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Thirty Years of No-Touch Saphenous Vein Harvesting: A Timely Jubilee Gift.

Dashwood, Michael R. PhD; Pinheiro, Bruno Botelho MD, MSc; Souza, Domingos SR MD, PhD

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.057959

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Efficacy and Safety of Appropriate Shocks and Antitachycardia Pacing in Transvenous and Subcutaneous Implantable Defibrillators: Analysis of All Appropriate Therapy in the PRAETORIAN Trial.

Knops, Reinoud E. MD, PhD,*; van der Stuijt, Willeke MD,*; Delnoy, Peter Paul HM MD, PhD; Boersma, Lucas VA MD, PhD; Kuschyk, Juergen MD; El-Chami, Mikhael F. MD; Bonnemeier, Hendrik MD, PhD; Behr, Elijah R. MD; Brouwer, Tom F. MD, PhD; Kaab, Stefan MD, PhD; Mittal, Suneet MD; Quast, Anne-Floor BE MD, PhD; Smeding, Lonneke PhD; Tijssen, Jan GP PhD; Bijsterveld, Nick R. MD, PhD; Richter, Sergio MD; Brouwer, Marc A. MD, PhD; de Groot, Joris R. MD, PhD; Kooiman, Kirsten M. MPA; Lambiase, Pier D. MD, PhD; Neuzil, Petr MD, PhD; Vernooy, Kevin MD, PhD; Alings, Marco MD, PhD; Betts, Timothy R. MD; Bracke, Frank ALE MD, PhD; Burke, Martin C. DO; de Jong, Jonas SSG MD, PhD; Wright, David J. MD; Jansen, Ward PJ MD, PhD; Whinnet, Zachary I. MD, PhD; Nordbeck, Peter MD; Knaut, Michael MD; Philbert, Berit T. MD; van Opstal, Jurren M. MD, PhD; Guys, Alexandru B. MD; Allaart, Cornelis P. MD, PhD; Borger van der Burg, Alida E. MD, PhD; Clancy, Jude F. MD; Dizon, Jose M. MD; Miller, Marc A. MD; Nemirovsky, Dmitry MD; Surber, Ralf MD; Upadhyay, Gaurav A. MD; Weiss, Raoul MD; de Weger, Anouk MSc; Wilde, Arthur AM MD, PhD+,; Olde Nordkamp, ​​Louise RA MD, PhD+,; on behalf of the PRAETORIAN Investigators

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.057816

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Perplexing Results From the PRAETORIAN Trial: Revisiting the Debate About the Value of Antitachycardia Pacing.

Al-Khatib, Sana M. MD, MHS; Link, Mark S. MD

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.058156

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An International Multicenter Cohort Study on [beta]-Blockers for the Treatment of Symptomatic Children With Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia.

Peltenburg, Puck J. MD ,,*; Kallas, Dania MS,*; Bos, Johan M. MD, PhD,*; Lieve, Krystien VV MD, MSc (EBP); Franciosi, Sonia PhD; Roston, Thomas M. MD, PhD; Denjoy, Isabelle MD; Sorensen, Katrina B. BA; Ohno, Seiko MD, PhD; Roses-Noguer, Ferran MD; Aiba, Takeshi MD; Maltret, Alice MD; LaPage, Martin J. MD, MS; Atallah, Joseph MD, CM, SM; Giudicessi, John R. MD, PhD; Clur, Sally-Ann B. MBBCh, MSc (Med), PhD; Blom, Nico A. MD, PhD; Tanck, Michael MSc, PhD; Extramiana, Fabrice MD, PhD; Kato, Koichi MD; Barc, Julien PhD; Borggrefe, Martin MD; Behr, Elijah R. MA, MBBS, MD; Sarquella-Brugada, Georgia MD, PhD; Tfelt-Hansen, Jacob MD, DMSc; Zorio, Esther MD, PhD; Swan, Heikki MD; Kammeraad, Janneke AE MD, PhD; Krahn, Andrew D. MD; Davis, Andrew MBBS, MD; Sacher, Frederic MD; Schwartz, Peter J. MD; Roberts, Jason D. MD, PLUS; Skinner, Jonathan R. MD; van den Berg, Maarten P. MD, PhD; Kannankeril, Prince J. MD; MSCI; Drago, Fabrizio MD; Robyns, Tomas MD; Haugaa, Kristina MD, PhD; Tavacova, Terezia MD; Semsarian, Christopher MB, BS, MPH; Till, Jan MBBS, BSC, MD; Probst, Vincent MD; Brugada, Ramon MD; Shimizu, Wataru MD, PhD; Horie, Minoru MD, PhD; Leenhardt, Antoine M.D.,*; Ackerman, Michael J. MD, PhD,*; Sanatani, Shubhayan MD,*; van der Werf, Christian MD, PhD,*; Wilde, Arthur AM MD, PhD,* Antoine MD ,*; Ackerman, Michael J. MD, PhD,*; Sanatani, Shubhayan MD,*; van der Werf, Christian MD, PhD,*; Wilde, Arthur AM MD, PhD,* Antoine MD ,*; Ackerman, Michael J. MD, PhD,*; Sanatani, Shubhayan MD,*; van der Werf, Christian MD, PhD,*; Wilde, Arthur AM MD, PhD,*

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.056018

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Clinically Suspected Myocarditis Temporally Related to COVID-19 Vaccination in Adolescents and Young Adults: Suspected Myocarditis After COVID-19 Vaccination.

Truong, Dongngan T. MD, MS; Dionne, Audrey MD; Muniz, Juan Carlos MD; McHugh, Kimberly E. MD, MSCR; Portman, Michael A. MD; Lambert, Linda M. APRN; Thacker, Deepika MD; Elias, Matthew D. MD; Li, Jennifer S. MD; Toro-Salazar, Olga H. MD; Anderson, Brett R. MD, MBA, MS; Atz, Andrew M. MD; Bohun, C. Monique MB BCh; Campbell, M. Jay MD, MHA; Chrisant, Maryanne MD; D'Addese, Laura MD; Dummer, Kirsten B. MD; Forsha, Daniel MD; Frank, Lowell H. MD; Frosch, Olivia H. MD; Gelehrter, Sarah K. MD; Giglia, Therese M. MD; Hebson, Camden MD; Jain, Supriya S. MD; Johnston, Pace MD; Krishnan, Anita MD; Lombardi, Kristin C. MD; McCrindle, Brian W. MD, MPH; Mitchell, Elizabeth C. MD; Miyata, Koichi MD; Mizzi, Trent MD; Parker, Robert M.DO; Patel, Jyoti K. MD; Ronai, Christina MD, MSEd; Sabati, Arash A. MD; Schauer, Jenna MD; Sexson Tejtel, S. Kristen MD, PhD, MPH; Shea, J. Ryan MD; Shekerdemian, Lara S. MB ChB, MD, MHA; Srivastava, Shubhika MD, MBBS; Votava-Smith, Jodie K. MD; White, Sarah MD; Newburger, Jane W MD, MPH

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.056583

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Whole Genome Sequence Analysis of the Plasma Proteome in Black Adults Provides Novel Insights Into Cardiovascular Disease.

Katz, Daniel H. M.D.,*; Tahir, Usman A. MD, MBI,*; Bick, Alexander G. MD, PhD,*; Pampana, Akhil MA; Ngo, Debby MD; Benson, Mark D. MD, PhD; Yu, Zhi PhD; Robbins, Jeremy M. MD; Chen, Zsu-Zsu MD; Cruz, Daniel E. MD; Deng, Shuliang MS; Farrell, Laurie RN; Sinha, Sumita PhD; Schmaier, Alec A. MD, PhD; Shen, Dongxiao PhD; Gao, Yan MS, MPH; Hall, Michael E. MD; Correa, Adolfo MD, PhD; Tracy, Russell P. PhD; Durda, Peter PhD; Taylor, Kent D. PhD; Liu, Yongmei MD, PhD; Johnson, W. Craig MD; Guo, Xiuqing PhD; Yao, Jie MS; Ida Chen, Yii-Der PhD; Manichaikul, Ani W. PhD; Jain, Deepti PhD; National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute TOPMed (Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine) Consortium; Bouchard, Claude PhD; Sarzynski, Mark A. PhD; Rich, Stephen S. PhD; Rotter, Jerome I. MD; Wang, Thomas J. MD; Wilson, James G. MD; natarajan, Pradeep MD; Gerszten, Robert E. MD

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.055117

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Linking Genetics and Proteomics: Gene-Protein Associations Built on Diversity.

Schunkert, Heribert MD; Mayr, Manuel MD, PhD

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.058303

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Salt-Induced Hepatic Inflammatory Memory Contributes to Cardiovascular Damage Through Epigenetic Modulation of SIRT3.

Gao, Peng PhD; You, Mei BS ,*; Li, Li MD, PhD,*; Zhang, Qin MD; Fang, Xia MD; Wei, Xiao MD, PhD; Zhou, Qing MS; Zhang, Hexuan MS; Wang, Miao MS; Lu, Zongshi MD, PhD; Wang, Lijuan BS; Sun, Fang MD, PhD; Liu, Daoyan PhD; Zheng, Hongting MD, PhD; Yan, Zhencheng MD, PhD; Yang, Gangyi MD, PhD; Zhu, Zhiming MD, PhD

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.055600

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Atrial Fibrillation and Dementia: A Report From the AF-SCREEN International Collaboration.

Rivard, Lena MD, MSc; Friberg, Leif MD, PhD; Conen, David MD, MPH; Healey, Jeffrey S. MD, MSc*,; Berge, Trygve MD, PhD; Boriani, Giuseppe MD, PhD; Brandes, Axel MD, DMSc; Calkins, Hugh MD*,; Camm, A. John MD*,; Yee Chen, Lin MD; Lluis Clua Espuny, Josep MD, PhD; Collins, Ronan MD; Connolly, Stuart MD; Dagres, Nikolaos MD; Elkind, Mitchell SV MD, MSc; Engdahl, Johan MD, PhD; Field, Thalia S. MD, MHSc; Gersh, Bernard J. MB, ChB, DPhil; Glotzer, Taya V. MD; Hankey, Graeme J. MD; Harbison, Joseph A. MD, FD; Georg Haeusler, Karl MD; Hills, Mellanie T. BSc; Johnson, Linda SB MD, PhD; Young, Boyoung MD, PhD; Khairy, Paul MD, PhD; Kirchhof, Paulus MD; Krieger, Derk MD, PhD; Lip, Gregory YH MD; Lochen, Maja-Lisa MD, PhD; Madhavan, Malini MBBS; Mairesse, Georges H. MD; Montaner, Joan MD, PhD; Ntaios, George MD, MSc; Quinn, Terence J. MD; Rienstra, Michiel MD, PhD; Rosenqvist, Marten MD, PhD*; Sandhu, Roopinder K. MD, MPH; Smyth, Breda MD; Schnabel, Renate B. MD, MSc*,; Stavrakis, Stavros MD, PhD; Themistoclakis, Sakis MD; Van Gelder, Isabelle C. MD, PhD; Wang, Ji-Guang MD, PhD*,; Freedman, Ben MBBS, PhD*,

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.055018

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Genetic Proliferation Tracing Reveals a Rapid Cell Cycle Withdrawal in Preadolescent Cardiomyocytes.

Pu, Wenjuan Ph.D.,*; Zhang, Mingjun B.S.,*; Liu, Xiuxiu BS; He, Lingjuan PhD; Li, Jie BS; Han, Ximeng BS; Lui, Kathy O. PhD; He, Ben MD, PhD; Zhou, Bin MD, PhD

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.057019

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The Power of Patient Stories to Inspire Us to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease and Death: Personal Reflections on the AHA's Scientific Sessions 2021.

Lloyd-Jones, Donald M. MD, ScM

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.058716

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Letter by Enas and Varkey Regarding Article, "Quantifying and Understanding the Higher Risk of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Among South Asian Individuals: Results From the UK Biobank Prospective Cohort Study."

Enas, Enas A. MD; Varkey, Basil MD

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.056750

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Response by Patel and Khera to Letter Regarding Article, "Quantifying and Understanding the Higher Risk of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Among South Asian Individuals: Results From the UK Biobank Prospective Cohort Study."

Patel, Aniruddh P. MD; Khera, Amit V. MD, MSc

doi : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.058059

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