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Editorial board

doi : 10.1016/S0190-9622(23)00070-1

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages A3-A4

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Table of contents

doi : 10.1016/S0190-9622(23)00071-3

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages A5-A6, A8, A17-A18, A20, A22, A24, A32, A38, A40, A42

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Information for readers

doi : 10.1016/S0190-9622(23)00072-5

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page A44

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JAAD Case Reports article list

doi : 10.1016/S0190-9622(23)00073-7

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages A45, A49-A50

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Journal based CME instructions and information

doi : 10.1016/S0190-9622(23)00074-9

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page A52

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Risk of melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancer with immunosuppressants, part I: Calcineurin inhibitors, thiopurines, IMDH inhibitors, mTOR inhibitors, and corticosteroids

Margaret Ann Kreher, BS, a Mary Margaret B. Noland, MD, b Sailesh Konda, MD, c Maria I. Longo, MD, PhD, c and Rodrigo Valdes-Rodriguez, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.11.044

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 521-530

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CME examination

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2023.01.008

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 531-532

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Answers to CME examination

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2023.01.009

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page 533

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Risk of melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancer with immunosuppressants, part II: Methotrexate, alkylating agents, biologics, and small molecule inhibitors

Margaret Ann Kreher, BS, a Sailesh Konda, MD, b Mary Margaret B. Noland, MD, c Maria I. Longo, MD, PhD, b and Rodrigo Valdes-Rodriguez, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.11.043

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 534-542

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CME examination

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2023.01.010

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page 543

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Answers to CME examination

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2023.01.011

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page 544

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Letter from the editor: Hyperthermia for cutaneous warts

Dirk M. Elston, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.10.045

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page 545

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This month in JAAD: March 2023

Dirk M. Elston, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2023.01.017

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page 546

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This Month in JAAD Case Reports: March 2023: Tocilizumab for refractory morphea

Steven Brett Sloan, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.12.028

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page 547

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This Month in JAAD International: March 2023: Qualitative and mixed methods research in dermatology

Jonathan Kantor, MD, MSCE

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2023.01.001

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page 548

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Pemphigus vulgaris and herpes simplex virus: Imperfect together

Warren R. Heymann, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2023.01.018

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 549-550

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Risk factors of progression from discoid lupus to severe systemic lupus erythematosus: a registry-based cohort study of 164 patients.

Lisa Fredeau, MD, a Delphine S. Courvoisier, PhD, b Raphael Ait Mehdi, MD, c Saskia Ingen-Housz-Oro, MD, d Emmanuel Mahe, MD, e Nathalie Costedoat-Chalumeau, MD, PhD, f Laurent Arnaud, MD, PhD, g Camille Frances, MD, PhD, a Alexis Mathian, MD, h Marie Jachiet, MD, i Zahir Amoura, MD, PhD, h Jean David Bouaziz, MD, PhD, i and Franc ̧ois Chasset, MD, PhD, a for the EMSED study group

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.028

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 551-559

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Disparities in melanoma-specific mortality by race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and health care systems

Amanda Rosenthal, MD, a Shivani Reddy, MD, b Robert Cooper, MD, c Joanie Chung, MPH, d Jing Zhang, MS, d Reina Haque, PhD, d,e and Christina Kim, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.10.004

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 560-567

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Racial and ethnic differences in barriers to care among US adults with chronic inflammatory skin diseases: A cross-sectional study of the All of Us Research Program

Michael R. Nock, BA, a John S. Barbieri, MD, MBA, b Loren D. Krueger, MD, c and Jeffrey M. Cohen, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.054

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 568-576

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Sex differences in initial treatment for genital extramammary Paget disease in the United States: A systematic review

Supriya Rastogi, BA, a Rebecca Thiede, MD, b Lauren M. Sadowsky, BA, a Tammy Hua, BA, a Akash Rastogi, BS, c Corinne Miller, MLIS, d and Bethanee J. Schlosser, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2019.04.046

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 577-586

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Clinical markers of herpes simplex virus infection in patients with pemphigus vulgaris

Deepthi Konda, MD, a Laxmisha Chandrashekar, MD, b Rahul Dhodapkar, MD, c Rajesh Nachiappa Ganesh, MD, d and Devinder Mohan Thappa, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2019.06.002

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 587-592

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Investigating modifiable pathways in psoriasis: A Mendelian randomization study

Christos V. Chalitsios, PhD, a Andrea Georgiou, PhD, a Emmanouil Bouras, MSc, a Evangelos Evangelou, PhD, a,b,c Dipender Gill, PhD, b Kostas K. Tsilidis, PhD, a,b and Ioanna Tzoulaki, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.11.010

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 593-601

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Ambiguous melanocytic lesions: A retrospective cohort study of incidence and outcome of melanocytic tumor of uncertain malignant potential (MELTUMP) and superficial atypical melanocytic proliferation of uncertain significance (SAMPUS) in the Netherlands

Jiahe Vermari€en-Wang, MSc, a Thom Doeleman, MSc, a Remco van Doorn, MD, PhD, b Antien L. Mooyaart, MD, PhD, c Willeke A. M. Blokx, MD, PhD, d and Anne M. R. Schrader, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.11.019

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 602-608

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Melanomas in children and adolescents: Clinicopathologic features and survival outcomes

Mary-Ann El Sharouni, PhD, a,b Robert V. Rawson, MBBS, a,c,d Alison J. Potter, MBBS, a,c,d Elizabeth C. Paver, MBBS, a,c,d James S. Wilmott, PhD, a,c,e Arjen J. Witkamp, PhD, f Vigfus Sigurdsson, PhD, b Paul J. van Diest, PhD, g Richard A. Scolyer, MD, a,c,d,e John F. Thompson, MD, a,c,h Serigne N. Lo, PhD, a,c and Carla H. van Gils, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.08.067

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 609-616

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Comparative effectiveness of ice packs versus topical lidocaine-prilocaine mixture for pain control in laser hair removal of the axilla: A rater-blinded randomized controlled trial

Wanjarus Roongpisuthipong, MD, a,b Rachel E. Christensen, BS, a McKenzie A. Dirr, BA, BS, a Noor Anvery, BS, a Amelia Geisler, BS, a Matthew Schaeffer, MD, a Abigail Waldman, MD, a Joaquin C. Brieva, MD, a and Murad Alam, MD, MSCI, MBA

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.11.022

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 617-622

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Monkeypox outbreak, vaccination, and treatment implications for the dermatologic patient: Review and interim guidance from the Medical Dermatology Society

Anusha M. Kumar, MD, MS, a,b Steven T. Chen, MD, MPH, MHPEd, b Joseph F. Merola, MD, MMSc, a,c Arash Mostaghimi, MD, MPA, MPH, a Xiaolong A. Zhou, MD, MSc, d Nicole Fett, MD, MSCE, e Gideon P. Smith, MD, PhD, MPH, b Arturo P. Saavedra, MD, PhD, f Megan H. Noe, MD, MPH, MSCE, a and Misha Rosenbach, MD g

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.10.050

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 623-631

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Ultraviolet filters in the United States and European Union: A review of safety and implications for the future of US sunscreens

Molly N. Pantelic, MS, a Nikita Wong, MS, a Michael Kwa, MD, b and Henry W. Lim, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.11.039

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 632-646

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Reprint of: Clearance of multiple cutaneous warts by targeting a single lesion: A randomized comparative evaluation of mild local hyperthermia versus cryotherapy

Rui-Qun Qi, PhD, a,b Junfeng Zhou, PhD, c Bihuan Xiao, PhD, a,b Honghui Xu, PhD, a,b Shuai Qiao, MN, a Peiyao Zhu, PhD, a,b Lixin Xia, PhD, a,b Yang Yang, PhD, a,b Li Zhang, PhD, a,b Hongwei Yan, MN, a Congcong He, PhD, a,b Yuzhe Sun, PhD, a Xueli Niu, PhD, a,b Yuqing Zhang, PhD, d Lingyu Fu, PhD, d Xiuli Wang, MD, e Hong-Duo Chen, MD, a,b Shanshan Li, MD, c and Xing-Hua Gao, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2023.02.001

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 647-649

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Itch-free state in patients with atopic dermatitis treated with ruxolitinib cream: A pooled analysis from two randomized phase 3 studies

Andrew Blauvelt, MD, MBA, a Jacek C. Szepietowski, MD, PhD, b Kim Papp, MD, PhD, c Eric L. Simpson, MD, MCR, d Jonathan I. Silverberg, MD, PhD, MPH, e Brian S. Kim, MD, MTR, f Shawn G. Kwatra, MD, g Michael E. Kuligowski, MD, PhD, MBA, h, * May E. Venturanza, MD, h, * Shaoceng Wei, PhD, i and Leon Kircik, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.010

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 651-653

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Cause or cure? Review of dupilumab and alopecia areata

Dustin H. Marks, BS, a Natasha Mesinkovska, MD, PhD, b and Maryanne M. Senna, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2019.06.010

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 651-653

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Effectiveness of canakinumab for the treatment of patients with Yao syndrome

Qingping Yao, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2019.09.020

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 653-654

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Cervical spine imaging and treatment outcomes in scalp dysesthesia: A retrospective cohort study

Jonathan J. Lee, MD, a,b Carlos Morillo-Hernandez, BS, c Vikas Agarwal, MD, d Christopher J. Standaert, MD, e and Joseph C. English III, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2020.08.010

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 655-656

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Systemic juvenile xanthogranuloma has a higher frequency of ALK translocations than BRAFV600E mutations

Jiaosheng Xu, MD, a Xin Huang, MD, b Yang Wen, MD, c Zenggang Pan, MD, PhD, d Hongyun Lian, MS, e Mutong Zhao, MD, a Min Li, MD, b Zejun Duan, MD, f Yanping Zhang, MS, g Gaolei Zhang, MD, h Xueling Qi, MS, f Jianping Tang, MDZigang Xu, MD, PhD, a Zifen Gao, MD, PhD, b Libing Fu, MS, j and Lin Ma, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2020.08.053

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 656-659

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Tracking procedure outcomes using Epic SmartText and SmartData Elements following minor dermatologic procedures in the ambulatory setting

Michael Seth Flynn, BS, a Simon W. Jiang, BS, a Taylor Stauffer, BS, a Jeffery T. Kwock, MD, b and Matilda W. Nicholas, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.04.048

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 659-661

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Examining the epidemiology of coincident psoriasis and sarcoidosis: An observational cross-sectional study

Elizabeth B. Wallace, MD, a Hasan Khosravi, MD, b Cara J. Joyce, PhD, c Frank R. Vleugels, MD, d and Mital Patel, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2018.11.009

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 661-663

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Geographic variability of pricing and insurance coverage of topical actinic keratosis therapy: A survey-based study

Lucien Rizzo, MS, a,b Liz Lin, BA, a,b Abdullah Aleisa, MD, a,b Genevieve Huang, BA, a Adriana Dornelles, ScD, c and Bichchau Nguyen, MD, MPH a,

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2019.03.046

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 663-665

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Characterization of venture capital investments in dermatology: A cross-sectional analysis, 2011 to 2021

Kaushik Venkatesh, MBA, MPH, a and Vinod E. Nambudiri, MD, MBA

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.06.1177

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 665-667

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Cross-sectional evaluation of online Spanish-language dermatology resources at academic medical centers

Nabiha Islam, BS, Ashley Gray, BS, Abraham M. Korman, MD, John Trinidad, MD, and Jessica Kaffenberger, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.06.1178

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 667-668

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Basal cell carcinoma shows weak correlation with pre-existing chronic lymphocytic leukemia: A case-control study

Brian Cheng, BS, a Surya Veerabagu, BA, b Christopher J. Miller, MD, c Joseph F. Sobanko, MD, c Thuzar M. Shin, MD, PhD, c Cerrene N. Giordano, MD, c Jeremy R. Etzkorn, MD, c and H. William Higgins II, MD, MBE

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.06.1180

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 668-670

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Impact of biologic therapy on cancer outcomes in patients with immune checkpoint inhibitor–induced bullous pemphigoid

Jordan T. Said, MD,a,b Jordan Talia, MD, a Erin Wei, MD, a,b Arash Mostaghimi, MD, MPA, MPH, a,b Yevgeniy Semenov, MD, MA, b,c Anita Giobbie- Hurder, MS, d Steven T. Chen, MD, MPH, MS- HPEd, b,c and Nicole R. LeBoeuf, MD, MPH a,

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.06.1186

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 670-671

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A novel combination (“CHAP�) regimen for management of livedoid vasculopathy in 12 patients

Alexandra J. Coromilas, MD, a and Robert G. Micheletti, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.06.1188

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 672-674

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Screening motivations among participants of the American Academy of Dermatology's SPOT Skin Cancer screening program from 2018 to 2019: A cross-sectional analysis

David X. Gao, BA, a Susan M. Swetter, MD, b,c Elena B. Hawryluk, MD, PhD, d Alan C. Geller, MPH, RN, e and Derek Beaulieu, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.06.1194

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 674-676

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Estimating carbon emission and cost savings from virtual dermatology residency interviews

Jatin Narang, MD, David X. Zheng, BA, James R. Xu, BS, Annalise Vaccarello, BS, Kathleen M. Mulligan, BA, Bryan T. Carroll, MD, PhD, and Timmie R. Sharma, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.06.1197

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 676-678

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Mucosal melanoma and organ-specific metastasis: Differences in survival outcomes between tumor primary sites

Kathleen M. Mulligan, BA, a Christopher R. Cullison, MD, a David X. Zheng, BA, a Luke D. Rothermel, MD, MPH, b Melissa A. Levoska, MD, a and Jeffrey F. Scott, MD c

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.06.1198

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 678-680

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Recent trends in skin directed and self-administered systemic treatment costs in the United States for Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma

Jaclyn Rosenthal Himeles, MD, a Joseph Holton, PharmD, b Carmela Vittorio, MD, a,c Alain H. Rook, MD, a,c Paul Haun, MD, MS, a,c Jennifer Villasenor-Park, MD, PhD, a,c Sara Samimi, MD, a,c and Ellen J. Kim, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.06.1200

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 680-683

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Opportunities to improve guideline adherence for the diagnosis and treatment of onychomycosis: Analysis of commercial insurance claims data, United States

Jeremy A. W. Gold, MD, a Karen Wu, DVM, a,b Brendan R. Jackson, MD, a and Kaitlin Benedict, MPH

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.06.1201

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 683-686

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Comorbidities associated with mycosis fungoides: A case-control study in the All of Us database

Tejas P. Joshi, BS, a T. Austin Black, BS, b Briana Fernandez, BS, a Sarah Friske, BBA, a Haleigh Stafford, BA, a Emily Strouphauer, BSA, a and Madeleine Duvic, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.07.003

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 686-688

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Practice region and density, male sex, and specialty predict frequent performers of nail biopsies

Gabrielle M. Peck, BA, a Yu Wang, MD, b Alan B. Fleischer, Jr, MD, c and Shari R. Lipner, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.07.004

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 688-690

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Pityrosporum folliculitis in immunocompromised populations: A systematic review

Maxwell Green, MPH, a Nadia Kashetsky, MS, b Aileen Feschuk, BS, b and Howard Maibach, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.07.024

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 690-692

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Nonmelanoma skin cancer in patients with hereditary hemochromatosis: A case-control study

Catherina X. Pan, BA, a,b Kevin Yang, BS, b,c Charles B. Lau, b,d Guohai Zhou, PhD, e and Vinod E. Nambudiri, MD, MBA

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.07.029

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 692-694

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Racial and ethnic differences in tumor characteristics and overall survival of women with melanoma: A national cancer database retrospective cohort study

Jennifer M. Fernandez, MD, RD, a Bianka N. Bubic, MD, b Sabrina Dahak, MS, c Elizabeth M. Mata, MSN, d Kevin R. Kwan, MD, a Adam Sutton, MD, MBA, a Melodi Javid Whitley, MD, PhD, a and Ashley Wysong, MD, MS

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.07.036

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 694-696

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Revisiting the ultimate purpose of pursuing research in dermatology

David X. Zheng, BA, a Jatin Narang, MD, a Kory P. Schrom, MD, a Akua Sarfo, MD, PhD, a Jeffrey F. Scott, MD, b Vinod E. Nambudiri, MD, MBA, c and Timmie R. Sharma, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.08.004

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 696-697

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Herpes zoster subunit vaccine for patients initiating a Janus kinase inhibitor

Reid A. Waldman, MD, a Kelley L. Sharp, BSN, MACPR, b Jonas A. Adalsteinsson, MD, PhD, c and Jane M. Grant-Kels, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.08.040

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 697-698

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Monkeypox: Cutaneous clues to clinical diagnosis

John W. Frew, MBBS, MMed, MS, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.08.048

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 698-700

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Treatment of dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans with Mohs micrographic surgery is associated with lower odds of postoperative radiotherapy compared to wide local excision

Bernice Y. Yan, MD, Marcus L. Elias, MD, Priya Duvvuri, BA, Andrew Strunk, MA, Amit Garg, MD, and Victoria R. Sharon, MD, DTMH

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.08.049

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 700-702

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Skin cancer prevalence and risk among foreign-born people living in the United States: A pooled cross-sectional analysis

Krittin J. Supapannachart, MD, MPH, a Ameya Gangal, BS, a Suephy C. Chen, MD, MS, b and Howa Yeung, MD, MSc a,

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.08.056

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 702-705

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Patients with hidradenitis suppurativa have a higher rate of postoperative infections

Itisha S. Jefferson, BS, a Madelaine Fritsche, BS, b Steven A. Maczuga, MS, c Steven R. Allen, MD, d Amanda Nelson, PhD, b,c and Joslyn S. Kirby, MD, MS, Med

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.08.059

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 705-708

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Demographic characteristics, factors influencing specialty choice, and intended career goals of graduating medical students pursuing careers in rural dermatology

Travis S. Fulk, MD, a Katelyn J. Rypka, BS, b Laurel L. Wessman, MD, a Ronda S. Farah, MD, a Kevin J. Gaddis, MD, a Robert T. Brodell, MD, c Cindy Firkins Smith, MD,d and Matthew D. Mansh, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.007

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 708-711

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Dermatology evaluation for cutaneous immune-related adverse events is associated with improved survival in cancer patients treated with checkpoint inhibition

Ted V. Jacoby, BS, a,b Nishi Shah, BS, a,c Maria S. Asdourian, MPhil, a,d Leah L. Thompson, MD, a,d,e Tracey S. Otto, MD, a,f Nicole R. LeBoeuf, MD, d,g,h Yevgeniy Semenov, MD, a,d Edward Christopher Dee, MD, i Kerry L. Reynolds, MD, d,j and Steven T. Chen, MPH, MS-HP-Ed

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.012

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 711-714

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Random skin biopsies for diagnosis of intravascular large B-cell lymphoma: Retrospective analysis of 31 biopsies from a US dermatology inpatient consultative service with literature review

Sa Rang Kim, MD, a Christine J. Ko, MD, a,b Caroline A. Nelson, MD, a Sarika Ramachandran, MD, a and Jeff R. Gehlhausen, MD, PhD a

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.016

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 714-716

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Atenolol treatment does not affect behavioral outcomes in pediatric patients with infantile hemangiomas: A case-control cohort study

Fareed Sabbah, MD, a Ilan Shamir, MD, b Lidia V. Gabis, MD, MBA, c,d,e Ayelet Ollech, MD, e,f Meirav Shaham, PhD, g Aviv Barzilai, MD, MSc, e,h Sharon Baum, MD, e,h Orit Krispin, PhD, i Tamar Peleg, PhD, i Dan Ben Amitai, MD, a,e and Shoshana Greenberger, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.026

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 716-718

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Clinical characterization and treatment outcomes of follicular cutaneous immune–related adverse events caused by immune checkpoint inhibitors: A multicenter retrospective study

Azael Freites-Martinez, MD, a Vasiliki Nikolaou, MD, b Konstantinos Lallas, MD, c Cristina Carrera, MD, d,e Pietro Sollena, MD, f Zoe Apalla, MD, g Michela Starace, MD, h Davide Fattore, MD, i Gabriella Fabbrocini, MD, i Sonia Segura, MD, j Julia Riganti, MD, k and Vincent Sibaud, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.08.063

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 718-720

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Human immunodeficiency virus infection may be a contributing factor to monkeypox infection: Analysis of a 42-case series

Miguel Alpalh~ao, MD, a,b,c Diogo Sousa, MD, b Joana Vieitez Frade, MD, b Jo~ao Patrocınio, MD, b Pedro Miguel Garrido, MD, b Catarina Correia, MD, b Claudia Braz~ao, MD, b Dora Mancha, MD, b Maria Sofia Nuncio, PhD, d Isabel Lopes Carvalho, PhD, d Ana Pelerito, PhD, d Maria Jose Borrego, PhD, e and Paulo Filipe, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.029

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 720-722

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Impact of Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium lepromatosis on immune reactions and clinical outcomes in Hansen's disease: A single-center retrospective analysis

Sabrina Khan, BS, a Brandon L. Adler, MD, b April W. Armstrong, MD, MPH, b Ramanuj Lahiri, PhD, c and Maria T. Ochoa, MD b

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.030

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 722-724

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Free sunscreen dispensers: A readily available asset for the primary prevention of skin cancer

Nathaniel A. Marroquin, BS, a Torunn E. Sivesind, MD, b Colin Burnette, BS, c Kyle LaMar, MS, a and Robert P. Dellavalle, MD, PhD, MSPH

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.031

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 724-726

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Validation of a hand-mounted wearable sensor for scratching movements in adults with atopic dermatitis

Albert F. Yang, MD, a,b Keum San Chun, PhD, c Lian Yu, MS, d Jessica R. Walter, MD, e Donghyun Kim, BA, d Jong Yoon Lee, BS, d Hyoyoung Jeong, PhD, f Matthew C. Keller, MBA, c,d Dhruv R. SeshadriPhD, c,d Matthew O. Olagbenro, BS, a Jee Won Bae, BS, d William Reuther, BS, d Ellen Wu, MD, a Kazuaki Okamoto, MS, g Akihiko Ikoma, MD, g Peter A. Lio, MD, a,h Anna B. Fishbein, MD, i Amy S. Paller, MD, a,f,i and Shuai Xu, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.032

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 726-729

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Clinical features and staging of mycosis fungoides of the eyelids: A retrospective cohort study

Can Baykal, MD, and Tugba Atci, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.033

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 729-731

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Measurement of psoriasis-affected area with artificial neural network

Woo Hyup Lee, MD, a Sungmin Lee, PhD, b Jiho Kim, BS, c Ju Hee Han, MD, d Yeong Ho Kim, MD, PhD, d Junhwi Kim, MS, e Ji Hyun Lee, MD, PhD, d and Chul Hwan Bang, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.035

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 731-732

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Ultrasonographic railway sign in tunnels as a new independent risk factor of adalimumab failure in hidradenitis suppurativa

Piotr K. Krajewski, MD, a,b Abdulhadi Jfri, MD, MSc, c Gemma Ochando-Ibernon, MD, c and Antonio Martorell, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.08.064

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 732-734

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E-visits for isotretinoin management have no effect on interruptions in care

Kelsey Gradwohl, MD, Neil Vaishampayan, BS, Milad Eshaq, MD, and Yolanda Helfrich, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.048

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 734-736

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Comorbidities in patients with generalized pustular psoriasis: a nationwide population-based register study

Sofia L€ofvendahl, PhD, a,b Jenny M. Norlin, PhD, a and Marcus Schmitt-Egenolf, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.049

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 736-738

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Dercum's disease: A retrospective cohort study

Maria S. Asdourian, MPhil, a,b Nishi Shah, BS, b,c Ted V. Jacoby, BS, b,d Janice Tiao, MD, a,b and Flavia Fedeles, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.050

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 738-741

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Distribution of skin diseases among patients using methamphetamine

Alexander S. Bang, BS, a,b,c Adam Zakaria, MD, d Jazzmin C. Williams, BS, d Erin H. Amerson, MD, d and Kieron S. Leslie, MBBS

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.10.003

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 741-743

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Reply—Response to Anakinra for refractory pustular psoriasis: A phase II, open label, dose-escalation trial

Haley B. Naik, MD, MHSc, a and Edward W. Cowen, MD, MHSc

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.11.013

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 743-744

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Dermatoethics: Dealing with patient denial

Tessa M. LeWitt, BS, a Joan Guitart, MD, b and Jane M. Grant-Kels, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.03.035

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 745-746

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JAAD Game Changers∗: Compliance with pregnancy prevention measures during isotretinoin therapy∗,

Kristin Lee, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2019.09.050

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page 747

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JAAD Game Changers∗: Increased risk of diabetes mellitus in relation to the severity of psoriasis, concomitant medication, and comorbidity: A nationwide population-based cohort study∗,

Kristin Lee, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2019.11.044

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page 748

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JAAD Game Changers∗: The association of indoor tanning and melanoma in adults: Systematic review and meta-analysis∗,

Kristin Lee, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2019.11.050

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page 749

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Treating isotretinoin-associated cheilitis with hydrocortisone-containing lip balm

Brett C. Neill, MD, a,b Christopher D. Willis, BS, c John A. Neill, BA, d Cody Hanson, DO, b Anand Rajpara, MD, b and Daniel J. Aires, MD, JD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2018.02.076

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page e113

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Serrated straw makes masks adjustable and reduces pressure injury risk

Yuanyuan Wu, BSN, a Xuan Zhou, BSN, a and Qianmo Tian, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2020.08.071

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e115-e116

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Ear piercing/nose piercing: Making the technique simple and cost-effective

Maya Vedamurthy, MD, FRCP(Glasg)(Edin)MAMS, and Jansi Priyadharshini, MD, DVL

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2020.12.005

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e117-e118

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Simple techniques for circumferential cryoanesthesia

Mohammed I. AlJasser, MBBS, FRCPC

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2020.12.018

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e119-e121

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Dot technique: A simple way to stay on point

Abraham H. Abdulhak, MD, a Cameron S. Nichols, MD, a William S. Gillen, MD, b and Christopher R. Gorman, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2020.12.045

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e123-e124

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Application of a taped gauze on the gloved hand in preparation for a pressure bandage after a Mohs micrographic surgery layer

Isadore S. Tarantino, MD, a Young J. Kwak, MD, b Leonard H. Goldberg, MD, a,b Kourosh Beroukhim, MD, a James L. Griffith, MD, b and Arash Kimyai-Asadi, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2020.12.057

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e125-e126

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Ex vivo dermoscopy in demodicosis

ector Perandones Gonzalez, MD, a Miguel Domınguez Santas, MD, b Leopoldo Fernandez Domper, MD, c Manuel Agud de Dios, MD, d and Pablo Boixeda, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.07.031

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e127-e128

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Optimal surgical modality for early Merkel cell carcinoma: Results from the National Cancer Database

Babu Singh, MD, a Muhammad M. Qureshi, MBBS, b Minh Tam Truong, MD, b and Debjani Sahni, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2018.05.019

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e129-e130

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Relative survival analysis in patients with stage I-II Merkel cell carcinoma treated with Mohs micrographic surgery or wide local excision

Chang Su, BSE, a Harrison X. Bai, MD, b and Sean Christensen, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2018.04.057

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e131-e132

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Comment on “Sirolimus for the treatment of verrucous venous malformation: A retrospective cohort study�: Are we missing the lymphatic malformation component?

Ren Cai, MD, a,b Xi Yang, MD, a Hao Gu, MD, a Hui Chen, MD, PhD, a,c and Xiaoxi Lin, MD, PhD a

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2018.08.050

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e133-e134

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Reply to “Comment on ‘Sirolimus for the treatment of verrucous venous malformation: A retrospective cohort study': Are we missing the lymphatic malformation component?�

Hongguang Chen, MD, PhD, a and Gaolei Zhang, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2018.09.008

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e135-e136

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Bullous pemphigoid and neuropsychiatric medications: An influence of drugs or of underlying conditions?

Khalaf Kridin, MD, PhD, a Shira Zelber-Sagi, PhD, b Mouhammad Kridin, BSc, c and Arnon D. Cohen, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2019.03.091

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page e137

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Reply to: Comment on “Bullous pemphigoid and neuropsychiatric medications: An influence of drugs or of underlying conditions?�

Outi Varpuluoma, MD, PhD, a Jari Jokelainen, MSc, b Kaisa Tasanen, MD, PhD, a and Laura Huilaja, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2019.04.025

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page e139

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Rational radiotherapy: The role in node-negative squamous cell carcinoma

Nathan Y. Yu, MD, a Samir H. Patel, MD, a Steven E. Schild, MD, a and Todd A. DeWees, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2019.09.062

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e141-e142

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Reply to “Rational radiotherapy: The role in node-negative squamous cell carcinoma�

Emily Stamell Ruiz, MD, MPH, a Shlomo A. Koyfman, MD, b and Chrysalyne D. Schmults, MD, MSCE

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2019.09.063

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page e143

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Response to the article by Naik et al entitled “anakinra for refractory pustular psoriasis: A phase II, open label, dose-escalation trial�

Kazuki Yatsuzuka, MD, and Masamoto Murakami, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.10.058

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e145-e146

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Response to Ogdie et al’s “Prospective cohort study of psoriatic arthritis risk in patients with psoriasis in a real-world psoriasis registry�

Nuozhou Liu, BM, a and Wei Hua, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.058

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e147-e148

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Response to comment on “Psoriasis and COVID-19: A bidirectional Mendelian randomization study�

Christos V. Chalitsios, PhD, a Kostas K. Tsilidis, PhD, a,b and Ioanna Tzoulaki, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.11.037

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page e149

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Comment on “Psoriasis and COVID-19: A bidirectional Mendelian randomization study�

Xiaoyu Gu, MD, a,b,c Xiang Chen, MD, a,b,c and Minxue Shen, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.11.038

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e151-e152

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Blistering exanthems in the times of monkeypox—Keep calm and do not panic!

Nikhil Mehta, MD, and Somesh Gupta, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.12.026

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e153-e155

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In memoriam: Samuel Leonard Moschella

Adam D. Lipworth, MD, a,b Victoria Garcia-Albea, NP, b and William D. James, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.036

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e157-e158

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February 2023 IOTADERMA (#348)

Robert I. Rudolph, MD, FACP

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.07.018

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page e159

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March IOTADERMA (#349)

Robert I. Rudolph, MD, FACP

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.08.014

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page e161

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Editorial board

doi : 10.1016/S0190-9622(23)00070-1

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages A3-A4

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Table of contents

doi : 10.1016/S0190-9622(23)00071-3

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages A5-A6, A8, A17-A18, A20, A22, A24, A32, A38, A40, A42

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Information for readers

doi : 10.1016/S0190-9622(23)00072-5

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page A44

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JAAD Case Reports article list

doi : 10.1016/S0190-9622(23)00073-7

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages A45, A49-A50

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Journal based CME instructions and information

doi : 10.1016/S0190-9622(23)00074-9

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page A52

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Risk of melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancer with immunosuppressants, part I: Calcineurin inhibitors, thiopurines, IMDH inhibitors, mTOR inhibitors, and corticosteroids

Margaret Ann Kreher, BS, a Mary Margaret B. Noland, MD, b Sailesh Konda, MD, c Maria I. Longo, MD, PhD, c and Rodrigo Valdes-Rodriguez, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.11.044

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 521-530

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CME examination

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2023.01.008

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 531-532

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Answers to CME examination

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2023.01.009

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page 533

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Risk of melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancer with immunosuppressants, part II: Methotrexate, alkylating agents, biologics, and small molecule inhibitors

Margaret Ann Kreher, BS, a Sailesh Konda, MD, b Mary Margaret B. Noland, MD, c Maria I. Longo, MD, PhD, b and Rodrigo Valdes-Rodriguez, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.11.043

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 534-542

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CME examination

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2023.01.010

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page 543

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Answers to CME examination

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2023.01.011

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page 544

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Letter from the editor: Hyperthermia for cutaneous warts

Dirk M. Elston, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.10.045

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page 545

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This month in JAAD: March 2023

Dirk M. Elston, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2023.01.017

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page 546

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This Month in JAAD Case Reports: March 2023: Tocilizumab for refractory morphea

Steven Brett Sloan, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.12.028

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page 547

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This Month in JAAD International: March 2023: Qualitative and mixed methods research in dermatology

Jonathan Kantor, MD, MSCE

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2023.01.001

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page 548

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Pemphigus vulgaris and herpes simplex virus: Imperfect together

Warren R. Heymann, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2023.01.018

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 549-550

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Risk factors of progression from discoid lupus to severe systemic lupus erythematosus: a registry-based cohort study of 164 patients.

Lisa Fredeau, MD, a Delphine S. Courvoisier, PhD, b Raphael Ait Mehdi, MD, c Saskia Ingen-Housz-Oro, MD, d Emmanuel Mahe, MD, e Nathalie Costedoat-Chalumeau, MD, PhD, f Laurent Arnaud, MD, PhD, g Camille Frances, MD, PhD, a Alexis Mathian, MD, h Marie Jachiet, MD, i Zahir Amoura, MD, PhD, h Jean David Bouaziz, MD, PhD, i and Franc ̧ois Chasset, MD, PhD, a for the EMSED study group

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.028

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 551-559

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Disparities in melanoma-specific mortality by race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and health care systems

Amanda Rosenthal, MD, a Shivani Reddy, MD, b Robert Cooper, MD, c Joanie Chung, MPH, d Jing Zhang, MS, d Reina Haque, PhD, d,e and Christina Kim, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.10.004

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 560-567

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Racial and ethnic differences in barriers to care among US adults with chronic inflammatory skin diseases: A cross-sectional study of the All of Us Research Program

Michael R. Nock, BA, a John S. Barbieri, MD, MBA, b Loren D. Krueger, MD, c and Jeffrey M. Cohen, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.054

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 568-576

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Sex differences in initial treatment for genital extramammary Paget disease in the United States: A systematic review

Supriya Rastogi, BA, a Rebecca Thiede, MD, b Lauren M. Sadowsky, BA, a Tammy Hua, BA, a Akash Rastogi, BS, c Corinne Miller, MLIS, d and Bethanee J. Schlosser, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2019.04.046

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 577-586

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Clinical markers of herpes simplex virus infection in patients with pemphigus vulgaris

Deepthi Konda, MD, a Laxmisha Chandrashekar, MD, b Rahul Dhodapkar, MD, c Rajesh Nachiappa Ganesh, MD, d and Devinder Mohan Thappa, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2019.06.002

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 587-592

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Investigating modifiable pathways in psoriasis: A Mendelian randomization study

Christos V. Chalitsios, PhD, a Andrea Georgiou, PhD, a Emmanouil Bouras, MSc, a Evangelos Evangelou, PhD, a,b,c Dipender Gill, PhD, b Kostas K. Tsilidis, PhD, a,b and Ioanna Tzoulaki, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.11.010

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 593-601

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Ambiguous melanocytic lesions: A retrospective cohort study of incidence and outcome of melanocytic tumor of uncertain malignant potential (MELTUMP) and superficial atypical melanocytic proliferation of uncertain significance (SAMPUS) in the Netherlands

Jiahe Vermari€en-Wang, MSc, a Thom Doeleman, MSc, a Remco van Doorn, MD, PhD, b Antien L. Mooyaart, MD, PhD, c Willeke A. M. Blokx, MD, PhD, d and Anne M. R. Schrader, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.11.019

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 602-608

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Melanomas in children and adolescents: Clinicopathologic features and survival outcomes

Mary-Ann El Sharouni, PhD, a,b Robert V. Rawson, MBBS, a,c,d Alison J. Potter, MBBS, a,c,d Elizabeth C. Paver, MBBS, a,c,d James S. Wilmott, PhD, a,c,e Arjen J. Witkamp, PhD, f Vigfus Sigurdsson, PhD, b Paul J. van Diest, PhD, g Richard A. Scolyer, MD, a,c,d,e John F. Thompson, MD, a,c,h Serigne N. Lo, PhD, a,c and Carla H. van Gils, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.08.067

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 609-616

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Comparative effectiveness of ice packs versus topical lidocaine-prilocaine mixture for pain control in laser hair removal of the axilla: A rater-blinded randomized controlled trial

Wanjarus Roongpisuthipong, MD, a,b Rachel E. Christensen, BS, a McKenzie A. Dirr, BA, BS, a Noor Anvery, BS, a Amelia Geisler, BS, a Matthew Schaeffer, MD, a Abigail Waldman, MD, a Joaquin C. Brieva, MD, a and Murad Alam, MD, MSCI, MBA

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.11.022

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 617-622

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Monkeypox outbreak, vaccination, and treatment implications for the dermatologic patient: Review and interim guidance from the Medical Dermatology Society

Anusha M. Kumar, MD, MS, a,b Steven T. Chen, MD, MPH, MHPEd, b Joseph F. Merola, MD, MMSc, a,c Arash Mostaghimi, MD, MPA, MPH, a Xiaolong A. Zhou, MD, MSc, d Nicole Fett, MD, MSCE, e Gideon P. Smith, MD, PhD, MPH, b Arturo P. Saavedra, MD, PhD, f Megan H. Noe, MD, MPH, MSCE, a and Misha Rosenbach, MD g

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.10.050

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 623-631

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Ultraviolet filters in the United States and European Union: A review of safety and implications for the future of US sunscreens

Molly N. Pantelic, MS, a Nikita Wong, MS, a Michael Kwa, MD, b and Henry W. Lim, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.11.039

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 632-646

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Reprint of: Clearance of multiple cutaneous warts by targeting a single lesion: A randomized comparative evaluation of mild local hyperthermia versus cryotherapy

Rui-Qun Qi, PhD, a,b Junfeng Zhou, PhD, c Bihuan Xiao, PhD, a,b Honghui Xu, PhD, a,b Shuai Qiao, MN, a Peiyao Zhu, PhD, a,b Lixin Xia, PhD, a,b Yang Yang, PhD, a,b Li Zhang, PhD, a,b Hongwei Yan, MN, a Congcong He, PhD, a,b Yuzhe Sun, PhD, a Xueli Niu, PhD, a,b Yuqing Zhang, PhD, d Lingyu Fu, PhD, d Xiuli Wang, MD, e Hong-Duo Chen, MD, a,b Shanshan Li, MD, c and Xing-Hua Gao, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2023.02.001

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 647-649

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Itch-free state in patients with atopic dermatitis treated with ruxolitinib cream: A pooled analysis from two randomized phase 3 studies

Andrew Blauvelt, MD, MBA, a Jacek C. Szepietowski, MD, PhD, b Kim Papp, MD, PhD, c Eric L. Simpson, MD, MCR, d Jonathan I. Silverberg, MD, PhD, MPH, e Brian S. Kim, MD, MTR, f Shawn G. Kwatra, MD, g Michael E. Kuligowski, MD, PhD, MBA, h, * May E. Venturanza, MD, h, * Shaoceng Wei, PhD, i and Leon Kircik, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.010

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 651-653

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Cause or cure? Review of dupilumab and alopecia areata

Dustin H. Marks, BS, a Natasha Mesinkovska, MD, PhD, b and Maryanne M. Senna, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2019.06.010

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 651-653

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Effectiveness of canakinumab for the treatment of patients with Yao syndrome

Qingping Yao, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2019.09.020

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 653-654

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Cervical spine imaging and treatment outcomes in scalp dysesthesia: A retrospective cohort study

Jonathan J. Lee, MD, a,b Carlos Morillo-Hernandez, BS, c Vikas Agarwal, MD, d Christopher J. Standaert, MD, e and Joseph C. English III, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2020.08.010

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 655-656

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Systemic juvenile xanthogranuloma has a higher frequency of ALK translocations than BRAFV600E mutations

Jiaosheng Xu, MD, a Xin Huang, MD, b Yang Wen, MD, c Zenggang Pan, MD, PhD, d Hongyun Lian, MS, e Mutong Zhao, MD, a Min Li, MD, b Zejun Duan, MD, f Yanping Zhang, MS, g Gaolei Zhang, MD, h Xueling Qi, MS, f Jianping Tang, MDZigang Xu, MD, PhD, a Zifen Gao, MD, PhD, b Libing Fu, MS, j and Lin Ma, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2020.08.053

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 656-659

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Tracking procedure outcomes using Epic SmartText and SmartData Elements following minor dermatologic procedures in the ambulatory setting

Michael Seth Flynn, BS, a Simon W. Jiang, BS, a Taylor Stauffer, BS, a Jeffery T. Kwock, MD, b and Matilda W. Nicholas, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.04.048

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 659-661

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Examining the epidemiology of coincident psoriasis and sarcoidosis: An observational cross-sectional study

Elizabeth B. Wallace, MD, a Hasan Khosravi, MD, b Cara J. Joyce, PhD, c Frank R. Vleugels, MD, d and Mital Patel, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2018.11.009

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 661-663

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Geographic variability of pricing and insurance coverage of topical actinic keratosis therapy: A survey-based study

Lucien Rizzo, MS, a,b Liz Lin, BA, a,b Abdullah Aleisa, MD, a,b Genevieve Huang, BA, a Adriana Dornelles, ScD, c and Bichchau Nguyen, MD, MPH a,

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2019.03.046

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 663-665

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Characterization of venture capital investments in dermatology: A cross-sectional analysis, 2011 to 2021

Kaushik Venkatesh, MBA, MPH, a and Vinod E. Nambudiri, MD, MBA

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.06.1177

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 665-667

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Cross-sectional evaluation of online Spanish-language dermatology resources at academic medical centers

Nabiha Islam, BS, Ashley Gray, BS, Abraham M. Korman, MD, John Trinidad, MD, and Jessica Kaffenberger, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.06.1178

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 667-668

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Basal cell carcinoma shows weak correlation with pre-existing chronic lymphocytic leukemia: A case-control study

Brian Cheng, BS, a Surya Veerabagu, BA, b Christopher J. Miller, MD, c Joseph F. Sobanko, MD, c Thuzar M. Shin, MD, PhD, c Cerrene N. Giordano, MD, c Jeremy R. Etzkorn, MD, c and H. William Higgins II, MD, MBE

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.06.1180

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 668-670

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Impact of biologic therapy on cancer outcomes in patients with immune checkpoint inhibitor–induced bullous pemphigoid

Jordan T. Said, MD,a,b Jordan Talia, MD, a Erin Wei, MD, a,b Arash Mostaghimi, MD, MPA, MPH, a,b Yevgeniy Semenov, MD, MA, b,c Anita Giobbie- Hurder, MS, d Steven T. Chen, MD, MPH, MS- HPEd, b,c and Nicole R. LeBoeuf, MD, MPH a,

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.06.1186

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 670-671

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A novel combination (“CHAP�) regimen for management of livedoid vasculopathy in 12 patients

Alexandra J. Coromilas, MD, a and Robert G. Micheletti, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.06.1188

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 672-674

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Screening motivations among participants of the American Academy of Dermatology's SPOT Skin Cancer screening program from 2018 to 2019: A cross-sectional analysis

David X. Gao, BA, a Susan M. Swetter, MD, b,c Elena B. Hawryluk, MD, PhD, d Alan C. Geller, MPH, RN, e and Derek Beaulieu, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.06.1194

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 674-676

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Estimating carbon emission and cost savings from virtual dermatology residency interviews

Jatin Narang, MD, David X. Zheng, BA, James R. Xu, BS, Annalise Vaccarello, BS, Kathleen M. Mulligan, BA, Bryan T. Carroll, MD, PhD, and Timmie R. Sharma, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.06.1197

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 676-678

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Mucosal melanoma and organ-specific metastasis: Differences in survival outcomes between tumor primary sites

Kathleen M. Mulligan, BA, a Christopher R. Cullison, MD, a David X. Zheng, BA, a Luke D. Rothermel, MD, MPH, b Melissa A. Levoska, MD, a and Jeffrey F. Scott, MD c

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.06.1198

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 678-680

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Recent trends in skin directed and self-administered systemic treatment costs in the United States for Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma

Jaclyn Rosenthal Himeles, MD, a Joseph Holton, PharmD, b Carmela Vittorio, MD, a,c Alain H. Rook, MD, a,c Paul Haun, MD, MS, a,c Jennifer Villasenor-Park, MD, PhD, a,c Sara Samimi, MD, a,c and Ellen J. Kim, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.06.1200

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 680-683

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Opportunities to improve guideline adherence for the diagnosis and treatment of onychomycosis: Analysis of commercial insurance claims data, United States

Jeremy A. W. Gold, MD, a Karen Wu, DVM, a,b Brendan R. Jackson, MD, a and Kaitlin Benedict, MPH

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.06.1201

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 683-686

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Comorbidities associated with mycosis fungoides: A case-control study in the All of Us database

Tejas P. Joshi, BS, a T. Austin Black, BS, b Briana Fernandez, BS, a Sarah Friske, BBA, a Haleigh Stafford, BA, a Emily Strouphauer, BSA, a and Madeleine Duvic, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.07.003

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 686-688

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Practice region and density, male sex, and specialty predict frequent performers of nail biopsies

Gabrielle M. Peck, BA, a Yu Wang, MD, b Alan B. Fleischer, Jr, MD, c and Shari R. Lipner, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.07.004

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 688-690

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Pityrosporum folliculitis in immunocompromised populations: A systematic review

Maxwell Green, MPH, a Nadia Kashetsky, MS, b Aileen Feschuk, BS, b and Howard Maibach, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.07.024

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 690-692

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Nonmelanoma skin cancer in patients with hereditary hemochromatosis: A case-control study

Catherina X. Pan, BA, a,b Kevin Yang, BS, b,c Charles B. Lau, b,d Guohai Zhou, PhD, e and Vinod E. Nambudiri, MD, MBA

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.07.029

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 692-694

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Racial and ethnic differences in tumor characteristics and overall survival of women with melanoma: A national cancer database retrospective cohort study

Jennifer M. Fernandez, MD, RD, a Bianka N. Bubic, MD, b Sabrina Dahak, MS, c Elizabeth M. Mata, MSN, d Kevin R. Kwan, MD, a Adam Sutton, MD, MBA, a Melodi Javid Whitley, MD, PhD, a and Ashley Wysong, MD, MS

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.07.036

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 694-696

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Revisiting the ultimate purpose of pursuing research in dermatology

David X. Zheng, BA, a Jatin Narang, MD, a Kory P. Schrom, MD, a Akua Sarfo, MD, PhD, a Jeffrey F. Scott, MD, b Vinod E. Nambudiri, MD, MBA, c and Timmie R. Sharma, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.08.004

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 696-697

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Herpes zoster subunit vaccine for patients initiating a Janus kinase inhibitor

Reid A. Waldman, MD, a Kelley L. Sharp, BSN, MACPR, b Jonas A. Adalsteinsson, MD, PhD, c and Jane M. Grant-Kels, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.08.040

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 697-698

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Monkeypox: Cutaneous clues to clinical diagnosis

John W. Frew, MBBS, MMed, MS, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.08.048

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 698-700

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Treatment of dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans with Mohs micrographic surgery is associated with lower odds of postoperative radiotherapy compared to wide local excision

Bernice Y. Yan, MD, Marcus L. Elias, MD, Priya Duvvuri, BA, Andrew Strunk, MA, Amit Garg, MD, and Victoria R. Sharon, MD, DTMH

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.08.049

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 700-702

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Skin cancer prevalence and risk among foreign-born people living in the United States: A pooled cross-sectional analysis

Krittin J. Supapannachart, MD, MPH, a Ameya Gangal, BS, a Suephy C. Chen, MD, MS, b and Howa Yeung, MD, MSc a,

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.08.056

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 702-705

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Patients with hidradenitis suppurativa have a higher rate of postoperative infections

Itisha S. Jefferson, BS, a Madelaine Fritsche, BS, b Steven A. Maczuga, MS, c Steven R. Allen, MD, d Amanda Nelson, PhD, b,c and Joslyn S. Kirby, MD, MS, Med

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.08.059

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 705-708

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Demographic characteristics, factors influencing specialty choice, and intended career goals of graduating medical students pursuing careers in rural dermatology

Travis S. Fulk, MD, a Katelyn J. Rypka, BS, b Laurel L. Wessman, MD, a Ronda S. Farah, MD, a Kevin J. Gaddis, MD, a Robert T. Brodell, MD, c Cindy Firkins Smith, MD,d and Matthew D. Mansh, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.007

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 708-711

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Dermatology evaluation for cutaneous immune-related adverse events is associated with improved survival in cancer patients treated with checkpoint inhibition

Ted V. Jacoby, BS, a,b Nishi Shah, BS, a,c Maria S. Asdourian, MPhil, a,d Leah L. Thompson, MD, a,d,e Tracey S. Otto, MD, a,f Nicole R. LeBoeuf, MD, d,g,h Yevgeniy Semenov, MD, a,d Edward Christopher Dee, MD, i Kerry L. Reynolds, MD, d,j and Steven T. Chen, MPH, MS-HP-Ed

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.012

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 711-714

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Random skin biopsies for diagnosis of intravascular large B-cell lymphoma: Retrospective analysis of 31 biopsies from a US dermatology inpatient consultative service with literature review

Sa Rang Kim, MD, a Christine J. Ko, MD, a,b Caroline A. Nelson, MD, a Sarika Ramachandran, MD, a and Jeff R. Gehlhausen, MD, PhD a

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.016

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 714-716

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Atenolol treatment does not affect behavioral outcomes in pediatric patients with infantile hemangiomas: A case-control cohort study

Fareed Sabbah, MD, a Ilan Shamir, MD, b Lidia V. Gabis, MD, MBA, c,d,e Ayelet Ollech, MD, e,f Meirav Shaham, PhD, g Aviv Barzilai, MD, MSc, e,h Sharon Baum, MD, e,h Orit Krispin, PhD, i Tamar Peleg, PhD, i Dan Ben Amitai, MD, a,e and Shoshana Greenberger, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.026

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 716-718

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Clinical characterization and treatment outcomes of follicular cutaneous immune–related adverse events caused by immune checkpoint inhibitors: A multicenter retrospective study

Azael Freites-Martinez, MD, a Vasiliki Nikolaou, MD, b Konstantinos Lallas, MD, c Cristina Carrera, MD, d,e Pietro Sollena, MD, f Zoe Apalla, MD, g Michela Starace, MD, h Davide Fattore, MD, i Gabriella Fabbrocini, MD, i Sonia Segura, MD, j Julia Riganti, MD, k and Vincent Sibaud, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.08.063

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 718-720

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Human immunodeficiency virus infection may be a contributing factor to monkeypox infection: Analysis of a 42-case series

Miguel Alpalh~ao, MD, a,b,c Diogo Sousa, MD, b Joana Vieitez Frade, MD, b Jo~ao Patrocınio, MD, b Pedro Miguel Garrido, MD, b Catarina Correia, MD, b Claudia Braz~ao, MD, b Dora Mancha, MD, b Maria Sofia Nuncio, PhD, d Isabel Lopes Carvalho, PhD, d Ana Pelerito, PhD, d Maria Jose Borrego, PhD, e and Paulo Filipe, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.029

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 720-722

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Impact of Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium lepromatosis on immune reactions and clinical outcomes in Hansen's disease: A single-center retrospective analysis

Sabrina Khan, BS, a Brandon L. Adler, MD, b April W. Armstrong, MD, MPH, b Ramanuj Lahiri, PhD, c and Maria T. Ochoa, MD b

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.030

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 722-724

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Free sunscreen dispensers: A readily available asset for the primary prevention of skin cancer

Nathaniel A. Marroquin, BS, a Torunn E. Sivesind, MD, b Colin Burnette, BS, c Kyle LaMar, MS, a and Robert P. Dellavalle, MD, PhD, MSPH

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.031

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 724-726

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Validation of a hand-mounted wearable sensor for scratching movements in adults with atopic dermatitis

Albert F. Yang, MD, a,b Keum San Chun, PhD, c Lian Yu, MS, d Jessica R. Walter, MD, e Donghyun Kim, BA, d Jong Yoon Lee, BS, d Hyoyoung Jeong, PhD, f Matthew C. Keller, MBA, c,d Dhruv R. SeshadriPhD, c,d Matthew O. Olagbenro, BS, a Jee Won Bae, BS, d William Reuther, BS, d Ellen Wu, MD, a Kazuaki Okamoto, MS, g Akihiko Ikoma, MD, g Peter A. Lio, MD, a,h Anna B. Fishbein, MD, i Amy S. Paller, MD, a,f,i and Shuai Xu, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.032

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 726-729

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Clinical features and staging of mycosis fungoides of the eyelids: A retrospective cohort study

Can Baykal, MD, and Tugba Atci, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.033

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 729-731

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Measurement of psoriasis-affected area with artificial neural network

Woo Hyup Lee, MD, a Sungmin Lee, PhD, b Jiho Kim, BS, c Ju Hee Han, MD, d Yeong Ho Kim, MD, PhD, d Junhwi Kim, MS, e Ji Hyun Lee, MD, PhD, d and Chul Hwan Bang, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.035

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 731-732

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Ultrasonographic railway sign in tunnels as a new independent risk factor of adalimumab failure in hidradenitis suppurativa

Piotr K. Krajewski, MD, a,b Abdulhadi Jfri, MD, MSc, c Gemma Ochando-Ibernon, MD, c and Antonio Martorell, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.08.064

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 732-734

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E-visits for isotretinoin management have no effect on interruptions in care

Kelsey Gradwohl, MD, Neil Vaishampayan, BS, Milad Eshaq, MD, and Yolanda Helfrich, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.048

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 734-736

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Comorbidities in patients with generalized pustular psoriasis: a nationwide population-based register study

Sofia L€ofvendahl, PhD, a,b Jenny M. Norlin, PhD, a and Marcus Schmitt-Egenolf, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.049

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 736-738

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Dercum's disease: A retrospective cohort study

Maria S. Asdourian, MPhil, a,b Nishi Shah, BS, b,c Ted V. Jacoby, BS, b,d Janice Tiao, MD, a,b and Flavia Fedeles, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.050

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 738-741

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Distribution of skin diseases among patients using methamphetamine

Alexander S. Bang, BS, a,b,c Adam Zakaria, MD, d Jazzmin C. Williams, BS, d Erin H. Amerson, MD, d and Kieron S. Leslie, MBBS

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.10.003

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 741-743

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Reply—Response to Anakinra for refractory pustular psoriasis: A phase II, open label, dose-escalation trial

Haley B. Naik, MD, MHSc, a and Edward W. Cowen, MD, MHSc

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.11.013

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 743-744

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Dermatoethics: Dealing with patient denial

Tessa M. LeWitt, BS, a Joan Guitart, MD, b and Jane M. Grant-Kels, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.03.035

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 745-746

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JAAD Game Changers∗: Compliance with pregnancy prevention measures during isotretinoin therapy∗,

Kristin Lee, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2019.09.050

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page 747

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JAAD Game Changers∗: Increased risk of diabetes mellitus in relation to the severity of psoriasis, concomitant medication, and comorbidity: A nationwide population-based cohort study∗,

Kristin Lee, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2019.11.044

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page 748

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JAAD Game Changers∗: The association of indoor tanning and melanoma in adults: Systematic review and meta-analysis∗,

Kristin Lee, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2019.11.050

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page 749

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Treating isotretinoin-associated cheilitis with hydrocortisone-containing lip balm

Brett C. Neill, MD, a,b Christopher D. Willis, BS, c John A. Neill, BA, d Cody Hanson, DO, b Anand Rajpara, MD, b and Daniel J. Aires, MD, JD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2018.02.076

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page e113

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Serrated straw makes masks adjustable and reduces pressure injury risk

Yuanyuan Wu, BSN, a Xuan Zhou, BSN, a and Qianmo Tian, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2020.08.071

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e115-e116

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Ear piercing/nose piercing: Making the technique simple and cost-effective

Maya Vedamurthy, MD, FRCP(Glasg)(Edin)MAMS, and Jansi Priyadharshini, MD, DVL

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2020.12.005

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e117-e118

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Simple techniques for circumferential cryoanesthesia

Mohammed I. AlJasser, MBBS, FRCPC

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2020.12.018

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e119-e121

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Dot technique: A simple way to stay on point

Abraham H. Abdulhak, MD, a Cameron S. Nichols, MD, a William S. Gillen, MD, b and Christopher R. Gorman, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2020.12.045

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e123-e124

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Application of a taped gauze on the gloved hand in preparation for a pressure bandage after a Mohs micrographic surgery layer

Isadore S. Tarantino, MD, a Young J. Kwak, MD, b Leonard H. Goldberg, MD, a,b Kourosh Beroukhim, MD, a James L. Griffith, MD, b and Arash Kimyai-Asadi, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2020.12.057

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e125-e126

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Ex vivo dermoscopy in demodicosis

ector Perandones Gonzalez, MD, a Miguel Domınguez Santas, MD, b Leopoldo Fernandez Domper, MD, c Manuel Agud de Dios, MD, d and Pablo Boixeda, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.07.031

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e127-e128

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Optimal surgical modality for early Merkel cell carcinoma: Results from the National Cancer Database

Babu Singh, MD, a Muhammad M. Qureshi, MBBS, b Minh Tam Truong, MD, b and Debjani Sahni, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2018.05.019

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e129-e130

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Relative survival analysis in patients with stage I-II Merkel cell carcinoma treated with Mohs micrographic surgery or wide local excision

Chang Su, BSE, a Harrison X. Bai, MD, b and Sean Christensen, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2018.04.057

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e131-e132

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Comment on “Sirolimus for the treatment of verrucous venous malformation: A retrospective cohort study�: Are we missing the lymphatic malformation component?

Ren Cai, MD, a,b Xi Yang, MD, a Hao Gu, MD, a Hui Chen, MD, PhD, a,c and Xiaoxi Lin, MD, PhD a

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2018.08.050

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e133-e134

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Reply to “Comment on ‘Sirolimus for the treatment of verrucous venous malformation: A retrospective cohort study': Are we missing the lymphatic malformation component?�

Hongguang Chen, MD, PhD, a and Gaolei Zhang, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2018.09.008

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e135-e136

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Bullous pemphigoid and neuropsychiatric medications: An influence of drugs or of underlying conditions?

Khalaf Kridin, MD, PhD, a Shira Zelber-Sagi, PhD, b Mouhammad Kridin, BSc, c and Arnon D. Cohen, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2019.03.091

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page e137

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Reply to: Comment on “Bullous pemphigoid and neuropsychiatric medications: An influence of drugs or of underlying conditions?�

Outi Varpuluoma, MD, PhD, a Jari Jokelainen, MSc, b Kaisa Tasanen, MD, PhD, a and Laura Huilaja, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2019.04.025

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page e139

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Rational radiotherapy: The role in node-negative squamous cell carcinoma

Nathan Y. Yu, MD, a Samir H. Patel, MD, a Steven E. Schild, MD, a and Todd A. DeWees, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2019.09.062

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e141-e142

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Reply to “Rational radiotherapy: The role in node-negative squamous cell carcinoma�

Emily Stamell Ruiz, MD, MPH, a Shlomo A. Koyfman, MD, b and Chrysalyne D. Schmults, MD, MSCE

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2019.09.063

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page e143

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Response to the article by Naik et al entitled “anakinra for refractory pustular psoriasis: A phase II, open label, dose-escalation trial�

Kazuki Yatsuzuka, MD, and Masamoto Murakami, MD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.10.058

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e145-e146

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Response to Ogdie et al’s “Prospective cohort study of psoriatic arthritis risk in patients with psoriasis in a real-world psoriasis registry�

Nuozhou Liu, BM, a and Wei Hua, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.058

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e147-e148

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Response to comment on “Psoriasis and COVID-19: A bidirectional Mendelian randomization study�

Christos V. Chalitsios, PhD, a Kostas K. Tsilidis, PhD, a,b and Ioanna Tzoulaki, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.11.037

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page e149

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Comment on “Psoriasis and COVID-19: A bidirectional Mendelian randomization study�

Xiaoyu Gu, MD, a,b,c Xiang Chen, MD, a,b,c and Minxue Shen, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.11.038

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e151-e152

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Blistering exanthems in the times of monkeypox—Keep calm and do not panic!

Nikhil Mehta, MD, and Somesh Gupta, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.12.026

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e153-e155

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In memoriam: Samuel Leonard Moschella

Adam D. Lipworth, MD, a,b Victoria Garcia-Albea, NP, b and William D. James, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.09.036

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages e157-e158

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February 2023 IOTADERMA (#348)

Robert I. Rudolph, MD, FACP

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.07.018

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page e159

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March IOTADERMA (#349)

Robert I. Rudolph, MD, FACP

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.08.014

Volume 88, Issue 3, March 2023, Page e161

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