American Journal of Kidney Diseases

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doi : 10.1053/S0272-6386(21)01024-6

Volume 79, Issue 2, February 2022, Page A2

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Editorial Board

doi : 10.1053/S0272-6386(21)01025-8

Volume 79, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages A3-A5

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Table of Contents

doi : 10.1053/S0272-6386(21)01026-X

Volume 79, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages A7-A10

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Electrolyte Abnormalities in a Man With Plasma Cell Leukemia

Raphael J.Rosen1Marco BarberGrossi2Alex J.Rai3Jacob S.Stevens1

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2021.09.019

Volume 79, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages A13-A15

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Research Priorities for Kidney-Related Research—An Agenda to Advance Kidney Care: A Position Statement From the National Kidney Foundation

National Kidney Foundation Research Roundtable Work Group on behalf of the National Kidney Foundation

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2021.08.018

Volume 79, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 141-152

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Removing Race from Kidney Disease Diagnosis

Susan E.Quaggin12Paul M.Palevsky34

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2021.10.001

Volume 79, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 153-155

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Underscoring the Case for Better Markers of Kidney Injury in Deceased Donors

SumitMohan12Chirag R.Parikh34

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2021.08.007

Volume 79, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 156-158

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Understanding and Overcoming Financial Risks for Living Organ Donors

Krista L.Lentine1Roslyn B.Mannon2DidierMandelbrot3

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2021.09.003

Volume 79, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 159-161

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SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine in Dialysis Patients: Time for a Boost?

Karen M.Krueger1NatashaHalasa3Michael G.Ison12

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2021.10.003

Volume 79, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 162-163

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Association Between Deceased Donor Acute Kidney Injury Assessed Using Baseline Serum Creatinine Back-Estimation and Graft Survival: Results From the French National CRISTAL Registry

RémiLenain1CamilleProuteau1AghilèsHamroun1YohannFoucher23MagaliGiral4MehdiMaanaoui15MarcHazzan1Contributors to the CRISTAL National Registry

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2021.06.022

Volume 79, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 164-174

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Economic Impact of Donating a Kidney on Living Donors: A Korean Cohort Study

SehoonPark1?JinaPark6?EunjeongKang7Jang WookLee3YaerimKim8MinsuPark9KwangsooKim5Hyo JeongKim10MiyeunHan11Jang-HeeCho12Jung PyoLee4SikLee13Soo WanKim14Sang MinPark14Dong-WanChae215Ho JunChin215Yong ChulKim23Yon SuKim23InsunChoi10HajeongLee23

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2021.07.009

Volume 79, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 175-184.e1

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SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Response After a Third Dose of the BNT162b2 Vaccine in Patients Receiving Maintenance Hemodialysis or Peritoneal Dialysis


doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2021.08.005

Volume 79, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 185-192.e1

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Lung Ultrasound to Diagnose Pulmonary Congestion Among Patients on Hemodialysis: Comparison of Full Versus Abbreviated Scanning Protocols


doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2021.04.007

Volume 79, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 193-201.e1

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Kidney Transplantation in Patients With Monoclonal Gammopathy of Renal Significance (MGRS)–Associated Lesions: A Case Series

CihanHeybeli1Mariam PriyaAlexander2Andrew J.Bentall3HatemAmer3Francis K.Buadi4Patrick G.Dean5DavidDingli4AngelaDispenzieri4MireilleEl Ters3Morie A.Gertz4Naim S.Issa3PrashantKapoor4TaxiarchisKourelis4AleksandraKukla3ShajiKumar4Martha Q.Lacy4Elizabeth C.Lorenz3EliMuchtar4David L.Murray6Samih H.Nasr2MikelPrieto5S. VincentRajkumar4Carrie A.Schinstock3Mark D.Stegall5RahmaWarsame4NelsonLeung34

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2021.04.015

Volume 79, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 202-216

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A Predictive Model for Progression of CKD to Kidney Failure Based on Routine Laboratory Tests

Helena U.Zacharias12MichaelAltenbuchinger34Ulla T.Schultheiss56JohannesRaffler7FruzsinaKotsis56SaharGhasemi1IbrahimAli8BarbaraKollerits9MarieMetzger10IngaSteinbrenner6PeggySekula6Ziad A.Massy1011ChristianCombe1213Philip A.Kalra8FlorianKronenberg9BénédicteStengel10Kai-UweEckardt1415AnnaKöttgen6MatthiasSchmid16WolframGronwald17Peter J.Oefner17on behalf of theGCKD Investigators

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2021.05.018

Volume 79, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 217-230.e1

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Plasma Kidney Injury Molecule 1 in CKD: Findings From the Boston Kidney Biopsy Cohort and CRIC Studies

Insa M.Schmidt12?AnandSrivastava6?VenkataSabbisetti2Gearoid M.McMahon2JiangHe8JingChen8John W.Kusek9JonathanTaliercio10Ana C.Ricardo7Chi-yuanHsu11Paul L.Kimmel12Kathleen D.Liu11Theodore E.Mifflin9Robert G.Nelson13Ramachandran S.Vasan3DaweiXie9XiaomingZhang9RagnarPalsson14Isaac E.Stillman4Helmut G.Rennke5Harold I.Feldman9Joseph V.Bonventre2Sushrut S.Waikar12on behalf of theChronic Kidney Disease Biomarkers Consortium and the CRIC Study Investigators

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2021.05.013

Volume 79, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 231-243.e1

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Canagliflozin and Kidney-Related Adverse Events in Type 2 Diabetes and CKD: Findings From the Randomized CREDENCE Trial

Hiddo J.L.Heerspink15MegumiOshima16HongZhang7JingweiLi18RajivAgarwal9GeorgeCapuano10David M.Charytan1112JagritiCraig10Dickde Zeeuw5Gian LucaDi Tanna1AdeeraLevin13BruceNeal1214VladoPerkovic13David C.Wheeler115YshaiYavin10Meg J.Jardine14

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2021.05.005

Volume 79, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 244-256.e1

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Prognostic Significance of Urinary Biomarkers in Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19

StevenMenez1Dennis G.Moledina5HeatherThiessen-Philbrook1F. PerryWilson5WassimObeid1MichaelSimonov5YuYamamoto5Celia P.Corona-Villalobos1CrystalChang1Brian T.Garibaldi2WilliamClarke4ShelliFarhadian6CharlesDela Cruz7Steven G.Coca8Chirag R.Parikh1

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2021.09.008

Volume 79, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 257-267.e1

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A Unifying Approach for GFR Estimation: Recommendations of the NKF-ASN Task Force on Reassessing the Inclusion of Race in Diagnosing Kidney Disease

CynthiaDelgado1MuktaBaweja2Deidra C.Crews3Nwamaka D.Eneanya4Crystal A.Gadegbeku5Lesley A.Inker6Mallika L.Mendu7W. GregMiller8Marva M.Moxey-Mims9Glenda V.Roberts10Wendy L.St. Peter11CurtisWarfield12Neil R.Powe13

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2021.08.003

Volume 79, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 268-288.e1

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Atherosclerotic Renovascular Disease: A KDIGO (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes) Controversies Conference

Caitlin W.Hicks1Timothy W.I.Clark2Christopher J.Cooper3Áine Bhailís4MarcoDe Carlo5DarrenGreen4JolantaMa?yszko6MariusMiglinas7Stephen C.Textor8Charles A.Herzog91012Kirsten L.Johansen1113HolgerReinecke14Philip A.Kalra4

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2021.06.025

Volume 79, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 289-301

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Activin A Signaling Provides an Interorgan Link Between Kidney and Muscle in CKD-Associated Muscle Wasting

Elliot A.PerensHal M.HoffmanRobert H.Mak

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2021.09.007

Volume 79, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 302-304

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Association of Kidney Function With 30-Day Mortality Following SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Nursing Home Residents: A Retrospective Cohort Study

RebeccaThorsnessPhD1Nathan H.RainesMD, MPH3Elizabeth M.WhitePhD, APRN12Christopher M.SantostefanoBSN, RN2Samir M.ParikhMD3Melissa R.RiesterPharmD12Richard A.FeiferMD, MPH4VincentMorPhD125Andrew R.ZulloPharmD, PhD125

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2021.09.009

Volume 79, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 305-307

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Seroresponse to SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines Among Maintenance Dialysis Patients

Caroline M.HsuMD1Daniel E.WeinerMD, MS1Gideon N.AwehMS2Harold J.ManleyPharmD2VladimirLadikMS2JillFramentPharmD2DanaMiskulinMD, MS1ChristosArgyropoulosMD3KennethAbreoMD4AndrewChinMD5ReginaldGladishMD6LoaySalmanMD7DougJohnsonMD2Eduardo K.LacsonMD, MPH12

doi : 10.1053/j.ajkd.2021.10.002

Volume 79, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 307-310

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