American Journal of Kidney Diseases

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doi : 10.1053/S0272-6386(22)00970-2

Volume 80, Issue 6, December 2022, Page A3

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Editorial Board

doi : 10.1053/S0272-6386(22)00971-4

Volume 80, Issue 6, December 2022, Pages A4-A6

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doi : 10.1053/S0272-6386(22)00972-6

Volume 80, Issue 6, December 2022, Pages A7-A9

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The Whole Picture

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2022.04.014

Volume 80, Issue 6, December 2022, Page A11

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Hypertension With Hypokalemia: A Quiz

Bailey J. Caruso, Casey L. Cotant, Brendan A. Mielke, and David C. Pfeiffer

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2022.07.011

Volume 80, Issue 6, December 2022, Pages A12-A14

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An Endorsement of the Removal of Race From GFR Estimation Equations: A Position Statement From the National Kidney Foundation Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative

Holly J. Kramer, Bernard G. Jaar, Michael J. Choi, Paul M. Palevsky, Joseph A. Vassalotti, and Michael V. Rocco,on behalf of the National Kidney Foundation Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2022.08.004

Volume 80, Issue 6, December 2022, Pages 691-696

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Overturning Roe Will Do Harm to Our Patients

Andrea L. Oliverio and Monica L. Reynolds

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2022.08.006

Volume 80, Issue 6, December 2022, Pages 697-700

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Advancing Transplant Equity by Closing the Gaps in Policy, Practice, and Research

Tanjala S. Purnell

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2022.08.003

Volume 80, Issue 6, December 2022, Pages 701-703

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Molecular Mismatch and the Risk for T Cell–Mediated Rejection

Chris Wiebe, Peter W. Nickerson, and Vasilis Kosmoliaptsis

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2022.06.005

Volume 80, Issue 6, December 2022, Pages 704-706

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Referral and Evaluation for Kidney Transplantation Following Implementation of the 2014 National Kidney Allocation System

Rachel E. Patzer, Mengyu Di, Rebecca Zhang, Laura McPherson, Derek A. DuBay, Matthew Ellis, Joshua Wolf,Heather Jones, Carlos Zayas, Laura Mulloy, Amber Reeves-Daniel, Sumit Mohan, Aubriana C. Perez,Amal N. Trivedi, and Stephen O. Pastan, on behalf of the Southeastern Kidney Transplant Coalition

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2022.01.423

Volume 80, Issue 6, December 2022, Pages 707-717

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Association of Predicted HLA T-Cell Epitope Targets and T-Cell–Mediated Rejection After Kidney Transplantation

Aleksandar Senev, Elisabet Van Loon, Evelyne Lerut, Maarten Coemans, Jasper Callemeyn, Liesbeth Daniëls,Johan Kerkhofs, Priyanka Koshy, Dirk Kuypers, Baptiste LamarthAmaryllis H. Van Craenenbroeck, Vicky Van Sandt, Marie-Paule Emonds, and Maarten Naesens

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2022.04.009

Volume 80, Issue 6, December 2022, Pages 718-729.e1

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Initiation Dose of Allopurinol and the Risk of Severe Cutaneous Reactions in Older Adults With CKD: A Population-Based Cohort Study

Lavanya Bathini, Amit X. Garg, Jessica M. Sontrop, Matthew A. Weir, Peter G. Blake, Stephanie N. Dixon,Eric McArthur, and Flory T. Muanda

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2022.04.006

Volume 80, Issue 6, December 2022, Pages 730-739

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The Risk of Cardiovascular Events in Individuals With Primary Glomerular Diseases

Mark Canney,* Heather M. Gunning,* Yuyan Zheng, Caren Rose, Arenn Jauhal, Seo Am Hur, Anahat Sahota,Heather N. Reich, and Sean J. Barbour

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2022.04.005

Volume 80, Issue 6, December 2022, Pages 740-750

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Self-reported Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Events in Adults With CKD: Findings From the CRIC (Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort) Study

Jacob W. Bruinius, Mary Hannan, Jinsong Chen, Julia Brown, Mayank Kansal, Natalie Meza, Milda R. Saunders,Jiang He, Ana C. Ricardo, and James P. Lash, on behalf of the CRIC Study Investigators

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2022.05.007

Volume 80, Issue 6, December 2022, Pages 751-761.e1

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Association of Intra-individual Differences in Estimated GFR by Creatinine Versus Cystatin C With Incident Heart Failure

Debbie C. Chen, Michael G. Shlipak, Rebecca Scherzer, Nisha Bansal, O. Alison Potok, Dena E. Rifkin,Joachim H. Ix, Anthony N. Muiru, Chi-yuan Hsu, and Michelle M. Estrella

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2022.05.011

Volume 80, Issue 6, December 2022, Pages 762-772.e1

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Australian Rural Caregivers’ Experiences in Supporting Patients With Kidney Failure to Access Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation: A Qualitative Study

Nicole Scholes-Robertson, Talia Gutman, Amanda Dominello, Martin Howell, Jonathan C. Craig,Germaine Wong, and Allison Jaure

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2022.05.015

Volume 80, Issue 6, December 2022, Pages 773-782.e1

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Obstacles and Opportunities in Managing Coexisting Obesity and CKD: Report of a Scientific Workshop Cosponsored by the National Kidney Foundation and The Obesity Society

Allon N. Friedman, Philip R. Schauer, Srinivasan Beddhu, Holly Kramer, Carel W. le Roux, Jonathan Q. Purnell,Duane Sunwold, Katherine R. Tuttle, Ania M. Jastreboff, and Lee M. Kaplan

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2022.06.007

Volume 80, Issue 6, December 2022, Pages 783-793

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Effectiveness of Pharmacological Interventions Versus Placebo or No Treatment for Osteoporosis in Patients With CKD Stages 3-5D: Editorial Summary of a Cochrane Review

Takashi Hara, Yasukazu Hijikata, and Yukiko Matsubara

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2022.05.020

Volume 80, Issue 6, December 2022, Pages 794-796

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Effectiveness of Pharmacological Interventions for Treatment of Osteoporosis in Patients With CKD 3-5D: No Clear Choices

Pascale Khairallah and Thomas L. Nickolas

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2022.08.002

Volume 80, Issue 6, December 2022, Pages 797-800

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Race, Ancestry, and Genetic Risk for Kidney Failure

Opeyemi A. Olabisi, Susanne B. Nicholas, and Keith C. Norris

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2022.08.008

Volume 80, Issue 6, December 2022, Pages 801-804

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Association of Cardiovascular Health Measures With Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality in CKD: A UK Biobank Study

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2022.01.432

Volume 80, Issue 6, December 2022, Pages 805-807

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The Modified CKiD Study Estimated GFR Equations for Children and Young Adults Under 25 Years of Age: Performance in a European Multicenter Cohort

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2022.02.018

Volume 80, Issue 6, December 2022, Pages 807-810

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Effect of Aspirin on CKD Progression in Older Adults: Secondary Analysis From the ASPREE Randomized Clinical Trial

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2022.02.019

Volume 80, Issue 6, December 2022, Pages 810-813

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Dialysis Prevalence in Zimbabwe: A Cross-sectional Descriptive Study

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2022.04.002

Volume 80, Issue 6, December 2022, Pages 813-816

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Erratum Regarding “A Text Messaging Intervention for Dietary Behaviors for People Receiving Maintenance Hemodialysis: A Feasibility Study of KIDNEYTEXT� (Am J Kidney Dis. 2021;78(1):85-95.e1)

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2022.10.002

Volume 80, Issue 6, December 2022, Page 817

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