doi : 10.1016/S0360-3016(21)02748-6
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages A11-A12
Sarah A.MilgromMD?Richard L.BakstMD†Belinda A.CampbellMD‡§||
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.06.030
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 841-850
Jacob W.TrotterBS?John P.KirkpatrickMD, PhD?†
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2018.08.068
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 851-853
Bruce E.PollockMD
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.03.040
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Page 854
Ching-JenChenMDJason P.SheehanMD, PhD
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.03.043
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 854-855
XuguangChenMD, PhDKristin J.RedmondMD, MPH
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.07.009
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Page 855
Daniel M.SeibleMD*SoumaKunduBA†AlexaAzuaraBS*Daniel R.CherryBA†StevenArias†Vinit V.NalawadeMS*JonathanCruzBA†RolandoArreola*Maria ElenaMartinezPhD‡Jesse N.NodoraDrPH, MPH‡Douglas A.RahnMD*James D.MurphyMD, MS*
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.05.122
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 856-864
Raymond B.Mailhot VegaMD, MPH*David J.SherMD, MPH†
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.07.036
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 865-866
Sophie Mol van OtterlooMD?John P.ChristodouleasMD†Erwin L.A.BlezerPhD‡HafidAkhiatBSc†KevinBrownMA†AnanyaChoudhuryPhD§DaveEggertMS†Beth A.EricksonMD?Lois A.DaamenPhD‡CorinneFaivre-FinnPhD§Clifton D.FullerPhD#JoelGoldweinMD†ShaistaHafeezPhD??EmmaHallPhD††Kevin J.HarringtonFRCR??Uulke A.van der HeidePhD‡‡Robert A.HuddartPhD??Martijn P.W.IntvenPhD?Anna M.KirbyFRCR??SusanLalondrelleFRCR??ClaireMcCannPhD§§Bruce D.MinskyMD#StellaMookPhD?Marlies E.NoweePhD‡‡UweOelfkePhD??KristinaOrrlingPhD??Marielle E.P.PhilippensPhD?ArjunSahgalMD§§Christopher J.SchultzMD?Robbert J.H.A.TersteegPhD?Rob H.N.TijssenPhD?Alison C.TreeFRCR??Baukelienvan TriestPhD‡‡Chia-LinTsengMD§§William A.HallMD?1Helena M.VerkooijenPhD?‡1on behalf of theMR-Linac Consortium
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.07.003
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 867-875
DannyRischinMD*†MadeleineKingPhD‡LizbethKennyMBBS§?SandroPorcedduMD?#ChristopherWrattenMBBS??AndrewMacannMBChB††James E.JacksonMBBS‡‡MathiasBresselMSc§§AlanHerschtalPhD§§RichardFisherPhD§§TsienFuaMBBS??CharlesLinMBBS§ChenLiuMBBS??Brett G.M.HughesMBBS?##MargaretMcGrathMBBS???LachlanMcDowellMBBS†??JuneCorryMD†††‡‡‡
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.04.015
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 876-886
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.07.1693
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 887-889
GeorginaCasswellMBChB, FRCR?KarlaGoughPhD†‡AllisonDrosdowskyMPH†MathiasBresselMSc§AndrewColemanMBBS?SudiShresthaPhD?IetaD'CostaMBBS?TsienFuaMBBS?AlbertTiongMBBS?ChenLiuMBBS?DannyRischinMD?¶LachlanMcDowellMBBS?¶
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.07.006
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 890-899
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.07.1697
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 900-906
TingXuMD, PhD*Qing H.MengPhD†Susan C.GilchristMD, MS‡Steven H.LinMD, PhD*RuitaoLinPhD§TianlinXuMPH||Sarah A.MilgromMD¶Saumil J.GandhiMD*HaijunWuMD, PhD#YuZhaoMD??Juan C.Lopez-MatteiMD, FACC††RadheMohanPhD‡‡ZhongxingLiaoMD*
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.07.035
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 907-916
BoQiuMD?†DaQuanWangMD?†QiWenLiMD?†YingJiaWuBA?†SuPingGuoBA?†XiaoBoJiangMA?JianLanFangMA?JinYuGuoBA?FangJieLiuMD?†ChuChuMD?†BinWangPhD?LiChenPhD?JunZhangPhD?YiMeiLiuMA?YongHongHuMD?HuiLiuMD, PhD*†
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.06.032
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 917-925
XiaoqinLiMS*†HanGaoMS‡§JianZhuPhD*†YongHuangMD*†YongbeiZhuPhD‡§WeiHuangMD*†ZhenjiangLiPhD*†KaiSunPhD‡?ZhenyuLiuPhD§¶#JieTianPhD‡§???BaoshengLiPhD, MD?†
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.06.033
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 926-935
Pim J.J.DamenMD*Tiuri E.KroeseMD*†Richardvan HillegersbergMD, PhD†EwoudSchuitPhD‡§MaxPetersMD, PhD*Joost J.C.VerhoeffMD, PhD*Steven H.LinMD, PhD?Peter S.N.van RossumMD, PhD*
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.07.1695
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 936-948
Matthias G.HautmannPD, MD*BarbaraDietlPD, MD*LauraWagnerMD†‡FlorianZemanBS§OliverKölblMD*KarinPfisterMD†WilmaSchierlingPD, MD†
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.07.1696
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 949-958
DanielRoosBSc (Hons), DipEd, MBBS, MD, FRANZCR*MelissaJamesBSc, MBBS, FRANZCR†MinjaeLahMBBS, DipPallCare, FRANZCR‡KathyPopeMBBS (Hons), FRANZCR§AmyShorthouseBSc, BMed (Hons), FRANZCR?RamkumarGovindarajMBBS, MD, MPC, FRANZCR*TanyaHoltMBBS, FRANZCR¶
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.07.034
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 959-964
Nicholas GZaorskyMD, MS?†Daniel ESprattMD‡
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.07.1699
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 965-967
Alison L.CameronFRCR*Markus C.ElzePhD†MichelaCasanovaMD‡BirgitGeoergerMD§Mark N.GazeMD?VeroniqueMinard-ColinMD§KieranMcHughFRCR¶Rick R.van RijnMD#AnnaKelseyMRCS??HélèneMartelliPhD††HenryMandevilleMD (Res)‡‡GianniBisognoMD§§StephenLowisPhD??MilindRongheFRCPCH¶¶DanielOrbachMD##CecileGuizaniMSc†SabineFürst-RecktenwaldMD†Julia C.ChisholmPhD???Johannes H.M.MerksPhD†††‡‡‡on behalf of theEuropean Paediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group (EpSSG) and the European Innovative Therapies for Children with Cancer (ITCC) Consortium
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.06.031
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 968-978
KaitlynLapenMD?ChristopherSabolMS*Amy L.TinMA†KathleenLynchMS, MPH‡AlyseKassaBA§XiaolinMabliRN*JohnFordRN*ElaineChaBS*Michael B.BernsteinMD*Lior Z.BraunsteinMD*OrenCahlonMD*Bobby M.DalyMD, MBA?KiriSandlerMD¶Susan A.McCloskeyMD, MSHS#Andrew J.VickersPhD†Atif J.KhanMD, MS*Erin F.GillespieMD*??
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.07.1692
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 979-991
Sang-WonKimMD?†Won KyungChoMD‡Doo HoChoiMD, PhD‡HaeyoungKimMD, PhD‡OyeonChoMD, PhD§WonParkMD, PhD‡MisonChunMD, PhD§
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.07.005
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 992-998
HayeonKimPhD*Yongsook C.LeePhD†Stanley H.BenedictPhD‡BrandonDyerMD§MichaelPricePhD?YiRongPhD¶AnanthRaviPhD#EricLeungMD??SushilBeriwalMD, MBA*Mark E.BernardMD††JyotiMayadevMD‡‡Jessica R.L.LeifMS§§YingXiaoPhD??
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.06.019
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 999-1010
Definitive, nonsurgical management of gynecologic malignancies involves external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) and/or brachytherapy (BT). Summation of the cumulative dose is critical to assess the total biologic effective dose to targets and organs at risk. Cumulative dose calculation from EBRT and BT can be performed with or without image registration (IR) and biologic dose summation. Among these dose summation strategies, linear addition of dose-volume histogram (DVH) parameters without IR is the global standard for composite dose reporting. This approach stems from an era without image guidance and simple external beam and brachytherapy treatment approaches. With technological advances, EBRT and high-dose-rate BT have evolved to allow for volume-based treatment planning and delivery. Modern conformal therapeutic radiation involves volumetric or intensity modulated EBRT, capable of simultaneously treating multiple targets at different specified dose levels. Therefore, given the complexity of modern radiation treatment, the linear addition of DVH parameters from EBRT and high-dose-rate BT is challenging to represent the combined dose distribution. Deformable image registration (DIR) between EBRT and image guided brachytherapy (IGBT) data sets may provide a more nuanced calculation of multimodal dose accumulation. However, DIR is still nascent in this regard, and needs further development for accuracy and efficiency for clinical use. Biologic dose summation can combine physical dose maps from EBRT and each IGBT fraction, thereby generating a composite DVH from the biologic effective dose. However, accurate radiobiologic parameters are tissue-dependent and not well characterized. A combination of voxel-based DIR and biologic weighted dose maps may be the best approximation of dose accumulation but remains invalidated. The purpose of this report is to review dose summation strategies for EBRT and BT, including conventional equivalent dose in 2-Gy fractions dose summation without image registration, physical dose summation using 3-dimensional rigid IR and DIR, and biologic dose summation. We also provide general clinical workflows for IGBT with a focus on cervical cancer.
ThomasTessonnierPhD*1StewartMeinPhD*†‡§||1Dietrich W.M.WalshPhD*†‡§||1NoraSchuhmacher*†‡§||HansLiewMSc†‡§||¶RainerCeePhD*MichaelGalonskaPhD*StefanScheloskePhD*ChristianSchömersPhD*UliWeberPhD#StephanBronsPhD*JürgenDebusMD, PhD‡§||¶ThomasHabererPhD*AmirAbdollahiMD, PhD*†‡§||AndreaMairaniPhD*??2IvanaDokicPhD*†‡§||2
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.07.1703
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 1011-1022
Michael T.PrusatorPhD?PamelaSamsonMD*JochenCamminPhD†CliffordRobinsonMD*PhillipCuculichMD‡Nels C.KnutsonPhD*S. MurtyGodduPhD*KaitlinMooreBS‡Geoffrey D.HugoPhD*
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.06.035
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 1023-1032
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.06.036
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 1033-1043
Leith J.RankinePhD?†ZiyiWangPhD‡Chris R.KelseyMD§EliannaBierMS‡BastiaanDriehuysPhD†‡?Lawrence B.MarksMD?Shiva K.DasPhD?
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.07.002
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 1044-1057
To present a methodology to use pulmonary gas exchange maps to guide functional avoidance treatment planning in radiation therapy (RT) and evaluate its efficacy compared with ventilation-guided treatment planning.
LauraPadillaPhD*Jay W.BurmeisterPhD†Omer LeeBurnettMD‡Elizabeth L.CovingtonPhD‡Robert B.DenMD§Michael M.DominelloDO†Kevin L.DuMD, PhD?Paulina E.GalavisPhD?StephanieJunellPhD¶JennaKahnMD¶MonicaKishoreMS¶KarenMooneyPhD§Nitai D.MukhopadhyayPhD#Matthew T.StudenskiPhD??Raphael L.YechieliMD??Emma C.FieldsMD*
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.07.1706
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 1058-1065
Brendan S.WhitelawPhD?SeanTannyPhD†Carl J.JohnstonPhD‡Ania K.MajewskaPhD?§#M. KerryO'BanionMD, PhD*?#BrianMarplesPhD†
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.07.038
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 1066-1071
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.06.021
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 1072-1087
Multifunctional Y-box binding protein-1 (YB-1) is highly expressed in different human solid tumors and is involved in various cellular processes. DNA damage is the major mechanism by which radiochemotherapy (RCT) induces cell death. On induction of DNA damage, a multicomponent signal transduction network, known as the DNA damage response, is activated to induce cell cycle arrest and initiate DNA repair, which protects cells against damage. YB-1 regulates nearly all cancer hallmarks described to date by participating in DNA damage response, gene transcription, mRNA splicing, translation, and tumor stemness. YB-1 lacks kinase activity, and p90 ribosomal S6 kinase and AKT are the key kinases within the RAS/mitogen-activated protein kinase and phosphoinositide 3-kinase pathways that directly activate YB-1. Thus, the molecular targeting of ribosomal S6 kinase and AKT is thought to be the most effective strategy for blocking the cellular function of YB-1 in human solid tumors. In this review, after describing the prosurvival effect of YB-1 with a focus on DNA damage repair and cancer cell stemness, clinical evidence will be provided indicating an inverse correlation between YB-1 expression and the treatment outcome of solid tumors after RCT. In the interest of being concise, YB-1 signaling cascades will be briefly discussed and the current literature on YB-1 posttranslational modifications will be summarized. Finally, the current status of targeting the YB-1 axis, especially in combination with RCT, will be highlighted.
TakahisaEriguchiMDAtsuyaTakedaMD, PhDYutoKimuraMSNaokoSanukiMD, PhD
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.07.012
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 1088-1089
PercyLeeMDAnTaiPhDX. AllenLiPhD
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.07.015
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 1089-1090
SanthanamSundarMRCP, FRCRPaulSymondsMD, FRCR
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.07.013
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 1090-1091
Malcolm D.MattesMDShaunaCampbellDONehaVapiwalaMDDaniel W.GoldenMD, MHPECurtilandDevilleJrMDThomasEichlerMDTrevor J.RoyceMD, MS, MPH
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.07.014
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 1091-1092
Varun KumarChowdhryMD
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.07.1718
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Pages 1092-1093
MuditChowdharyMDSinéadO'BryantBSNehaVapiwalaMDOsamaMohamadMD, PhDTrevor J.RoyceMD, MS, MPH
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.07.1719
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Page 1093
Anthony L.ZietmanMD
doi : 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.08.016
Volume 111, Issue 4, 15 November 2021, Page 1094
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