Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology

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Issue Information

doi : 10.1002/uog.22082

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 341-344

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Crown–rump length measurement: a new age for first-trimester ultrasound?

J. Stirnemann,M. Massoud,N. Fries,C. Dumont,G. Haddad,R. Bessis,F. Dhombres,L. J. Salomon,

doi : 10.1002/uog.23692

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 345-346

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Perinatal outcomes of iatrogenic chorioamniotic separation following fetoscopic surgery: systematic review and meta-analysis

A. A. Nassr,K. Hessami,S. A. Shazly,N. Meshinchi,R. Corroenne,J. Espinoza,R. Donepudi,M. Sanz Cortes,M. A. Belfort,A. A. Shamshirsaz,

doi : 10.1002/uog.23588

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 347-353

To compare the perinatal outcomes between pregnancies with and those without iatrogenic chorioamniotic separation (iCAS) following fetoscopic intervention.

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Crown–rump length measurement error: impact on assessment of growth

K. Gadsbøll,A. Wright,S. E. Kristensen,V. Verfaille,K. H. Nicolaides,D. Wright,O. B. Petersen,

doi : 10.1002/uog.23640

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 354-359

To examine the impact of first-trimester crown–rump length (CRL) measurement error on the interpretation of estimated fetal weight (EFW) and classification of fetuses as small-, large- or appropriate-for-gestational age on subsequent growth scans.

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Stratification of pregnancy care based on risk of pre-eclampsia derived from biophysical and biochemical markers at 19–24?weeks' gestation

M. Litwinska,E. Litwinska,A. Astudillo,A. Syngelaki,A. Wright,K. H. Nicolaides,

doi : 10.1002/uog.23640

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 360-368

We have proposed previously that all pregnant women should have assessment of risk for pre-eclampsia (PE) at 20 and 36?weeks' gestation and that the 20-week assessment should be used to define subgroups requiring additional monitoring and reassessment at 28 and 32?weeks. The objective of this study was to examine the potential improvement in screening at 19–24?weeks' gestation for PE with delivery at <?28, <?32, <?36 and ??36?weeks' gestation by the addition of serum placental growth factor (PlGF) and soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1) to the combination of maternal demographic characteristics and medical history, uterine artery pulsatility index (UtA-PI) and mean arterial pressure (MAP).

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Extent of absent end-diastolic flow in umbilical artery and outcome of pregnancy

M. Kinoshita,A. Thuring,E. Morsing,K. Maršál,

doi : 10.1002/uog.23541

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 369-376

To investigate if the extent of absent end-diastolic flow (AEDF) on umbilical artery (UA) Doppler velocimetry predicts pregnancy outcome.

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Comprehensive evaluation of genetic variants using chromosomal microarray analysis and exome sequencing in fetuses with congenital heart defect

F. Qiao,Y. Wang,C. Zhang,R. Zhou,Y. Wu,C. Wang,L. Meng,P. Mao,Q. Cheng,C. Luo,P. Hu,Z. Xu,

doi : 10.1002/uog.23532

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 377-387

To evaluate comprehensively, using chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) and exome sequencing (ES), the prevalence of chromosomal abnormalities and sequence variants in unselected fetuses with congenital heart defect (CHD) and to evaluate the potential diagnostic yields of CMA and ES for different CHD subgroups.

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Reference ranges for fetal cardiac, ventricular and atrial relative size, sphericity, ventricular dominance, wall asymmetry and relative wall thickness from 18 to 41 gestational weeks

L. García-Otero,I. Soveral,Á. Sepúlveda-Martínez,M. Rodriguez-López,X. Torres,L. Guirado,L. Nogué,B. Valenzuela-Alcaraz,J. M. Martínez,E. Gratacós,O. Gómez,F. Crispi,

doi : 10.1002/uog.23127

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 388-397

To construct nomograms for fetal cardiac, ventricular and atrial relative size and geometry parameters from 18 to 41?weeks' gestation using a low-risk population of singleton pregnancies.

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Prenatal diagnosis and planned peripartum care improve perinatal outcome of fetuses with transposition of the great arteries and intact ventricular septum in low-resource settings

F. Kunde,S. Thomas,A. Sudhakar,R. Kunjikutty,R. K. Kumar,B. Vaidyanathan,

doi : 10.1002/uog.23146

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 398-404

To report on the feasibility of establishing a regional prenatal referral network for critical congenital heart defects (CHDs) and its impact on perinatal outcome of fetuses with transposition of the great arteries and intact ventricular septum (TGA-IVS) in low-resource settings.

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Fetal echocardiographic predictors of biventricular circulation in hypoplastic left heart complex

K. Haberer,D. Fruitman,A. Power,L. K. Hornberger,L. Eckersley,

doi : 10.1002/uog.23558

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 405-410

To determine which echocardiographic features of hypoplastic left heart complex (HLHC) in the fetal period are predictive of biventricular (BV) circulation and to evaluate the long-term outcome of patients with HLHC, including rates of mortality, reintervention and development of further cardiac disease.

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Prenatal features of ductus arteriosus-related branch pulmonary stenosis in fetal pulmonary atresia

D. P. Ngwezi,M. McClean,A. McBrien,L. Eckersley,J. Abeysekera,T. Colen,L. K. Hornberger,

doi : 10.1002/uog.23576

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 411-419

Ductus arteriosus (DA)-related branch pulmonary stenosis (PS), due to ductal tissue migration into the proximal pulmonary artery (PA) ipsilateral to the DA, is common in newborns with pulmonary atresia (PAtr) and contributes significantly to their mortality and morbidity. We sought to define fetal echocardiographic predictors of DA-PS in PAtr.

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Improvement in fetal pulmonary hypertension and maturity after reversal of ductal constriction: prospective cohort study

P. Zielinsky,G. A. MagalhÃes,J. Zurita-Peralta,A. Sosa-OlavarrÍa,G. Marinho,L. Van Der Sand,N. M. Sulis,L. H. Nicoloso,A. Piccoli Jr,I. Vian,

doi : 10.1002/uog.23599

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 420-427

To test the hypotheses that estimated mean pulmonary arterial pressure (MPAP) decreases and pulmonary vascular maturation, assessed by the ratio of pulmonary arterial flow acceleration time to ejection time (AT/ET ratio), increases after reversal of fetal ductus arteriosus constriction by reducing maternal intake of the causal agent (prostaglandin inhibitors, such as polyphenol-rich foods or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), and that these effects are independent of gestational age, which are inferences not yet demonstrated in the clinical setting.

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Prediction of postnatal outcome in fetuses with congenital lung malformation: 2-year follow-up study

N. C. J. Peters,A. Hijkoop,S. M. Hermelijn,M. M. van Schoonhoven,A. J. Eggink,J. van Rosmalen,S. C. M. Cochius-den Otter,D. Tibboel,H. IJsselstijn,J. M. Schnater,T. E. Cohen-Overbeek

doi : 10.1002/uog.23542

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 428-438

To identify, in fetuses with a congenital lung malformation (CLM), prenatal predictors of the need for postnatal respiratory support and the need for surgery by calculating the CLM volume ratio (CVR), and to evaluate the concordance between the prenatal appearance and the postnatal type of CLM.

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Twin chorionicity-specific population birth-weight charts adjusted for estimated fetal weight

C. Briffa,O. Stirrup,C. Huddy,J. Richards,S. Shetty,K. Reed,A. Khalil,

doi : 10.1002/uog.23606

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 439-449

To construct chorionicity-specific birth-weight reference charts for dichorionic diamniotic (DCDA) and monochorionic diamniotic (MCDA) twin pregnancies, incorporating estimated-fetal-weight (EFW) data in order to adjust for the relationship between suboptimal growth and preterm delivery. An additional aim was to determine if the inclusion of complicated twin pregnancies impacts on the reference charts produced.

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Short-term outcome of pregnant women vaccinated with BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine

S. Bookstein Peretz,N. Regev,L. Novick,M. Nachshol,E. Goffer,A. Ben-David,K. Asraf,R. Doolman,E. Gal Levin,G. Regev Yochay,Y. Yinon,

doi : 10.1002/uog.23729

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 450-456

To determine the immunogenicity and reactogenicity of the Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine among pregnant women compared with non-pregnant women, and to evaluate obstetric outcome following vaccination.

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Combination of Proactive Molecular Risk Classifier for Endometrial cancer (ProMisE) with sonographic and demographic characteristics in preoperative prediction of recurrence or progression of endometrial cancer

L. S. E. Eriksson,D. Nastic,P. G. Lindqvist,S. Imboden,H. Järnbert-Pettersson,J. W. Carlson,E. Epstein,

doi : 10.1002/uog.23573

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 457-468

To evaluate the ability of demographic and sonographic variables and the Proactive Molecular Risk Classifier for Endometrial cancer (ProMisE) classification to predict preoperatively tumor recurrence or progression in women with endometrial cancer.

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Diagnostic performance of transvaginal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging for preoperative evaluation of low-grade endometrioid endometrial carcinoma: prospective comparative study

M. Cubo-Abert,B. Díaz-Feijoo,M. Bradbury,N.-L. Rodríguez-Mías,M. Vera,S. Pérez-Hoyos,J.-J. Gómez-Cabeza,A. Gil-Moreno,

doi : 10.1002/uog.23607

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 469-475

To compare the diagnostic performance of transvaginal ultrasound (TVS) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the prediction of deep myometrial invasion (DMI) and cervical stromal invasion (CSI) in patients with low-grade (Grade 1 or 2) endometrioid endometrial cancer (EEC).

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Which factors are associated with anal incontinence after obstetric anal sphincter injury?

L. Speksnijder,D. M. J. Oom,J.-W. DE Leeuw,A. B. Steensma,

doi : 10.1002/uog.23525

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 476-482

Obstetric anal sphincter injury (OASI) is an important factor in the etiology of anal incontinence. This study aimed to evaluate whether anal sphincter defects, levator avulsion or levator ballooning after OASI are associated with severity of anal incontinence. Furthermore, we evaluated whether factors such as constipation and altered stool consistency are associated with symptoms of incontinence after OASI.

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Ganglionic eminence cavitations – these are not choroid plexus cysts!

M. Brusilov,G. Malinger,U. Erlik,K. K. Haratz,

doi : 10.1002/uog.23587

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 483-484

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Vasa previa with fetal vessels running transversely across the cervix: a diagnostic pitfall

D. Ochiai,T. Endo,M. Oishi,Y. Kasuga,S. Ikenoue,M. Tanaka,

doi : 10.1002/uog.23133

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 485-486

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Incidence and outcome of fetuses with severe hydrothorax and ductus venosus agenesis treated with thoracoamniotic shunt

R. Villalobos-Gómez,J. Luna-García,E. Chávez-González,M. I. Martínez-Rodríguez,R. Meza-Barrera,R. Cruz-Martínez,

doi : 10.1002/uog.23121

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 487-488

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Incidence and survival of MCDA twin pregnancies with TTTS presenting without amniotic fluid discordance due to spontaneous septostomy and treated with fetoscopy

R. Cruz-Martínez,H. López-Briones,J. Luna-García,M. Martínez-Rodriguez,A. Gámez-Varela,E. Chávez-González,R. Villalobos-Gómez,

doi : 10.1002/uog.23129

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 488-489

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Severe fetal brain damage subsequent to acute maternal hypoxemic deterioration in COVID-19

A. L. Düppers,B. Bohnhorst,E. Bültmann,T. Schulz,L. Higgins-Wood,C. S. von Kaisenberg,

doi : 10.1002/uog.23744

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 490-491

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Repeat twisting of ovary in young woman with ribbon-like contralateral ovary and absence of contralateral Fallopian tube

G. Bolomini,M. C. Moruzzi,F. Moro,D. Lavecchia,R. Esposito,G. Scambia,A. C. Testa,

doi : 10.1002/uog.23543

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 491-492

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Re: Outcome-based comparison of SMFM and ISUOG definitions of fetal growth restriction

C. Lees,T. Stampalija,K. Hecher,

doi : 10.1002/uog.23747

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 493-494

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J. T. Roeckner,K. Pressman,L. Odibo,J. R. Duncan,A. O. Odibo,

doi : 10.1002/uog.23748

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 494-495

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Re: Isolated, persisting, large choroid plexus cysts should warrant neurosonographic follow-up

G. Malinger

doi : 10.1002/uog.23750

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 495-496

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Reply: large choroid plexus cysts are indeed large choroid plexus cysts

D. Paladini

doi : 10.1002/uog.23751

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 496-496

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doi : 10.1002/uog.23749

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 496-496

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Correct measurement of uterine fundal internal indentation depth and angle: an important but overlooked issue for precise diagnosis of uterine anomalies

A. Ludwin,W. P. Martins,

doi : 10.1002/uog.22192

Volume 58, Issue 3 p. 497-499

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