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The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Intestinal Rehabilitation and Transplant Patients: Initial Results of the Intestinal Rehabilitation and Transplant Association's International Survey.

Segovia, Maria MD 1; Fernandez, Maria Florencia MD 2; Rumbo, Carolina MD 3; Zanfi, Chiara MD 4; Herlenius, Gustaf MD 5; Testro, Adam MD 6; Sharkey, Lisa MD 7; Braun, Felix MD 8; Jafri, Syed-Mohammed MD 9; Vilca Melendez, Hector MD 10; Sanchez Claria, Rodrigo MD 11; Ceulemans, Laurens J. MD, PhD 12; Hibi, Taizo MD 13; Solar, Hector MD 14; Ramisch, Diego MD 15; Noel, Gillian MD 16; Yap, Jason MD 17; Dijkstra, Gerard MD, PhD 18; Schiano, Thomas MD, PhD 19; Friend, Peter MD, PhD 20; Lacaille, Florence MD 21; Sudan, Debra MD 22; Mazariegos, George MD 23; Horslen, Simon MD 24; Gondolesi, Gabriel E. MD 25

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004112

Volume 106(7) pgs. 1289-1506,e326-e357 July 2022

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India: Gender Disparities in Organ Donation and Transplantation.

Kute, Vivek B. MD, DM, FASN, FRCP (London) 1; Chauhan, Sanshriti MD 1; Navadiya, Vijay V. MD, DM 1; Meshram, Hari Shankar MD, DM 1; Patel, Himanshu V. MD, DNB 1; Engineer, Divyesh MD, DM 1; Banerjee, Subho MD, DM 1; Desai, Sudep MD 1; Shah, Nauka MD 1; Rizvi, Jamal MS, MCh 2; Mishra, Vineet V. MD 3

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003960

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Research Highlights.

Anwar, Imran J. MD 1; Luo, Xunrong MD, PhD 2

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004225

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One Biomarker to Diagnose Them All?.

Hesselink, Dennis A. MD, PhD 1; Boer, Karin PhD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004142

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Getting an A Can Sometimes Kill You.

Oldani, Graziano MD, PhD 1; Toso, Christian MD, PhD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004005

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Microvascular Inflammation: An Incremental Path to Refining the Diagnosis of Antibody-mediated Rejection in Heart Transplantation.

Patel, Jignesh K. MD, PhD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004009

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Liver Transplantation for Alcoholic Liver Disease: Sticking to the Rules.

Trotter, James MD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004050

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A Well-armed Approach Drives Relevant Non-HLA Antibody Targets Into the Open.

Thomson, Angus W. PhD, DSc 1,2,3

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004013

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The Global Impact of COVID-19 on Solid Organ Transplantation: Two Years Into a Pandemic.

Nimmo, Ailish MBChB, MRCP 1; Gardiner, Dale MD, FFICM 2; Ushiro-Lumb, Ines MD, FRCPath 2; Ravanan, Rommel MD, FRCP 2; Forsythe, John L. R. MD, FRCS, OBE 2

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004151

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Urinary Biomarkers for Kidney Allograft Injury.

Jin, Paul H. 1; Sarwal, Reuben D. 1; Sarwal, Minnie M. MD, MRCP, DCH, PhD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004017

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Current and Potential Applications for Indocyanine Green in Liver Transplantation.

Lau, Ngee-Soon MD 1,2; Ly, Mark MBBS 1,2; Liu, Ken MBBS 1,2,3; Majumdar, Avik PhD 1,2; McCaughan, Geoffrey PhD 1,2,3; Crawford, Michael MD 1; Pulitano, Carlo PhD 1,2

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004024

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High Oxygenation During Normothermic Regional Perfusion After Circulatory Death Is Beneficial on Donor Cardiac Function in a Porcine Model.

Moeslund, Niels MD 1,2; Long Zhang, Zhang MD 3; Bo Ilkjaer, Lars MD 4; Ryhammer, Pia MD 5; Cramer, Christine MD 6; Palmfeldt, Johan PhD 7; Pedersen, Michael PhD 2; Erasmus, Michiel Elardus MD, PhD 3; Tsui, Steven MD, FRCS 8; Eiskjaer, Hans MD, DMSc 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004164

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Activated AXL Protects Against Hepatic Ischemia-reperfusion Injury by Upregulating SOCS-1 Expression.

Wang, Zhen BS 1,2; Liu, Deng BS 1,2; Yan, Qi MM 3; Liu, Fang BS 3; Zhan, Mengting BS 1,2; Qi, Shunli MM 1; Fang, Qi MM 1,2; Yao, Lei BS 3; Wang, Weizhi BS 1,2; Zhang, Ruixin BS 1,2; Du, Jian MD, PhD 3,4; Chen, Lijian MD, PhD 1,2

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004156

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Luminal Administration of a Water-soluble Carbon Monoxide-releasing Molecule (CORM-3) Mitigates Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Rats Following Intestinal Transplantation.

Obara, Takafumi MD 1; Yamamoto, Hirotsugu MD 1; Aokage, Toshiyuki MD 1; Igawa, Takuro MD, PhD 2; Nojima, Tsuyoshi MD 1; Hirayama, Takahiro PhD 1; Seya, Mizuki MS 1; Ishikawa-Aoyama, Michiko PhD 3; Nakao, Atsunori MD, PhD 1; Motterlini, Roberto PhD 4; Naito, Hiromichi MD, PhD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004007

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Shotgun Immunoproteomics for Identification of Nonhuman Leukocyte Antigens Associated With Cellular Dysfunction in Heart Transplant Rejection.

Gates, Katherine V. PhD, DVM 1,2; Panicker, Anjali J. MS 3; Biendarra-Tiegs, Sherri M. PhD 4; Vetr, Nikolai G. PhD 5; Lopera Higuita, Manuela PhD 2; Nelson, Timothy J. PhD, MD 4,6,7,8; Pereira, Naveen L. MD 2; Griffiths, Leigh G. PhD, MRCVS 2

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004012

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Survival After Liver Transplantation: An International Comparison Between the United States and the United Kingdom in the Years 2008-2016.

Ivanics, Tommy MD 1,2; Wallace, David MSc 3,4; Abreu, Phillipe MD, PhD 1; Claasen, Marco P.A.W. MD 1,5; Callaghan, Chris PhD 4; Cowling, Thomas PhD 6; Walker, Kate PhD 3; Heaton, Nigel MB, FRCS 6; Mehta, Neil MD 7; Sapisochin, Gonzalo MD, PhD 1; van der Meulen, Jan PhD 3

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000003978

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Rising Trend in Waitlisting for Alcoholic Hepatitis With More Favorable Outcomes Than Other High Model for End-stage Liver Disease in the Current Era.

Bittermann, Therese MD, MSCE 1,2; Mahmud, Nadim MD 1,2; Weinberg, Ethan M. MD 1; Reddy, K. Rajender MD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004049

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Influence of the ABO Blood Group System on Hepatocellular Carcinoma Recurrence After Liver Transplantation.

Mohkam, Kayvan MD, PhD 1,2; Abdallah, Raef MD 3,4; N'kontchou, Gisele MD 4; Ganne, Nathalie MD, PhD 4; Barbier, Louise MD 5; Salame, Ephrem MD, PhD 5; Bucur, Petru MD 5; Rayar, Michel MD 6; Robin, Fabien MD 6; Boudjema, Karim MD, PhD 6; Pietrasz, Daniel MD 7; Cherqui, Daniel MD, PhD 7; Adam, Rene MD, PhD 7; Lim, Chetana MD 8; Savier, Eric MD 8; Scatton, Olivier MD, PhD 8; Maulat, Charlotte MD 9; Suc, Bertrand MD, PhD 9; Muscari, Fabrice MD, PhD 9; Laurent, Alexis MD, PhD 10; Duvoux, Christophe MD, PhD 10; Heyd, Bruno MD, PhD 11; Turco, Celia MD 11; Doussot, Alexandre MD, PhD 11; Merle, Philippe MD, PhD 12; Antonini, Teresa MD 12; Lesurtel, Mickael MD, PhD 1,2; Cosse, Cyril PhD 13; Durand, Francois MD, PhD 14; Soubrane, Olivier MD, PhD 14; Cauchy, Francois MD 14; Mabrut, Jean-Yves MD, PhD 1,2; on behalf of the ACHBT French research group

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004004

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An Analysis of Serological Response and Infection Outcomes Following Oxford-AstraZeneca (AZD1222) and Pfizer-BioNTech (mRNA BNT162b2) SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines in Kidney and Kidney-pancreas Transplants.

Asderakis, Argiris MD 1,2; Khalid, Usman PhD 1,2; Koimtzis, Georgios MSc 1; Ponsford, Mark J. MSc 2,3; Szabo, Laszlo MD 1; Chalklin, Christopher MSc 1; Bramhall, Kathryn BSc 3; Grant, Leanne BSc 3; Moat, Stuart J. PhD 4; Humphreys, Ian R. PhD 2; Jolles, Stephen R. PhD 3

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004105

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Breakthrough Infections Following mRNA SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination in Kidney Transplant Recipients.

Mazuecos, Auxiliadora MD, PhD 1; Villanego, Florentino MD, PhD 1; Zarraga, Sofia MD, PhD 2; Lopez, Veronica MD, PhD 3; Oppenheimer, Federico MD, PhD 4; Llinas-Mallol, Laura MD, PhD 5; Hernandez, Ana M. MD, PhD 6; Rivas, Alba MD, PhD 7; Ruiz-Fuentes, Maria C. MD, PhD 8; Toapanta, Nestor G. MD, PhD 9; Jimenez, Carlos MD, PhD 10; Cabello, Sheila MD, PhD 11; Beneyto, Isabel MD, PhD 12; Aladren, Maria J. MD, PhD 13; Rodriguez-Benot, Alberto MD, PhD 14; Canal, Cristina MD, PhD 15; Molina, Maria MD, PhD 16; Perez-Flores, Isabel MD, PhD 17; Saura, Isabel M. MD, PhD 18; Gavela, Eva MD, PhD 19; Franco, Antonio MD, PhD 20; Lorenzo, Inmaculada MD, PhD 21; Galeano, Cristina MD, PhD 22; Tabernero, Guadalupe MD, PhD 23; Perez-Tamajon, Lourdes MD, PhD 24; Martin-Moreno, Paloma L. MD, PhD 25; Fernandez-Giron, Fernando MD, PhD 26; Siverio, Orlando MD, PhD 27; Labrador, Pedro J. MD, PhD 28; De Arriba, Gabriel MD, PhD 29; Simal, Fernando MD, PhD 30; Cruzado, Leonidas MD, PhD 31; Moina, Inigo MD, PhD 32; Alcalde, Guillermo MD, PhD 33; Sanchez-Alvarez, Emilio MD, PhD 34; Pascual, Julio MD, PhD 5,6; Crespo, Marta MD, PhD 5; for the Spanish Society of Nephrology COVID-19 Group

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004119

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A Fourth Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Does Not Induce Neutralization of the Omicron Variant Among Solid Organ Transplant Recipients With Suboptimal Vaccine Response.

Karaba, Andrew H. MD, PhD 1; Johnston, Trevor S. BS 1; Aytenfisu, Tihitina Y. BA 1; Akinde, Olivia BS 2; Eby, Yolanda MS 2; Ruff, Jessica E. BS 2; Abedon, Aura T. BS 3; Alejo, Jennifer L. MD 3; Blankson, Joel N. MD, PhD 1; Cox, Andrea L. MD, PhD 1,4,5; Bailey, Justin R. MD, PhD 1; Klein, Sabra L. PhD 4; Pekosz, Andrew PhD 4; Segev, Dorry L. MD, PhD 3,6; Tobian, Aaron A.R. MD, PhD 2; Werbel, William A. MD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004140

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SARS-CoV-2 and Liver Transplant: How Has It Behaved in This Sixth Wave?.

Odriozola, Aitor MD 1; San Segundo, David PhD 2; Cuadrado, Antonio PhD 1; Hernaez, Tania MD 3; Escrich, Victor MD 3; Fortea, Jose Ignacio PhD 1; Martinez, Angela MD 3; Puente, Angela PhD 1; Lapena, Berta MD 3; del Barrio, Maria MD 1; Lopez-Hoyos, Marcos PhD 2; Crespo, Javier PhD 1; Fabrega, Emilio PhD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004157

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Solid Organ Donation and Transplantation Activity in the Eurotransplant Area During the First Year of COVID-19.

Putzer, Gabriel MD 1; Gasteiger, Lukas MD 1; Mathis, Simon MD 1; van Enckevort, Arjan MD 2; Hell, Tobias PhD 3; Resch, Thomas MD 4; Schneeberger, Stefan MD 4; Martini, Judith MD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004158

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Correlation Between Microvascular Inflammation in Endomyocardial Biopsies and Rejection Transcripts, Donor-specific Antibodies, and Graft Dysfunction in Antibody-mediated Rejection.

Coutance, Guillaume MD, PhD 1,2; Zouhry, Ilyass MD 3; Racape, Maud PhD 2; Drieux, Fanny MD 4; Viailly, Pierre-Julien PhD 4; Rouvier, Philippe MD 5; Francois, Arnaud MD 6; Chenard, Marie-Pierre MD, PhD 7; Toquet, Claire MD 8; Rabant, Marion MD, PhD 3; Berry, Gerald J. MD, PhD 9; Angelini, Annalisa MD, PhD 10; Bruneval, Patrick MD 2,11; Duong Van Huyen, Jean-Paul MD, PhD 2,3,11

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004008

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Cardiovascular Burden Is High in Pediatric Lung Transplant Recipients.

Memaran, Nima MD 1; Onnen, Mareike 1; Muller, Carsten MD 2; Schwerk, Nicolaus MD 2; Carlens, Julia MD 2; Borchert-Morlins, Bianca MD 1; Bauer, Elena BSc 1; Blote, Ricarda MD 1; Sugianto, Rizky I. DDS, PhD 1; Zurn, Katharina MD 1; Wuhl, Elke MD 3; Warnecke, Gregor MD 4; Tudorache, Igor MD 4; Hansen, Gesine MD 2; Gjertson, David W. PhD 5; Schmidt, Bernhard M. W. MD 6; Melk, Anette MD, PhD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004025

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Age-dependent Sex Differences in Graft Loss After Kidney Transplantation.

Vinson, Amanda J. MD, MSc 1; Zhang, Xun PhD 2; Dahhou, Mourad MSc 2; Susal, Caner MD 4; Dohler, Bernd PhD 4; Sapir-Pichhadze, Ruth MD, MSc, PhD 5; Cardinal, Heloise MD 6; Melk, Anette MD, PhD 7; Wong, Germaine MBBS, PhD 8; Francis, Anna MBBS, PhD 9,10; Pilmore, Helen MB, ChB, MD 11; Foster, Bethany J. MD, MSc 2,3,12

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004026

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Imlifidase-generated Single-cleaved IgG: Implications for Transplantation.

Bockermann, Robert PhD 1; Jarnum, Sofia PhD 1; Runstrom, Anna MSc 1; Lorant, Tomas MD, PhD 2; Winstedt, Lena PhD 1; Palmqvist, Niklas PhD 1; Kjellman, Christian PhD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004031

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Complications of Percutaneous Kidney Allograft Biopsy: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

Ho, Quan Yao MMed, MRCP, FAMS 1,2; Lim, Cynthia Ciwei MMed, MRCP, FRCP 1; Tan, Hui Zhuan MMed, MRCP 1; Sultana, Rehena MSc 3; Kee, Terence BMBS (Flinders), FRCP, FAMS 1,2; Htay, Htay MMed, FRCP 1,3

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004033

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Sotrovimab for Treatment of COVID-19 in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients.

Dhand, Abhay MD 1,2; Okumura, Kenji MD 2; Wolfe, Kevin PhD 2; Lobo, Stephen A. MD 1; Nog, Rajat MD 1,2; Keller, Marina MD 1; Bodin, Roxana MD 1,2; Singh, Nandita MD 1,2; Levine, Avi MD 3; Nabors, Christopher MD, PhD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004136

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Antibody Response to a Fourth Dose of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients: An Update.

Mitchell, Jonathan MBBS 1,2; Alejo, Jennifer L. MD 1; Chiang, Teresa P.Y. MD, MPH 1; Kim, Jake BA 1; Chang, Amy MD 1; Abedon, Aura T. BS 1; Avery, Robin K. MD 3; Tobian, Aaron A.R. MD, PhD 3; Massie, Allan B. PhD, MHS 1,4; Levan, Macey L. JD, PhD 1,5; Warren, Daniel S. PhD 1; Garonzik-Wang, Jacqueline M. MD, PhD 6; Segev, Dorry L. MD, PhD 1,5; Werbel, William A. MD 3

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004137

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Immune Response After a Third Dose of the mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine in Liver Transplant Recipients.

Odriozola, Aitor MD 1; Lamadrid-Perojo, Patricia BS 2; Cuadrado, Antonio MD, PhD 1; San Segundo, David BS, PhD 2; del Barrio, Maria MD 1; Fortea, Jose Ignacio MD, PhD 1; Puente, Angela MD, PhD 1; Amigo, Lidia BSc 1; Fernandez-Santiago, Roberto MD, PhD 3; Castillo, Federico MD, PhD 3; Achalandabaso, Maria MD 3; Andres Echeverri, Juan MD, PhD 3; Rodriguez-Sanjuan, Juan Carlos MD, PhD 3; Lopez-Hoyos, Marcos MD, PhD 2; Crespo, Javier MD, PhD 1; Fabrega, Emilio MD, PhD 1

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004147

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Sotrovimab in Solid Organ Transplant Patients With Early, Mild/Moderate SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Single-center Experience.

Pinchera, Biagio MD 1; Buonomo, Antonio Riccardo MD 1; Scotto, Riccardo MD 1; Carrano, Rosa MD 2; Salemi, Fabrizio MD 2; Galluccio, Fabiana MD 2; Guarino, Maria MD 3; Viceconte, Giulio MD 1; Schiano Moriello, Nicola MD 1; Giaccone, Agnese MD 1; Gallicchio, Antonella MD 1; Zappulo, Emanuela MD 1; Villari, Riccardo MD 1; Gentile, Ivan PhD 1; Federico II COVID team

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004150

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COVID-19 Clinical Outcomes in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients During the Omicron Surge.

Cochran, Willa CRNP 1,2; Shah, Pali MD 2,3; Barker, Lindsay CRNP 2,3; Langlee, Julie CRNP 1,2; Freed, Kristin CRNP 2,3; Boyer, Lauren CRNP 1,2; Scott Anderson, R. BA 2; Belden, Maura CRNP, DNP 2; Bannon, Jaclyn MHA 2; Kates, Olivia S. MD, MA 3; Permpalung, Nitipong MD, MPH 3; Mostafa, Heba MD, PhD 4; Segev, Dorry L. MD, PhD 1; Brennan, Daniel C. MD 2,3; Avery, Robin K. MD 3

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004162

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A Case Series of Patients With Acute Liver Allograft Rejection After Anti-SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccination.

Hume, Simon J. MBBS 1,2; Jackett, Louise A. MBBS 3; Testro, Adam G. PhD 1,2; Gow, Paul J. PhD 1,2; Sinclair, Marie J. PhD 1,2

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004166

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Where LI-RADS Falls Short: Two Cases of Image-diagnosed HCC, Found to Be NET on Explant.

Perkons, Nicholas R. PhD 1; Metz, David C. MBBCh 2; Siegelman, Evan S. MD 1; Yang, Zhaohai MD, PhD 3; Collingwood, Robin MD 3; Fortuna, Danielle MD 3; Pryma, Daniel A. MD 1; Abt, Peter MD 4; Hoteit, Maarouf A. MD 2

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004115

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Gender Diversity in Transplantation Leadership Positions in Transplantation Journals and Organizations.

Yeow, Marcus MBBS 1; Soh, Shauna MBBS 1; Wong, Joel 1; Tan, Eunice MRCP 1,2,3; Ganpathi Iyer, Shridhar FRCS 3,4

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004123

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Dengue Infection Immediately After Kidney Transplantation.

Bansal, Shyam Bihari DM, FRCP 1; Rana, Abhyuday DM 1; Gadde, Ashwini DM 1; Jha, Pranaw DM 1; Kotton, Camille Nelson MD 2

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004124

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Lung Transplantation From Donation After Brain Death Donors on Extracorporeal Support.

Palleschi, Alessandro MD 1,2; Inci, Ilhan MD 3; Van Raemdonck, Dirk E. MD, PhD 4,5; Ehrsam, Jonas MD 3; Ceulemans, Laurens J. MD 4,5; Musso, Valeria MD 1,2; Moreno, Paula MD 6; Tosi, Davide MD 2; Citerio, Giuseppe MD 7; Nosotti, Mario MD 1,2; Neyrinck, Arne MD, PhD 8

doi : 10.1097/TP.0000000000004145

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