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Relative risk rather than absolute risk reduction should be preferred to sensitise the public to preventive actions

Nicolas Chapelle, Myriam Martel, Alan N Barkun, Marc Bardou

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-324689

June 2022 - Volume 71 - 6

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From clinical trials to clinical practice: how should we design and evaluate prediction models in the care of IBD?

Ryan William Stidham, Andrew Vickers, Karandeep Singh, Akbar K Waljee

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-324712

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Pancreatic cancer surveillance and its ongoing challenges: is it time to refine our eligibility criteria?

Thomas P Potjer

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-324739

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Real-life multicentre study of lumen-apposing metal stent for EUS-guided drainage of pancreatic fluid collections

Arnaldo Amato, Ilaria Tarantino, Antonio Facciorusso, Cecilia Binda, Stefano Francesco Crinò, Alessandro Fugazza, Edoardo Forti, Maria Chiara Petrone, Roberto Di Mitri, Raffaele Macchiarelli, Emanuele Sinagra, Marcello Maida, Alessandro Repici, Andrea Anderloni, Carlo Fabbri

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-326880

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Multitrait genetic association analysis identifies 50 new risk loci for gastro-oesophageal reflux, seven new loci for Barrett’s oesophagus and provides insights into clinical heterogeneity in reflux diagnosis

Jue-Sheng Ong, Jiyuan An, Xikun Han, Matthew H Law, Priyanka Nandakumar, 23andMe Research team, Esophageal cancer consortium, Johannes Schumacher, Ines Gockel, Anne Bohmer, Janusz Jankowski, Claire Palles, Catherine M Olsen, Rachel E Neale, Rebecca Fitzgerald, Aaron P Thrift, Thomas L Vaughan, Matthew F Buas, David A Hinds, Puya Gharahkhani, Bradley J Kendall, Stuart MacGregor

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2020-323906

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Application of Lyon Consensus criteria for GORD diagnosis: evaluation of conventional and new impedance-pH parameters

Leonardo Frazzoni, Marzio Frazzoni, Nicola De Bortoli, Mentore Ribolsi, Salvatore Tolone, Salvatore Russo, Rita Luisa Conigliaro, Roberto Penagini, Lorenzo Fuccio, Rocco Maurizio Zagari, Edoardo Savarino

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-325531

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Chief cell plasticity is the origin of metaplasia following acute injury in the stomach mucosa

Brianna Caldwell, Anne R Meyer, Jared A Weis, Amy C Engevik, Eunyoung Choi

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-325310

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Predicting endoscopic remission in Crohn’s disease by the modified multiplier SES-CD (MM-SES-CD)

Neeraj Narula, Emily C L Wong, Jean-Frederic Colombel, William J Sandborn, John Kenneth Marshall, Marco Daperno, Walter Reinisch, Parambir S Dulai

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2020-323799

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Two waves of coeliac disease incidence in Sweden: a nationwide population-based cohort study from 1990 to 2015

David Bergman, James King, Benjamin Lebwohl, Mark S Clements, Bjorn Roelstraete, Gilaad G Kaplan, Peter HR Green, Joseph A Murray, Jonas F Ludvigsson

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-324209

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Host and gut microbial tryptophan metabolism and type 2 diabetes: an integrative analysis of host genetics, diet, gut microbiome and circulating metabolites in cohort studies

Qibin Qi, Jun Li, Bing Yu, Jee-Young Moon, Jin C Chai, Jordi Merino, Jie Hu, Miguel Ruiz-Canela, Casey Rebholz, Zheng Wang, Mykhaylo Usyk, Guo-Chong Chen, Bianca C Porneala, Wenshuang Wang, Ngoc Quynh Nguyen, Elena V Feofanova, Megan L Grove, Thomas J Wang, Robert E Gerszten, Josée Dupuis, Jordi Salas-Salvadó, Wei Bao, David L Perkins, Martha L Daviglus, Bharat Thyagarajan, Jianwen Cai, Tao Wang, JoAnn E Manson, Miguel A Martínez-González, Elizabeth Selvin, Kathryn M Rexrode, Clary B Clish, Frank B Hu, James B Meigs, Rob Knight, Robert D Burk, Eric Boerwinkle, Robert C Kaplan

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-324053

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Gut microbiota composition is associated with SARS-CoV-2 vaccine immunogenicity and adverse events

Siew C Ng, Ye Peng, Lin Zhang, Chris KP Mok, Shilin Zhao, Amy Li, Jessica YL Ching, Yingzhi Liu, Shuai Yan, Dream L S Chan, Jie Zhu, Chunke Chen, Adrian CH Fung, Kenneth KY Wong, David SC Hui, Francis KL Chan, Hein M Tun

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-326563

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Efficacy of a low FODMAP diet in irritable bowel syndrome: systematic review and network meta-analysis

Christopher J. Black, Heidi M. Staudacher, Alexander C. Ford

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-325214

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Braf mutation induces rapid neoplastic transformation in the aged and aberrantly methylated intestinal epithelium

Lochlan Fennell, Alexandra Kane, Cheng Liu, Diane McKeone, Gunter Hartel, Chang Su, Catherine Bond, Mark Bettington, Barbara Leggett, Vicki Whitehall

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2020-322166

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Next-generation sequencing of bile cell-free DNA for the early detection of patients with malignant biliary strictures

Maria Arechederra, María Rullán, Irene Amat, Daniel Oyon, Lucia Zabalza, Maria Elizalde, M Ujue Latasa, Maria R Mercado, David Ruiz-Clavijo, Cristina Saldaña, Ignacio Fernández-Urién, Juan Carrascosa, Vanesa Jusué, David Guerrero-Setas, Cruz Zazpe, Iranzu González-Borja, Bruno Sangro, Jose M Herranz, Ana Purroy, Isabel Gil, Leonard J Nelson, Juan J Vila, Marcin Krawczyk, Krzysztof Zieniewicz, Waldemar Patkowski, Piotr Milkiewicz, Francisco Javier Cubero, Gorka Alkorta-Aranburu, Maite G Fernandez-Barrena, Jesus M Urman, Carmen Berasain, Matias A Avila

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-325178

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Long-term yield of pancreatic cancer surveillance in high-risk individuals

Kasper A Overbeek, Iris J M Levink, Brechtje D M Koopmann, Femme Harinck, Ingrid C A W Konings, Margreet G E M Ausems, Anja Wagner, Paul Fockens, Casper H van Eijck, Bas Groot Koerkamp, Olivier R C Busch, Marc G Besselink, Barbara A J Bastiaansen, Lydi M J W van Driel, Nicole S Erler, Frank P Vleggaar, Jan-Werner Poley, Djuna L Cahen, Jeanin E van Hooft, Marco J Bruno

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2020-323611

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The tumour microenvironment shapes innate lymphoid cells in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma

Bernd Heinrich, E Michael Gertz, Alejandro A Schäffer, Amanda Craig, Benjamin Ruf, Varun Subramanyam, John C McVey, Laurence P Diggs, Sophia Heinrich, Umberto Rosato, Chi Ma, Chunhua Yan, Ying Hu, Yongmei Zhao, Tsai-Wei Shen, Veena Kapoor, William Telford, David E Kleiner, Merril K Stovroff, Harmeet S Dhani, Jiman Kang, Thomas Fishbein, Xin Wei Wang, E Ruppin, Alexander Kroemer, Tim F Greten, Firouzeh Korangy

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-325288

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Topological analysis of hepatocellular carcinoma tumour microenvironment based on imaging mass cytometry reveals cellular neighbourhood regulated reversely by macrophages with different ontogeny

Jianpeng Sheng, Junlei Zhang, Lin Wang, Vincent Tano, Jianghui Tang, Xun Wang, Jiangchao Wu, Jinyuan Song, Yaxing Zhao, Jingxia Rong, Fei Cheng, Jianfeng Wang, Yinan Shen, Liang Wen, Junjun He, Hui Zhang, Taohong Li, Qi Zhang, Xueli Bai, Zhimin Lu, Tingbo Liang

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-324339

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Suppressor CD4+ T cells expressing HLA-G are expanded in the peripheral blood from patients with acute decompensation of cirrhosis

Wafa Khamri, Cathrin Gudd, Tong Liu, Rooshi Nathwani, Marigona Krasniqi, Sofia Azam, Thomas Barbera, Francesca M Trovato, Lucia Possamai, Evangelos Triantafyllou, Rocio Castro Seoane, Fanny Lebosse, Arjuna Singanayagam, Naveenta Kumar, Christine Bernsmeier, Sujit Mukherjee, Mark McPhail, Chris J Weston, Charalambos Gustav Antoniades, Mark R Thursz

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-324071

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Integrative metabolomic characterisation identifies altered portal vein serum metabolome contributing to human hepatocellular carcinoma

Jinkai Liu, Wei Geng, Hanyong Sun, Changan Liu, Fan Huang, Jie Cao, Lei Xia, Hongchuan Zhao, Jianning Zhai, Qing Li, Xiang Zhang, Ming Kuang, Shunli Shen, Qiang Xia, Vincent Wai-Sun Wong, Jun Yu

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-325189

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Dietary macronutrients and the gut microbiome: a precision nutrition approach to improve cardiometabolic health

Kelly M Jardon, Emanuel E Canfora, Gijs H Goossens, Ellen E Blaak

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2020-323715

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GI highlights from the literature

Philip J Smith

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327649

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Antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 among individuals with IBD diminishes over time: a serosurveillance cohort study

Gilaad G Kaplan, Christopher Ma, Carmen Charlton, Jamil N Kanji, Graham Tipples, Nastaran Sharifi, Michelle Herauf, Stephanie Coward, Richard J M Ingram, Lindsay Hracs, Eric I Benchimol, Remo Panaccione

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-325238

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Comparison between non-pulmonary and pulmonary immune responses in a HIV decedent who succumbed to COVID-19

Denise Goh, Justina Nadia Lee, Tracy Tien, Jeffrey Chun Tatt Lim, Sherlly Lim, An Sen Tan, Jin Liu, Benedict Tan, Joe Yeong

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-324754

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Integrated prognostic and histogenomic justification of stage-directed therapy for single large hepatocellular carcinoma: a Korean nationwide registry study

Jihyun An, Ha Il Kim, Bora Oh, Yoo-Jin Oh, Ji-Hye Oh, Wonkyung Kim, Chang Ohk Sung, Ju Hyun Shim

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-325844

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Non-invasive tests and advanced chronic liver disease in NAFLD: two steps forward and one step back?

Avik Majumdar, Emmanuel A Tsochatzis

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-325994

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Adult sucrase-isomaltase deficiency masquerading as IBS

Anna Foley, Emma Phoebe Halmos, Diab M Husein, Sasha Rachel Fehily, Britt-Sabina Löscher, Andre Franke, Hassan Y Naim, Peter R Gibson, Mauro D'Amato

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-326153

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Pooling data to assess risks and benefits of discontinuing nucleos(t)ide analogs in patients with chronic hepatitis B: challenges and opportunities

Yao-Chun Hsu, Cheng-Hao Tseng, Tung-Hung Su, Jia-Horng Kao, Mindie H Nguyen

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-326232

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Polyps and skin lesions: what could it be?

Tarek Nammour, Lamiaa Hamie, Kassem A Barada

doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-324052

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