Diabetes Care

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Fried Foods, Gut Microbiota, and Glucose Metabolism

Lu Qi

doi : 10.2337/dci21-0033

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Blood Pressure Limbo—How Low Can You Go?

Aishah Matar; John W. McEvoy

doi : 10.2337/dci21-0017

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Dietary Linoleic Acid: Will Modifying Dietary Fat Quality Reduce the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes?

Matthias B. Schulze

doi : 10.2337/dci21-0031

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Diabetes and COVID-19: Population Impact 18 Months Into the Pandemic

Edward W. Gregg; Marisa K. Sophiea; Misghina Weldegiorgis

doi : 10.2337/dci21-0001

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COVID-19 and Type 1 Diabetes: Addressing Concerns and Maintaining Control

Linda A. DiMeglio

doi : 10.2337/dci21-0002

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Diabetes, Obesity, COVID-19, Insulin, and Other Antidiabetes Drugs

Paresh Dandona; Husam Ghanim

doi : 10.2337/dci21-0003

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Further RISE’ing to the Challenge of Type 2 Diabetes in Youth

Klara R. Klein; John B. Buse

doi : 10.2337/dci21-0023

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Baseline Predictors of Glycemic Worsening in Youth and Adults With Impaired Glucose Tolerance or Recently Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes in the Restoring Insulin Secretion (RISE) Study

Susan Sam; Sharon L. Edelstein; Silva A. Arslanian; Elena Barengolts; Thomas A. Buchanan; Sonia Caprio; David A. Ehrmann; Tamara S. Hannon; Ashley Hogan Tjaden; Steven E. Kahn; Kieren J. Mather; Mark Tripputi; Kristina M. Utzschneider; Anny H. Xiang; Kristen J. Nadeau; RISE Consortium

doi : 10.2337/dc21-0027

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Effect of Medical and Surgical Interventions on α-Cell Function in Dysglycemic Youth and Adults in the RISE Study

Steven E. Kahn; Sharon L. Edelstein; Silva A. Arslanian; Elena Barengolts; Sonia Caprio; David A. Ehrmann; Tamara S. Hannon; Santica Marcovina; Kieren J. Mather; Kristen J. Nadeau; Kristina M. Utzschneider; Anny H. Xiang; Thomas A. Buchanan; RISE Consortium

doi : 10.2337/dc21-0461

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Hyperglucagonemia Does Not Explain the β-Cell Hyperresponsiveness and Insulin Resistance in Dysglycemic Youth Compared With Adults: Lessons From the RISE Study

Steven E. Kahn; Kieren J. Mather; Silva A. Arslanian; Elena Barengolts; Thomas A. Buchanan; Sonia Caprio; David A. Ehrmann; Tamara S. Hannon; Santica Marcovina; Kristen J. Nadeau; Kristina M. Utzschneider; Anny H. Xiang; Sharon L. Edelstein; RISE Consortium

doi : 10.2337/dc21-0460

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The Association of Fried Meat Consumption With the Gut Microbiota and Fecal Metabolites and Its Impact on Glucose Homoeostasis, Intestinal Endotoxin Levels, and Systemic Inflammation: A Randomized Controlled-Feeding Trial

Jian Gao; Xiaoyu Guo; Wei Wei; Ran Li; Ke Hu; Xin Liu; Wenbo Jiang; Siyao Liu; Weiqi Wang; Hu Sun; Huanyu Wu; Yuntao Zhang; Wenbo Gu; Ying Li; Changhao Sun; Tianshu Han

doi : 10.2337/dc21-0099

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Personalized Postprandial Glucose Response–Targeting Diet Versus Mediterranean Diet for Glycemic Control in Prediabetes

Orly Ben-Yacov; Anastasia Godneva; Michal Rein; Smadar Shilo; Dmitry Kolobkov; Netta Koren; Noa Cohen Dolev; Tamara Travinsky Shmul; Bat Chen Wolf; Noa Kosower; Keren Sagiv; Maya Lotan-Pompan; Niv Zmora; Adina Weinberger; Eran Elinav; Eran Segal

doi : 10.2337/dc21-0162

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Epigenome-Wide Association Study Reveals Methylation Loci Associated With Offspring Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Exposure and Maternal Methylome

Mickaël Canouil; Amna Khamis; Elina Keikkala; Sandra Hummel; Stephane Lobbens; Amélie Bonnefond; Fabien Delahaye; Evangelia Tzala; Sanna Mustaniemi; Marja Vääräsmäki; Marjo-Riitta Jarvelin; Sylvain Sebert; Eero Kajantie; Philippe Froguel; Toby Andrew

doi : 10.2337/dc20-2960

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Chronic Kidney Disease Testing Among Primary Care Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Across 24 U.S. Health Care Organizations

Nikita Stempniewicz; Joseph A. Vassalotti; John K. Cuddeback; Elizabeth Ciemins; Amy Storfer-Isser; Yingying Sang; Kunihiro Matsushita; Shoshana H. Ballew; Alex R. Chang; Andrew S. Levey; Robert A. Bailey; Jesse Fishman; Josef Coresh

doi : 10.2337/dc20-2715

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Rising Rates and Widening Socioeconomic Disparities in Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Type 1 Diabetes in Scotland: A Nationwide Retrospective Cohort Observational Study

Joseph E. O’Reilly; Anita Jeyam; Thomas M. Caparrotta; Joseph Mellor; Andreas Hohn; Paul M. McKeigue; Stuart J. McGurnaghan; Luke A.K. Blackbourn; Rory McCrimmon; Sarah H. Wild; John R. Petrie; John A. McKnight; Brian Kennon; John Chalmers; Sam Phillip; Graham Leese; Robert S. Lindsay; Naveed Sattar; Fraser W. Gibb; Helen M. Colhoun; for the Scottish Diabetes Research Network Epidemiology Group

doi : 10.2337/dc21-0689

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Genetic Risk Score for Type 2 Diabetes and Traits Related to Glucose-Insulin Homeostasis in Youth: The Exploring Perinatal Outcomes Among Children (EPOCH) Study

Maggie A. Stanislawski; Elizabeth Litkowski; Sridharan Raghavan; Kylie K. Harrall; Jessica Shaw; Deborah H. Glueck; Ethan M. Lange; Dana Dabelea; Leslie A. Lange

doi : 10.2337/dc21-0464

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Chronic Kidney Disease Testing Among At-Risk Adults in the U.S. Remains Low: Real-World Evidence From a National Laboratory Database

David Alfego; Jennifer Ennis; Barbara Gillespie; Mary Jane Lewis; Elizabeth Montgomery; Silvia Ferrè; Joseph A. Vassalotti; Stanley Letovsky

doi : 10.2337/dc21-0723

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Fractures and Osteoporosis in Patients With Diabetes With Charcot Foot

Oliver Christian Rabe; Matilde Winther-Jensen; Kristine Højgaard Allin; Ole Lander Svendsen

doi : 10.2337/dc21-0369

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TCF7L2 Genetic Variants Do Not Influence Insulin Sensitivity or Secretion Indices in Autoantibody-Positive Individuals at Risk for Type 1 Diabetes

Maria J. Redondo; Megan V. Warnock; Ingrid M. Libman; Laura E. Bocchino; David Cuthbertson; Susan Geyer; Alberto Pugliese; Andrea K. Steck; Carmella Evans-Molina; Dorothy Becker; Jay M. Sosenko; Fida Bacha; the Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet Study Group

doi : 10.2337/dc21-0531

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Glucose-Lowering Therapy in Patients With Postpancreatitis Diabetes Mellitus: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study

Rikke Viggers; Morten Hasselstrøm Jensen; Henrik Vitus Bering Laursen; Asbjørn Mohr Drewes; Peter Vestergaard; Søren Schou Olesen

doi : 10.2337/dc21-0333

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Racial, Rural, and Regional Disparities in Diabetes-Related Lower-Extremity Amputation Rates, 2009–2017

Marvellous A. Akinlotan; Kristin Primm; Jane N. Bolin; Abdelle L. Ferdinand Cheres; JuSung Lee; Timothy Callaghan; Alva O. Ferdinand

doi : 10.2337/dc20-3135

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Effects of Fluid Rehydration Strategy on Correction of Acidosis and Electrolyte Abnormalities in Children With Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Arleta Rewers; Nathan Kuppermann; Michael J. Stoner; Aris Garro; Jonathan E. Bennett; Kimberly S. Quayle; Jeffrey E. Schunk; Sage R. Myers; Julie K. McManemy; Lise E. Nigrovic; Jennifer L. Trainor; Leah Tzimenatos; Maria Y. Kwok; Kathleen M. Brown; Cody S. Olsen; T. Charles Casper; Simona Ghetti; Nicole S. Glaser; the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN) FLUID Study Group

doi : 10.2337/dc20-3113

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Risk of Major Congenital Malformations or Perinatal or Neonatal Death With Insulin Detemir Versus Other Basal Insulins in Pregnant Women With Preexisting Diabetes: The Real-World EVOLVE Study

Elisabeth R. Mathiesen; Norsiah Ali; Amra C. Alibegovic; Eleni Anastasiou; Katarzyna Cypryk; Harold de Valk; Jorge Dores; Fidelma Dunne; Mari-Anne Gall; Santiago Duran Garcia; Hélène P. Hanaire; Lise Lotte N. Husemoen; Marina Ivanišević; Hans-Peter Kempe; David R. McCance; Peter Damm

doi : 10.2337/dc21-0472

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A Multitask Deep-Learning System to Classify Diabetic Macular Edema for Different Optical Coherence Tomography Devices: A Multicenter Analysis

Fangyao Tang; Xi Wang; An-ran Ran; Carmen K.M. Chan; Mary Ho; Wilson Yip; Alvin L. Young; Jerry Lok; Simon Szeto; Jason Chan; Fanny Yip; Raymond Wong; Ziqi Tang; Dawei Yang; Danny S. Ng; Li Jia Chen; Marten Brelén; Victor Chu; Kenneth Li; Tracy H.T. Lai; Gavin S. Tan; Daniel S.W. Ting; Haifan Huang; Haoyu Chen; Jacey Hongjie Ma; Shibo Tang; Theodore Leng; Schahrouz Kakavand; Suria S. Mannil; Robert T. Chang; Gerald Liew; Bamini Gopinath; Timothy Y.Y. Lai; Chi Pui Pang; Peter H. Scanlon; Tien Yin Wong; Clement C. Tham; Hao Chen; Pheng-Ann Heng; Carol Y. Cheung

doi : 10.2337/dc20-3064

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Circulating Thrombospondin-2 as a Novel Fibrosis Biomarker of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Type 2 Diabetes

Chi-Ho Lee; Wai-Kay Seto; David Tak-Wai Lui; Carol Ho-Yi Fong; Helen Yilin Wan; Chloe Yu-Yan Cheung; Wing-Sun Chow; Yu-Cho Woo; Man-Fung Yuen; Aimin Xu; Karen Siu-Ling Lam

doi : 10.2337/dc21-0131

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Circulating Free Fatty Acid and Phospholipid Signature Predicts Early Rapid Kidney Function Decline in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes

Farsad Afshinnia; Thekkelnaycke M. Rajendiran; Chenchen He; Jaeman Byun; Daniel Montemayor; Manjula Darshi; Jana Tumova; Jiwan Kim; Christine P. Limonte; Rachel G. Miller; Tina Costacou; Trevor J. Orchard; Tarunveer S. Ahluwalia; Peter Rossing; Janet K. Snell-Bergeon; Ian H. de Boer; Loki Natarajan; George Michailidis; Kumar Sharma; Subramaniam Pennathur

doi : 10.2337/dc21-0737

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Corneal Confocal Microscopy Predicts the Development of Diabetic Neuropathy: A Longitudinal Diagnostic Multinational Consortium Study

Bruce A. Perkins; Leif Erik Lovblom; Evan J.H. Lewis; Vera Bril; Maryam Ferdousi; Andrej Orszag; Katie Edwards; Nicola Pritchard; Anthony Russell; Cirous Dehghani; Danièle Pacaud; Kenneth Romanchuk; Jean K. Mah; Maria Jeziorska; Andrew Marshall; Roni M. Shtein; Rodica Pop-Busui; Stephen I. Lentz; Mitra Tavakoli; Andrew J.M. Boulton; Nathan Efron; Rayaz A. Malik

doi : 10.2337/dc21-0476

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New Insights on the Interactions Between Insulin Clearance and the Main Glucose Homeostasis Mechanisms

Roberto Bizzotto; Domenico Tricò; Andrea Natali; Amalia Gastaldelli; Elza Muscelli; Ralph A. De Fronzo; Silva Arslanian; Ele Ferrannini; Andrea Mari

doi : 10.2337/dc21-0545

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Associations of Systolic Blood Pressure and Diastolic Blood Pressure With the Incidence of Coronary Artery Disease or Cerebrovascular Disease According to Glucose Status

Mayuko Harada Yamada; Kazuya Fujihara; Satoru Kodama; Takaaki Sato; Taeko Osawa; Yuta Yaguchi; Masahiko Yamamoto; Masaru Kitazawa; Yasuhiro Matsubayashi; Takaho Yamada; Hiroyasu Seida; Wataru Ogawa; Hirohito Sone

doi : 10.2337/dc20-2252

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Modification of the Association Between Severe Hypoglycemia and Ischemic Heart Disease by Surrogates of Vascular Damage Severity in Type 1 Diabetes During ∼30 Years of Follow-up in the DCCT/EDIC Study

Elke R. Fahrmann; Laura Adkins; Henry K. Driscoll

doi : 10.2337/dc20-2757

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Prestroke Glucose Control and Functional Outcome in Patients With Acute Large Vessel Occlusive Stroke and Diabetes After Thrombectomy

Jun Young Chang; Wook-Joo Kim; Ji Hyun Kwon; Beom Joon Kim; Joon-Tae Kim; Jun Lee; Jae Kwan Cha; Dae-Hyun Kim; Yong-Jin Cho; Keun-Sik Hong; Soo Joo Lee; Jong-Moo Park; Byung-Chul Lee; Mi Sun Oh; Sang-Hwa Lee; Chulho Kim; Dong-Eog Kim; Kyung Bok Lee; Tae Hwan Park; Jay Chol Choi; Dong-Ick Shin; Sung-Il Sohn; Jeong-Ho Hong; Ji Sung Lee; Hee-Joon Bae; Moon-Ku Han

doi : 10.2337/dc21-0271

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Atherogenic Dyslipidemia on Admission Is Associated With Poorer Outcome in People With and Without Diabetes Hospitalized for COVID-19

Alfonso Bellia; Aikaterini Andreadi; Luca Giudice; Sofia De Taddeo; Alessio Maiorino; Ilenia D’Ippolito; Federica Maria Giorgino; Valeria Ruotolo; Maria Romano; Andrea Magrini; Nicola Di Daniele; Paola Rogliani; Davide Lauro

doi : 10.2337/dc20-2838

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Impact of Admission Hyperglycemia on Heart Failure Events and Mortality in Patients With Takotsubo Syndrome at Long-term Follow-up: Data From HIGH-GLUCOTAKO Investigators

Pasquale Paolisso; Luca Bergamaschi; Pietro Rambaldi; Gianluca Gatta; Alberto Foà; Francesco Angeli; Michele Fabrizio; Gianni Casella; Michelangela Barbieri; Nazzareno Galiè; Raffaele Marfella; Carmine Pizzi; Celestino Sardu

doi : 10.2337/dc21-0433

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Preparing for the NASH Epidemic: A Call to Action

Fasiha Kanwal; Jay H. Shubrook; Zobair Younossi; Yamini Natarajan; Elisabetta Bugianesi; Mary E. Rinella; Stephen A. Harrison; Christos Mantzoros; Kim Pfotenhauer; Samuel Klein; Robert H. Eckel; Davida Kruger; Hashem El-Serag; Kenneth Cusi

doi : 10.2337/dci21-0020

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Dietary Intake of Linoleic Acid, Its Concentrations, and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies

Seyed Mohammad Mousavi; Yahya Jalilpiran; Elmira Karimi; Dagfinn Aune; Bagher Larijani; Dariush Mozaffarian; Walter C. Willett; Ahmad Esmaillzadeh

doi : 10.2337/dc21-0438

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Addendum. 2. Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2021. Diabetes Care 2021;44(Suppl. 1):S15–S33

doi : 10.2337/dc21-ad09

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Addendum. 10. Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2021. Diabetes Care 2021;44(Suppl. 1):S125–S150

doi : 10.2337/dc21-ad09a

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Addendum. 11. Microvascular Complications and Foot Care: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2021: Diabetes Care 2021;44(Suppl. 1):S151–S167

doi : 10.2337/dc21-ad09b

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Excess Mortality in COVID-19-Positive Versus COVID-19-Negative Inpatients With Diabetes: A Nationwide Study

Elias K. Spanakis; Ashley Yoo; Oluwagbemiga N. Ajayi; Tariq Siddiqui; Mohd M. Khan; Stephen L. Seliger; David C. Klonoff; Zhaoyong Feng; John D. Sorkin

doi : 10.2337/dc20-2350

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Continuous Glucose Monitoring Improves Glycemic Outcomes in Children With Type 1 Diabetes: Real-World Data From a Population-Based Clinic

Elaine E. Sanderson; Mary B. Abraham; Grant J. Smith; Jenny A. Mountain; Timothy W. Jones; Elizabeth A. Davis

doi : 10.2337/dc21-0304

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Primary Care Health Care Use for Patients With Type 2 Diabetes During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Anita D. Misra-Hebert; Bo Hu; Kevin M. Pantalone; Elizabeth R. Pfoh

doi : 10.2337/dc21-0853

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Trends in Diagnosed and Undiagnosed Diabetes Among Adults in the U.S., 2005–2016

Peng-Fei Xia; Xiong-Fei Pan; Yue Li; Kunquan Guo; Kun Yang; Zhou-Zheng Tu; Yan-Bo Zhang; Ting-Ting Geng; Gang Liu; An Pan

doi : 10.2337/dc21-1156

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