heather M.; Al-Qaoud, Talal; Mandelbrot, Didier A.; Odorico, and Jon S.

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003586

Transplantation: August 2021 - Volume 105 - Issue 8 - p 1685-1694

There are a variety of definitions and criteria used in clinical practice to define frailty. In the absence of a gold-standard definition, frailty has been operationally defined as meeting 3 out of 5 phenotypic criteria indicating compromised function: low grip strength, low energy, slowed walking speed, low physical activity, and unintentional weight loss. Frailty is a common problem in solid organ transplant candidates who are in the process of being listed for a transplant, as well as after transplantation.

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Uterine Transplantation: Review of Livebirths and Reproductive Implications

Jones, Benjamin P.; Kasaven, Lorraine; Vali, Saaliha; Saso, Srdjan; Jalmbrant, Maria; Bracewell-Milnes, Timothy; Thum, Meen-Yau; Quiroga, Isabel; Friend, Peter; Diaz-Garcia, Cesar; Ghaem-Maghami, Sadaf; Yazbek, Joseph; Lees, Christoph; Testa, Giuliano; Johannesson, Liza; Jones, Bryony; Smith, J. Richard

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003578

Transplantation: August 2021 - Volume 105 - Issue 8 - p 1695-1707

Uterine transplantation (UTx) is a fertility restoring treatment for women with absolute uterine factor infertility. At a time when there is no question of the procedure’s feasibility, and as the number of livebirths begins to increase exponentially, various important reproductive, fetal, and maternal medicine implications have emerged.

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Reporting and Handling of Missing Participant Data in Systematic Reviews of Kidney Transplant Studies

Budhiraja, Pooja; Kalot, Mohamad A.; Alayli, Abdallah El; Dimassi, Ahmad; Kaplan, Bruce; Chakkera, Harini A.; Mustafa, Reem A.

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003503

Transplantation: August 2021 - Volume 105 - Issue 8 - p 1708-1717

Participant withdrawal from clinical trials occurs for various reasons, predominantly adverse effects or intervention inefficacy. Because these missing participant data can have implications for the validity, reproducibility, and generalizability of study results, when conducting a systematic review, it is important to collect and appropriately analyze missing data information to assess its effects on the robustness of the study results.

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Murine Cytomegalovirus–induced Complement-fixing Antibodies Deposit in Murine Renal Allografts During Acute Rejection

Saunders, Ute; Li, Mao; Boddeda, Srinivasa R.; Maher, Sonya; Ghere, Jessica; Kaptsan, Irina; Dhital, Ravi; Velazquez, Victoria; Guo, Lingling; Chen, Bo; Zeng, Qiang; Schoeb, Trenton R.; Cianciolo, Rachel; Shimamura, Masako

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003548

Transplantation: August 2021 - Volume 105 - Issue 8 - p 1718-1729

Human cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is associated with renal allograft dysfunction and loss, particularly in combination with acute rejection. Emerging literature suggests that non-HLA antibodies may contribute to antibody-mediated rejection, but pathogen-induced antibodies have not been investigated in this context. This study examines the presence of CMV-induced antibodies in murine CMV (MCMV)–infected renal allografts during acute rejection.

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Imaging Tolerance Induction in Neonatal Mice: Hierarchical Interplay Between Allogeneic Adult and Neonatal Immune Cells

Bascom, Roger A.; Tao, KeSheng; West, Lori J.

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003566

Transplantation: August 2021 - Volume 105 - Issue 8 - p 1730-1746

In Medawar’s murine neonatal tolerance model, injection of adult semiallogeneic lymphohematopoietic cells (spleen cells [SC] and bone marrow cells [BMC]) tolerizes the neonatal immune system. An eventual clinical application would require fully allogeneic (allo) cells, yet little is known about the complex in vivo/in situ interplay between those cells and the nonconditioned neonatal immune system.

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Presence of Donor Lymph Nodes Within Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation Ameliorates VEGF-C-mediated Lymphangiogenesis and Delays the Onset of Acute Rejection

Olariu, Radu; Tsai, Catherine; Abd El Hafez, Mai; Milusev, Anastasia; Banz, Yara; Lese, Ioana; Leckenby, Jonathan I.; Constantinescu, Mihai; Rieben, Robert; V?gelin, Esther; Taddeo, Adriano

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003601

Transplantation: August 2021 - Volume 105 - Issue 8 - p 1747-1759

The lymphatic system plays an active role in modulating inflammation in autoimmune diseases and organ rejection. In this work, we hypothesized that the transfer of donor lymph node (LN) might be used to promote lymphangiogenesis and influence rejection in vascularized composite allotransplantation (VCA).

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A Comparison of Pulsatile Hypothermic and Normothermic Ex Vivo Machine Perfusion in a Porcine Kidney Model

Vallant, Natalie; Wolfhagen, Nienke; Sandhu, Bynvant; Hamaoui, Karim; Cook, Terence; Pusey, Charles; Papalois, Vassilios

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003599

Transplantation. 105(8):1760-1770, August 2021

Hypothermic machine perfusion (HMP) is a well-established method for deceased donor kidney preservation. Normothermic machine perfusion (NMP) might offer similar or greater advantages. We compared the 2 methods in an ex vivo perfusion model using 34 porcine kidneys.

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Major Thromboembolic Complications in Liver Transplantation: The Role of Rotational Thromboelastometry and Cryoprecipitate Transfusion

Nguyen-Buckley, Christine; Gao, Wei; Agopian, Vatche; Wray, Christopher; Steadman, Randolph H.; Xia, Victor W.

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003427

Transplantation. 105(8):1771-1777, August 2021

Although hemorrhage is a major concern during liver transplantation (LT), the risk for thromboembolism is well recognized. Implementation of rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM) has been associated with the increased use of cryoprecipitate; however, the role of ROTEM-guided transfusion strategy and cryoprecipitate administration in the development of major thromboembolic complications (MTCs) has never been documented.

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Early Versus Late Hepatocellular Carcinoma Recurrence After Transplantation: Predictive Factors, Patterns, and Long-term Outcome

El-domiaty, Nada; Saliba, Faouzi; Vibert, Eric; Karam, Vincent; Sobesky, Rodolphe; Ibrahim, Wafaa; Pittau, Gabriella; Ciacio, Oriana; Salloum, Chady; Amer, Khaled; Saeed, Maysaa A.; Shawky, Jihan A.; Sa Cunha, Antonio; Rosmorduc, Olivier; Cherqui, Daniel; Adam, René; Samuel, Didier

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003434

Transplantation. 105(8):1778-1790, August 2021

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is currently the first indication of liver transplantation (LT) in Europe and Asia-Pacific region and the third in the United States. HCC recurrence is the main complication affecting short- and medium-term outcomes after LT.

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A Novel Technique for Bile Duct Division During Laparoscopic Living Donor Hepatectomy to Overcome Biliary Complications in Liver Transplantation Recipients: “Cut and Clip” Rather Than “Clip and Cut”

Rhu, Jinsoo; Kim, Mi Seung; Choi, Gyu-Seong; Jeong, Woo Kyoung; Kim, Jong Man; Joh, Jae-Won

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003423

Transplantation. 105(8):1791-1799, August 2021

This study was designed to analyze the clinical impact of a new bile duct division technique during laparoscopic living donor hepatectomy.

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Differences in Early Immunosuppressive Therapy Among Liver Retransplantation Recipients in a National Cohort

Mezochow, Alyssa K.; Abt, Peter L.; Bittermann, Therese

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003417

Transplantation. 105(8):1800-1807, August 2021

There is no unified consensus as to the preferred immunosuppression (IS) strategy following liver retransplantation (reLT).

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Imlifidase Desensitization in Crossmatch-positive, Highly Sensitized Kidney Transplant Recipients: Results of an International Phase 2 Trial (Highdes)

Jordan, Stanley C.; Legendre, Christophe; Desai, Niraj M.; Lorant, Tomas; Bengtsson, Mats; Lonze, Bonnie E.; Vo, Ashley A.; Runstr?m, Anna; Laxmyr, Lena; Sj?holm, Kristoffer; Schi?tt, ?sa; Sonesson, Elisabeth; Wood, Kathryn; Winstedt, Lena; Kjellman, Christian; Montgomery, Robert A.

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003496

Transplantation. 105(8):1808-1817, August 2021

Highly HLA sensitized patients have limited access to life-saving kidney transplantation because of a paucity of immunologically suitable donors. Imlifidase is a cysteine protease that cleaves IgG leading to a rapid decrease in antibody level and inhibition of IgG-mediated injury. This study investigates the efficacy and safety of imlifidase in converting a positive crossmatch test to negative, allowing highly sensitized patients to be transplanted with a living or deceased donor kidney

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Infectious Complications in Tocilizumab-treated Kidney Transplant Recipients

Sethi, Supreet; Peng, Alice; Najjar, Reiad; Vo, Ashley; Jordan, Stanley C.; Huang, Edmund

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003512

Transplantation. 105(8):1818-1824, August 2021

Tocilizumab is an interleukin-6 receptor antagonist recently described as a promising treatment for antibody-mediated rejection. We compared infectious complications among tocilizumab-treated kidney transplant patients with those receiving intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG)/rituximab.

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FOXP3 mRNA Profile Prognostic of Acute T Cell–mediated Rejection and Human Kidney Allograft Survival

Luan, Danny; Dadhania, Darshana M.; Ding, Ruchuang; Muthukumar, Thangamani; Lubetzky, Michelle; Lee, John R.; Sharma, Vijay K.; August, Phyllis; Mueller, Franco B.; Schwartz, Joseph E.; Suthanthiran, Manikkam

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003478

Transplantation. 105(8):1825-1839, August 2021

T cell–mediated rejection (TCMR) is the most frequent type of acute rejection and is associated with kidney allograft failure. Almost 40% of TCMR episodes are nonresponsive to therapy, and molecular mechanisms for the nonresponsiveness are unknown. Our single-center study identified that urinary cell FOXP3 mRNA abundance predicts TCMR reversibility and allograft survival.

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Immunosuppression Regimen Use and Outcomes in Older and Younger Adult Kidney Transplant Recipients: A National Registry Analysis

Lentine, Krista L.; Cheungpasitporn, Wisit; Xiao, Huiling; McAdams-DeMarco, Mara; Lam, Ngan N.; Segev, Dorry L.; Bae, Sunjae; Ahn, JiYoon B.; Hess, Gregory P.; Caliskan, Yasar; Randall, Henry B.; Kasiske, Bertram L.; Schnitzler, Mark A.; Axelrod, David A.

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003547

Transplantation. 105(8):1840-1849, August 2021

Although the population of older transplant recipients has increased dramatically, there are limited data describing the impact of immunosuppression regimen choice on outcomes in this recipient group.

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Race, Education, and Gender Disparities in Transplantation of Kidneys From Hepatitis C Viremic Donors

Nguyen, Tiffany; Sise, Meghan E.; Delgado, Cindy; Williams, Winfred; Reese, Peter; Goldberg, David

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003511

Transplantation. 105(8):1850-1857, August 2021

Transplantation of kidneys from hepatitis C virus (HCV)-viremic donors into HCV-negative patients followed by direct-acting antiviral therapy was an important breakthrough to increase the number of life-saving kidney transplants. Data suggest that these transplants offer several benefits; however, it is unknown whether adoption of this practice has been shared equitably, especially among disadvantaged groups.

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Characteristics of T- and NK-cell Lymphomas After Renal Transplantation: A French National Multicentric Cohort Study

Barba, Thomas; Bachy, Emmanuel; Maarek, Alizée; Fossard, Gaëlle; Genestier, Laurent; Anglicheau, Dany; Moal, Valérie; Dantal, Jacques; Rieu, Philippe; Chemouny, Jonathan; Charrier, Manon; Durrbach, Antoine; Provot, François; Ducloux, Didier; Westeel, Pierre-François; Heng, Anne-Elisabeth; Rerolle, Jean-Philippe; Barrou, Benoit; Grimbert, Philippe; Chatelet, Valérie; Mousson, Christiane; Janbon, Bénédicte; Pernin, Vincent; Frimat, Luc; Ouali, Nacera; Glotz, Denis; Thierry, Antoine; Mariat, Christophe; Büchler, Mathias; Gaulard, Philippe; Leblond, Véronique; Morelon, Emmanuel; Dubois, Valérie; Salles, Gilles; Caillard, Sophie; Thaunat, Olivier

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003568

Transplantation. 105(8):1858-1868, August 2021

Posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorders (PTLDs) encompass a spectrum of heterogeneous entities. Because the vast majority of cases PTLD arise from B cells, available data on PTLD of T or NK phenotype (T/NK-cell PTLD) are scarce, which limits the quality of the management of these patients.

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Long-term Outcomes After Facial Allotransplantation: Systematic Review of the Literature

Tchiloemba, Bianief; Kauke, Martin; Haug, Valentin; Abdulrazzak, Obada; Safi, Ali-Farid; Kollar, Branislav; Pomahac, Bohdan

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003513

Transplantation. 105(8):1869-1880, August 2021

Facial vascularized composite allotransplantation (fVCA) represents a reconstructive approach that enables superior improvements in functional and esthetic restoration compared with conventional craniomaxillofacial reconstruction. Outcome reports of fVCA are usually limited to short-term follow-up or single-center experiences. We merge scientific literature on reported long-term outcome data to better define the risks and benefits of fVCA.

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The First Successfully Performed LDLT in the UAE: 13 Years of Follow-up

Obed, Aiman; Al Shaikh, Saeed; Bashir, Abdullah; Jarrad, Anwar

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003749

Transplantation. 105(8):e79, August 2021

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Low Immunization Rate in Kidney Transplant Recipients Also After Dose 2 of the BNT162b2 Vaccine: Continue to Keep Your Guard up!

Midtvedt, Karsten; Tran, Trung; Parker, Krystina; Marti, Hans-Peter; Stenehjem, Aud-E.; G?ransson, Lasse Gunnar; M?rkve Soldal, Kari; Madsen, Camilla; Smedbr?ten, Julia; Vaage, Eline Benno; Lund-Johansen, Fridtjof; ?sberg, Anders

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003856

Transplantation. 105(8):e80-e81, August 2021

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Antibody Response to the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients

Boyarsky, Brian J.; Chiang, Teresa P.-Y.; Ou, Michael T.; Werbel, William A.; Massie, Allan B.; Segev, Dorry L.; Garonzik-Wang, Jacqueline M.

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003850

Transplantation. 105(8):e82-e83, August 2021

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Transplantation Outcome in Recipients Engrafted With Organs Recovered From the First French Deceased Donor With a SARS-COV-2 Vaccine-induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia

Jamme, Matthieu; Elalamy, Ismail; d’Izarny Gargas, Thibaut; Pettenati, Caroline; Desire, Eva; Tissot, Adrien; Rabant, Marion; Lefebvre, Mathilde; Soorojebally, Yanish; Vourc’h, Mickael; Conti, Filomena; Ferlicot, Sophie; Delahousse, Michel; Sartorius-Brodin, Albane; Hertig, Alexandre

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003847

Transplantation. 105(8):e84-e86, August 2021

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Training Experiences of American Society of Transplant Surgeons Fellows in Deceased Donor Organ Procurement

Connelly, Christopher R.; Quillin, Ralph Cutler; Biesterveld, Ben E.; Highet, Alexandra; Schenk, Austin D.; Syed, Shareef; Bongu, Advaith; Waits, Seth A.

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003711

Transplantation. 105(8):e87-e88, August 2021

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Ex Vivo Liver Splitting and Hypothermic Oxygenated Machine Perfusion: Technical Refinements of a Promising Preservation Strategy in Split Liver Transplantation

Mabrut, Jean-Yves; Lesurtel, Mickaël; Muller, Xavier; Dubois, Rémi; Ducerf, Christian; Rossignol, Guillaume; Mohkam, Kayvan

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003775

Transplantation. 105(8):e89-e90, August 2021

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Simultaneous Pancreas-kidney Transplantation for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Singh, Neeraj; Parsons, Ronald; Lentine, Krista; Woodside, Kenneth J.; Basu, Arpita; Cheungpasitporn, Wisit; Kensinger, Clark; Parajuli, Sandesh; Rivera, Franco H. Cabeza; Sultan, Samuel; Tantisattamo, Ekamol; Zibari, Gazi; Pavlakis, Martha; Cooper, Matthew

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003752

Transplantation. 105(8):e91-e92, August 2021

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The Authors’ Reply: Type 2 Diabetes and Simultaneous Pancreas-kidney Transplantation

Chadban, Steve J.; Knoll, Greg A.

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003753

Transplantation. 105(8):e93, August 2021

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