International Journal of Dermatology

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Mucocutaneous diseases in the combined antiretroviral therapy era: prevalence and spectrum in HIV seropositive children and adolescents in Durban, South Africa

Chikodili N. Olomukoro MBBS, FMCPaed, MMedSci, Ncoza C. Dlova MBChB, FCDerm, PhD, Wilbert Sibanda PhD (OR), Antoinette V. Chateau BSc, MBChB, DCH, FCDerm, MMedSci, Mohern Archary MBChB, DCH, FCPaeds, Paed ID, PhD, Anisa Mosam MBChB, FCDerm, MMed, PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15735

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Balloon cell melanoma: a systematic review

Grace Wei MS, MPH, Kerry Hennessy MD, L. Kevin Heard MD, Sudeep Gaudi MD, Rahul Mhaskar MPH, PhD, Rishi R. Patel MD, Adam E. Bennett MD, PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15448

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An integrative review of oral manifestations in patients with COVID-19: signs directly related to SARS-CoV-2 infection or secondary findings?

Vanessa Paiva Reis DDS, Adriana Raymundo Bezerra DDS, MSc, Adriane Batista Pires Maia DDS, MSc, Letícia Côgo Marques DDS, Danielle Castex Conde DDS, PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15881

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Salt and skin

Prarthana Manoharan MBBS, Karthikeyan Kaliaperumal MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15588

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A study of the pattern of dermatoses in adolescent patients in South India

Nithya Satish MD, DVL, Abirami Dakshinamoorthy MD, DVL, Srikanth S MD, DVL

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15602

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Intravascular histiocytosis: mimicker of cellulitis, angiosarcoma, inflammatory breast cancer, and others

Emma F. Johnson MD, Benjamin F. Kelley MD, Lawrence E. Gibson MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15670

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Prevalence of filaggrin loss-of-function variants in Chilean population with and without atopic dermatitis

Geovanna V. Cárdenas MD, MSc, Carolina Iturriaga RN, Caroll D. Hernández PhD, Macarena Tejos-Bravo MSc, Guillermo Pérez-Mateluna BS, Carolina Cabalin MSc, Marcela Urzúa RN, Luis F. Venegas-Salas PhD, Juan P. Fraga BS, Boris Rebolledo PhD, Maria C. Poli MD, PhD, Gabriela M. Repetto MD, Paola Casanello PhD, José A. Castro-Rodríguez MD, PhD, Arturo Borzutzky MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15887

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Lymphocytoma cutis (cutaneous B-cell pseudolymphoma): study of 102 cases with emphasis on the histological characteristics and immunohistochemistry of the miliarial type

Romina A. Villalobos-Ayala MD, América A. Espinoza-Gurrola MD, Elizabeth Guevara-Gutiérrez MD, MSc, Guillermo Solís-Ledesma MD, Marina Ramos-Suárez MD, Marco A. Rodríguez-Castellanos MD, MSc, Alberto Tlacuilo-Parra MD, DSc

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15909

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Atopic dermatitis in adults: a population-based study in Finland

Ville Kiiski MD, Alexander Salava MD, PhD, Päivikki Susitaival MD, PhD, Satu Barnhill MD, MSc, Anita Remitz MD, PhD, Markku Heliovaara MD, PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15912

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Onychophagia: detailed clinical characteristics

Jun-Oh Shin MD, Dongyoung Roh MD, Jin-Hwa Son MD, Kihyuk Shin MD, PhD, Hoon-Soo Kim MD, Hyun-Chang Ko MD, PhD, Byung-Soo Kim MD, PhD, Moon-Bum Kim MD, PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15861

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Role of psoriatic keratinocytes in the metabolic reprogramming of dermal mesenchymal stem cells

Yue Cao MM, Nan-Nan Liang MM, Wen-Juan Chang MM, Jun-Qin Li MD, Juan-Juan Jiao MM, Rui-Xia Hou MD, Juan Li MM, Kai-Ming Zhang MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15855

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Therapeutic management of subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis and chromoblastomycosis in kidney transplant recipients: a retrospective study of 82 cases in a single center

Alice Cortes de Castro Lima MS, Daniel Wagner de C. L. Santos MD, PhD, Sérgio Henrique Hirata MD, PhD, Angela Satie Nishikaku PhD, Milvia Maria Simões e Silva Enokihara MD, PhD, Marilia Marufuji Ogawa MD, PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15948

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Evaluation of the acceptance and efficacy of a bespoke sun protection package for persons with oculocutaneous albinism living in Malawi

Yolanda Gilaberte MD, PhD, Tenganawo E. Mzumara MD, Sunganani P. Manjolo, Ndamiwe Kaseko, Lorea Bagazgoitia MD, PhD, L. Claire Fuller MA, FRCP (UK), Mafalda Soto MSc

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15793

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Bullous pemphigoid triggered by Silybum marianum: an unexpected side effect of an herbal remedy

Marta Gamissans MD, Vicente Expósito-Serrano MD, Cristina López-Llunell MD, Lorena Valdivieso MD, Patricia Garbayo-Salmons MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15822

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Tangential excision (saucerization) of small basal and squamous cell skin cancers with formalin horizontal (en face) comprehensive margin histopathologic evaluation

Robert S. Shapiro MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15890

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Combination of a triple wavelength (650 nm, 810 nm, and 915 nm) class IV laser system and local mechanical abrasion in the treatment of chronic toenail onychomycosis: an uncontrolled prospective pilot study

Aurelija E. Aukstikalnyte MD, Eva Cibien BSc, Pamela De Demo BSc, Klaus Eisendle MD, PhD, MSc, MBA

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15869

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Bullous SDRIFE and Covid-19

Renan Rangel Bonamigo PhD, Gustavo Borchardt Bottega MD, Fernanda Luiza Staub MD, Rodrigo Oliveira Almeida MD, Hellen Meyre Grosskopf Werka MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.16012

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Yellowish nail pigmentation of proximal nails secondary to turmeric intake

Sindhura B. N. Kambhampati MD, Rajat Choudhary MD, Keshavamurthy Vinay MD, DNB

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15996

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Morphea induced by SARS-CoV-2 infection: A case report

Flavia Pigliacelli MD, Alessia Pacifico MD, Maria Mariano MD, Andrea D’Arino MD, Antonio Cristaudo MD, Paolo Iacovelli MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15983

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Herpes zoster duplex following COVID-19

Stefano Veraldi MD, PhD, Dario A. Marletta MD, Yiran Wei MD, Andrea E. Beretta MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15978

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A year in review: A cross-sectional study of alopecia areata and risk of COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and mortality from March 2020 – February 2021

Katerina Yale MD, Niki Nourmohammadi MPH, Fiore Casale MMS, Alessandro Ghigi MS, Kai Zheng PhD, Natasha A. Mesinkovska MD, PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15970

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Lipomembranous panniculitis after subcutaneous medroxyprogesterone acetate injections used for buttocks augmentation in Africa

Ângela Roda MD, Ana Marcos-Pinto MD, Paulo Filipe MD, PhD, Luís Soares-de-Almeida MD, PhD, João Maia-Silva MD, PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15806

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Competing risk analysis of cutaneous angiosarcoma: implications for surveillance

Kevin A. Nguyen MS, Jan Smogorzewski MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15637

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The clinical presentation and dermoscopic findings of syphilitic alopecia

Purich Kosidcanasup MD, Voraphol Vejjabhinanta MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15943

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Report of cutaneous loxoscelism caused by violin spider bite in Northern Italy

Michela Starace MD, PhD, Tiziano Ferrari MD, Francesca Bruni MD, Annalisa Patrizi MD, PhD, Aurora Alessandrini MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15771

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Atypical extensive lupus tumidus-like eruption as an early presentation of VEXAS syndrome

Emmanuel Ribereau-Gayon MD, Mael Heiblig MD, Estelle Bourbon MD, Pierre Sujobert MD, PhD, Olivier Harou MD, Claire Theillac MD, Nicolas Poulalhon MD, Brigitte Balme MD, Stéphane Dalle MD, PhD, Sébastien Debarbieux MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15916

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Paraphimosis as the only manifestation of type 2 lepra reaction

Nikhil Mehta MD, Shipra Agarwal MD, Binod K. Khaitan MD, Vishal Gupta MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15924

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Searching the Holy Grail – evaluating contact allergens in popular Reddit starter skincare routine

Rob L. Shaver BS, Rachit Gupta BS, Sara A. Hylwa MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15638

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Systemic sclerosis in Hispanics: cutaneous salt and pepper lesions

Jorge Ocampo-Candiani MD, PhD, Yeudiel Suro-Santos MD, Alejandra Villarreal-Martinez MD, Maira Elizabeth Herz-Ruelas MD, PhD, Dionicio Angel Galarza-Delgado MD, PhD, Ivan de Jesus Hernandez-Galarza MD, Miguel Angel Villareal-Alarcon MD, Diana Elsa Flores-Alvarado MD, Minerva Gomez-Flores MD, Osvaldo Tomas Vazquez-Martinez MD, Sonia Chavez-Alvarez MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15925

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A 5-year-old girl with toxic epidermal necrolysis induced by levamisole

Chung-Hao Hsu MD, Tsu-Man Chiu MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15849

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PML–RARα-positive cells contribute to scrotal ulceration with all-trans retinoic acid

Osamu Imataki MD, Shunsuke Yoshida MD, Tomohiro Kaji MD, Jun-ichiro Kida MD, PhD, Hiroyuki Kubo MD, Makiko Uemura MD, Haruyuki Fujita MD, PhD, Norimitsu Kadowaki MD, PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15664

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Concerning the heterogeneity of the studies included in meta-analyses. Comment on: “Effects of hydrolyzed collagen supplementation on skin aging: a systematic review and meta-analysis�

Gabriel Peres MD, MSc, PhD, Mayra Ianhez MD, PhD, Tatiana C. F. Polo MSc, PhD, Luciana P. F. Abbade MD, MSc, PhD, Hélio A. Miot MD, PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15748

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A case of cutaneous epithelioid angiosarcoma with multiple metastases

Minsu Kim MD, Ji Hoon Yang MD, Dae Hun Suh MD, PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15570

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Adult xanthogranuloma on penis: a case report

Jinhui Xu MD, Yin Yu MD, Ying Zhang MD, Lin Feng MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15931

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An unusual presentation of unilateral lower limb gigantism in a case of subcutaneous entomophthoromycosis

Bushra Muna MBBS, MD, Anuradha Priyadarshini MBBS, MD, Sudha Rangarajan MBBS, DD, DNB, Krishnakanth Muralidhar MBBS, MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15743

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Real-world experience versus clinical trials: pros and cons in psoriasis therapy evaluation

Eleonora Cinelli MD, Gabriella Fabbrocini MD, Matteo Megna MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15644

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Cardiac myxoma presenting as relapsing livedo reticularis

Carlota González-Moure MD, Luis Casas-Fernández MD, Sonia Molinos-Castro MD, Pablo M. Varela-García MD, José M. Suárez-Peñaranda MD, PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15608

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Helical rim Burow's graft: efficient, effective, and patient-centric

Mark M. Ash MD, MS, Amy K. Blake MD, MA, Rajat Varma MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15633

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Generalized ulcerative cutaneous sarcoidosis: an unusual presentation of the disease

Meryam Chaabani MD, Wissem Hafsi MD, Fatima Alaoui MD, Wiem Sassi MD, Mourad Mokni PhD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15846

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Paradoxical new-onset psoriasiform dermatitis associated with exenatide administration

Ecem Bostan MD, Neslihan Akdogan MD, Ozay Gokoz MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15863

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Penile annular secondary syphilis mimicking annular lichen planus

Ngo Binh Trinh MD, Yu-Hung Wu MD, Hoang Trung Hieu MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15703

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Severe anemia and copper deficiency in a patient treated with supplemental zinc for hidradenitis suppurativa

Julian Stashower BA, Karlyn Pollack MD, R. Hal Flowers MD

doi : 10.1111/ijd.15652

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