Journal of Dental Research

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Periodontitis and Dementia: A Bidirectional Relationship?

A. Harding, S.K. Singhrao

doi : 10.1177/00220345211043461

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Proposal for a Conceptual Framework for the Development of Geriatric Dentistry

S. León, R.A. Giacaman

doi : 10.1177/00220345211042268

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Role of Primary Cilia in Bone and Cartilage

Z. Chinipardaz, M. Liu, D.T. Graves,S. Yang

doi : 10.1177/00220345211046606

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Enamel Caries Detection and Diagnosis: An Analysis of Systematic Reviews

T. Walsh, R. Macey, D. Ricketts, A. Carrasco Labra, H. Worthington, A.J. Sutton, S. Freeman, A.M. Glenny, P. Riley, J. Clarkson, E. Cerullo

doi : 10.1177/00220345211042795

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Dementia and the Risk of Periodontitis: A Population-Based Cohort Study

K.S. Ma, H. Hasturk, I. Carreras, A. Dedeoglu, J.J. Veeravalli, J.Y. Huang, A. Kantarci*, J.C. Wei*

doi : 10.1177/00220345211037220

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Ultrasonographic Tissue Perfusion in Peri-implant Health and Disease

S. Barootchi, L. Tavelli, J. Majzoub, H.L. Chan, H.L. Wang, O.D. Kripfgans

doi : 10.1177/00220345211035684

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Effectiveness of Family-Centered Oral Health Promotion on Toddler Oral Health in Hong Kong

K.F. Yu, W. Wen, P. Liu, X. Gao, E.C.M. Lo, M.C.M. Wong

doi : 10.1177/00220345211036663

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Dietary Patterns and Risk of a New Carious Lesion Postpartum: A Cohort Study

E. Davis, G. Martinez, F. Blostein, T. Marshall, A.D. Jones, E. Jansen, D.W. McNeil, K. Neiswanger, M.L. Marazita, B. Foxman

doi : 10.1177/00220345211039478

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Toward Clinically Applicable 3-Dimensional Tooth Segmentation via Deep Learning

J. Hao, W. Liao, Y.L. Zhang, J. Peng, Z. Zhao, Z. Chen, B.W. Zhou, Y. Feng, B. Fang, Z.Z. Liu, Z.H. Zhao

doi : 10.1177/00220345211040459

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Regulating Fibrocartilage Stem Cells via TNF-α/Nf-κB in TMJ Osteoarthritis

R. Bi, K. Chen, Y. Wang, X. Luo, Q. Li, P. Li, Q. Yin, Y. Fan, S. Zhu

doi : 10.1177/00220345211037248

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MiRNA-149 as a Candidate for Facial Clefting and Neural Crest Cell Migration

L.G. Stüssel*, R. Hollstein*, M. Laugsch, L.M. Hochfeld, J. Welzenbach, J. Schröder, F. Thieme, N. Ishorst, R. Olmos Romero, L. Weinhold, T. Hess, J

doi : 10.1177/00220345211038203

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SMDI: An Index for Measuring Subgingival Microbial Dysbiosis

T. Chen, P.D. Marsh, N.N. Al-Hebshi

doi : 10.1177/00220345211035775

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Occlusal Trauma Induces Neuroimmune Crosstalk for a Pain State

H.B. Abdalla, M.H. Napimoga, C.A. Trindade-da-Silva, M. Guimarães, M. Lopes, P.C.V. dos Santos, W.A. Buarque e Silva, F. Andrade e Silva, J.T. Clemen

doi : 10.1177/00220345211039482

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Novel Preosteoclast Populations in Obesity-Associated Periodontal Disease

K.H. Kwack, L. Zhang, J. Sohn, V. Maglaras, R. Thiyagarajan, K.L. Kirkwood

doi : 10.1177/00220345211040729

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