Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology

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Issue Information

doi : 10.1002/uog.23679

Volume 60, Issue 3

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Search for the best prediction model, definition and growth charts for fetal growth restriction using a composite of adverse perinatal outcomes: a catch-22?

S. J. Gordijn, W. Ganzevoort

doi : 10.1002/uog.26037

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Barriers to accessing care: challenges in early prenatal diagnosis of congenital anomalies

M. Bebbington

doi : 10.1002/uog.26040

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Strengths and limitations of diagnostic tools for endometriosis and relevance in diagnostic test accuracy research

E. Pascoal, J. M. Wessels, M. K. Aas-Eng, M. S. Abrao, G. Condous, D. Jurkovic, M. Espada, C. Exacoustos, S. Ferrero, S. Guerriero, G. Hudelist, M. Malzoni, S. Reid, S. Tang, C. Tomassetti, S. S. Singh, T. Van den Bosch, M. Leonardi

doi : 10.1002/uog.24892

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Severe smallness as predictor of adverse perinatal outcome in suspected late small-for-gestational-age fetuses: systematic review and meta-analysis

E. Meler, R. J. Martinez-Portilla, J. Caradeux, E. Mazarico, C. Gil-Armas, D. Boada, J. Martinez, P. Carrillo, M. Camacho, F. Figueras

doi : 10.1002/uog.24977

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Angle of progression measured using transperineal ultrasound for prediction of uncomplicated operative vaginal delivery: systematic review and meta-analysis

A. A. Nassr, K. Hessami, V. Berghella, C. Bibbo, A. A. Shamshirsaz, A. Shirdel Abdolmaleki, V. Marsoosi, S. L. Clark, M. A. Belfort, A. A. Shamshirsaz

doi : 10.1002/uog.24886

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Impact of maternal social vulnerability and timing of prenatal care on outcome of prenatally detected congenital heart disease

M. T. Perez, E. Bucholz, E. Asimacopoulos, A. M. Ferraro, S. M. Salem, J. Schauer, C. Holleman, S. Sekhavat, W. Tworetzky, A. J. Powell, L. A. Sleeper, R. S. Beroukhim

doi : 10.1002/uog.24863

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Impact of rural residence and low socioeconomic status on rate and timing of prenatal detection of major congenital heart disease in a jurisdiction of universal health coverage

A. Kaur, L. K. Hornberger, D. Fruitman, D. Ngwezi, L. G. Eckersley

doi : 10.1002/uog.26030

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Competing-risks model for pre-eclampsia and adverse pregnancy outcomes

A. Syngelaki, L. A. Magee, P. von Dadelszen, R. Akolekar, A. Wright, D. Wright, K. H. Nicolaides

doi : 10.1002/uog.26036

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Detection of small- and large-for-gestational age using different combinations of prenatal and postnatal charts

S. Mathewlynn, L. Impey, C. Ioannou

doi : 10.1002/uog.24971

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Third-trimester ultrasound for antenatal diagnosis of placenta accreta spectrum in women with placenta previa: results from the ADoPAD study

N. Fratelli, F. Prefumo, C. Maggi, C. Cavalli, A. Sciarrone, A. Garofalo, E. Viora, P. Vergani, S. Ornaghi, M. Betti, I. Vaglio Tessitore, A. F. Cavaliere, S. Buongiorno, A. Vidiri, E. Fabbri, E. Ferrazzi, V. Maggi, I. Cetin, T. Frusca, T. Ghi, C. Kaihura, E. Di Pasquo, T. Stampalija, C. Belcaro, M. Quadrifoglio, M. Veneziano, F. Mecacci, S. Simeone, A. Locatelli, S. Consonni, N. Chianchiano, F. Labate, A. Cromi, E. Bertucci, F. Facchinetti, A. Fichera, D. Granata, F. D'Antonio, F. Foti, L. Avagliano, G. P. Bulfamante, G. Calì, the ADoPAD (Antenatal Diagnosis of Placental Adhesion Disorders) Working Group

doi : 10.1002/uog.24889

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Separation sign: novel ultrasound sign for ruling out diagnosis of placenta accreta spectrum

R. X. Allwood, A. Self, S. L. Collins

doi : 10.1002/uog.26021

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Reproducibility of assessment of full-dilatation Cesarean section scar in women undergoing second-trimester screening for preterm birth

A. Banerjee, Z. Al-Dabbach, F. E. Bredaki, D. Casagrandi, A. Tetteh, N. Greenwold, M. Ivan, D. Jurkovic, A. L. David, R. Napolitano

doi : 10.1002/uog.26027

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Diagnostic accuracy of transvaginal ultrasound for detection of endometriosis using International Deep Endometriosis Analysis (IDEA) approach: prospective international pilot study

M. Leonardi, C. Uzuner, W. Mestdagh, C. Lu, S. Guerriero, M. Zajicek, A. Dueckelmann, F. Filippi, F. Buonomo, M. A. Pascual, A. Stepniewska, M. Ceccaroni, T. Van den Bosch, D. Timmerman, G. Hudelist, G. Condous

doi : 10.1002/uog.24936

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Efficacy of transrectal ultrasound in assessing endometrium of postmenopausal women with axial uterus

M. Wong, T. Amin, N. Thanatsis, X. Foo, D. Jurkovic

doi : 10.1002/uog.24835

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How to perform standardized sonographic examination of uterine niche in non-pregnant women

C. Verberkt, I. P. M. Jordans, T. Van den Bosch, D. Timmerman, T. Bourne, R. A. de Leeuw, J. A. F. Huirne

doi : 10.1002/uog.24953

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SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies and neutralization capacity in breast milk following infection vs vaccination

H. Y. H. Leung, B. W. Leung, M. M. Gil, V. Rolle, S. Moungmaithong, C. C. Wang, L. C. Poon

doi : 10.1002/uog.24965

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How late in pregnancy can fetal physiological omphalocele be seen? Nationwide study of cases in Denmark over 4-year period

L. S. Hornstrup, S. E. Kristensen, P. Nørgaard, L. Sperling, P. Sandager, M. H. Ibsen, F. S. Jørgensen

doi : 10.1002/uog.24937

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Manual elevation of fetal head as potential cause of missed vasa previa

Y. Oyelese, L. Reforma, R. Sewell McGough, B. O'Brien

doi : 10.1002/uog.24982

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Monkeypox infection during pregnancy: European registry to quantify maternal and fetal risks

L. Pomar, G. Favre, D. Baud

doi : 10.1002/uog.26031

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Color Doppler visualization of fetal coronary arteries is enhanced by high resolution and Radiantflow

D. Paladini, L. Bottelli, G. Lops, G. Tuo

doi : 10.1002/uog.26038

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ISUOG Practice Guidelines: role of ultrasound in the prediction of spontaneous preterm birth

C. M. Coutinho, A. Sotiriadis, A. Odibo, A. Khalil, F. D'Antonio, H. Feltovich, L. J. Salomon, P. Sheehan, R. Napolitano, V. Berghella, F. da Silva Costa

doi : 10.1002/uog.26020

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