The Lancet

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Tobacco control: far from the finish line

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02650-7

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Page 1939

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Improving gastric balloons to treat obesity

AlexisSudlowaCarel Wle Rouxb

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02505-8

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Pages 1940-1941

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A novel risk score for contrast-associated acute kidney injury: the heart of the matter

Estelle CNijssenaJoachim EWildbergera

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02445-4

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Pages 1941-1943

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Tofacitinib in juvenile idiopathic arthritis

Sarah L NClarkeacAthimalaipet VRamananbc

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)01444-6

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Pages 1943-1945

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Can COVID-19 help accelerate and transform the diagnostics agenda?


doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02093-6

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Pages 1945-1947

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Transforming access to diagnostics: how to turn good intentions into action?

PascaleOndoaabLindaOskamcMarguerite MassingaLoembeadIruka NOkekee

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02182-6

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Pages 1947-1949

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Offline: The real meaning of decolonisation


doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02687-8

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Page 1950

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Countries prepare for pandemic treaty decision


doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02651-9

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Page 1951

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Theranos founder counters fraud charges in federal trial


doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02652-0

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Page 1952

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Reaching net zero carbon emissions in health systems


doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02642-8

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Pages 1953-1954

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Pascale Ondoa: strengthening laboratory medicine in Africa


doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02539-3

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Page 1955

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A history of US engagement in the HIV/AIDS responseEmily Bass, To End a Plague: America's Fight to Defeat AIDS in Africa, PublicAffairs (2021), p. 496, US$30·00, ISBN: 9781541762459


doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02540-X

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Pages 1956-1957

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A reproductive justice response to HIV/AIDS and COVID-19


doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02541-1

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Pages 1958-1959

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Michael Llewellyn Rutter


doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02542-3

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Page 1960

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Pollution and the developing brain


doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02393-X

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Page 1961

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Mandatory UK folic acid fortification

Nicholas JWaldacA VictorHoffbrandb

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02447-8

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Pages 1961-1962

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Quality assurance of remote clinical assessments in the NHS


doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02328-X

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Page 1962

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Beyond COVID-19: scaling up and sustaining mobile health in Africa


doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02349-7

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Pages 1962-1963

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Beyond COVID-19: scaling up and sustaining mobile health in Africa – Authors' reply

N HélèneSawadogoaHamidouSanoubJeremy AGreenecVincentDuclosd

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02643-X

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Page 1963

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COVID-19 and myocardial infarction

DanielCaldeiraabFausto JPintoab

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02284-4

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Pages 1963-1964

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COVID-19 and myocardial infarction – Authors' reply

IoannisKatsoularisaOsvaldoFonseca-RodríguezbPaddyFarringtoncKristerLindmarkaAnne-Marie ForsConnollyb

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02320-5

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Page 1964

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Department of Error

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02430-2

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Page 1964

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Department of Error

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02492-2

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Page 1964

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Department of Error

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02494-6

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Page 1964

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Department of Error

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02493-4

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Page 1964

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Department of Error

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02649-0

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Page 1964

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Department of Error

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02275-3

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Page 1964

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Adjustable intragastric balloon for treatment of obesity: a multicentre, open-label, randomised clinical trial

ProfBarham KAbu DayyehMDaDaniel BMaselliMDaBabusaiRapakaMDaThomasLavinMDbMarkNoarMDcHishamHussanMDdChristopher GChapmanMDeVioletaPopovMDfPichamolJirapinyoMDhAndresAcostaMDaEric JVargasMDaAndrew CStormMDaFatehBazerbachiMDgMarvinRyouMDhMatthewFrenchMDbSabrenaNoriaMDdDanielMolinaPharmDiProfChristopher CThompsonMDh

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02394-1

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Pages 1965-1973

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A contemporary simple risk score for prediction of contrast-associated acute kidney injury after percutaneous coronary intervention: derivation and validation from an observational registry

ProfRoxanaMehranMDaRuthOwenMScbMauroChiaritoMDacdProfUsmanBaberMDeSamanthaSartoriPhDaDavideCaoMDaJohnyNicolasMDaCarlo AndreaPivatoMDacdMatteoNardinMDaPrakashKrishnanMDaProfAnnapoornaKiniMDaProfSaminSharmaMDaProfStuartPocockPhDbProfGeorgeDangasMDa

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02326-6

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Pages 1974-1983

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Tofacitinib in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, withdrawal phase 3 randomised trial

NicolinoRupertoMDa*Hermine IBrunnerMDb*OlgaSynoverskaMDcTracy VTingMDbCarlos AbudMendozaMDdAlbertoSpindlerMDeYuliaVyzhgaMDfKatherineMarzanMDgLyudmilaGrebenkinaMDhIritTiroshMDiLisaImundoMDjRitaJerathMDkDaniel JKingsburyMDklBetulSozeriMDmSheetal SVoraMDnSampathPrahaladMDoElenaZholobovaMDpYonatanButbul AvielMDqVyacheslavChasnykMDrMelissaLermanMDsKabitaNandaMDtHeinrikeSchmelingMDuHeatherToryMDvYosefUzielMDwDiego OViolaMDxHolly BPosnerMDyKeith SKanikMDzAnnWoutersyChengChangPhDzRichardZhangyIrinaLazariciuMScyMing-AnnHsuMPHzRicardo MSuehiroMDaaAlbertoMartiniMDab*Daniel JLovellMDb*on behalf of the

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)01255-1

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Pages 1984-1996

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Unexplained uterine atrophy following neoadjuvant chemotherapy in fertility sparing management of cervical cancer


doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02253-4

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Page e17

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The Lancet Commission on diagnostics: transforming access to diagnostics

Kenneth AFlemingFRCPathaProfSusanHortonPhDbProfMichael LWilsonMDcProfRifatAtunFRCPdProfKristenDeStigterMDeJohnFlaniganMDfShahinSayedMMedgPierrickAdamMDhBerthaAguilarBAiSavvasAndronikouPhDjCatharinaBoehmeMDkWilliamCherniakMDlProfAnnie NYCheungMDmBerniceDahnMDnProfLluisDonoso-BachMDoProfTaniaDouglasPhDpProfPatriciaGarciaMDqSarwatHussainFRCRrHari SIyerScDsMikashmiKohliPhDtProfAlain BLabriquePhDvProfLai-MengLooiFRCPathwProfJohn GMearaMDxJohnNkengasongPhDyProfMadhukarPaiMDuKara-LeePoolMDzKaushikRamaiyaMDaaLeeSchroederMDabDevanshiShahBScbProfRichardSullivanMDacProfBien-SooTanFRCRadKaminiWaliaPhDae

doi : 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)00673-5

Volume 398, Issue 10315, 27 November–3 December 2021, Pages 1997-2050

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