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Circulation Editors and Editorial Board.

doi : 10.1161/CIR.0000000000001120

Volume 147(1) pgs. 1-104,e1-e3 January 03, 2023

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Recognized Outstanding Reviewers for Circulation in 2022.

McGuire, Darren K. MD, MHSc; de Lemos, James A. MD; Hill, Joseph A. MD, PhD; on behalf of the Circulation Editors Team

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.122.063298

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Do We Need Ischemia Testing to Monitor Asymptomatic Patients With Chronic Coronary Syndromes?.

Steg, Philippe Gabriel MD; Kikoine, John MD

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.122.053565

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Survival After Invasive or Conservative Management of Stable Coronary Disease.

Hochman, Judith S. MD; Anthopolos, Rebecca DrPH; Reynolds, Harmony R. MD; Bangalore, Sripal MD, MHA; Xu, Yifan MPH; O'Brien, Sean M. PhD; Mavromichalis, Stavroula MS; Chang, Michelle MPH; Contreras, Aira MA; Rosenberg, Yves MD, MPH; Kirby, Ruth ASN; Bhargava, Balram MD, DM; Senior, Roxy MD, DM; Banfield, Ann RGN, BSc; Goodman, Shaun G. MD, MSc; Lopes, Renato D. MD, MHS, PhD; Pracon, Radoslaw MD, PhD; Lopez-Sendon, Jose MD; Maggioni, Aldo Pietro MD; Newman, Jonathan D. MD, MPH; Berger, Jeffrey S. MD; Sidhu, Mandeep S. MD; White, Harvey D. DSc; Troxel, Andrea B. ScD; Harrington, Robert A. MD; Boden, William E. MD; Stone, Gregg W. MD; Mark, Daniel B. MD, MPH; Spertus, John A. MD, MPH; Maron, David J. MD; on behalf of the ISCHEMIA-EXTEND Research Group; Hochman, Judith S. MD; Maron, David J. MD; Reynolds, Harmony R. MD; Bangalore, Sripal MD, MHA; Mavromichalis, Stavroula MS; Chang, Michelle MPH; Contreras, Aira MA; Esquenazi-Karonika, Shari PhD(c), MPH, MS; Gilsenan, Margaret; Gwiszcz, Ewelina; Mathews, Patenne MPH; Mohamed, Samaa; Naumova, Anna MA; Roberts, Arline RN; VanLoo, Kerrie; Anthopolos, Rebecca DrPH; Xu, Yifan MPH; Troxel, Andrea B. ScD; Lu, Ying MS; Huang, Zhen MS; Broderick, Samuel MS; Guzman, Luis MD, PhD; Selvanayagam, Joseph MBBS, DPhil; Lopes, Renato D. MD, PhD; Goodman, Shaun G. MD, MSc; Steg, Gabriel MD; Juliard, Jean-Michel MD; Doerr, Rolf MD; Keltai, Matyas MD, PhD, MSc; Bhargava, Balram MD, MSc; Thomas, Boban MD; Sharir, Tali MD; Nikolsky, Eugenia MD, PhD; Maggioni, Aldo P. MD; Kohsaka, Shun MD; Escobedo, Jorge MD, MSc; White, Harvey D. DSc; Pracon, Radoslaw MD, PhD; Bockeria, Olga MD, PhD; Lopez-Sendon, Jose MD; Held, Claes MD, PhD; Senior, Roxy MD, DM; Banfield, Ann RGN, BSc; Shaw, Leslee J. PhD; Phillips, Lawrence MD; Berman, Daniel MD; Kwong, Raymond Y. MD, MPH; Picard, Michael H. MD; Chaitman, Bernard R. MD; Ali, Ziad MD, DPhil; Min, James MD; Mancini, G.B. John MD; Leipsic, Jonathon MD; Guzman, Luis MD, PhD; Hillis, Graham MBChB; Thambar, Suku MD; Joseph, Majo MD; Selvanayagam, Joseph MBBS, DPhil; Beltrame, John BMBS, PhD; Lang, Irene MD, PhD; Schuchlenz, Herwig MD; Huber, Kurt MD; Goetschalckx, Kaatje MD; Hueb, Whady MD, PhD; Caramori, Paulo Ricardo MD; de Quadros, Alexandre MD; Smanio, Paola MD; Mesquita, Claudio MD; Lopes, Renato D. MD, PhD; Vitola, Joao MD, PhD; Marin-Neto, Jose MD, PhD; da Silva, Expedito Ribeiro MD, PhD; Tumelero, Rogerio MD; Andrade, Marianna PhD; Alves, Alvaro Rabelo Jr MD; Dall'Orto, Frederico PhD; Polanczyk, Carisi PhD; Figueiredo, Estevao MD; Howarth, Andrew MD; Gosselin, Gilbert MD; Cheema, Asim MD, PhD; Bainey, Kevin MD, MSc; Phaneuf, Denis MD; Diaz, Ariel MSc, MD; Garg, Pallav MBBS, MSc; Mehta, Shamir MD, MSc; Wong, Graham MD, MPH; Lam, Andy MD; Cha, James MD; Galiwango, Paul MD; Uxa, Amar MD; Chow, Benjamin (Ben) MD; Hameed, Adnan MD; Udell, Jacob MD, MPH; Cheema, Asim MD, PhD; Hamid, Magdy MD; Hauguel-Moreau, Marie MD; Furber, Alain MD; Goube, Pascal MD; Steg, Philippe-Gabriel MD; Barone-Rochette, Gilles MD, PhD; Thuaire, Christophe MD; Slama, Michel MD; Doerr, Rolf MD; Nickenig, Georg MD; Bekeredjian, Raffi MD; Schulze, P. Christian MD, PhD; Merkely, Bela MD, PhD, MSc, DSc; Fontos, Geza MD; Vertes, Andras PhD; Varga, Albert MD, DSc; Bhargava, Balram MD, DM; Kumar, Ajit PhD; Nair, Rajesh G. MsC; Grant, Purvez MD; Manjunath, Cholenahally MD; Moorthy, Nagaraja MD; Satheesh, Santhosh MD, DM; Nath, Ranjit Kumar MD, DM; Wander, Gurpreet DM; Christopher, Johann MD, PhD; Dwivedi, Sudhanshu MD, DM; Oomman, Abraham DM, MD; Mathur, Atul PhD; Gadkari, Milind MD, MRCP; Naik, Sudhir MD; Punnoose, Eapen MD, DM; Kachru, Ranjan MD; Christopher, Johann MBBS, MD, DNB; Kaul, Upendra MD, DM; Sharir, Tali MD; Kerner, Arthur MD; Tarantini, Giuseppe PhD; Perna, Gian Piero MD; Racca, Emanuela PhD; Mortara, Andrea MD; Monti, Lorenzo MSc; Briguori, Carlo MD, PhD; Leone, Gianpiero MD; Amati, Roberto MD; Salvatori, Mauro MD; Di Chiara, Antonio MD; Calabro, Paolo MD, PhD; Galvani, Marcello MD; Provasoli, Stefano MD; Fukuda, Keiichi MD, PhD; Kohsaka, Shun MD; Nakano, Shintaro MS; Laucevicius, Aleksandras MD; Kedev, Sasko MD, PhD; Khairuddin, Ahmad MD; Escobedo, Jorge MD; Riezebos, Robert MD, PhD; Timmer, Jorik MD, PhD; Heald, Spencer MD; Stewart, Ralph MD; Ramos, Walter Mogrovejo MD; Demkow, Marcin MD; Mazurek, Tomasz MD, PhD; Drozdz, Jarozlaw MD; Szwed, Hanna MD, PhD; Witkowski, Adam MD, PhD; Ferreira, Nuno PhD; Pinto, Fausto MD, PhD; Ramos, Ruben MD; Popescu, Bogdan PhD; Pop, Calin MD, PhD; Bockeria, Leo MD; Bockeria, Olga MD, PhD; Demchenko, Elena MD, PhD; Romanov, Alexander MD; Bershtein, Leonid MD, PhD; Jizeeri, Ahmed MD; Stankovic, Goran MD, PhD; Apostolovic, Svetlana MD, PhD; Adjic, Nada Cemerlic MD; Zdravkovic, Marija MD; Beleslin, Branko MD, PhD; Dekleva, Milica MD, PhD; Davidovic, Goran MD; Chua, Terrance MD; Foo, David MD; Poh, Kian Keong MD; Ntsekhe, Mpiko MD; Sionis, Alessandro MD; Marin, Francisco MSc; Miro, Vicente MD; Lopez-Sendon, Jose MD; Blancas, Montserrat Gracida MD; Gonzalez-Juanatey, Jose MD; Fernandez-Aviles, Francisco MD, PhD; Peteiro, Jesus MD; Luena, Jose Enrique Castillo MD; Held, Claes MD, PhD; Aspberg, Johannes MD; Rossi, Mariagrazia PhD; Kuanprasert, Srun MD; Yamwong, Sukit MD; Johnston, Nicola BA, MS; Donnelly, Patrick PhD; Moriarty, Andrew PhD; Senior, Roxy MD, DM; Elghamaz, Ahmed MB, BCh; Gurunathan, Sothinathan MBChB; Karogiannis, Nikolaos MBBS; Shah, Benoy N. MD, MBBS, BSc (Hons); Trimlett, Richard H.J. MBBS, CCST; Rubens, Michael B. LRCP, MRCS, MBBS, DMRD; Nicol, Edward D. MD, BMedSci, MBBS, DTM&H; Mittal, Tarun K. MD; Hampson, Reinette BSc (Hons), BA (Hons); Gamma, Reto MBBS; De Belder, Mark MD; Nageh, Thuraia MD, MRCP; Lindsay, Steven MD; Mavromatis, Kreton MD; Miller, Todd MD; Banerjee, Subhash MD, FACC, FCSCAI; Reynolds, Harmony MD; Nour, Khaled MD; Stone, Peter MD

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.122.062714

The ISCHEMIA trial (International Study of Comparative Health Effectiveness With Medical and Invasive Approaches) compared an initial invasive versus an initial conservative management strategy for patients with chronic coronary disease and moderate or severe ischemia, with no major difference in most outcomes during a median of 3.2 years. Extended follow-up for mortality is ongoing.

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If the Fates Allow: The Zero-Sum Game of ISCHEMIA-EXTEND.

Bradley, Steven M. MD, MPH; Gluckman, Ty J. MD, MHA

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.122.063033

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Lipoprotein(a) in Youth and Prediction of Major Cardiovascular Outcomes in Adulthood.

Raitakari, Olli MD, PhD; Kartiosuo, Noora MS; Pahkala, Katja PhD; Hutri-Kahonen, Nina MD, PhD; Bazzano, Lydia A. MD, PhD; Chen, Wei MD, PhD; Urbina, Elaine M. MD, MS; Jacobs, David R. Jr PhD; Sinaiko, Alan MD; Steinberger, Julia MD, MS; Burns, Trudy PhD, MPH; Daniels, Stephen R. MD, PhD; Venn, Alison PhD; Woo, Jessica G. PhD; Dwyer, Terry MD, MB, BS, MPH; Juonala, Markus MD, PhD; Viikari, Jorma MD, PhD

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.122.060667

Elevated lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] is a common risk factor for cardiovascular disease outcomes with unknown mechanisms. We examined its potential role in identifying youths who are at increased risk of developing adult atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD).

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The Value of Measuring Lipoprotein(a) in Children.

Khoury, Michael MD; Clarke, Shoa L. MD, PhD

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.122.062592

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Associations Between Extreme Temperatures and Cardiovascular Cause-Specific Mortality: Results From 27 Countries.

Alahmad, Barrak MD, MPH, PhD; Khraishah, Haitham MD; Roye, Dominic PhD; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana Maria PhD; Guo, Yuming PhD; Papatheodorou, Stefania I. MD; Achilleos, Souzana ScD; Acquaotta, Fiorella PhD; Armstrong, Ben PhD; Bell, Michelle L. PhD; Pan, Shih-Chun PhD; de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coelho, Micheline PhD; Colistro, Valentina PhD; Dang, Tran Ngoc PhD; Van Dung, Do PhD; De' Donato, Francesca K. PhD; Entezari, Alireza PhD; Guo, Yue-Liang Leon PhD; Hashizume, Masahiro PhD; Honda, Yasushi PhD; Indermitte, Ene PhD; Iniguez, Carmen PhD; Jaakkola, Jouni J.K. PhD; Kim, Ho PhD; Lavigne, Eric PhD; Lee, Whanhee PhD; Li, Shanshan PhD; Madureira, Joana PhD; Mayvaneh, Fatemeh PhD; Orru, Hans PhD; Overcenco, Ala PhD; Ragettli, Martina S. PhD; Ryti, Niilo R.I. PhD; Saldiva, Paulo Hilario Nascimento PhD; Scovronick, Noah PhD; Seposo, Xerxes PhD; Sera, Francesco PhD; Silva, Susana Pereira MSc; Stafoggia, Massimo PhD; Tobias, Aurelio PhD; Garshick, Eric MD; Bernstein, Aaron S. MD; Zanobetti, Antonella PhD; Schwartz, Joel PhD; Gasparrini, Antonio PhD; Koutrakis, Petros PhD

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.122.061832

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Existing studies on the association between temperatures and cardiovascular deaths have been limited in geographic zones and have generally considered associations with total cardiovascular deaths rather than cause-specific cardiovascular deaths.

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A Human Hereditary Cardiomyopathy Shares a Genetic Substrate With Bicuspid Aortic Valve.

Siguero-Alvarez, Marcos PhD; Salguero-Jimenez, Alejandro PhD; Grego-Bessa, Joaquim PhD; de la Barrera, Jorge MSc; MacGrogan, Donal PhD; Prados, Belen PhD; Sanchez-Saez, Fernando MSc; Pineiro-Sabaris, Rebeca MSc; Felipe-Medina, Natalia PhD; Torroja, Carlos PhD; Gomez, Manuel Jose PhD; Sabater-Molina, Maria PhD; Escriba, Ruben PhD; Richaud-Patin, Ivonne PhD; Iglesias-Garcia, Olalla PhD; Sbroggio, Mauro PhD; Callejas, Sergio PhD; O'Regan, Declan P. MD, PhD; McGurk, Kathryn A. PhD; Dopazo, Ana PhD; Giovinazzo, Giovanna PhD; Ibanez, Borja MD, PhD; Monserrat, Lorenzo MD, PhD; Perez-Pomares, Jose Maria PhD; Sanchez-Cabo, Fatima PhD; Pendas, Alberto M. PhD; Raya, Angel PhD; Gimeno-Blanes, Juan R. MD, PhD; de la Pompa, Jose Luis PhD

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.058767

The complex genetics underlying human cardiac disease is evidenced by its heterogenous manifestation, multigenic basis, and sporadic occurrence. These features have hampered disease modeling and mechanistic understanding.

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Noncanonical Form of ERAD Regulates Cardiac Hypertrophy.

Blackwood, Erik A. PhD; MacDonnell, Lauren F. BS; Thuerauf, Donna J. MS; Bilal, Alina S. MS; Murray, Victoria B. MPH; Bedi, Kenneth C. Jr BS; Margulies, Kenneth B. MD; Glembotski, Christopher C. PhD

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.122.061557

Cardiac hypertrophy increases demands on protein folding, which causes an accumulation of misfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). These misfolded proteins can be removed by the adaptive retrotranslocation, polyubiquitylation, and a proteasome-mediated degradation process, ER-associated degradation (ERAD), which, as a biological process and rate, has not been studied in vivo.

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Cardiovascular Disease Among Persons Living With HIV: New Insights Into Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations in a Global Context.

Ntsekhe, Mpiko MD, PhD; Baker, Jason V. MD, MSc

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.122.057443

AB Widespread use of contemporary antiretroviral therapy globally has transformed HIV disease into a chronic illness associated with excess risk for disorders of the heart and circulatory system.

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Empagliflozin in Black Versus White Patients With Heart Failure: Analysis of EMPEROR-Pooled.

Verma, Subodh MD, PhD; Dhingra, Nitish K. BHSc; Butler, Javed MD, MPH, MBA; Anker, Stefan D. MD; Pedro Ferreira, Joao MD, PhD; Filippatos, Gerasimos MD; Januzzi, James L. MD; Lam, Carolyn S.P. MBBS, PhD; Sattar, Naveed MD; Pfarr, Egon MS; Nordaby, Matias MD; Brueckmann, Martina MD; Pocock, Stuart J. PhD; Zannad, Faiez MD, PhD; Packer, Milton MD; on behalf of the EMPEROR-Pooled Trial Committees and Investigators

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.122.062644

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Tackling Adversity and Cardiovascular Health: It is About Time.

Westcott, Sarah K. MD; Lewis, Tene T. PhD; Albert, Michelle A. MD, MPH

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.122.061763

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