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No H. pylori, no adenocarcinoma for patients with autoimmune gastritis

James Goldenring

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-328068

January 2023 - Volume 72 - 1

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Adherent invasive Escherichia coli in Crohn’s disease: guilt by association?

Charles O Elson

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327342

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Toxic trail from the gut to the brain

Pieter Vanden Berghe

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-326456

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Evaluating microbial determinants of donor efficacy to translate faecal microbiota transplantation from research to clinical practice

Qin Liu, Giovanni Cammarota, Gianluca Ianiro

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-328573

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Immunogenomic classification of hepatocellular carcinoma patients for immune check-point inhibitors therapy: cui bono?

Ruben Hernaez, Matias A Avila

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327132

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MAFLD, HCC and the dilemma of (changing) terminology in liver diseases

Ruben Hernaez, Markus Peck-Radosavljevic

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-326992

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Green endoscopy: British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG), Joint Accreditation Group (JAG) and Centre for Sustainable Health (CSH) joint consensus on practical measures for environmental sustainability in endoscopy

Shaji Sebastian ,1,2 Anjan Dhar ,3,4 Robin Baddeley,5,6 Leigh Donnelly,7 Rosemary Haddock,8 Ramesh Arasaradnam ,9,10 Archibald Coulter ,11 Benjamin Robert Disney ,10 Helen Griffiths ,12 Christopher Healey,13 Rosie Hillson ,14 Ingeborg Steinbach ,14 Sarah Marshall,15,16 Arun Rajendran ,17 Andrew Rochford,18 Siwan Thomas-Gibson ,6 Sandeep Siddhi,19 William Stableforth,20 Emma Wesley,21 Bernard Brett ,22 Allan John Morris,23 Andrew Douds ,24 Mark Giles Coleman,16,25 Andrew M Veitch ,26 Bu’Hussain Hayee 27

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-328460

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Robotic endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty

Vincenzo Bove, Maria Valeria Matteo, Valerio Pontecorvi, Martina De Siena, Guido Costamagna, Ivo Boskoski

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327548

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Autoimmune gastritis: long-term natural history in naïve Helicobacter pylori-negative patients

Massimo Rugge, Ludovica Bricca, Stefano Guzzinati, Diana Sacchi, Marco Pizzi, Edoardo Savarino, Fabio Farinati, Manuel Zorzi, Matteo Fassan, Angelo Paolo Dei Tos, Peter Malfertheiner, Robert M Genta, David Y Graham

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327827

Objective Autoimmune gastritis (AIG) is an immunomediated disease targeting parietal cells, eventually resulting in oxyntic-restricted atrophy. This long-term follow-up study aimed at elucidating the natural history, histological phenotype(s), and associated cancer risk of patients with AIG consistently tested H. pylori-negative (naïve H. pylori-negative subjects).

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Role of adherent and invasive Escherichia coli in Crohn’s disease: lessons from the postoperative recurrence model

Anthony Buisson, Harry Sokol, Nassim Hammoudi, Stéphane nancey, Xavier Treton, Maria Nachury, Mathurin Fumery, Xavier Hébuterne, Michael Rodrigues, Jean-Pierre Hugot, Gilles Boschetti, Carmen Stefanescu, Pauline Wils, Philippe Seksik, Lionel Le Bourhis, Madeleine Bezault, Pierre Sauvanet, Bruno Pereira, Matthieu Allez, Nicolas Barnich

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-325971

Objective We used the postoperative recurrence model to better understand the role of adherent and invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC) bacteria in Crohn’s disease (CD), taking advantage of a well-characterised postoperative cohort.

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Autologous regulatory T-cell transfer in refractory ulcerative colitis with concomitant primary sclerosing cholangitis

Caroline Voskens, Diane Stoica, Marita Rosenberg, Francesco Vitali, Sebastian Zundler, Marion Ganslmayer, Heike Knott, Manuel Wiesinger, Jutta Wunder, Mirko Kummer, Britta Siegmund, Elisabeth Schnoy, Timo Rath, Arndt Hartmann, Holger Hackstein, Beatrice Schuler-Thurner, Carola Berking, Gerold Schuler, Raja Atreya, Markus F Neurath

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327075

Objective Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic, debilitating immune-mediated disease driven by disturbed mucosal homeostasis, with an excess of intestinal effector T cells and an insufficient expansion of mucosal regulatory T cells (Tregs). We here report on the successful adoptive transfer of autologous, ex vivo expanded Tregs in a patient with refractory UC and associated primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), for which effective therapy is currently not available.

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Comparison of biochemical, microbial and mucosal mRNA expression in bile acid diarrhoea and irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhoea

Michael Camilleri, Paula Carlson, Joelle BouSaba, Sanna McKinzie, Priya Vijayvargiya, Yorick Magnus, Wassel Sannaa, Xiao Jing Wang, Victor Chedid, Ting Zheng, Daniel Maselli, Jessica Atieh, Ann Taylor, Asha A Nair, Nagaswaroop Kengunte Nagaraj, Stephen Johnson, Jun Chen, Duane Burton, Irene Busciglio

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327471

Objective There are altered mucosal functions in irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhoea (IBS-D); ~30% of patients with IBS-D have abnormal bile acid (BA) metabolism (ABAM) and diarrhoea (summarised as BAD).

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Comparison of lumen-apposing metal stents versus double-pigtail plastic stents for infected necrotising pancreatitis

Lotte Boxhoorn, Robert C Verdonk, Marc G Besselink, Marja Boermeester, Thomas L Bollen, Stefan AW Bouwense, Vincent C Cappendijk, Wouter L Curvers, Cornelis H Dejong, Sven M van Dijk, Hendrik M van Dullemen, Casper HJ van Eijck, Erwin JM van Geenen, Muhammed Hadithi, Wouter L Hazen, Pieter Honkoop, Jeanin E van Hooft, Maarten AJM Jacobs, June EC Kievits, Marnix PM Kop, Eva Kouw, Sjoerd D Kuiken, Michiel Ledeboer, Vincent B Nieuwenhuijs, Lars E Perk, Jan-Werner Poley, Rutger Quispel, Rogier JJ de Ridder, Hjalmar C van Santvoort, Christina J Sperna Weiland, Martijn WJ Stommel, Hester C Timmerhuis, Ben J Witteman, Devica S Umans, Niels G Venneman, Frank P Vleggaar, Roy LJ van Wanrooij, Marco J Bruno, Paul Fockens, Rogier P Voermans

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-325632

Objective Lumen-apposing metal stents (LAMS) are believed to clinically improve endoscopic transluminal drainage of infected necrosis when compared with double-pigtail plastic stents. However, comparative data from prospective studies are very limited.

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Footprints of a microbial toxin from the gut microbiome to mesencephalic mitochondria

A Raquel Esteves, Mário F Munoz-Pinto, Daniela Nunes-Costa, Emanuel Candeias, Diana F Silva, João D Magalhães, A Raquel Pereira-Santos, I Luisa Ferreira, Susana Alarico, Igor Tiago, Nuno Empadinhas, Sandra Morais Cardoso

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-326023

Objective Idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (PD) is characterised by alpha-synuclein (aSyn) aggregation and death of dopaminergic neurons in the midbrain. Recent evidence posits that PD may initiate in the gut by microbes or their toxins that promote chronic gut inflammation that will ultimately impact the brain. In this work, we sought to demonstrate that the effects of the microbial toxin β-N-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA) in the gut may trigger some PD cases, which is especially worrying as this toxin is present in certain foods but not routinely monitored by public health authorities.

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Microbial determinants of effective donors in faecal microbiota transplantation for UC

Craig Haifer, Laurence Don Wai Luu, Sudarshan Paramsothy, Thomas J Borody, Rupert W Leong, Nadeem O Kaakoush

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327742

Objective Faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has variable efficacy in treating UC. Recently, oral lyophilised FMT was found to induce remission in patients with UC, with one donor having 100% efficacy compared with a second donor (36% efficacy). We characterised differences in the gut microbiota of these two donors with the aim of improving FMT donor selection.

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Faecal occult blood loss accurately predicts future detection of colorectal cancer. A prognostic model

Reinier G S Meester, Hilliene J van de Schootbrugge-Vandermeer, Emilie C H Breekveldt, Lucie de Jonge, Esther Toes-Zoutendijk, Arthur Kooyker, Daan Nieboer, Christian R Ramakers, Manon C W Spaander, Anneke J van Vuuren, Ernst J Kuipers, Folkert J van Kemenade, Iris D Nagtegaal, Evelien Dekker, Monique E van Leerdam, Iris Lansdorp-Vogelaar

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327188

Objectives To examine the prognostic potential of repeated faecal haemoglobin (F-Hb) concentration measurements in faecal immunochemical test (FIT)-based screening for colorectal cancer (CRC).

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Interferon regulatory factor 1 (IRF1) controls the metabolic programmes of low-grade pancreatic cancer cells

Gabriele Alfarano, Matteo Audano, Pierluigi Di Chiaro, Chiara Balestrieri, Marta Milan, Sara Polletti, Paola Spaggiari, Alessandro Zerbi, Giuseppe Riccardo Diaferia, Nico Mitro, Gioacchino Natoli

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-325811

Objective Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas (PDACs) include heterogeneous mixtures of low-grade cells forming pseudoglandular structures and compact nests of high-grade cells organised in non-glandular patterns. We previously reported that low-grade PDAC cells display high expression of interferon regulatory factor 1 (IRF1), a pivotal transcription factor of the interferon (IFN) system, suggesting grade-specific, cell-intrinsic activation of IFN responses. Here, we set out to determine the molecular bases and the functional impact of the activation of IFN-regulated responses in human PDACs.

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Inflamed and non-inflamed classes of HCC: a revised immunogenomic classification

Carla Montironi, Florian Castet, Philipp K Haber, Roser Pinyol, Miguel Torres-Martin, Laura Torrens, Agavni Mesropian, Huan Wang, Marc Puigvehi, Miho Maeda, Wei Qiang Leow, Elizabeth Harrod, Patricia Taik, Jigjidsuren Chinburen, Erdenebileg Taivanbaatar, Enkhbold Chinbold, Manel Solé Arqués, Michael Donovan, Swan Thung, Jaclyn Neely, Vincenzo Mazzaferro, Jeffrey Anderson, Sasan Roayaie, Myron Schwartz, Augusto Villanueva, Scott L Friedman, Andrew Uzilov, Daniela Sia, Josep M Llovet

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-325918

Objective We previously reported a characterisation of the hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) immune contexture and described an immune-specific class. We now aim to further delineate the immunogenomic classification of HCC to incorporate features that explain responses/resistance to immunotherapy.

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Epidemiological trends and trajectories of MAFLD-associated hepatocellular carcinoma 2002–2033: the ITA.LI.CA database

Alessandro Vitale, Gianluca Svegliati-Baroni, Alessio Ortolani, Monica Cucco, Giulio V Dalla Riva, Edoardo G Giannini, Fabio Piscaglia, Gianludovico Rapaccini, Mariella Di Marco, Eugenio Caturelli, Marco Zoli, Rodolfo Sacco, Giuseppe Cabibbo, Fabio Marra, Andrea Mega, Filomena Morisco, Antonio Gasbarrini, Francesco Giuseppe Foschi, Gabriele Missale, Alberto Masotto, Gerardo Nardone, Giovanni Raimondo, Francesco Azzaroli, Gianpaolo Vidili, Filippo Oliveri, Filippo Pelizzaro, Rafael Ramirez Morales, Umberto Cillo, Franco Trevisani, Luca Miele, Giulio Marchesini, Fabio Farinati

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-324915

Background Metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) represents a new inclusive definition of the whole spectrum of liver diseases associated to metabolic disorders. The main objective of this study was to compare patients with MAFLD and non-MAFLD with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) included in a nationally representative cohort.

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Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals intrahepatic and peripheral immune characteristics related to disease phases in HBV-infected patients

Chao Zhang, Jiesheng Li, Yongqian Cheng, Fanping Meng, Jin-Wen Song, Xing Fan, Hongtao Fan, Jing Li, Yu-Long Fu, Ming-Ju Zhou, Wei Hu, Si-Yu Wang, Yuan-Jie Fu, Ji-Yuan Zhang, Ruo-Nan Xu, Ming Shi, Xueda Hu, Zemin Zhang, Xianwen Ren, Fu-Sheng Wang

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-325915

Objective A comprehensive immune landscape for HBV infection is pivotal to achieve HBV cure.

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Interleukin-11 drives human and mouse alcohol-related liver disease

Maria Effenberger, Anissa A Widjaja, Felix Grabherr, Benedikt Schaefer, Christoph Grander, Lisa Mayr, Julian Schwaerzler, Barbara Enrich, Patrizia Moser, Julia Fink, Alisa Pedrini, Nikolai Jaschke, Alexander Kirchmair, Alexandra Pfister, Bela Hausmann, Reto Bale, Daniel Putzer, Heinz Zoller, Sebastian Schafer, Petra Pjevac, Zlatko Trajanoski, Georg Oberhuber, Timon Adolph, Stuart Cook, Herbert Tilg

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-326076

Objective Alcoholic hepatitis (AH) reflects acute exacerbation of alcoholic liver disease (ALD) and is a growing healthcare burden worldwide. Interleukin-11 (IL-11) is a profibrotic, proinflammatory cytokine with increasingly recognised toxicities in parenchymal and epithelial cells. We explored IL-11 serum levels and their prognostic value in patients suffering from AH and cirrhosis of various aetiology and experimental ALD.

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Advancing human gut microbiota research by considering gut transit time

Nicola Procházková, Gwen Falony, Lars Ove Dragsted, Tine Rask Licht, Jeroen Raes, Henrik M Roager

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-328166

Accumulating evidence indicates that gut transit time is a key factor in shaping the gut microbiota composition and activity, which are linked to human health. Both population-wide and small-scale studies have identified transit time as a top covariate contributing to the large interindividual variation in the faecal microbiota composition.

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Holistic healthcare in inflammatory bowel disease: time for patient-centric approaches?

Padhmanand Sudhakar, Judith Wellens, Bram Verstockt, Marc Ferrante, João Sabino, Séverine Vermeire

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-328221

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is an emerging global disease characterised by chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. However, IBD is also manifested by several extraintestinal symptoms which, along with the intestinal symptoms, impact on the mental and emotional well-being of patients. 

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GI highlights from the literature

Philip J Smith

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-329170

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Letter to the editor: vaccination against upper respiratory infections is a matter of survival in alcoholic liver disease

Timo Itzel, Thomas Falconer, Jimmy Daza, Ana Roig, Jimyung Park, Jae Youn Cheong, Rae Woong Park, Isabella Wiest, Matthias Ebert, George Hripcsak, Andreas Teufel

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327086

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EUS versus MRCP in patients with intermediate risk of choledocholithiasis: clinical and statistical viewpoint

Anurag Sachan, Harshal S Mandavdhare

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327239

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Improved NGS variant calling tool for the PRSS1–PRSS2 locus

Haiyi Lou, Bo Xie, Yimin Wang, Yang Gao, Shuhua Xu

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327203

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Alcohol predisposes obese mice to acute pancreatitis via adipose triglyceride lipase-dependent visceral adipocyte lipolysis

Xinmin Yang, Linbo Yao, Lei Dai, Mei Yuan, Wenhua He, Tingting Liu, Xianghui Fu, Jing Xue, Robert Sutton, Qing Xia, Wei Huang

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-326958

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Undiagnosed inflammatory bowel disease among individuals undergoing colorectal cancer screening: a nationwide Danish cohort study 2014–2018

Tine Jess, Marie V Vestergaard, Aske T Iversen, Kristine Højgaard Allin

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327296

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Mechanistic insight of SARS-CoV-2 infection using human hepatobiliary organoids

Yi Zhao, Xiaoxue Ren, Jing Lu, Minghui He, Zhe Liu, Lina Yi, Mingle Huang, Ming Kuang, Haipeng Xiao, Joseph JY Sung, Xiaoxing Li, Lixia Xu, Jun Yu

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-326617

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Unusual case of severe diarrhoea

Genki Inoue, Shuji Yamamoto, Nobuo Koh, Takeshi Kuwada, Yuki Nakanishi, Ken Takahashi, Hiroshi Seno

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-325937

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Correction: O36 Prevalence of repeat FIT testing in symptomatic patients attending primary care

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-BSG.36corr1

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