Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism

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Cover Image, Volume 24, Issue 3

Ki Young Huh MD, Jun Gi Hwang MD, Wonjung Shin PhD, Seungjae BAEK MD, JaeDuk Choi PhD, Nora Lee PhD, Young Min Cho MD, Howard Lee MD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14668

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Improving the residual risk of renal and cardiovascular outcomes in diabetic kidney disease: A review of pathophysiology, mechanisms, and evidence from recent trials

Ajay Chaudhuri MD, Husam Ghanim PhD, Pradeep Arora MD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14601

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Adherence to and persistence with antidiabetic medications and associations with clinical and economic outcomes in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic literature review

Marc Evans MD, Susanne Engberg MD, Mads Faurby MSc, João Diogo Da Rocha Fernandes MSc, Pollyanna Hudson MSc, William Polonsky PhD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14603

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Glucokinase activation leads to an unsustained hypoglycaemic effect with hepatic triglyceride accumulation in db/db mice

Shinichiro Kawata MD, Akinobu Nakamura MD, Hideaki Miyoshi MD, Kelaier Yang MD, Ikumi Shigesawa MD, Yuki Yamauchi MD, Kazuhisa Tsuchida MD, Kazuno Omori MD, Kiyohiko Takahashi MD, Hiroshi Nomoto MD, Hiraku Kameda MD, Kyu Yong Cho MD, Yasuo Terauchi MD, Tatsuya Atsumi MD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14586

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Metformin versus insulin therapy for gestational diabetes: Effects on offspring anthropometrics and metabolism at the age of 9 years: A follow-up study of two open-label, randomized controlled trials

Elisa Paavilainen MD, Kristiina Tertti MD, PhD, Hilkka Nikkinen MD, PhD, Riitta Veijola MD, PhD, Marja Vääräsmäki MD, PhD, Britt-Marie Loo PhD, Päivi Tossavainen MD, PhD, Tapani Rönnemaa MD, PhD, Harri Niinikoski MD, PhD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14589

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A double-blind, placebo-controlled, single-ascending dose study to evaluate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of HM15136, a novel long-acting glucagon analogue, in healthy subjects

Ki Young Huh MD, Jun Gi Hwang MD, Wonjung Shin PhD, Seungjae BAEK MD, JaeDuk Choi PhD, Nora Lee PhD, Young Min Cho MD, Howard Lee MD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14590

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Restrictive versus liberal transfusion in patients with diabetes undergoing cardiac surgery: An open-label, randomized, blinded outcome evaluation trial

Nikhil Mistry MSc, Nadine Shehata MD, Paula Carmona MD, Daniel Bolliger MD, Raymond Hu MBBS, François M. Carrier MD, Christella S. Alphonsus MBChB, Elaine E. Tseng MD, Alistair G. Royse MD, Colin Royse MD, Daniela Filipescu MD, Chirag Mehta MD, Tarit Saha MD, Juan C. Villar MD, Alexander J. Gregory MD, Duminda N. Wijeysundera MD, Kevin E. Thorpe MMath, Peter Jüni MD, Gregory M. T. Hare MD, Dennis T. Ko MD, Subodh Verma MD, C. David Mazer MD, TRICS Investigators

doi : 10.1111/dom.14591

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Manchester Intermittent versus Daily Diet App Study (MIDDAS): A pilot randomized controlled trial in patients with type 2 diabetes

Sarah McDiarmid MMath, Michelle Harvie PhD, Rhona Johnson RSCN, Avni Vyas MPhil, Azza Aglan ClinPsyD, Jacqui Moran RD, Helen Ruane BSc, Amanda Hulme BSc, Katharine Sellers BSc, Basil G. Issa FRCP

doi : 10.1111/dom.14592

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Effectiveness and safety of empagliflozin in routine care patients: Results from the EMPagliflozin compaRative effectIveness and SafEty (EMPRISE) study

Elisabetta Patorno MD, Ajinkya Pawar PhD, Deborah J. Wexler MD, Robert J. Glynn ScD, Lily G. Bessette BS, Julie M. Paik MD, Mehdi Najafzadeh PhD, Kimberly G. Brodovicz DrPH, Anouk Déruaz-Luyet PhD, Sebastian Schneeweiss MD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14593

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Insulin induces a progressive increase in the resistance of subcutaneous tissue to fluid flow: Implications for insulin pump therapy

Werner Regittnig PhD, Mathias Tschaikner PhD, Alexandru-Cristian Tuca MD, Amra Simic MA, Jürgen Feiel MSc, Roland Schaller-Ammann PhD, Alexander H. Licht PhD, Miró Jungklaus MD, Thomas R. Pieber MD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14594

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Young adults with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, defined using the fatty liver index, can be at increased risk of myocardial infarction or stroke

Goh Eun Chung PhD, Eun Ju Cho PhD, Jeong-Ju Yoo PhD, Young Chang MD, Yuri Cho PhD, Sang-Hyun Park MS, Kyungdo Han PhD, Su-Min Jeong MD, Kyoung Wan Yoon PhD, Dong Wook Shin MD, Su Jong Yu MD, Yoon Jun Kim PhD, Jung-Hwan Yoon PhD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14597

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The comparative cardiovascular and renal effectiveness of sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors and glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists: A Scandinavian cohort study

Peter Ueda MD, Viktor Wintzell PhD, Elisabeth Dahlqwist PhD, Björn Eliasson MD, Ann-Marie Svensson PhD, Stefan Franzén PhD, Soffia Gudbjörnsdottir MD, Kristian Hveem MD, Christian Jonasson PhD, Mads Melbye MD, Anders Hviid DrMedSci, Henrik Svanström PhD, Björn Pasternak MD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14598

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Utilization of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists and changes in clinical characteristics in patients with type 2 diabetes by chronic kidney disease stage in Japan: A descriptive observational study using a nationwide electronic medical records database

Naoki Hirose RN, Naoto Tsujimoto DVM, Taeko Katayose PhC, Rina Chin MD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14600

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Glycated haemoglobin levels among 3295 hospitalized COVID-19 patients, with and without diabetes, and risk of severe infection, admission to an intensive care unit and all-cause mortality

Amna Alhakak MD, Jawad H. Butt MD, Thomas A. Gerds Dr.rer.nat, Emil L. Fosbøl MD, Ulrik M. Mogensen MD, Johanna Krøll MB, Jannik L. Pallisgaard MD, Gunnar H. Gislason MD, Christian Torp-Pedersen MD, Lars Køber MD, Peter E. Weeke MD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14604

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Outcomes of hybrid closed-loop insulin delivery activated 24/7 versus evening and night in free-living prepubertal children with type 1 diabetes: A multicentre, randomized clinical trial

Eric Renard MD, Nadia Tubiana-Rufi MD, Elisabeth Bonnemaison MD, Régis Coutant MD, Fabienne Dalla-Vale MD, Elise Bismuth MD, Nathalie Faure MD, Natacha Bouhours-Nouet MD, Anne Farret MD, Caroline Storey MD, Aurélie Donzeau MD, Amélie Poidvin MD, Jessica Amsellem-Jager MD, Jérôme Place MSc, Marc D. Breton PhD, Free-life Kid AP Study Group

doi : 10.1111/dom.14605

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Performance of intermittently scanned continuous glucose monitoring systems in people with type 1 diabetes: A pooled analysis

Othmar Moser PhD, Christoph Sternad, Max L. Eckstein PhD, Agnieszka Szadkowska MD, Arkadiusz Michalak MD, Julia K. Mader MD, Haris Ziko, Hesham Elsayed MD, Felix Aberer MD, Agnes Sola-Gazagnes MD, Etienne Larger MD, Gian Poalo Fadini MD, Benedetta Maria Bonora MD, Daniela Bruttomesso MD, Federico Boscari MD, Guido Freckmann MD, Stefan Pleus MSc, Sverre C. Christiansen PhD, Harald Sourij MD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14609

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Decrements in health-related quality of life associated with adverse events in people with diabetes

Mi Jun Keng MSc, Jose Leal DPhil, Louise Bowman MD, Jane Armitage MBBS, Borislava Mihaylova DPhil, ASCEND Study Collaborative Group

doi : 10.1111/dom.14610

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Fasting C-peptide values among adolescents in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys

Priya Y. Soni BS, Yumin Wang MAS, George J. Eckert MAS, Heba M. Ismail MBBCh

doi : 10.1111/dom.14611

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Energy intake and weight during the COVID-19 lockdown were not altered in a sample of older adults with type 2 diabetes in England

Franciskos Arsenyadis BSc (Hons), Emma Redman PhD, Joseph Henson PhD, Emer M. Brady PhD, Nicole A. Coull PhD, Kamlesh Khunti FRCGP, Andrew P. Hall FRCP, Melanie J. Davies FRCP

doi : 10.1111/dom.14585

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Cardiovascular benefits beyond urinary glucose excretion: A hypothesis generated from two meta-analyses

Chu Lin MD, Xiaoling Cai MD, Linong Ji MD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14596

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Efficacy and safety of efpeglenatide in adults with obesity and its associated metabolic disturbance: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Ibrahim A. Abdelhaleem MBBCH, Mohamed A. Abd-Elhamied, Ahmed E. Morsi, Samar Kenawy MBBCH

doi : 10.1111/dom.14602

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Disparity in the rural-urban distribution of clinical trial sites used in studies cited by diabetes treatment guidelines

Erin R. Weeda PharmD, Bethany Burnette MBA, Sarah Rowe, Skylar Haas, Angeleki Zecopoulos, Marwah E. Alnewais PharmD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14606

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Continuous glucose monitoring use and glucose variability in very young children with type 1 diabetes (VibRate): A multinational prospective observational real-world cohort study

Klemen Dovc MD, Michelle Van Name MD, Barbara Jenko Bizjan PhD, Ewa Rusak MD, Claudia Piona MD, Gul Yesiltepe-Mutlu MD, Rosaline Mentink MD, Giulio Frontino MD, Maddalena Macedoni MD, Sofia Helena Ferreira MD, Joana Serra-Caetano MD, Júlia Galhardo MD, Julie Pelicand MD, Francesca Silvestri MD, Jennifer Sherr MD, Agata Chobot MD, Torben Biester MD, for the ISPAD JENIOUS Group

doi : 10.1111/dom.14607

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Preserved C-peptide in survivors of COVID-19: Post hoc analysis

Sophie A. Clarke MBBS, Maria Phylactou MBBS, Bijal Patel MBBS, Edouard G. Mills MBChB, Beatrice Muzi MSc, Chioma Izzi-Engbeaya MBBS, Bernard Khoo MBChB Cantab, Karim Meeran MBBS, Alexander N. Comninos MBBS, Ali Abbara MBBS, Tricia Tan MBChB, Nick Oliver MBBS, Waljit S. Dhillo MBBS

doi : 10.1111/dom.14608

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Cardiorenal benefits of sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors versus dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors in type 2 diabetes without cardiovascular and renal diseases

Mei Qiu MS, Xian Zhou MS, Miao Zhang BS

doi : 10.1111/dom.14588

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Slimming cardiac adipose tissue with liraglutide: pericardial is not epicardial fat (the LIRAFLAME substudy)

Bénédicte Gaborit PhD, Emmanuel Cosson PhD, Patrice Darmon PhD, Anne Dutour PhD

doi : 10.1111/dom.14595

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