Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine

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The association of patient education level with outcomes after elective lumbar surgery: a Michigan Spine Surgery Improvement Collaborative study

Travis Hamilton, Mohamed Macki, Seok Yoon Oh, Michael Bazydlo, Lonni Schultz, Hesham Mostafa Zakaria, Jad G. Khalil, Miguelangelo Perez-Cruet, Ilyas Aleem, Paul Park, Richard Easton, David R. Nerenz, Jason Schwalb, Muwaffak Abdulhak, and Victor Chang

doi : 10.3171/2021.9.SPINE21421

Volume 36: Issue 6 (Jun 2022)

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Treatment of restenosis after lumbar decompression surgery: decompression versus decompression and fusion

Junya Miyahara, Yuichi Yoshida, Mitsuhiro Nishizawa, Hiroyuki Nakarai, Yudai Kumanomido, Keiichiro Tozawa, Yukimasa Yamato, Masaaki Iizuka, Jim Yu, Katsuyuki Sasaki, Masahito Oshina, So Kato, Toru Doi, Yuki Taniguchi, Yoshitaka Matsubayashi, Akiro Higashikawa, Yujiro Takeshita, Takashi Ono, Nobuhiro Hara, Seiichi Azuma, Naohiro Kawamura, Sakae Tanaka, and Yasushi Oshima

doi : 10.3171/2021.10.SPINE21728

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Assessment of L5–S1 anterior lumbar interbody fusion stability in the setting of lengthening posterior instrumentation constructs: a cadaveric biomechanical study

Kyle A. McGrath, Eric S. Schmidt, Jeremy G. Loss, Callan M. Gillespie, Robb W. Colbrunn, Robert S. Butler, and Michael P. Steinmetz

doi : 10.3171/2021.9.SPINE21821

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Interspinous process device versus conventional decompression for lumbar spinal stenosis: 5-year results of a randomized controlled trial

Catharina D. Schenck, Sietse E. S. Terpstra, Wouter A. Moojen, Erik van Zwet, Wilco Peul, Mark P. Arts, and Carmen L. A. Vleggeert-Lankamp

doi : 10.3171/2021.8.SPINE21419

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Radiographic and clinical outcomes in one- and two-level transforaminal lumbar interbody fusions: a comparison of bullet versus banana cages

Nathaniel Toop MD1, Stephanus Viljoen MD1, Justin Baum MD1, Jeffrey Hatef MD1, Dominic Maggio MD1, James Oosten BS2, Kyle Deistler BS2, Ty Gilkey BS2, Liesl Close MD1, H. Francis Farhadi MD, PhD1, and Andrew J. Grossbach MD1

doi : 10.3171/2021.8.SPINE21687

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Biomechanical analysis of stand-alone lumbar interbody cages versus 360° constructs: an in vitro and finite element investigation

Ali Kiapour PhD, MMSc1, Elie Massaad MD, MMSc1, Amin Joukar PhD2,3, Muhamed Hadzipasic MD, PhD1, Ganesh M. Shankar MD, PhD1, Vijay K. Goel PhD2, and John H. Shin MD1

doi : 10.3171/2021.9.SPINE21558

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Surgical anatomy of minimally invasive lateral approaches to the thoracolumbar junction

David S. Xu MD1,2, Corey T. Walker MD1, S. Harrison Farber MD1, Jakub Godzik MD1, Shashank V. Gandhi MD1, Robert M. Koffie MD, PhD, MBA1, Jay D. Turner MD, PhD1, and Juan S. Uribe MD1

doi : 10.3171/2021.10.SPINE21793

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Artificial disc replacement and adjacent-segment pathology: 10-year outcomes of a randomized trial

Michael Kontakis MD1, Catarina Marques MD1, Håkan Löfgren MD, PhD2, Firas Mosavi MD3, Martin Skeppholm MD, PhD4, Claes Olerud MD, PhD1, and Anna MacDowall MD, PhD1

doi : 10.3171/2021.9.SPINE21904

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The influence of social determinants of health on single-level anterior cervical discectomy and fusion outcomes

Syed I. Khalid MD1, Cody Eldridge BS2, Ravinderjit Singh BS2, Sai Chilakapati MS2, Kyle B. Thomson BS1, Rachyl M. Shanker MD3, Ankit I. Mehta MD1, and Owoicho Adogwa MD2

doi : 10.3171/2021.9.SPINE211059

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Predicting development of severe clinically relevant distal junctional kyphosis following adult cervical deformity surgery, with further distinction from mild asymptomatic episodes

Peter G. Passias MD1, Sara Naessig BS1, Nicholas Kummer BS1, Lara Passfall BS1, Renaud Lafage MS2, Virginie Lafage PhD3, Breton Line BS4, Bassel G. Diebo MD5, Themistocles Protopsaltis MD1, Han Jo Kim MD2, Robert Eastlack MD6, Alex Soroceanu MD7, Eric O. Klineberg MD8, Robert A. Hart MD9, Douglas Burton MD10, Shay Bess MD4, Frank Schwab MD3, Christopher I. Shaffrey MD11, Justin S. Smith MD, PhD12, and Christopher P. Ames MD13

doi : /10.3171/2021.8.SPINE21533

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Management of fresh odontoid fractures using posterior C1–2 fixation without fusion: a long-term clinical follow-up study

Fei Ma MD1, Yuanhe Fan MD1, Yehui Liao MD1, Qiang Tang MD1, Chao Tang MD1, Shicai Xu MD1, Qing Wang MD1, Yongshu Lan MD2, and Dejun Zhong PhD1

doi : 10.3171/2021.9.SPINE21822

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No difference in reoperation rates for nonunions (operative nonunions) in posterior cervical fusions stopping at C7 versus T1/2: a cohort of 875 patients

Kern H. Guppy MD, PhD1, Kathryn E. Royse PhD2, Jacob H. Fennessy MD, MS1, Elizabeth P. Norheim MD3, Jessica E. Harris RD2, and Harsimran S. Brara MD4

doi : 10.3171/2021.10.SPINE211085

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Postoperative progression of ligamentum flavum ossification after posterior instrumented surgery for thoracic posterior longitudinal ligament ossification: long-term outcomes during a minimum 10-year follow-up

Kei Ando MD, PhD1, Hiroaki Nakashima MD, PhD1, Masaaki Machino MD1, Sadayuki Ito MD1, Naoki Segi MD1, Hiroyuki Tomita MD1, Hiroyuki Koshimizu MD1, and Shiro Imagama MD, PhD1

doi : 10.3171/2021.10.SPINE211091

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Is L5/S1 interbody fusion necessary in long-segment surgery for adult degenerative scoliosis? A systematic review and meta-analysis

María José Cavagnaro MD1, José Manuel Orenday-Barraza MD1, Naushaba Khan MS1, Haroon Kisana MS1, Mauricio J. Avila MD1, Aaron Dowell BS1, Isabel Martha Strouse BS1, Robert Ravinsky MD2, and Ali A. Baaj MD1

doi : 10.3171/2021.9.SPINE21883

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Sequential correction technique in degenerative scoliosis with type C coronal imbalance: a comparison with traditional 2-rod technique

Benlong Shi MD1, Dun Liu MD1, Zezhang Zhu MD1, Yu Wang MD1, Yang Li MD1, Zhen Liu MD1, Xu Sun MD1, and Yong Qiu MD1

doi : 10.3171/2021.10.SPINE21768

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Complication rate evolution across a 10-year enrollment period of a prospective multicenter database

Renaud Lafage MS1, Alex M. Fong BA1, Eric Klineberg MD2, Justin S. Smith MD, PhD3, Shay Bess MD4, Christopher I. Shaffrey MD5, Douglas Burton MD6, Han Jo Kim MD1, Jonathan Elysee MS1, Gregory M. Mundis Jr. MD7, Peter Passias MD8, Munish Gupta MD9, Richard Hostin MD10, Frank Schwab MD1, and Virginie Lafage PhD1

doi : 10.3171/2021.10.SPINE21795

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The lexicon of multirod constructs in adult spinal deformity: a concise description of when, why, and how

Wyatt L. Ramey MD1,2, Andrew S. Jack MD, MSc, FRCSC3, and Jens R. Chapman MD4

doi : 10.3171/2021.10.SPINE21745

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Natural course of untreated spinal cord cavernous malformations: a follow-up study within the initial 5 years after diagnosis

Alejandro N. Santos MD1, Laurèl Rauschenbach MD1, Marvin Darkwah Oppong MD1, Oliver Gembruch MD1, Dino Saban MD1, Bixia Chen MD1, Annika Herten MD1, Börge Schmidt PhD2, Yan Li MD3, Neriman Özkan MD1, Ramazan Jabbarli MD1, Karsten Wrede MD1, Ulrich Sure MD1, and Philipp Dammann MD1

doi : 10.3171/2021.9.SPINE211052

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Erratum. Does minimally invasive spine surgery improve outcomes in the obese population? A retrospective review of 1442 degenerative lumbar spine surgeries

Gillian Shasby EMBA1

doi : 10.3171/2021.11.SPINE201785a

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Follow-up: the change in postoperative opioid prescribing after lumbar decompression surgery following a state-level prescribing reform

Pavitra Ravishankar1, Edward Barksdale III1, Robert D. Winkelman MD2, Michael D. Kavanaugh MD2, Dominic W. Pelle MD2, Edward C. Benzel MD2, Thomas E. Mroz MD2, and Michael P. Steinmetz MD2

doi : 10.3171/2021.10.SPINE211209

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Letter to the Editor. Minimally invasive spine surgery improves outcomes in the obese population

Lei Zhao MD, PhD1, Chao Cheng MD, MS1, Wei Zuo MD, MS1, Peng Wang MD, PhD1, and Weixin Li MD, PhD1

doi : 10.3171/2021.10.SPINE211281

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Letter to the Editor. C5 nerve sheath tumors and new postoperative weakness

Lei Zhao MD, PhD1, Liwei Peng MD, MS1, Peng Wang MD, PhD1, and Weixin Li MD, PhD1

doi : 10.3171/2021.10.SPINE211308

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Letter to the Editor. Augmented reality–assisted spinal instrumentation placement

Tadatsugu Morimoto MD, PhD1, Takaomi Kobayashi MD1, Masaya Ueno MD, PhD1, Hirohito Hirata MD, PhD1, and Masaaki Mawatari MD, PhD1

doi : 10.3171/2021.11.SPINE211476

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