Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism

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Efficacy and safety of high-dose glucagon-like peptide-1, glucagon-like peptide-1/glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide, and glucagon-like peptide-1/glucagon receptor agonists in type 2 diabetes

Christophe E. M. De Block MD, Eveline Dirinck MD, Ann Verhaegen MD, Luc F. Van Gaal MD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14640

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Acute effects of linagliptin on intact and total glucagon-like peptide-1 and gastric inhibitory polypeptide levels in insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes patients with and without moderate renal impairment

Juris J. Meier MD, Daniel R. Quast MD, Michael A. Nauck MD, Nina Schenker MD, Carolyn F. Deacon DMSci, Jens J. Holst DMSci, Leona Plum-Mörschel MD, Christoph Kapitza MD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14636

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Combined sodium glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitor and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition upregulates the renin-angiotensin system in chronic kidney disease with type 2 diabetes: Results of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled exploratory trial

Marlies Antlanger MD, Oliver Domenig PhD, Christopher C. Kaltenecker PhD, Johannes J. Kovarik MD, Vincent Rathkolb MD, Martin M. Müller MD, Elisabeth Schwaiger MD, Manfred Hecking MD, Marko Poglitsch PhD, Marcus D. Säemann MD, Chantal Kopecky PhD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14639

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Quételet (body mass) index and effects of dapagliflozin in chronic kidney disease

Glenn M. Chertow MD, Priya Vart PhD, Niels Jongs PhD, Anna Maria Langkilde MD, John J. V. McMurray MD, Ricardo Correa-Rotter MD, Peter Rossing MD, C. David Sjöström MD, Bergur V. Stefansson MD, Robert D. Toto MD, David C. Wheeler MD, Hiddo J. L. Heerspink PhD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14641

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Efficacy and safety of imeglimin add-on to insulin monotherapy in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes (TIMES 3): A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial with a 36-week open-label extension period

Caroline Reilhac PhD, Julie Dubourg MD, Carole Thang PharmD, Jean-Marie Grouin PhD, Pascale Fouqueray MD, Hirotaka Watada MD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14642

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Humoral immune response to COVID-19 vaccination in diabetes is age-dependent but independent of type of diabetes and glycaemic control: The prospective COVAC-DM cohort study

Caren Sourij MD, Norbert J. Tripolt PhD, Faisal Aziz MSc, Felix Aberer MD, Patrick Forstner MD, Anna M. Obermayer MD, Harald Kojzar BSc, Barbara Kleinhappl, Peter N. Pferschy MSc, Julia K. Mader MD, Gerhard Cvirn MD, Nandu Goswami MD, Nadine Wachsmuth PhD, Max L. Eckstein PhD, Alexander Müller MSc, Farah Abbas, Jacqueline Lenz, Michaela Steinberger, Lisa Knoll BSc, Robert Krause MD, Martin Stradner MD, Peter Schlenke MD, Nazanin Sareban MD, Barbara Prietl PhD, Susanne Kaser MD, Othmar Moser PhD, Ivo Steinmetz MD, Harald Sourij MD, COVAC-DM study group

doi : 10.1111/dom.14643

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Reduction of clinically important low glucose excursions with a long-term implantable continuous glucose monitoring system in adults with type 1 diabetes prone to hypoglycaemia: the France Adoption Randomized Clinical Trial

Eric Renard MD, Jean-Pierre Riveline MD, Hélène Hanaire MD, Bruno Guerci MD, on behalf of the investigators of France Adoption Clinical Trial

doi : 10.1111/dom.14644

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Bempedoic acid in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, prediabetes, and normoglycaemia: A post hoc analysis of efficacy and glycaemic control using pooled data from phase 3 clinical trials

Lawrence A. Leiter MD, Maciej Banach MD, PhD, Alberico L. Catapano MD, PhD, P. Barton Duell MD, Antonio M. Gotto Jr MD, DPhil, Ulrich Laufs MD, PhD, G. B. John Mancini MD, Kausik K. Ray MD, DPhil, Jeffrey C. Hanselman MS, Zhan Ye PhD, Harold E. Bays MD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14645

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Inhibition of 11β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-1 with AZD4017 in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis or nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase II study

Yogesh Yadav MD, Kelly Dunagan RN, Rachita Khot MD, Sudhakar K. Venkatesh MD, John Port MD, Alfonso Galderisi MD, Claudio Cobelli PhD, Craig Wegner PhD, Ananda Basu MD, Rickey Carter PhD, Rita Basu MD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14646

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Metformin use is associated with a decrease in the risk of hospitalization and mortality in COVID-19 patients with diabetes: A population-based study in Lombardy

Luisa Ojeda-Fernández PhD, Andreana Foresta MSc, Giulia Macaluso MSc, Pierluca Colacioppo MSc, Mauro Tettamanti MSc, Antonella Zambon MSc, Stefano Genovese MD, Ida Fortino MSc, Olivia Leoni MSc, Maria Carla Roncaglioni MSc, Marta Baviera Pharm Dr

doi : 10.1111/dom.14648

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Combination therapy with pioglitazone/exenatide/metformin reduces the prevalence of hepatic fibrosis and steatosis: The efficacy and durability of initial combination therapy for type 2 diabetes (EDICT)

Olga Lavynenko MD, Muhammad Abdul-Ghani MD, Mariam Alatrach MD, Curtiss Puckett PAC, John Adams MS, Siham Abdelgani MD, Naim Alkhouri MD, Curtis Triplitt PharmD, Geoffrey D. Clarke PhD, Juan A. Vasquez BS, Jinqi Li MD, Eugenio Cersosimo MD, Amalia Gastaldelli PhD, Ralph A. DeFronzo MD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14650

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ZT-01: A novel somatostatin receptor 2 antagonist for restoring the glucagon response to hypoglycaemia in type 1 diabetes

Rawad Farhat MD, MPH, Julian Aiken PhD, Ninoschka C. D'Souza MSc, Daniel Appadurai PhD, Grayson Hull BSc, Eric Simonson PhD, Richard T. Liggins PhD, Michael C. Riddell PhD, Owen Chan PhD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14652

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Waist circumference thresholds predicting incident dysglycaemia and type 2 diabetes in Black African men and women

Julia H. Goedecke PhD, Kim A. Nguyen PhD, Clement Kufe MSc, Maphoko Masemola MSc, Tinashe Chikowore PhD, Amy E. Mendham PhD, Shane A. Norris PhD, Nigel J. Crowther PhD, Fredrik Karpe MD, Tommy Olsson MD, Andre Pascal Kengne PhD, Lisa K. Micklesfield PhD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14655

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Cardiovascular outcomes associated with prescription of sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors versus dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors in patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease

Jinnie J. Rhee ScD, Jialin Han MS, Maria E. Montez-Rath PhD, Sun H. Kim MD, Mark R. Cullen MD, Randall S. Stafford MD, Wolfgang C. Winkelmayer MD, ScD, Glenn M. Chertow MD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14657

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Understanding the inter-relationships of type 2 diabetes and hypertension with brain and cognitive health: A UK Biobank study

Danielle Newby PhD, Victoria Garfield PhD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14658

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Persistence with insulin pump therapy among children and young adults with type 1 diabetes in Germany: An update

Louisa van den Boom MD, Karel Kostev PhD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14647

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Baseline blood pressure modifies the role of blood pressure variability in mortality: Results from the ACCORD trial

Daniel S. Nuyujukian PhD, Michelle S. Newell MS, Jin J. Zhou PhD, Juraj Koska MD, Peter D. Reaven MD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14649

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The beneficial effects of closed-loop insulin delivery in patients with highly unstable type 1 diabetes eligible for islet transplantation are maintained over 6 months: An extension study of the DBLHU-WP10 trial

Pierre-Yves Benhamou MD, Sandrine Lablanche MD, Anne Vambergue MD, Sylvie Pou PhD, Stéphanie Madrolle PhD, Hector Romero-Ugalde PhD, Sylvia Franc MD, Guillaume Charpentier MD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14654

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Mediators of the effects of canagliflozin on N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide concentration: An exploratory mediation analysis of the randomized CANDLE trial

Atsushi Tanaka MD, Takumi Imai PhD, Makoto Suzuki MD, Shinya Hiramitsu MD, Naohiko Takahashi MD, Toshiaki Kadokami MD, Arihiro Kiyosue MD, Masami Nishino MD, Yasushi Sakata MD, Koichi Node MD, on behalf of the CANDLE trial investigators

doi : 10.1111/dom.14656

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