Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology

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Issue Information

doi : 10.1002/uog.23676

Volume 59, Issue 6

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Guidance for fetal cardiac imaging in patients with degraded acoustic windows

M. Sklansky, Y. Afshar, T. Anton, G. R. DeVore, L. Platt, G. Satou

doi : 10.1002/uog.24872

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When should twins be delivered?

H. J. Giles-Clark, C. McGannon, B. W. Mol

doi : 10.1002/uog.24894

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Diagnostic yield of exome sequencing in fetuses with multisystem malformations: systematic review and meta-analysis

M. Pauta, R. J. Martinez-Portilla, A. Borrell

doi : 10.1002/uog.24862

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Evolving fetal phenotypes and clinical impact of progressive prenatal exome sequencing pathways: cohort study

F. Mone, H. Abu Subieh, S. Doyle, S. Hamilton, D. J. Mcmullan, S. Allen, T. Marton, D. Williams, M. D. Kilby

doi : 10.1002/uog.24842

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Ophthalmic artery Doppler at 11–13 weeks' gestation in prediction of pre-eclampsia

N. Gana, M. Sarno, N. Vieira, A. Wright, M. Charakida, K. H. Nicolaides

doi : 10.1002/uog.24914

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Fetal neurosonography at 31–35 weeks reveals altered cortical development in pre-eclampsia with and without small-for-gestational-age fetus

A. Basso, L. Youssef, A. Nakaki, C. Paules, J. Miranda, G. Casu, L. Salazar, E. Gratacos, E. Eixarch, F. Crispi, F. Crovetto

doi : 10.1002/uog.24853

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Changes in structural brain development after selective fetal growth restriction in monochorionic twins

S. G. Groene, L. S. de Vries, F. Slaghekke, M. C. Haak, B. T. Heijmans, C. de Bruin, A. A. W. Roest, E. Lopriore, J. M. M. van Klink, S. J. Steggerda

doi : 10.1002/uog.24832

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Prediction of fetal death in monochorionic twin pregnancies complicated by Type-III selective fetal growth restriction

T. Van Mieghem, L. Lewi, F. Slaghekke, E. Lopriore, Y. Yinon, L. Raio, D. Baud, P. Dekoninck, N. Melamed, E. Huszti, L. Sun, S. Shinar, Collaborators

doi : 10.1002/uog.24896

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Short-term neonatal and long-term infant outcome of late-preterm twins: nationwide population-based study

G. J. Cho, K.-D. Cho, H. Y. Kim, S. Ha, M.-J. Oh, H.-S. Won, J. H. Chung

doi : 10.1002/uog.24838

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Consequences of cervical pessary for subsequent pregnancy: follow-up of randomized clinical trial (ProTWIN)

E. V. J. van Limburg Stirum, S. J. Zegveld, N. E. Simons, M. A. de Boer, E. Pajkrt, B. W. J. Mol, M. A. Oudijk, J. van 't Hooft

doi : 10.1002/uog.24821

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Cost-effectiveness of cervical length screening and progesterone treatment to prevent spontaneous preterm delivery in Sweden

T. Wikström, P. Kuusela, B. Jacobsson, H. Hagberg, P. Lindgren, M. Svensson, U.-B. Wennerholm, L. Valentin

doi : 10.1002/uog.24884

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Expected-value bias in mid-trimester preterm birth screening

A. Aiartzaguena, A. Del Campo, I. Melchor, J. Gutiérrez, J. C. Melchor, J. Burgos

doi : 10.1002/uog.24778

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Correlation of fetal ventricular size and need for postnatal cerebrospinal fluid diversion surgery in open spina bifida

S. Agrawal, A. Al-Refai, N. Abbasi, A. V. Kulkarni, V. Pruthi, J. Drake, G. Ryan, T. Van Mieghem

doi : 10.1002/uog.24767

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Prevalence of supratentorial anomalies assessed by magnetic resonance imaging in fetuses with open spina bifida

L. Trigo, E. Eixarch, I. Bottura, M. Dalaqua, A. A. Barbosa, L. De Catte, P. Demaerel, S. Dymarkowski, J. Deprest, D. A. Lapa, M. Aertsen, E. Gratacos

doi : 10.1002/uog.23761

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Stillbirth due to SARS-CoV-2 placentitis without evidence of intrauterine transmission to fetus: association with maternal risk factors

A. E. Konstantinidou, S. Angelidou, S. Havaki, K. Paparizou, N. Spanakis, C. Chatzakis, A. Sotiriadis, M. Theodora, C. Donoudis, A. Daponte, P. Skaltsounis, V. G. Gorgoulis, V. Papaevangelou, S. Kalantaridou, A. Tsakris

doi : 10.1002/uog.24906

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Surgical management of first-trimester heterotopic dichorionic diamniotic Cesarean scar pregnancy

E. Krispin, M. A. Belfort, A. A. Shamshirsaz

doi : 10.1002/uog.24830

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Questionable benefit of intrauterine transfusion following single fetal death in monochorionic twin pregnancy

V. N. Tedjawirja, J. M. van Klink, M. C. Haak, F. J. Klumper, J. M. Middeldorp, J. L. Miller, M. Rosner, A. A. Baschat, E. Lopriore, D. Oepkes

doi : 10.1002/uog.24876

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Early adverse events and immune response following COVID-19 booster vaccination in pregnancy

S. Toussia-Cohen, R. Peretz-Machluf, S. Bookstein-Peretz, O. Segal, K. Asraf, R. Doolman, Y. Kubani, T. Gonen, G. Regev-Yochay, Y. Yinon

doi : 10.1002/uog.24926

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Malignant perivascular epithelioid cell tumor (PEComa) of uterus

P. Dashraath, N. A. Sidek, V. Kalaichelvan, A. Makmur, D. G. S. Lim, J. J. H. Low, J. S. Y. Ng

doi : 10.1002/uog.24794

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Discordance between equation and table measurements for thickness of interventricular septum using cardio-STIC-M-mode

G. R. DeVore

doi : 10.1002/uog.24908

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Cesarean scar pregnancy IS an ectopic pregnancy

D. Jurkovic, T. Tellum, E. Kirk

doi : 10.1002/uog.24921

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I. E. Timor-Tritsch, S. R. Goldstein

doi : 10.1002/uog.24922

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Ongoing reanalysis of prenatal exome sequencing data leads to higher diagnostic yield

L.-S. Li, D.-Z. Li

doi : 10.1002/uog.24923

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Prenatal diagnosis of multiple intracranial arteriovenous malformations

V. Krishnan, R. Elayedatt, M. Hausman-Kedem, K. Krajden Haratz

doi : 10.1002/uog.24871

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ISUOG Practice Guidelines (updated): performance of the routine mid-trimester fetal ultrasound scan

L. J. Salomon, Z. Alfirevic, V. Berghella, C. M. Bilardo, G. E. Chalouhi, F. Da Silva Costa, E. Hernandez-Andrade, G. Malinger, H. Munoz, D. Paladini, F. Prefumo, A. Sotiriadis, A. Toi, W. Lee

doi : 10.1002/uog.24888

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